White House statement on Zimmerman acquital
So, here’s the text entitled simply “Statement by the President“;
The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.
Really? Are we going to turn this into a discussion about gun control? And what about the legislation that failed in Congress earlier this year would have prevented George Zimmerman from defending himself? He legally owned a gun, which means he jumped through the background check hoops, he had a permit to carry the gun, again legally. He had no violent or criminal history. He fired one round, so magazine capacity isn’t an issue, there was no bayonet lug or grenade launcher on his pistol. No flash suppressor, the magazine was inserted into the pistol grip, so it wasn’t on Dianne Feinstein’s list of forbidden guns.
What does the Zimmerman trial have to do with gun control? Other than the fact that it provides an opportunity for various members of the Left to call me a coward on Facebook because I legally own and carry a gun today.
Restricting the sale and possession of hoodies would have had a greater effect on the outcome of that encounter in Florida than restricting the sale and possession of guns.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Gun Grabbing Fascists
Well how about on stopping the little dude from stomping and bashing the head of the guy in rage before he got shot?
Honestly, I hope this administration ends soon so we can get a decent one that fixes half of the shit this one is obviously messing up…
Got back from MO yesterday, sorry for being quiet, BUT!!!! I did get me some apple pie moonshine!!! *cheers everyone with it*
I’m clearly no Zimmerman fan, but this event has nothing to do with gun control. As usual the fine Mr. Obama and his advisers have put their collective intellect together to contemplate a problem and have managed to arrive, yet again, at entirely the wrong conclusion…
This presidency and its attendant corruption can’t end to soon.
He is just foot in mouth all the time and he has no clue, arrhhgg
Be careful what you wish for, VOV. Remember who’s currently next in line if the current Occupant, 1600 PA Ave, leaves.
“Other than the fact that it provides an opportunity for various members of the Left to call me a coward on Facebook because I legally own and carry a gun today.”
I noticed you were the recipient of some wonderful facebook responses today. I’d just like to say that I’ve been spending my weekend reminding my fellow 2LTs that facebook is NOT a forum that should be used to voice their political/ethical beliefs.
All I want to say is my faith in our government has been steadily decreasing over the past few years.
Stay in your lane. This was a local issue that had nothing to do with the federal government.
The POTUS is a child of hate. Now he directly links gun ownership to being a racism. Is PC more powerful than the Constitution?
Pine Bluff, Ark is a high crime area, mainly black on black crime because that’s the demographics. A white person downtown after dark is usually referred to in police reports as a victim. I have a concealed carry permit because I have to go into the inner city on business after dark. I felt safer 10 clicks from the Iran border when I was in Azerb in 2005 and then all I was carrying was a sausage with pork in it. I recently bought a .22 mag pocket piece so I could leave my main carry in the truck since you cannot open carry and it is too darn hot in the summer to wear something over the .357. There are signs posted all around town that read “no hoods or sagging pants.” These are black owned businesses. I know it is not PC but wearing a hoodie in Florida given their year-round weather was not a fashion statement. So Mr. President, please save he bullshit for those who don’t have a clue and we look forward to your retirement.
When is a thug getting shot an killed while committing assault and battery on a neighborhood watch volunteer a tragedy for America ?
Racism is learned. What are these people teaching their children?
If you let a scrawny, 17-year old kid whoop your ass to the point you feel you have to shoot him, and you claim to be a form of “law enforcement” then you deserve to go to jail. I mean, pretend both are white. The 17-year old you are “fighting” might weigh what, 160? And he gets the best of you. I mean shit, Army level 0 combatives teaches you to pin the foot, reverse the mount, and get him in the guard. That’s why I wasn’t for Zimmerman. He got taken down by a kid who was unarmed. How can you cheer for him?
And the both are white thing, I meant to add the case wouldn’t get the publicity.
Why does obama think that we should “honor” Trayvon Martin? Martin was a thug-in-training so obama must think that the color of his skin makes him worthy of praise. That is pure racism and one of the tools that obama uses to divide us.
#13, Thug in training = WTF is that?
Generalized comments are pretty stupid. He shot someone who didnt have a weapon and didnt have proof he was violent. Its a crime, you dont follow the laws, you pay the price. Zimmerman got away with one because no witnesses around.
