Wittgenfeldian Symbology

| September 9, 2013

So Wittlessone is on a tear again, and it’s as exciting as ever. A few days ago he was citing to this nonsense and saying it summed up attacks on him perfectly. This is what that page says:

Cyberbullying tactics are Information and Communications Technology methods used to harm, tease and disparage children by other children.

So, I guess now he at least admits he’s a child.

Then he shifted to citing to the laws of West Virginia (HERE) and saying:

…. NOW ….. All you West Virginia cyber/bullicide iPredators need to read these rules/laws that you all break incessantly.

Read and Understand, Ridge-Runners….

the LRRP 41…. Cometh to West Virginia……

a) He’s the slowest LRRP in history, since he’s been comething to West Virginia for 18 months now. And he apparently hasn’t even made it to the Georgia state line.
b) None of those laws have anything to do with “cyber/bullicide”.   That whole page deals with illegally accessing data, or disrupting other folks’ computer services.

Anyway, that was all build up to today’s picture, which I must admit, I just love:


a) To answer the unasked question, no, I was never knighted. However, I did watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade last night.
b) Also, that is a photoshop that added Don Shipley’s hair to my head. Why didn’t he steal a normal picture of me, like he does with everyone else.
c) He has it in his head I am some sort of religious zealot. Why? Because he found another Mark Seavey on Twitter that had a picture of Jesus on the cross. Now, because he can’t even follow through on that research, he apparently doesn’t realize that isn’t me. Yes, I go to church every Sunday. Yes, I go to Bible study every other Wednesday. But when is the last time you heard me on here telling you all to repent and stop sinning? In case you were thinking it, please, no graven images of me in your front yard, I must insist.
d) I am so down on the Legion totem pole that grass is over my head. There are 5 bosses between me and my National Commander. Why would everyone salute me? Or were they paying tribute to the hair? Unclear.
e) Why would the Nazi’s, who were not devout, be seig heiling me, if I am some sort of Christian crusader? Did I miss a step in there somewhere?

Anyway, is anyone out there a master of Wittgenfeldian Symbology? I figure if people can study Sandskrit (You are majoring in a 5,000-year-old, dead language?) then someone must be able to study what is going on in Nostradummass’ head.

Jonn added: I just thought that maybe everyone ought to see how Wittgenfeld looks without a stolen valor Green Beret;

Wittgenfeld mugshot
His story is that he was beating someone wearing a SEAL Trident…I believe that, hardly.

Category: Shitbags

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This loon is an endless source of hilarity!

Green Thumb



That is good…you…you’re good you…..
He’s more out of his mind than Captain HM ‘Howlin’ Mad’ Murdock


I am thinking during his last visit behind bars for being drunk and stupid, Bubba gave him an extra hard and deep tapping of the 4th point. Which of course has led our hero to get all sorts of anger issues to resurface due to his riding down the river of denial all these years of his love of all things manly…. I heard he has been on a binge of eating corn on the cob the long way ever since his release, and that he cleans that down smooth as glass. Someone ought to just buy him a one way ticket to San Fran, where he can run around in his purple chaps and nothing else all day long and no one will care.
Maybe he could take Psul along with him, he may enjoy it.


I haven’t commented on any of his idiotic blogs in a couple weeks now. I wonder if he misses me?


Hey, TSO – isn’t the American Legion’s logo that’s been PhotoShopped into that pic?

And isn’t the American Legion’s logo copyrighted?

OIF '06-'07-'08

Sweet Lord Jesus, I love how a so called former Ranger is crying out to the whole wide world how we are being such a meanie to him. Like, does some one drop him off at daycare in the morning?

OIF '06-'07-'08

Hondo@6. I just noticed that, copied that pic and will take it to my Legion hall after I’m done here.


OIF ’06-’07-’08: how about you check fire on that for a bit, amigo. I’m pretty sure the appropriate folks at the Legion already know about the picture.

But keep the screenshot safely stored, just in case.


