Did you know that John Kerry was in the Vietnam war?
I’d never heard that before, but the Associated Press says he was in their report of Kerry in Vietnam, again;
As Kerry’s boat eased off a jetty onto the Cai Nuoc River, the secretary of state told his guide: “I’ve been on this river many times.” Asked how he felt about returning to the scene of his wartime military service for the first time, Kerry replied: “Weird and it’s going to get weirder”
On this tour, Kerry was clad in long, drab olive cargo pants, a blue-and-white plaid long-sleeved shirt and sunglasses instead of the uniform he wore as a Navy officer in 1968 and 1969. In a new role, Kerry was revisiting the Delta’s rivers that made a vivid impression on him as a young lieutenant.
Kerry, standing next to the captain and surveying the brown water and muddy banks, recalled the smell of burning firewood as his boat passed through small fishing villages.
At one point, a family in a sampan traveling in the opposite direction smiled and waved. Kerry waved back, and noticing the family had a dog on board, remarked with a smile: “I had a dog, too. Its name was VC.”
No mention of his trip to Cambodia that President-elect Nixon mandated which was seared, seared in his memory, you, know, a month before Nixon took office. There’s no mention of him chasing any unarmed Vietnamese children into the jungle to gun them down. There’s also no mention that he was returned to duty the same day each time that he reported for medical treatment for his wounds which resulted in the award of three Purple Hearts. I’m surprised that the Associated Press didn’t tell us that he he still carries around the grains of rice in his butt cheeks from the time he blew up a couple of sacks of the grain with an M-79 grenade launcher.
Yeah, I believe that he had a dog named “VC” because his tour of duty lasted almost three months, so he needed the companionship through that grueling time. There was barely enough time to get all of those films made of him patrolling jungle and getting his command in enough firefights to earn him the 3 Purple Hearts that would get him an early ticket home. The imaginary dog probably wore the imaginary hat that the CIA operative had given him in Cambodia, you know, on the trip that was seared, seared in his memory.
Category: John Kerry
Is there anyone in this administration that isn’t a full blown liar? Seems that all of them lie like a rug.
I seem to remember he threw his medals over the White House fence in protest over the war.
@2 Yup, he sure did. Made his little salute and cheery “Reporting for duty” at the DNC all the more ridiculous. He is such a bullshitter.
Dontcha just love those stories? Those campfire tales of derring doodoo? Those bits of anecdotal evidence that put him right —
Oh, I can’t do this any more without cracking a rib laughing. Geez, when will this lying asshole shut his silly mouth?
@ #2 USAF: That’d be a no-go, sir. HIS medals are on or were on display in his office. Those he tossed over the fence were of the “symbolic” nature. I wonder if he is ready to sign off on his SF-180 we’ve been waiting for him to do since oh…um…yea…
In addition, despite his apparent revulsion towards the war in Vietnam, and his willingness to testify about the “atrocities” he claimed were committed there, he was quite willing to mnake a side trip to Boston prior to testifying at the “Winter Soldier” hearings.
You see, the State of Massachusetts was awarding a $100 bounty to any honorably discharged veteran from there who had served in Vietnam. Kerry, always the gigolo where money is concerned, happily signed for, cashed, and pocketed the “Blood Money” prior to lying under oath about “atrocities” in Vietnam.
He still keeps his yacht sheltered down to Rhode Island so as to escape paying luxury taxes in Massachusetts.
For all his screeching crapweasely comments about predatory capitalism, Kerry has done quite well. Again, saying one thing while raking in the cash from his accounts, investments, and marriages. He owns properties in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Europe.
Interestingly enough, his daughter is married to an Iranian. Makes you wonder if that’s the conduit through which Obama’s backdoor talks with the terrorist state of Iran have been taking place. Makes you also wonder if that is the very reason why Kerry got the SecState job in the first place.
Sorry to go on so much, but John the Gigolo Kerry is a disgusting piece of filth. His lies at Winter Soldier, perpetuated through an enabling press and fawning Hollywood producers & writers, continue to demean Vietnam veterans in particular, and all veterans in general.
Just a couple minor points, the M-979 Grenade launcher was his first PH (initially denied). He was out on a training run during what amounted for orientation before going on to his first assignment and he for some reason decided to shoot an M-79 of which the round exploded close by resulting in him getting a splinter removed with a pair of tweezers by the Base Medical Officer. That Dr has stated Kerry could have pulled it out himself.
