So….they cost me a day of work and a round of golf

| July 16, 2013

So yes, once again the forces of evil are trying to force us off the internet. It won’t work. It did waste some of my time, and that of our legal team who had to respond to it, but it certainly won’t work. Also, it rather ruined my golf game yesterday. Actually, it helped at first (I had a drive of 280 when Jonn called with a head’s up) but then I couldn’t tone down my anger and was beaming sand wedges like 120 yards and throwing clubs.

Nonetheless, I spent the day writing a 4,453 word response today. Baldly stated, the entire document can be summed up by my second paragraph:

The Complaint represents the website hosting equivalent of a strategic lawsuit against public participation. Wickre is significantly less interested in any terms of use issues than he is in silencing free speech and veterans’ advocates operating within the law. To date, Wickre has commented no fewer than 118 times on the Blog, which is odd considering his aversion to the nature of what we write. Those 118 comments from his IP address are directly traceable to him. They do not include the numerous comments which were deleted by the authors because they contained social security numbers of bloggers, phone numbers and addresses for the bloggers and other commenters, and some indecipherable strings of letters and numbers.

The Complaint is full of obfuscation, misstatements regarding case law, and lies regarding easily verifiable facts. I will endeavor to respond to only the issues of import regarding the Complaint.

That said, if you guys could refrain from any comments that could get me in trouble for the next few days, that will suffice for my birthday gift (which you all owe me by Saturday.) So, instead of saying something about “hammer a six-inch spike through his penis” (looking at you Nik) or the therapeutic benefits of squatting on a traffic cone and then duck walking home (another classic noted in the complaint) how about blessing him with a million unicorn butterfly kisses, or a TV which receives only 180 channels of ALF reruns. Seriously, I need rest, and I can’t fight any more. Nothing that could be construed as a threat, pornographic imagery etc.

I agree with your unstated comments. Jonn agrees with them. Everyone reading this agrees. Just cut us some slack and don’t write it, at least until we get the all clear from Rackspace (which we will.) This is NOT a win for the bad guys, as I am certain their attorney spent much longer that 8 hours working on it, and costs significantly more than I charge, which is nothing. Besides, when this one gets tossed, we will be stronger even than we were before.

Jonn always ascribes the success of this blog to you guys, the readers. I agree with him of course. Collectively we have the smartest, most diligent, wise-assiest readers and commenters this side of the Mos Eisley cantina. So, use the brain and some restraint while 1SG is watching us *not* do our concurrent training tasks. Kapiche?

Also, please consider tossing Jonn a few shekels. Although the legal counsel stuff doesn’t cost him anything, server space for this house ain’t cheap.

I am taking tomorrow off to celebrate my Birthday a few days early by doing damn near nothing except playing Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants on XBox. It has to be the boringest game in history, which should be good for my blood pressure. SVT will resume Monday though.

BTW- Somehow we got derailed into music again, so answer me this one…the lady at 1:51, is that Susie Benjamin? Because it looks like a younger her to me.

Category: Politics

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FC2 Dewclaw

Roger that, TSO. Weapons tight.

Hopefully you didn’t mangle any of your clubs when you tossed them.

Thanks for fighting the good fight, guys.


TSO, the only thing I will do is light some candles of the appropriate color, toss some coins into a bowl and invoke Themis and Dike, the Greek goddesses of Justice, Justitia, the Roman goddess of Justice, and Forseti, the Norse god of Justice, to act in favor of TAH, JL, and your golf game.


Copy. You have my cooperation. By the way, Happy Early Birthday!


TSO, I meant to include Bonne Anniversaire!!!!


You anticipated me, TSO. How much did Psul spend, to delay by a day the further dishonoring OF A GUY WHO … FIRED … HIM???

A bright one, that wily ol’ Psul.

Thank youse for all you do.


Happy B’day TSO.

Green Thumb

Paul is a great guy.

FC2 Dewclaw

LOL! I bet that hurt to type, GT!!

Green Thumb

No problem.

The “Thumb” aims to please.

B Woodman

“how about blessing him with a million unicorn butterfly kisses”
Would that be an approximation of a million mosquito stings – uhhh, kisses? THAT, I would gladly wish upon him. ;-()


Cease fire, cease fire and show clear.

All clear on the firing line…..

Now that next relay, move up to the firing point and assume that good tight sitting position…you are in your prep time.

