Saturday open thread

| September 28, 2013

I’m going to Winchester, VA this morning to get some IHOP pork products (because the Denny’s, which are closer, don’t allow me to carry a gun), so I thought I’d give you some place to talk to each other. Drop off links, exchange recipes, talk about me behind my back, or whatever strikes you. I’ll be back in a few hours.

Category: Pointless blather

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you know what the manlyest meat on the planet is? Bacon! if you put bacon on anything it becomes more manly, but there is only one way to make bacon itself more manly, MORE BACON!


I just did an obstacle course with GORUCK, the GORUCK Nasty 001 (inaugural run). It was based on Nasty Nick, 6 miles, 28 obstacles, and a Mogadishu Mile. Out fraking standing! I will be doing my first GORUCK Challenge, starting at 0100 on October 26th in DC… Join me! Proceeds go to the Green Beret Foundation and it’s a great time! My team for Nasty 001 was made up mostly of Vets, and we had folks from as far away as Canada and Arizona DRIVE to Massanutten VA to do it. Who is in?


Hey if anyone feels like joining the billions of internet users who don’t read my blog, feel free to not visit http://DeathFromADesk.Com.


Iron Man 3 Family Movie Night was OUTSTANDING!

The way the movie ended … I am not sure if there will be a # 4.

Anyone out there is # 4 is in production?

B Woodman

Enjoy your b’fast of Manly Meat and Other Delicious Stuff in a place that supports gun carry. Vote with your feet and dollars.


Gun show, Dulles expo center in Chantilly, VA this weekend. Usually there is a good variety of stuff there.


ByrdMan, I have signed up for your blog and will follow it with bated breath. If you sign up for mine, you can make snarky comments, which I will get by e-mail. Click on my name and it will take you there. We all have to support each other, don’t we?


MCPO, with as much coin as Iron Man 3 raked in, you can bet your bell bottoms that there’ll be a sequel. And then there’s the Avenger’s sequel coming up as well.

As good as he is in the role, Robert Downey JR is getting a bit long in the tooth to play Tony Stark. Maybe they can get Ben Affleck.


Ad bacon to mac & cheese and what do you have?

REAL mac & cheese!


@ Smitty. I have bee accused of being over emotional, too sensitive and and whiny … Can bacon fix that?


@2, too old for obstacle races, but I’m still doing the Army Ten Miler on 10/20 and a Run for Wounded Warriors next weekend:

Best wishes on your GORUCK Challenge.

My ATM bib for the ATM gets me in the 8000-ish corrral if anyone else out there in TAH land is running.

Green Thumb

I had to many beers last night.

The downside of college.

But I will say, you cannot beat the scenery!

Green Thumb


Good stuff.


Well, that sounds great!! I and the family are heading to the Va. State Fair. Yes, we’ll be protected, but with fun in mind, and a prayer for the road it’ll all just be a good time.
Of this I’m almost certain.
Everyone’s welcome, and remember, Virginia is for Lovers..not Terence Richard “Terry” McAuliffe.


@10, there are only 2 things that can fix that, bacon and a Ranger Tab! id recommend going the bacon route, the tab is a little harder to get


#11 – I might be working the Army National Guard Hooah tent. I’ll let everyone know.

FC2 Dewclaw


Yes, there will be an Iron Man 4… but it will be after Avengers 2.


I live in (Long Island) NY, and while both political parties in the NYS legislature do their very best to help our left-wing Govenor Cuomo make our state a mirror image of Detroit/Chicago/East LA, etc., I carry a .380 or Glock 23 EVERYWHERE I go, except into a federal building (VA and the like).

If Hillary, or someone of her ilk is elected in the next presidential race there’s no saving us, IMHO.

“From my cold dead hands…..”


Smitty. Ordering more bacon!

Great response!


I watched “Killing Season” (DiNiro and Travolta) a couple of nights ago. Gawd, what a waste of time and energy. It was only two bucks to rent, and now I know why. Eccchhhhhh.


The wife and I grilled burgers that were half and half bacon and hamburger the other night. Of course we grilled asparagus at the same time.

I will be off TAH for the weekend because I’m going to a take a soldier fishing tournament. I hope my team wins.

AW1 Tim

World’s best appetizer? Chicken fried thick cut bacon, with country gravy for dipping. Add some biscuits with butter & honey and a pot of black coffee and you have a meal.


AW1 Tim

Brunch this morning was a large bowl of chunky beef soup, with a handful of crushed crackers, black coffee. Desert was a bag of Swedish Fish.

For this afternoon’s Alabama V Southern Miss, there will be potato chips, french onion dip and several large bloody mary’s.



AW1 Tim, that’s Ole Miss, not Southern Miss. My wife is a Miss State alum, so today she is a Tide fan.

John Robert Mallernee

Yesterday, I discovered a case of Stolen Valor.

A Marine who was awarded the Silver Star was claiming he’d been awarded the Navy Cross.

It happened when Michael Francis Corleone, Captain, United States Marine Corps, was testifying before a Senate Investigation of La Cosa Nostra, in the movie, “THE GODFATHER: PART III”.

You’ll remember that in the opening scenes of, “THE GODFATHER”, at the wedding reception, Captain Corleone is wearing the Silver Star, Combat Action, Purple Heart, American Defense, European Campaign, and World War II Victory ribbons.