The incident with the rice container was still Kerry being a dumbass by standing/remaining too close to a bin of rice the Green Berets were destroying. Again there was no enemy contact in this incident either which should have negated any award of the Purple Heart.
Fucking Lurch.
Stupid clown. But his schtick has played well for decades with some folks. Sad.
That we have to tolerate his lying ass is beyond disgusting.
I can still hear Lurch testifying before Congress and his pronunciation of Genghis Khan: J I N G I S S Khan…..always, always drives me crazy.
He shoulda married Jane Fonda instead of Teresa Hinz, he would have been much happier.
For the record, my unit, I Trp 3/11 ACR was in Cambodia just before Christmas ’67 looking for survivors after two (maybe three – memory fails me) Hueys were shot down.
Little did we know what would happen in a month.
“We are also here to ask, and we are here to ask vehemently, where are the leaders of our country? Where is the leadership?”
John Kerry
APRIL 22, 1971
He was is and always will be a sellout, who pimped the military for his own personal gain.
LIRight: now, don’t give the man such a hard time about that Khan reference. He was merely a bit confused that day.
He thought he was supposed to give an account of his exploits in Bangkok while on leave. There, he spent time with two, um, “exotic entertainers” of Central Asian origin – the twins Jennifer and Gizelle Khan. He was merely reminiscing about good times with Jen and Giz, and got so overcome by the memories that he misspoke. As a result, he simply got the location (and a few other parts of the story) wrong.
@10 Those are good questions for Mr. Kerry to ask of the current administration. Of which he is one of the lead liars with no leadership capabilities.
The only thing we know for sure that he is capable of doing is applying bandaids and manipulating paperwork. He does also seem to have an aptitude for marrying into money. But that is just a function of being a good liar – being charming is part of being a sociopath.
I wonder if Kerry will be visiting the scene of his one-man jungle patrol–well, one man, except for that camerman. Gosh, Kerry looked rugged and tough as nails in that film, didn’t he? There he was, having abandoned his command for a jungle search of a cocoanut on which to carve his location. Imagine his shock and disapointment when his cameraman told him there were no cocoanuts! So, he did the next best thing, quite understandably. He raised his M-16A1 and squeezed off a burst or two. “There,” he said, “Even JFK didn’t do that!” Unfortunately the camerman took cover when the firing began so there is no footage of the shoot. Worse, this actually led to speculation that there was no VC at all, especially since there was no body. But Kerry is wise. Burdened by guilt, he named his doggie VC. What futher proof is required? None, I say. All hail John Kerry! What a guy!
John “Lurch” Kerry and “Hanoi” Jane Fonda, front and center in the VietNam Wall of Shame.
The first time I ever donated money in a presidential election….God Bless the Swift Boat group. It was the most rewarding $50 I ever spent!
Ah, yes, John Kerry. Our Viet Nam War answer to Jubilation T Cornpone. First in war, first in peace, first to say I quit.
” Genghis Khan: J I N G I S S Khan…..always, always drives me crazy.”
Umm that’s actually how it’s pronounced!
i wonder how many of y’all talking smack on this page really got out past the wire much, themselves? i’d bet precious few. and yet you rip on this guy for his experience? an original proto-SEAL – haha!! for shame – the way you carry on and fetishize military service you’d think y’all were sgt. rock. and what did this country get for its sacrifice over there? not even the good sense knocked into it not to go around the world, kicking over other folks’ anthills! john kerry was right then and he’s right now. get over yourselves, y’all don’t have much time on this earth left!! – Animal Alpha 1/7 USMC
@2, USAF E6, As ‘ol “Lurch hemmed and hawed, FIRST, yeah, he threw his decorations over the White House fence, then, OH, WAIT, it was just a gesture,… “OH, NO!”, he threw a friends decorations for him, yeah, yeah, that’s what he did,,,
I believe anything he or any part of this administration says about as much as I believe the moon is made out of Swiss cheese!
@18. Yeah, and it still drives me nutso too. So does Pock-e-stan when the Emperor says it. You see, there’s English, American, and within the latter, many, many ways of speaking it. Nobody but an effete snob from Mass says Jing-gus.
How did we miss that the Dingus says Jingus?