Is the firing line ready? Ready on the left…ready on the right….


Also, please consider tossing Jonn a few shekels.

Is TAH part of the “Amazon Associates” program (or whatever it’s called)?

I don’t have any substantial purchases coming up, but will probably have a few small orders I could make, and I figure every little bit helps.


Paul Wickre should eat fudge and live.


Mr. Flugelman: Do you know what “nada” means?
Dusty Bottoms: Isn’t that a light chicken gravy?


Paul likes white people, money and nice cars…and like me economy booze

2/17 Air Cav

Cricket anyone?


You should channel Emporer Palparine on the tee box TSO: Good. Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you,.


Paul does not knock disabled veterans out of their wheelchairs when he passes Walter Reed Military Medical Center.


While talking on firing lanes I remembered reading this on facebook:

“Submitted by Rafael

So, there we were. Ft. Jackson, 2005. Black flag conditions and we are out at the range trying to get the last couple PVT’s to qualify that haven’t been able to yet (after over a week of shooting almost every day).

I am on lane 6 and, PVT “G” is on lane 5. PVT G is one of those “special PVT’s”. The DS came over and asked if they needed any help.

“What the fuck are you shooting at? You aren’t even hitting your own targets! You aren’t even hitting anything!. Holy shit, are you even shooting down your lane?”

“Look, PVT G, you are on lane 5. Do you see lane 5?

“Yes DS”

“Ok, now, shoot down lane 5. You copy? SHOOT DOWN LANE 5 !!!

Firing on the line resumes and, next thing I hear is PING! PING! PING! PING!

“PVT G, what the fuck are you doing!?!?”

“DS, you told me to shoot down 5 so, I am shooting down 5.”

The string of obscenities and Jamaican slang that flowed forth from the DS was nothing short of spectacular.

PVT G, was, in fact shooting down 5. PVT G was shooting the big metal number 5 lane marker signs. “PING! PING! PING!”

PVT G honestly thought they were doing what they were told to do. I have never seen a rifle taken away from someone and unloaded/cleared so fast in my life.”

*Taken from

3/17 air cav

Paul,Paul,Paul, we hardly know ye, yet you are so dear to our heart. Long live ye.


Sorry Tso, hope you have a great b-day, does that mean the beard will go, hmm


GT, did you know my radishes are so fat now that I had to thin them to make room for the smaller ones to grow?


Count me in on the Paul fan club, love to meet up some day to compare balance sheet strategies.

Re: those shekels, don’t see a Paypal button, sure there’s a good reason for that, but other ideas on how to ship shekels?

And have a Great Birthday!


As we in the South say concerning such individuals, “Well, bless his heart.”

GRITS (Girls Raised In The South) and the Gallant Aristocratic Gentlemen of the South will know exactly what I mean.

Green Thumb


My beets are the same way.

Very similar except for taste.


The ads are there for a reason, all. Clicky-clicky-click!

3/17 air cav

@20, brings back a memory, aug. 1970 ft. Lewis wa. Basic training, my first round with the m16. Not good , being left handed took my 1st shot. Brass flies over my shoulder, down my collar, burns my neck. Shooting from the prone position I jump up grab my neck trying to clear the hot brass. Pivot to my left. Pointing my 16 towards the di. Him, not happy. I’m sure he wanted to wrap it around my burned neck. Not a. Good start towards my army career.


GT HAS BEETS, I’ll be right there.

Hondo my finger hurts from clicking, (wiping my brow)


Sorry to have contributed to ruining your game and potentially your clubs.

Robot Wrangler

Maj you beat me too it, Bless his heart was exactly what I was thinking myself.

I mean poor boy cant help it now can he.

Green Thumb


Try being on a gun team.

Robot Wrangler

I can see it know, TSO’s beard objects! Case dismissed…

Robot Wrangler

know should have been now..grumble grumble.

3/17 air cav

@33 is that gun team as in gun dog team?


The other evening I took the time to peruse the extensive history of criminal and civil actions in the Maryland courts involving Paul Kevin Wickre – in most of them, of course, he was the defendant, and there was a rich soupcon of repeated charges involving assaults on police officers, attempts to evade police, reckless driving, etc., etc. I’m clearly the last to that party, the rest of you have already read for yourself.

