Alligator mouth overloads hummingbird a$$

| November 7, 2013

If you ever wondered what that phrase meant, here is a graphic depiction;

She lasted a good long time, but not as long as she claimed she would. And she’s wearing a 1st Cav patch.

Thanks to 1AirCav69 for sending the link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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She should have said Air Force. Then it’d be almost fair.


I’ll give her credit for having guts. Brains and boxing skills, not so much.


He’s cute. Can I get a date with him? 😉


Oh snap……NH Sparky.
(Says the Chairforce guy.)
I’d have been on my ass quicker than she was. (All whopping 185 lbs of me.)


Has she ever put gloves on before? The Marine had terrible technique, dropping his left with throwing the right and such but she literally had no clue. Maybe before you step in the ring and run your mouth, you ought to at least know the basics of boxing. Maybe spar a couple rounds first…


I’ll give her points for having heart, but none for brains, technique, or skill.

That was just stupid.

Just An Old Dog

Heard a little of the back story of this. Apparently there was a Marine Trac Unit working out of the FOB and when the Army set up some Friday Night “Smokers” This chick got up and challenged them, saying she could beat any Marine’s ass on the FOB. No one really wanted to beat up a chick. The guy that did get up there and take her out was a bit off and known as a shitbird.
I’m thinking that despite the inter-service rivalry there were quite a few soldiers there, both male and female that were secretly glad that the wookie got took down.


That should have been a TKO after 2 minutes.


CavScoutCoastie: yeah, he definitely didn’t bother much with defense. However, we don’t know if that was due to his style in the ring (if he’s quick enough he can get away with some of that, particularly against an opponent with a shorter reach), a lack of boxing training on his part, or was intentional to see how she’d react.

— break —

ohio: agreed. The ref let that one go on far too long.

Just An Old Dog

She stayed on her feet for quite a while, but it may not have been her stubborness or heart as much as it was all the gear they had on. They were wearing 16 ounce gloves and super thick head gear. Unless you get hit square in the face the punches are dissapated by all the padding


It hurt me to send this…but at least she’s not a wannabee. Now as far as a fighter, she ain’t that either no matter what the LGBT people told her. I think she learned a valuable lesson her. Thanks Jonn for putting it up.


Actually, he knew how to throw a punch and make it land.

All she did was flail her arms, like she was going to slap him.

It’s not ‘sting like a butterfly, float like a bee’.

2/17 Air Cav

Those gloves looked like zeppelins. I’m guessing thety were 20 oz sparring gloves. They sure weren’t 10 oz. She would have lasted one punch, maybe two, with lighter gloves or bare fists. I like the Marine’s response. Flat, like, yeah, whaddidya expect.

Former 11B

Any guy who steps in the ring with a woman, or a much smaller opponent is a complete pussy. This guy’s unit should be ashamed to call him their own.


Former11B: see comment 7. Apparently the guy “wasn’t well thought-of” in his unit even before this escapade.

2/17 Air Cav

@14. And if they had passed on her challenge, she would still be running her mouth. Who would believe her? Um, everyone in the Pentagon, the WH, all but four members of Congress, and about 90% of the women under age 35 in this country. It’s not okay to beat up a woman. They are delicate flowers of femininity who need male protection. What was that infantry issue about again?


Yeeeeeegads! Well? At least she mounted up all I’m gonna say.


At some point, the “wookie” (lol) called the Marines all out in a contest like men; I have zero problem with someone treating her accordingly.

I personally wouldn’t have wanted to hit a woman in any venue, but I understand this situation, and why someone else didn’t have that problem.

She had guts to go throw with it at least, I’ll give her that.


I’m confused. Woman can do anything a man can do especially in the military


Suit her big mouth up and throw her in the Infantry. According to the talking heads it’s not like hand to hand combat is experienced now (just ask Dakota Meyer or David Bellavia) on the battlefield, nor will it be in the future. We are so lucky to have the super intelligent and oh so prophetic generals and congress(persons) in charge. We’d be lost without them. My only complaint: why wasn’t this boxing match gender normed? Someone contact EO.


She didn’t know how to fight is all. That was apparent in the first 15 seconds.


That was kind of embarrassing


After watching this …I need a sammich.

