Shakley update

Some of you may remember the coverage we’ve been doing on Kevin Shakely, the little weasel-dick who went AWOL 7 years ago and now claimed to local media that he’d been discharged, although the Army disagrees. Well, apparently some in the media see it our way. A reporter emailed to tell us that Shakely’s court martial has been delayed for a month…get this…because he needs dental work.
Yes, he’s been AWOL for seven years, but now, suddenly, he needs to take care of his rotting choppers. He screwed the taxpayers out of any honorable service, now he’s going to screw them for some fillings (I’m guessing, I don’t what he needs, but it’s supposed to delay the court martial a month).
There’s plenty of time for him to get his teeth fixed in Leavenworth, I hear they have a fine prison dentist there. I guess he wants a perfect smile for that first impression he makes on his new roomie.
Category: Shitbags
They should remove his teeth. Then he can give toothless Mamasan BJs to all his roomies without threat of scrapage.
I can hear the greeting at the Kansas Gravel Factory now: “You shore got a purdy mouf, boy.”
He’s just borrowing time.
Don’t make fun of this maggot for needing to brush his tooth.
Maybe he is going to have rat teeth installed so he can chew his way out of prison.
Why would he need perfect teeth when he meets his new roommate? His roommate would probably prefer him to be toothless or have a set of dentures.
He can see a dentist for free at Fort Leavenworth.
Well, he is getting his grill fixed by Army Dentists…
If they did it AFTER the CM, he could claim cruel and unusual punishment.
Maybe he is getting them all pulled out so he can give gummers.
wonder if they will demand all of his tattoos conform to AR-670-1 before trial? As I recall he had tats on his knuckles and hands, and I think he had one tat on his neck going up above the collar.
Wow, talk about someone who knows how to play the game. He must have relly good counsel. How long can they slow leak the system?
Well, first impressions are lasting impressions. Will his cell mate say that Kevin has the whitest teeth he ever came across?
WTF? Most every time I’ve gone to the dentist, I had to go back to work the same day. He gets a whole freakin’ month to have his “toof fixd”?
Even when I deployed to Iraq back in 05, the dentist did 5 fillings the day before I got on the bloody plane. What a scumbag.
Why would he get his teeth fixed when someone will just be knocking them out, anyway? He’s a weenie and will not do well in prison. He’ll be a snitch, I have no doubt.
Just keep this in mind when you PCS to Leavenworth buddy: “I have a client in there right now. He says the trick is: kick someone’s ass the first day, or become someone’s bitch. Then everything will be all right.”
come on, all y’all know Class 3/4 Dental trumps EVERYTHING. Including deployments
What’s the big rush to fix his teeth? His CM will only take two days and then he can go to the dentist. That and the fact that if escapes without hard time and takes a BCD or DD He can be discharged forthwith and the Army can escort him off post without having to spring for dental work he did not earn by his honorable service. I say feed him his teeth and fire him down range.
Yank ‘me all so Bubba & Thor can be happy together
@#10. Andy, the Army could always sandblast those knuckles, both hands and his neck.
@#13, Eric, I had a wisdom tooth pulled at 9 in the morning, and my platoon leader gave me the rest of the morning off.
Maybe some good MP knocked all his teeth out?
@16 beat me to it. “No Court Martial for you until you come off of our Class 4 dental list!”
“Oh, and our next open appointment is in six weeks. Have a nice day!”
Sooner or later, he’ll run out of “wuss game” cards to play. Then it’s time for Bubba & Thor to straighten his ass out, *WEEEEEEE,… *WEEEEEE,…”.
you know, with as much of a headache as this guy has been, I would bet the Army just wants this to go away as fast as possible. I bet they cut him a deal, drop all but the desertion charge, he pleads guilty, gets time served and is sent home. save the tax payers the cost of a trial and warehousing him for a few years, there is a budget crunch after all.
An important annoucement follows.
I am sad to announce (or perhaps it is a pleasure)
that the General Organizational Directorate has ceased all activities due to climatic reasons. The members of the committee have decided that they have no interest in becoming the captains of a sinking ship.
The only way that I can get a postive spin on this is to remind readers that in the past the IRA has twice laid down its arms only to have a new splinter group arise to carry on the struggle. It is for this reason that I will continue to pretend that nothing has changed in hopes that someone will change their mind, which I realize hardly ever happens in real life.
I can only look to nature as my example. A tiny sliver may not seem like an intimidating weapon but a sliver inserted in to a sensitive spot
can really annoy the hell out of someone.
I think that there will be an instant reaction to this news.
I am sad to announce that the General Organizational Directorate has suspended all activities due to climatic reasons. The members of the committee have decided that they do not wish to become Captains of a sinking ship.
The only positve spin that I can put on this is to remind readers that in the past the IRA has laid down it weapons twice only to have splinter groups arise and continue the struggle.
I therefore will continue to carry on with my directives in hope that someone will change their mind which I realize hardly ever happens.
I undertand that a tiny sliver may not seem like a very intimidating weapon. I can only point to nature as an example. A tiny sliver inserted in to a sensative area can really annoy the hell out of anyone.
well, it was marginally more comprehensible than vietnamwarpussie’s usual drivel…. that’s about all I can say. Marginally.
David, ChipNASA: Kastens is posting from Germany; I believe he’s actually a German national with a fair command of English. However, that doesn’t fully explain his penchant for posting rambling, scatter-brained, nonsensical comments.
I kinda like to consider his missives the verbal equivalents of deutsche Scheisse Pornos. He might understand what he’s trying to say, but I don’t. And I don’t want to.
Dude, it’s Curt le spurt. Must be “recreation time” at the “home” for him.
He wants to make sure he has a “pretty mouth” when he meets Bubba.
I am surprised he is not part of IVAW or WWP.
@31 Hondo….you know what’s really sad? I don’t speak German (“but when I do”….lmfao) and I completely understood the translation.
/no, I’m not a freak, why do you ask?
Hondo – real familiar with Curt’s writing; his phrasing screams German. Think I would call his postings more of a verbal Durchfall, though
Wait AWOL for 7 years?
I thought they just forget about it after … you know may 2 or 3 years or something like that.
Needs teeth fixed. Well it make perfect sence. Immediately after court martial trial he will go to military prison.
He will need his teeth to bite down hard on the steel bars while more senior inmates make weigh up his overboard discharge pipe!
Just sayin’.
I have identified Curt Kastens.
He is Dieter from Sprockets.
“now is the time we dance”
David: that works too. But aren’t the two at least somewhat related? (smile)
MCPO: I’m glad you didn’t use Dieter’s other famous phrase in your comment above . . . . (smile)
Touch my monkey?
MCPO: yeah. And no thanks. (smile)
Looking at this emaciated piece of shit Im betting he went through a ton of meth. thats why his teeth are bad