Ignorant when people make stupid comments like “thug in training” or “Future thug”, thats pretty much saying “he didnt do anything but soon enough he will!”
You are dividing yourself with dumb comments like thug lines. Doesnt matter if the kid was black, white or whatever. You shoot someone with a lack of proof when it comes to defense, its going to be looked at as a crime. Now comes the civil suits.
he wasnt a kid, Sooner158, he was the same age i was when i went into the airborne infantry! he wooped a flabby untrained, out of shape, dough boy that was 4 inches shorter than him. race has nothing to do with this, other than that our emperor and his cronies want it to be.
11, cant cheer him too much. He seems like a wannabe vigilante who picked the wrong time to do the WRONG thing. If Martin had turned the tables enough to grab his gun and shoot him. This wouldnt be on the news.
Martin was a thug wanna be. he had a long history of fights, had been suspended from school for poss CDS, his phone was filled with violent threatening texts, and a picture of him holding a pistol gang style (sideways) and he initiated the confrontation. he was at the place he was staying, and instead of going inside, chose to turn back and attack Zimmerman. Martin didnt have an arrest record yet, but he sure was trying hard to get there. the only reason he didnt have a long police record was that he was a juvenile.
LOL Smitty, so holding a gun sideways means you are a thug or a wannabe now? Seriously? I seen some of the whitest gentleman hold guns sideways, those darn thugs!
So thats what you got from the media correct? You dont know the kid, I dont know the kid. I am not gonna pretend that I know him and go off calling him a wannabe thug. I probably should say the same about zimmerman. This is your opinion, kid had no weapon and we have no idea if he was even looking for trouble.
Once again, you use the term, “he didnt have “”….yet”, you dont know what was going to happen to the kid. Just making assumptions about him. Which of course shouldnt be the point of the issue. Point being is was the killing the kid a necessity? If thats the case, let me go outside my house here in Amherst and shoot a kid the minute he gives me a bad look or talks shit.
The tragedy is we live in a country where there has been such a drastic drop in family structure over the past few years, letting young men grow up wild and unchecked by a responsible father figure and indoctrinated into a culture of entitlement and violence.
Nice speech. How many 17 year olds have been shot this week, last week, or any other week that the President doesn’t feel the need to make public remarks about?
@19: And yet, pointing out the lack of father figures is “sexist,” “old fashioned,” or “part of the oppressive patriarchy.”
There’s also some stuff going around the net about how Arizona Watermelon Tea and Skittles are two of the three ingredients in a drug called Watermelon Lean. The third being Robitussin with Codeine. Who was carrying around two of the three? Huh. I think the image of Mr. Martin as an innocent little boy has pretty much been dismantled, but in order for the mainstream media to not look like complete jack-asses a la Duke LaCrosse rape case, they need a guilty verdict from someone, and the DOJ is their last hope. The POTUS, while prematurely opening his ill-informed suck-hole, also needs a guilty verdict from somewhere to not look like the total incompetent dip-shit he truly is.
@21 yeah I’m sure the left would point that out. I would gladly concede that it isn’t the lack of a father figure that leads to this crap if the numbers didn’t back me. The population of drop-outs, substance abusers and felons is overwhelmingly full of those with no fathers around.
This statistic cuts across all racial, ethnic and economic lines.
If poppa Martin had been there to break a foot off in Trayvon’s ass when he screwed up in school, got in fights or smoked weed he wouldn’t have ended up on the wrong end of a gun.
He was a confrontational, irrational and rude young man who thought he was bulletproof.
22, more hearsay and accusations. Nearly impossible to get Codeine syrup unless you get presciption.
What does that have to do with anything though? Whats the relevanace of “Watermelon lean”, which NFL players and rappers drink another variation of that.
And its not a drug its a drink idiots make to fuck up their heart and resp. system.
Well the POTUS managed to touch about every feel good issue with a feel good answer (taking our rights away),for his liberal, a$$hole friends…from of Zimmerman verdict. First and foremost, he should not have opened his ignorant mouth to begin with regarding a Florida State matter. Obama does not have enough common sense to see his advisers have agendas just like him and he doesn’t have to parrot everything they say. Not everything in the nation that happens is the business of the Federal Government. Not every gun fired is a federal matter. Not every person killed who is not white is a race issue. God preserve and defend the USA until this prick is out of office. He still can’t call Hasan a terrorist but he can imply racism and out of control guns killed yet another good kid.