Question…has anyone ever seen Kerry’s Citation for his Silver Star? Just curious.
Actually, “Khan” . . . in the Mongol language, the first word is pronounced more like “Jeng-is”, with the first sylable rhyming with the former ruler of China’s name “Deng”.
As I recall, Genghis Khan was a Mongol. So presumably that’s the authoritative pronounciation.
Kerry pronounced it “Jen-jiss”. So not only was Kerry wrong, but by trying to sound like an elite snob (which he was) he was being disrespectful towards the Mongol nation.
I wonder if he will make any visits to Mongolia as SECSTATE – and if so, if anyone there will correct him? (smile)
They’ll probably laugh at him, Hondo. The Mongol people know where Temuchen is buried. They also know how to pronounce his name correctly and laugh themselves silly at people who don’t.
And please don’t give kerry any credit for being an elite snob. Like someone else we all know whose name rhymes with school and fool, he’s closer to wannabe status than anything else. I find it more bothersome that he did the vainglorious protest of the Vietnam war and then swapped sides like a sunfishing bronc when he saw that it would get him into the upper end of politics. He’s as phony as they come. All of us know it and have to keep that in the forefront.
Kerry is just rich trash, like the Couch famiy in Texas. Like I said elsewhere, money and expensive homes don’t hide the trash from the light of day.
@ #19: Actually, there have been books written which address each of your concerns. Perhaps you would consider reading a few of them?
Meanwhile, projecting your shortcomings on others is simply dishonest. And laughable.
@19 teufel0331 or (K.H.) I see you’ve got quite the combat experience. 14,773 Battles? Wow man! How’d you ever find time to comment? And all those medals. You and John Kerry practically saved us all.
Screw you and John Fn Kerry.
Careful, teufel/loosefur — most of these people were outside the wire before you were a bright idea in a petri dish. Nobody here is ‘talkin’ smack’ except you.
For anyone who doesn’t know Deutschsprechen, teufel means ‘lucifer’ and ‘satan’. Rather pretentious for a video-gamester, don’t you think?
Ex-PH2: I didn’t say he had any particular justification to act like a snob – only that he was acting like one. Many pathetic, insecure individuals act snobbish when they have no justification for doing so.
A gamer? Beat it kid…..can’t you see men (and women, h/t Ex PH-2) are talking here?
I know, Hondo. Just sayin’.
I’m waiting for kerry to throw his hat into the ring again, for something like veep or worse. I read somewhere he speaks French. I wonder how bad his accent is. He has such an inflated idea of his own importance that I keep wondering how long it will be until he does or says something that is too embarrassing even for the current administration, and gets shown the door. You seldom see people as opportunistic as kerry is making it quite this far without a fumble.
And frankly, if he’s on the ticket with Clinton next time around, I’ll tell people they’d be better off voting for my cat than that dork.
sKerry will not be kicked to the curb. First, he knows where all the bodies are buried, at least figuratively. Second, he has paid his dues, as one of the first and foremost true believers. Certainly, all you say is true enough, PH, but it doesn’t matter. Reality is what they decide it is, depending, sorta, maybe, if that’s what they want.
It’s interesting to hear my wife’s father give his opinion of Kerry’s war stories, especially the ones about Cambodia. After all, he actually fought there, as part of the anti-commie Cambodian forces (i.e. on OUR side, in case VWPoser or any other idiot has a hard time with that). If he’s in a good mood, he might laugh at Kerry’s bullshit. Usually, he’ll curse Kerry in three languages and two religions.
My father-in-law doesn’t look particularly imposing, but he’s definitely the toughest sonofabitch I ever met, having fought against the North Vietnamese commie incursion into his homeland, then against the Khmer Rouge, then survived their fucking prison camps and killing fields for several years before he was finally able to escape with his pregnant wife across the Thai border. I have never asked about the details, but I know the Khmer Rouge didn’t just let them walk out of Pol Pot’s (AKA the Asian Hitler) wonderful worker’s paradise. Didn’t Kerry say that the NVA, VC/Viet Minh, Pathet Lao, and Khmer Rouge were the good guys a while back?
And some people wonder why my wife’s dad been a hardcore conservative since he came to America.
It is that support of dictators, terrorists, and assorted fascists responsible for the killing of multiple millions of people that makes us dislike libbies so.