“We’re often mad in Camelot, we sing from the diaphragm alot!”


@ Although I doubt Witthead realizes it and thinks his work should be taken seriously, I would think folks at the copyright office would classify this as satire. Under copyright law, parody and satire are protected. It’s not too much of a stretch to consider TSO a public figure….I know I have a poster of him over my bed. Couple that with the fact no takes Witthead seriously. It from the same legal venue as Larry Flynt vs. Jerry Fallwell…..and I’m sure TSO loves being in that group.


I really need to check for typos before I post


You look wistful.

Roger in Republic

How is it that we are defined as cyber bullies? We sit here reading, commenting on and bitch slapping stupid politicians, Valor thieves, and Big Army/Navy/Air Force.
Dallas is the bully. Unable to take his medicine like a real man, he is the one that haunts these pages with his threats of legal action and grave bodily injury. He is the one that shows up here to stir the pot. To keep his name at the top of the Google search engine. He must like pain, because he keeps inflicting it on himself. If anyone is being stalked, it is us.

charles w

AverageNCO, you need help. Not that TSO isn’t a charming guy and all.

Mr Blue

Wittgenfeldian (and Psualian) logic is actually easy:
1) Go to paint store
2) Buy all the denatured alcohol
3) Drink!


Obviously, this is a case of someone being out of sorts because he found out the Moving Wall is NOT coming to a neighborhood near him, and is trying to let us know how much it upsets him. He will NOT be able to make another ass of himself until that is straightened out.

Don’t worry, Whipitnflogit — it’s coming to my nieghborhood. I’ll send photos to TSO or someone so that you can see it and grouse about it while you’re weeing off your balcony.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Well, Well, Well, You ground pounding Goobers, Why are you over here cyber/harassing me with your blog trying to make me do something P.T.S.D… That is an iPredator/mob tactic, by the way.. I love it when all you head-cheese weenies say: “You don’t read my Googles anymore”… How funny is that… Now listen here all you iPredator Leggs, I am a witness to everything you have done to others and myself. NOT CHILDREN. I have collected much on you U.S. Government employees cyber/bullicide activities hereon and cast upon honorable discharged Veterans across America. That iPredator article is written about children…. BUTT just insert your punk asses in shitty diapers whining about what everybody wears on their motor cycle jackets and all the same statute/laws apply. Right..? Ask the West Virginia State Police Investigator that Jonn V. Lilyea called on himself. Did you ridge-runners know that the University cyber/forensics is the State Police cyber/lab, too? Ohhhh, Ohhhh… :0 Now you all can make all the fun you want of me… BUTT … My artwork, which you all like too, is my PTSD maniac therapy which is HIGHLY recommended to me by the Veterans Administration that haunts me hereon, Robert L. Blowers. Right..? You need to do a little more research on who’s actually wearing that cross on his chest. Adolf Hitler… Yes IT IS. ….now you guys new moniker is “Americas Stolen Valor Reich”. How’s that sound. Eventually Mark C. Seavey of the National American Legion will find out that “The LRP 41 sends his promotional artwork to everybody he thinks (in the American Legion) will find it interesting also.” I am exposing your American Legion membership who have been now expelled for cyber/bullicide off the TAH IP HoneyComb.net Cloud Server for illegal activities. Just as well, Attorney Mark C. Seavey has had to hire his own lawyer and the head bully at TAH called for the fuzz because a civilian scared you..? Life is good. Today must have been quite a “legal beagle day” for the top echelon of this iPredators’ shithole. “Feeling the pinch”… we call it in the… Read more »

Kato 811

Damm Dalass when did you get out of jail? Last I heard you was bubbs bitch and enjoying every minuite of it


The Witless One and Psulie Boi seem to be hung on Nazi imagery and names. Very telling.


Dallas, Straight up ! You’re a fuckin moron !

Kato 811

Scotty why you gotta go giving the rest of the morons a bad name lumping them in with Dullass?

Just Plain Jason

I wonder if Dullas is doing requests these days, because i would love to have one done of me as Mola Ram.