What I found interesting, and what others may or may not have noticed, is that his attorneys’ names seemed to change for each cycle of litigation or criminal defense. Paul goes through attorneys like the rest of us (but probably not he) go through pairs of clean underwear. My estimation is that they probably find his crusades – and Paul himself – not only hopeless, but extremely taxing and emotionally demanding. If Lori Benton has declined to respond to you, Mark, she may have removed herself from her professional entanglement with Paul. (cross posting to new thread.)


An Ode in Praise of Psul

I would like to paean you,
Great Psulie, our own Psul.
Many, many times daily,
Truly I would.
You’re so . . .

You so merit being paeaned.
Verily, Psul – there are
None who are
More deserving.


PH (and the rest of the room, of course): As it’s 109 degrees at 1730 here in Sin City, my after-work picnic was indoors, and victuals were store-bought. That said … Beefsteak tomato cut in chunks and doused in olive oil, balsamic, fresh ground peppercorns and pink salt, and Italian seasoning; crusty sourdough to mop up the dressing and seasonings; a handful of Trader Joe’s chili-lime cashews (those effers are up to $6.99/pound and still worth every penny); and Italian blood-orange soda. Watching the cats tussle with each other was my entertainment. I think I’ll go out and get me some hot wings for dinner.


Hondo, wink nice


@7, 14, 18, 19 – bwahahahahahaha. Lovin’ it.


Great so far I wanna move in with Ex- now Hack, and I want GT’s beets, this is as mad as sharknado, food yam.


@42 TSO

So are you telling me he is paying a lawyer to defend (partly anyways) a man (Phil) who fired him?

Strange..real strange

But then again Paul is one heck of a guy


@42: I had the unpleasant but informative experience some years ago of working for a bona fide sociopath who dragged me and other loved ones (we were close friends before I worked for him; after I quit him, I pretty much walled him out of my life) through the legal drama stemming from his being sued for stealing his business book from his former employer (I won’t say whether I believe he did or didn’t, but the judge decided he absolutely did, and served upon him a massive and crippling judgement.) He was a screamer and a liar who didn’t like to pay vendors (including lawyers). Needless to say, he (like Psul) juggled and shuffled lawyers constantly. I suspect that he is an extremely difficult client, and quite likely also a deadbeat. Even in a lawyer-saturated area like DC, word gets around. Also, Psul is erratic enough that he may not deploy his legal specialists properly; he’s the type of toy-soldier general who would use flamethrowers against tanks and missileers against infantry, a real mess.


This person, whom we all know but sincerely wish to not know, has the worst sense of timing imaginable. He picked the worst possible time to take legal action against anyone at all. Everything is stacked against him.

A real estate attorney? Seriously? Oh, pray continue with it, please, thou inept bastion of bathos. The gods are watching thee, and indeed, giggling in delight.


@44: Heidi, Sharknado was AWESOME!!! Only one error marred that movie. I demanded Tara Reid (the beeatch) as a human sacrifice to the B-movie gods, and I came away disappointed. In every other way it was an OEUVRE, a masterpiece of cinematic genius. It almost transcended B-moviedom and became an A-minus movie, it was so awesome in its badness.

@45: Yes, O-4E, I observed this above as well. Without even knowing how much paper his lawyers have generated for this, I’m estimating this expedition has already cost Psul a couple grand, AT LEAST. FOR A GUY WHO FIRED HIM. What he got were two of his only three tiny little victories: specifically, the delaying of Phillip Dale Monkress’s (GH!) inevitable advance to the Fecal Four (I’m still rooting for “COL” Crocheron to take it all) and the temporary suspension of impure language against Psul himself (the other tiny victory was the movement of the blog to a new server.) Those victories are set against the names of Paul K. Wickre and Phillip Dale Monkress (2xGH!) forever chained to their own sins at the top of the Google results, and a comprehensive dissection of Psul’s history of crime, civil torts, bankruptcies, welshing (including on his own mother and sister), probation violations, racism, misogyny, horrid driving, impulse big-ticket spending on overpriced junkers … oh dear 8-pound 10-ounce Baby Jesus of Ricky Bobby in his little tuxedo T-shirt, I’m getting nauseous just cataloging the overall categories and I know I’m leaving stuff out here. It’s like he chipped a foundation stone on TAH’s house, in return for his own house being turned into a smoking crater that glows in the dark.

Green Thumb


M240 three-man. Gunner, AG and AB.

Lots of shells down the shirt.

Especially off tripod.

Lead, Lead, Trail.

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