Former 11B

16 Any man who feels he must answer a female’s challenge to step into the ring is no man at all. Let her talk shit, its just a bunch of noise signifying nothing. If there are any female Marines around then they can step up if they so desire.

No man who wears the uniform, especially not an Infantryman should ever stoop so low as to lace up the gloves with a female, no matter how much shit she’s talking.

This guy is now in the illustrious company of no nutted scum like Joey Buttafuoco.


Saw this vid in another forum. Some of the posters were there. Before the fight, the female publicly claimed she could beat any Marine and did everything short of climbing into the ring and calling the Marines ‘pussys’. And just before they tapped gloves, she spit in her opponents face. No heart, no brains, no decent jab. Just an attention whore. No different then the females that publicly claim they can out infantry the infantry, when they wouldn’t be able to move under a 60lb ruck.

The real bad guy is whoever led her to believe that she could climb into a boxing ring against someone that clearly outmatched her, and win.


She spit in his face? If that’s true, it might explain why he didn’t seem to be pulling any punches.


Do I really need to watch the video to know that the entire thing is just stupid? (As in play stupid games, win stupid prizes.) Not at all sure I could find any redeeming value to it. In any form.

Can’t really argue with those who think that after making a stupid challenge, at least she did at least step up to take her punishment. Doesn’t really excuse the stupidity of the challenge.


A woman who attempts to go through life denying reality is going to get hurt. Under other circumstances, this woman’s foolishness could have gotten her killed.


Guts YES, brains NO, looks NONE!


Also after she lost, he went over to touch gloves and she walked away from him. I believe she got what she deserves but also believe that Former11bravo has a point too. The problem with someone like her is that had nobody stepped into the ring, she would be spouting her crap until someone did.


@24 I know it’s not your intention, but I have to tell you are not scoring any points with really anyone. Chivalry is looked down upon and actually scorned by progressive feminists. To them you are just neanderthalic anachronism and you are part of the problem. They want society to become some androgynous mass. Why should traditional male notions towards protecting females be applied when they are despised and everyone is taught are no differences between the sexes? Is this where we really want society to go? Not my opinion just a thought.


@ 24 … I won’t say you are wrong on this one, because you may believe you are right.

However, this Soldier asked for it and the Soldier got it fair and square … Soldier gets ass beat down from Marine … that is the headline here!

The Marine went easy on the Soldier!

Take note I never mentioned the sex of any of the particants!

They were both WARRIORS in a traditional Saturday Night Smoker’s Match!


OK, so I went looking for a video of women boxers, and found the IBA championship between Lovato and Juarez, which is here:

The match starts about 4 minutes into the video. Both of them are trained in boxing. I guess they’d be flyweights if they were up aganst a male competitor. But there is a huge difference between the way these two women do this, and the way that stocky, big-mouthed blowhard broad went at it.

Watch the Army v. Marine again, and it is plain to see that the Army gal was mostly mouth. She even choked on her own mouthpiece. That should tell you something.

It’s not about size or weight, or even male v. female. You ‘guys’ ought to know that. And as much as I appreciate 2/17AirCav’s rendering of women as ‘delicate flowers who need protection’, this silly broad was mostly air.

Besides, the way for a smaller person to take down a much larger person is to leap into the air and stab him in the back of the shoulder with your short sword.


Everybody’s saying she’s stupid to think she could get into a boxing ring with a big guy, but perhaps gullible, or deluded would be a more appropriate description. Women start off the same size as boys, then hit puberty before boys and quickly outstrip them in size around 12 years old. Meanwhile boys are stringently scolded again and again that they should never hit a girl. You’ll never ever hear the same conversation going the other way. Our public school system has been flooded with an ocean of politically correct feel-good propaganda about how a girl can do anything a boy can do and probably better. Maybe they did her a great disservice.


Ex reiterates my point chivalry is not only dead it is unwelcome. To add to the discussion; the Marine was hardly a trained boxer either. Sloppy.

Sam Naomi

Guys, Say what you may, but I think this guy would make a good WIFE BEATER. In my world when ever you put your hands on a women your a marked person. Some of you guys should have been born back when a woman was a lady, and a fellow was a gentleman, could it be the reason why our lady friends are leaving home today, and joining up to get away from their beating????? Get real guys, its a crazy world we live in, and its not going to get any better, boxing gloves, or no boxing gloves.