Just Plain Jason
AW1 Tim

Jeebus. That Wittlessfeller’s gone full retard.

You’d think that someone as smart as he claims he is could figure out how to use spellcheck, or even thumb through the writer’s style manual.

You’d be wrong, though.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

As write this, the Maryland States Attorney is writing too.

Guess what… Here comes the judge…! I am having E.S.P. right here and now.. I am seeing…. Warrants going to the West Virginia real cyber/sleuths spanking sissy Lilyea.

By the way… I went to jail for kicking a POSERS ass. But that is MY story…not yours… Plenty of witnesses, too. I was in jail by midnight and out before dawn… poof.. Not even you government punks can do that.

Part of Lilyea’s punishment will be fines, jail, victim remunerations (for me and others), and NO MORE INTERNET.. blub… blub …. blub…!


Hey, Large Fat and Stupid Whitpitout, you used the word BUTT several times.

Did you know that BUTT is synonym for ASS?

No, I didn’t think so. PTSD maniac — yes, you are a maniac, and you JUST admitted to it. Did I tell you that you’re one of the villains in my first book, and your namesake gets eaten by a shark? Great aim for that shark, too, I kid you not!

How did you enjoy your jail time in Florida? Drunk in public and obnoxious asshole seem to be your personal pursuits in life.

Could you BE any more of a bull goose looney?

Green Thumb


OIF '06-'07-'08

Hey RaDIoTeLEphoNeOperTOr, how’s it hang’in since you got out of jail. Bet you were ever bit of Bubba’s Bitch that he would ever need. Oh, and by the way Dullass. TAH is still here.

If you think you have John by the balls, then press charges Bitch instead of coming here with your stupid rants.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Oh, I forgot Wittless One. Go FUCK YOURSELF.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit),Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas WSittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit), Dallas Wittgenfeld(Google Hit)


Ground pounding?


Holy Crap … ShoRtRanGePeNis 41 has gone full throttle tard at 17,000 mph atmosphere escape orbit speed.

Any half trained legal monkey working on real estate transactions in the rural mountainous regions of the backward but valuable states surrounding other great states … would have picked up on that Congressionally sanction copyright and/or trademark violation … Then again … Dullas is not capable of being classified as a half trained monkey … he did know better!

Stand by Widgetfield … I think you will have some splaining to do!


@ Widget field

“Not even you government punks can do that”.

You are a complete ass.

You have an open invite to my world here in NYC.

We would love to have you visit!


I want in on all this legal fun! I was going to write you a letter but I ran out of crayon so I didn’t know if you would be able to read it plus I couldn’t decide if I was going to call you a Dick or an Asshole so for here on out, I’ll be calling you Taint. Is that bullying? I’m outta practice since your butt buddy lost his ass to TAH and soon his asshole (to your good friend Bubba) do you miss him? So let me know how I’m doing. Take care Taint!

A Proud Infidel

Hey Dullass, did you SQUEEEAL for Bubba & Thor like a GOOD ‘lil piggy?


Too friggen funny. Thanks Wittlessone, I needed some humor today.

Green Thumb

Dallas fluffs the 10″er, Paul (of the Ballsack) works the boys, Phildo bends over preparing for entry and the “Big Dawg” plays with his fartbox.

Quite the Queefy Quartet.


DullASS, I look at that little project of yours and I think to myself, “Holy shit, man! Leni Reifenstahl ain’t got shit on you, bro!”

Then I realize you’re just a sad sack of shit who never really did anything with the 40-plus years of your life since you got out, and your Photoshop skills suck.

Once again, DullASS, you chose poorly.


I have a few questions about Doofass Whipitnflogit.

1 – Does anyone besides me get vertigo from that photoshopped photo, like you’re being pulled into some kind of black hole?

2 – Is he saying he’s having an affair with some guy named Robert Blowers?

3 – Who does he think is a government employee?

This all mystifies me. A little enlightenment would be appreciated. Thanks.