That fools who support any of them can’t seem to get their heads around the reality that no amount of their denial alters the fact that blood continues to drip from their murderous hands. We can see, as can anyone else who looks at them.
Stupid libbies. Willfully ignorant libbies. Lying, delusional idiots. And the thugs who do their bidding – they are all terrorists.
@27. Nice catch. I wish he’d use some of his video combat R & R to practice English and English writing skills. He’s really too perfect as a defender of the indefensible Jacques Kerry.
@34, OWB, I don’t consider the vast majority of them as “terrorists”, more like what Vladimir Lenin referred to as “useful idiots”!
um, for those who don’t know – teufel is half of “teufel hunden,” an imperfect translation of “devil dog.” the huns’ wwi nickname for US Marines. 0331 is the machine-gunner mos.
video games don’t have much to do w/ it? i’ll admit i’m a kid compared to most of you gentz and i don’t doubt there’s many of you that have have way more combat experience i do…and perhaps more intense, as well. but that doesn’t take away from my main point: that john kerry’s experience – and possibly even mine, i suppose – trumps most of the people’s on this board! bet.
everyone knows SBVT is full of crap: http://www.snopes.com/politics/kerry/swift.asp
1stcav – i patrolled w/ your old unit in south baghdad in ’04, so i’m a bit lost as to your point?
2/17 – i don’t take these little verbal scuffles as worthy of queen’s english. but fear not, i’m a proficient practitioner.
all of you: what right do you have to denigrate MY service?
are you poor bastards really in your 70s, still trying to compare dick size over who caught more incoming? y’all are good at acronyms; you know this one? SMFH
@37 teufel0331….You sound a lot like Adam Kokesh? Know him?
@37- Kerry is an opportunistic scumbag. He took a giant shit on his own shipmates and flat out lied about them to congress in order to advance his own political career.
That snopes article that you linked doesn’t call SBVT full of shit at all. It says that they can’t give it a rating of true or false, because it’s just peoples’ opinions. People that served in the same small squadron that Kerry served in.
But judging by his well documented history of cheating on taxes, running his idiot mouth (the “stuck in Iraq” quote comes to mind) and making catastrophic off-the-cuff policy decisions from overestimating his own importance as a senator, do you really believe he somehow had more responsibility or integrity back then, as a young rich kid with political aspirations? Do you think he wouldn’t have written himself up for just the precise combination of medals that he would need in order to leave country early, leaving his squadron behind to serve a full tour with a replacement in charge?
Fuck him, and fuck you. John Kerry spent three whole months deployed to a war zone. If you think most folks here haven’t matched that, you’d better think again. Oh, and comment #19 gives everyone a free pass to criticize your service, you pretentious twat. The very first sentence of your very first post in the thread you started judging other peoples’ service, and you’ve continued to do so with every idiotic thought you spew. Don’t serve it if you can’t stand the flavor.
Now go choke on a shit.
@37: it’s good you know a bit of USMC history. However, that merely makes you more culpable when you ignore other pertinent parts of US military history.
teddy996 made most of the salient points well, so I’ll only reemphasize a few from the thread:
a. If you talk or write like an uneducated tool, that’s how you’ll be perceived – rightly or wrongly.
b. Had you done even a modicum of homework, you’d know we have everything from your contemporaries to Korea vets, and everything from civilians to single-term enlistees to retired O6s as regular readers (as well as some foreign readers). I guess you must have been too eager to get back to your online wargaming to do said homework before opening your mouth and waxing ignorant. Suit yourself.
c. Also had you done any homework, you’d know that in some units in Vietnam awards were, to be charitable, a joke. The system was easy to game, and often was “gamed”. And in general, firsthand reports from those who were actually there – like, oh, say, the members of Kerry’s unit, 90% or so of which say he chased awards like a dog chases rabbits – are what are called “primary sources”. I tend to give them a bit of credence when they’re 9:1 one way.
d. You have every right to your opinions. And when you’re acting like a jackass or spouting foolishness, others here have every right to let you know that’s what you’re doing and/or take issue with you. Don’t like that? Tough. No one forced you to come here and wax ignorant.
e. If I were so inclined, I guess I could call bragging about one’s online wargaming exploits a dildo-measuring contest. (I wouldn’t call it a dong-measuring contest because, well, like a dildo it’s not exactly the real thing.) But I’ll refrain.