@36 Sam, if that Marine had decided to “beat” that soldier, she would have gone out on a stretcher.


Smoke-check, I thought the Marine guy was holding back.

Personally, I would have run up to the big guy, leaped into the air, done a frontal neck grab or grabbed his shirt or headgear and pulled him over backwards, then I would walk away yelling ‘Is there nobody else? Is there nobody else?’

P.S. to TAH – I was NOT pounding on the Army, just on the silly young female personage. I thought she was rather ungracious at the end.

Sam Naomi

Maybe I should have watched the video first before making any comments, but after watching this video I only have one thing to say, This guy that had the guts to step in the ring with a female with intentions of knocking her out is just plain CHICKEN SHIT, no if ands or buys, and he’s a Marine????


Smoke-check, courtesy and good manners are NEVER unwelcome. No one likes being treated like crap.

But this YouTube vid is how you knock down a Marine.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well when she won’t shut the f#ck up, sometimes you just gotta punch a b1tch….


just another OIF Vet

First of all, bunch of fobbits at Division HQ. This was filmed during the height of the surge, yet all these fuck sticks have boxing smokers and Salsa night at MWR. Don’t bad mouth the female, curse and abuse all the men who spent a year in Iraq working staff/fobbit jobs while others bled and died in sector.


One other thought on this. Fighting in the ring (smokers) is a military tradition, one which should not be dumbed down because we now fight alongside our sisters in arms. When I arrived at my first ship, I had completed boot camp and finished BT Class “A” School. Hardly 17 3/4 years old, the first thing my new shipmates did to me in the boiler room was inspect the size of my hands. Mind you for two specific reasons: 1. Main Feed Valves MF3 A and B are the largest and most demanding valves to operate on a steam ship and 2. all new shipmates fight. Well weighing in at 187 and 6 foot tall, long arms, and hands that resembled large ape meat hooks I was voluntold that I would be the next “B” Division fighter. I was scared sh!tless and I had a secret I never told until my first fight ended and the largest half retarded Boatswains Mates in living history hit the non-skid deck … hard. Growing up 3rd born of seven, my dad held mandatory Irish and US Army style training that included boxing. I know, now a days he would be in jail for such behavior. In 1975 he bought the following: 4 pair Everlast 16 Oz boxing gloves; 4 head gear, 4 testicle protectors, and 1 heavy bag. My parents would routinely have the 4 older boys (I was 3rd in line to the 4) beat the holy sweet baby Jesus out of each other while family, friends, and close relatives watched approvingly … with libations in hand! This was called physical exercise and character building back then. My dad learned to box in the streets of Dublin and he appraently was a pretty good boxer in the US army as well. So the morale of my story is: kids need to learn how to fight with the proper equipment, one pound gloves builds bigger muscles, don’t match the large Boatswains Mate with the new Irish kid with large meat hooks, and the tradition of Smokers needs to continue! Any questions? Very well!… Read more »

Green Thumb


I agree.


I remember the smokers in boot camp. Good times, good times.

That Guy

This is, quite literally, the most pathetic excuse for boxing I have ever seen. That woman ought to be ashamed of herself, the way she ran her mouth and had no idea what she was doing. What a moron.


This brings back some memories-
Years ago (mid 1970s) I remember watching ABC Wild World of Sports with my dad. They were having a woman martial arts expert (karate-judo etc.) going against a male boxer. They showed her working out, doing this and that…she was ready!

The boxer was an overweight, out of shape guy, who was in his late 30s.

My father, who boxed in the army, said this was going to be a disaster. Why, I asked? “Because the guy is going to kill her and he will be in a no win situation, never mind he and his family need the money.”

It didn’t last one round. Several punches and it was over.

I clearly remember the television announcers praising her courage…yada yada yada.


Haha Ex. I like the reference. But I fear a misquote. I think it went:

“Is there no one else!? Is there no one else!?”

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, new rule. In any type of combat involving volunteer participants, only women may engage women and only men may engage men. If the cmbat is armed acombat and this rule is violated by a man, we will call him a filthy murderer. If the combat is of the unarmed variety, we will call the male violator a wifebeater and pussy. However, if the woman commits the violation, we will not hold her responsible or accountable for her ill decision to engage a male. Instead we will again blame him and call him a wifebeater and a pussy.