Frankly Opinionated

Dullass Whipitnflogit the proven Liar and Thief has thrown another alcohol fueled tantrum, and is still lying, claiming to be coming here, coming there. Still drunk old bald headed lardass? Did you puke on that pukey purple jumpsuit? You are one totally classless bitch, and Paul K. Wickre and Phillip Dale Monkress are right up your alley, (probably in more ways than one). Gooooooooglefued the Players, but Dullass is not worth the effort, he is more insignificant than a pair of lovebugs who gave a flyin’ f@#k on my windshield today.


Taint? That might be an appropriate name for him, since you are what you eat. Good one, Valkyrie.

As for you, Taint, I must say that you should probably not have taken grammar lessons from Paul K. Wickre (google hit). Anything that begins with “get sloshed” and ends with “press the send button” is probably not the best idea.


Am I the only one who caught the PCU reference? Nice touch.


ShOrT bUs RiDeR 41 must be out of the local lockup (after some extensive “anal dilation therapy” from the boys – Bubba, Thor and Julio) and has computer access again… obviously doesn’t think that we know what he was in for.

Dullass – Did the boys make you into a “wide receiver” during your stay?


Thanks Flagwaver!

As for you Taint, no reason to travel to get an ass whooping. There is some of us that live in Florida. We’ll have a party, you can be the pinata. That is of course as long as Bubba didn’t get all your nugent-y center.

Frankly Opinionated

I don’t try to go there and read, (don’t have the need and don’t care to become his second reader,after himself of course), but does Dullass Whipitnflog it still have that silly blog that he uses to write to himself?
Thinking of a Sanford Florida visit in the future, and I just might have to get on highways US-17 and US-92 and head up over the St. Johns River, through Debary, to Orange City to see how things are going over there. Got several friends in the area, so staying a day or two won’t be a financial burden.


Wow he really has gone FULL RETARD. How has TSO’s Legion membership been exposed? I really don’t think that he has been booted there Dallas. How are you since jail BTW? Did they forget to give you back your crazy pills? Oh, and BTW, you misspelled ‘Legg’. It’s actually ‘leg’, or ‘dirty, nasty, mouth-breathing leg,’ or simply ‘Non-Airborne-Personnel.’


Dillwad is pissed off at me again, awww….. Still have my job Wittlessone. You are a stain on the reputations of all Honorable Veterans.
@ 40 how that would be me that Dillwad obsesses over. Started a couple years back now when Dallas got hooked up with some dimwitted Posers on Facebook. I recognised him from another group I belonged to and approached him privately to let him know he was making his bed with a known fake seal. So it began, I did not stroke his ego like the phonies did and next thing you know ole Dillwad is trying to get me fired from my job at the VA. Why? Well, no idea really as quite honestly I never once called the guy a Poser . Real long story, but he just became obsessed with me and has not let go in two years now. Only interactions I have had with him in the past year and a half or so have been via this Blog responding to his lunacy, or before I blocked him on Facebook he would send me messages. Parts of which were removed by Facebook for harassment. Think even one of his incarnations or two have been removed by Facebook for that very thing… harassing a fellow veteran. As Dallas Wittgenfeld would point out, a Service Connoted Disabled Veteran.
So no, there is no love affair…Though I think he does have some latent homosexual desires, but he satisfied them during his last trip to the local jail for being a drunken dumbass.
Answer your questions? If not, feel free to contact me outside of this. My life may be an open book in parts, but I do wish to have some privacy…


Thansk, RB325th. I figured he was following someone around, just couldnt’ figure out who the poor soul might be.

That p’shopping job on that photo, though — that really looks like a sort of swirl into a black hole of some kind. The destination must be the universe of Dullass Wittlessgelding.

It gives me a headache just trying to decipher his mind dribbling, never mind look at his artwork.

I think that even Jackson Pollock would agree with me, it makes no sense.


While I’m at it, maybe we should each send a dollar to TSO, just in case he needs money for lawers fees.

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