@37 ” trying to compare dick size”, zip up your pants, you’ve embarrassed yourself.
Sorry, that was meant for Bernath’s thread.
@ #34: I understand what you are saying, and tried to convince myself for a few decades that you are right. However, that is what got us into this mess. Folks who believe that bullying, deceit, and thuggery are legitimate ways to force their way upon others are terrorists. I am tired of pussy footing around it. The fact that citizens of this country have been silenced out of fear of being called names, or being audited by the IRS, is proof positive of this.
Meanwhile, the little lefty foot soldiers continue to practice the same tired tactics they have always used. And why not? They appear to still be effective. One of them showed up here at comment #19 challenging our authenticity. Then follows up down in #37 questioning our right to question his service. Apparently only they have that right?
Just like the terrorists that they are – they believe that only their way should be allowed. No amount of logic, good sense, or reality will change their dogged adherence to their beliefs. They can not just be happy with who they are because who they are demands that they force the rest of us to adhere to their version of reality.
@ #36: I understand. And I tried for decades to convince myself that people who use bullying, thuggery, and deceit to force their way upon others are anything but terrorists. I am tired of pussy footing around it. They have defined themselves by the actions that they take. Like shouting down anyone who disagrees with them or refuses to support them. The name calling, the threats of IRS audits, the refusal to apply the law equally and a long list of others are just intimidation tactics to suppress/oppress the opposition on a grand scale.
Meanwhile, the little lefty foot soldiers continue to use the tired tactics of old. And why not? They seem to still be effective. Witness # 19. Comes here questioning our authenticity, then down at #37 questions our right to question HIS service. Evidently this one is among those who believe that only he and his kind have rights?
No amount of logic, common sense, or reality will change a zealot. Those who doggedly believe that their way is the only way and that the rest of us must adhere to their philosophy under threat of retribution are zealots. Zealots practice terrorism to get their way.
(Sorry about the double post. Operator error? Post Purgatory??)
OWB: if you submit a comment, then hit the back button, some browsers will take you back to the previous comment you were editing – with the text still there. If you edit some more and hit submit again, you’ll post the edited version as the second comment.
I’ve done that many times by accident. One of the bennies of being able to submit articles is that I can go in and clean up (e.g., delete) my double-posts. (smile)
Actually, OWB’s comments all went to Spam for some stupid reason and I fished them out.
Or we can all just pretend that it was such a spectacular comment that it bore repeating?
Naw, me neither.
Damn, this was a great exchange of ideas and opinions.
#19 teufel0331 – hey, I’m from Long Island we never talk right, plus we’ve always had some difficulty with pronunciation, BUT, that ass-wipe Kerry still drives me up a wall!
As for measuring one’s appendage to gain or compare manhood….I’m of Irish heritage and we learned as a People many, many years ago measuring something so small gets you nowhere fast…..
Last but not least – combat. Experience in combat. Number of firefights engaged in, etc., etc., etc. Who the hell cares? I know that I can’t carry the jock-strap of most of the readers/commenter’s on this blog…and there are many. On the other hand….I’m pretty sure that there are a small number that can’t carry mine, despite my “shortcomings.”
Hell, our Troop clerk-typist in Viet Nam never went “over the wire” or fired a shot in anger, but I had the utmost respect for the guy, since he was the person that got things done for us that were on the other side of the wire.
Jesus Christ, man……we’re all pretty much like minded individuals here and brothers in arm, which doesn’t change my opinion of John Kerry one bit – – he’s an eff-ing twit.
I need somebody w/good google fu ? I am sure that I read an article about Kery’s SS had been rescinded by the Navy. Also the fellow Officer that awarded the SS on Kerry’s written statement. Me, I am 66 and a Nam Vet(Jun 66-Sept 68).I flew over the wire as a helo crew chief.I crewed for HMM-362 google it.Do not start the f the spear” shit. Without all the support shops,how would have advanced? Personally ,you sound more like a fobbit. Come to our house running your suck w/o any recond. Marine, respect your elders. I hope the Corps did not make you an NCO. You know why 0311 make rank so fast, hint Med-Evac. You are welcome to post with respect. We may disagree but we with respect to the other position. Joe
#50 – Joe Williams
Welcome home!