So, WHY was he telling all those senators that he had been given the Navy Cross?

Wasn’t the Silver Star good enough?


Byrdman – I also signed up for your blog, it was the “Nerd” part that won me over!

Today is my son’s 11th birthday and he’s lucky to be alive! He yelled from the couch a few mins ago, “Woman make me a sammich”. After he got up off the floor he asked nicely. hehe!


AW1 Tim: with biscuits, this IMO works even better:

Made some the other day (added some garlic and onion powder to the recipe above, used unsalted bullion mix, and reduced the salt to 1/2 tsp – spouse and I like onion and garlic and we’re trying to watch the salt intake). Serve over biscuits with additional biscuits to eat and some scrambled eggs.

Turned out great. Will probably use the same recipe variant with a bit more onion and garlic powder and all the salt next time (still will use the unsalted bullion, so the salt content will be somewhat lower than the norm).

Bacon is indeed good stuff – but IMO good SOS holds its own against it. Can’t think of much better for a hearty breakfast.


Burgers on the grill this afternoon, with bacon. The bacon will be grilled right along side of the burgers, of course.

This is an expert technique, and should only be attempted with an ice cold IPA near at hand. Or two.

John Robert Mallernee

Last Tuesday night, I saw a UFO hovering over Keesler Air Force Base.

That guy

Today I’ve come to the conclusion that heroin is behind most good rock music.
So, if my songwriting doesn’t pick up, I’m going to need someone to supply me a lighter and a spoon. And a syringe. I live in the heroin capital of the midwest, so I can probably just hang 10 bucks out the window and get some.

That guy

There MAY be an Iron Man 4. Robert Downey Jr. is demanding that the SFX guys and various other people involved in the film be paid more before he signs on for another one, last I heard. Which is awesome, because a lot of SFX companies lose money on movies like Iron Man.
I have a lot of respect for Robert Downey Jr. since he cleaned his life up, and he keeps doing decent shit to make me respect him more.


AW1 – heart attack on a plate!! 😛

That guy

Two more things:
Do any of you know the best course of study for the LSAT?
And I thought you’d all get a kick out of this company:
No more weak-ass gifts from girlfriends, wives, and kids. Who wants a fucking tie? That’s like buying a noose for a loved one. Cruel.


@27, I didn’t thank you the last time you posted that link. I made it, and that was what I remembered.


The Marine Corps version of SOS has onions and garlic in it in it:


Seadog: you’re welcome, amigo. Glad it worked for ya.

There’s also a USMC variant.

I was Army, so I tried the Army variant first, modified as described above.

I haven’t tried the USMC variant yet. Not that big a fan of soy sauce, but might have to give that variant a try (or maybe reduce the amount of soy sauce and give it a try – soy sauce tends to be salty as hell) soon.


@ john. Got you! That was me. I had an old pie tin on a string propped up by a stick. I knew you would write about it here!


worlds greatest appetizer is bacon wrapped well anything, but im making some bacon wrapped shrimp for finger foods with the games today

Roll tide, roll over and play dead i mean. seriously, what is the point of the NCAA football season anymore? at the end of the year, all those people that vote in the BCS poll will say, yeah so and so beat bama, but come on, lets crown bama anyway. LSU beats them, they give bama a rematch and call it a championship. Tex A&M destroys them, its ok, lets give them another shot. supposedly bama is the two time defending national champs, by my math, they shouldnt have even been playing in either game. all the BCS voters are too busy riding nick saban’s junk to actually pay attention to the football games


@thatguy, i couldnt tell ya about LSAT study guides, i walked in with no prep courses my first time and scored a 173. my plan was to take it once so i knew what i was getting into and go from there. id advise the same thing, ya never know, ya might do well enough that you dont go take it a second time.


OK. Time to show off your rides! Email a pic to Hondo! Hondo do you have access to admin mail box? I don’t have you z address in my BB.


Well, being Air Force, I’m sure their variant was a little different. But, it’s a good start. What I was missing was the Worcestershire sauce when I attempted to make it in the past.


MCPO: unfortunately, no I don’t. Believe only Jonn can access that one.


My ride? Master Chief, that is an open invitation to diva-ness.


Ok off to the beer garden at local far in 1980 MGB Limited Edition.

Sea Dragon

Leaving tomorrow for JAX to visit the folks. Plan to fish, eat oysters, and fish. Plan to watch the Navy – Air Force game with my dad. USNA ’55 & ’78.

That guy

Can you give me like an email address or something? I just have some basic questions, and all my dickbag friends who went to law school already are being less than helpful…


@ 47. Now that they are lawyers, they are not your friends, they see you future competion. The thing any lawyer does want to hear is that may be another lawyer down the block.

I work with many lawyers. Big school grads. Ask Jonn to send my email address to you and you will chat with a young, smart, Columbia grad!


found a recipe for beans (Great Northerns, cannellinis, navy beans, etc.) made with beer. I will try it and report.

If it’s good, it will make beer and bacon lovers do the happy dance.


That guy: you might also want to try contacting TSO. He recently passed the bar, so he might be able to point you at a good LSAT study guide.

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