@25 – Good point on the Hasan case. He’s said virtually nothing about that, and if anything that’s WAY more of a Federal matter than the Zimmerman case, which shouldn’t even be a state matter, let alone federal.
I noticed that every time the Prognazis celebrate an racially-charged event, they burn Oakland, California.
Did Oakland lose the lottery or something? Why not Hollywood, where a riot may get noticed?
Regardless, I expect to see Racism recharged and applied to Executive Branch actions that effect amnesty for illegal immigrants and for gun-grabbing within 4 weeks. Joe Manchin will approve.
E-6 type, 1ea Says: July 14th, 2013 at 7:44 pm There’s also some stuff going around the net about how Arizona Watermelon Tea and Skittles are two of the three ingredients in a drug called Watermelon Lean. The third being Robitussin with Codeine. Who was carrying around two of the three? Huh. ========== Yep, I read about that here: Trayvon Martin’s Final Hour If his own communications were to be believed, Martin’s drug use did not stop with marijuana. In July 2011 Martin began subscribing to the daily video log of a character named Andy Milonakis, whose life seems dedicated to drug use, specifically a concoction known by various street names including “purple lean” or “purple drank.” The Urban Dictionary describes purple drank as “a mixture of Promethazine/Codeine cough syrup and Sprite, with a few jolly ranchers and/or skittles thrown in.” In May 2012, the Treehouse screen-captured a revealing Facebook exchange from June 2011 between Martin and a character called “Mackenzie DumbRyte Baksh: MARTIN: unow a connect for codine? MACKENZIE: why nigga MARTIN: to make some more MACKENZIE: u tawkin bout the pill codeine MARTIN: no the liquid its meds. I had it b4 MACKENZIE: hell naw u could just use some robitussin nd soda to make some fire ass lean MARTIN: codine is a higher dose of dxm MACKENZIE: I feel u but need a prescription to get it Martin obviously had some familiarity with this world. The reader will have noted too that a soft drink like Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail and some Skittles would get the user two-thirds of the way to some “fire ass lean.” On the night of the shooting, the Sanford PD incorrectly identified Martin’s drink of choice as “Arizona brand name tea.” They did not do so on purpose, and the media followed their lead. But the media continued to refer to the drink as tea long after they should have known better. This was due in part to sloppiness, in part to racial sensitivity about the word “watermelon,” and in part to the drug implications of a fruity soft drink. Although… Read more »
“If that’s the case, let me go outside my house here in Amherst and shoot a kid the minute he gives me a bad look or talks shit.”
Let me break your nose, mount your ass and start pounding your head on a concrete sidewalk and tell me you aren’t in fear of your life. Idiot. The better point of you ran down your momma’s leg.
“You shoot someone with a lack of proof when it comes to defense, ”
Wasn’t that the whole point of the trial? And wasn’t Zimmerman acquitted of that?
You keep criticizing this forum for biases but you have made a boatload of false assumptions yourself.
What Al T said.
Actually talk about my “boatload” of assumptions instead of saying that BS. I already said I made an assumption on Zimmerman wannabe vigilante antics.
And no that wasnt the whole point of the trial. And criticizing for idiotic generalizations to a black kid when its down to what zimmerman did and was it legal. Civil suits come up and he loses, which we know he will. Then he probably should have at least had manslaughter charges.
Obaomao’s little speech was fine, up until the point of “And as we do. . . . ” Then he made a sharp 90 degree left turn into his the Socialist Twilight Political Zone.
And MrGameShow — who are you REALLY?? You sound AWFULLY familiar, like one of several previous trolls we’ve had before. Please, go away back under your rock, and let the adults talk.
@10 Ex-PH2
IMO, that is exactly the true issue. His parents need to look in the mirror if they want to see who is most at fault here.
I can’t see how they hell they can seriously compare Trayvon Martin’s event to those that really were victims of racism, violence and murder. James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Micheal Schwerner were ten times as brave and dedicated to doing the right thing when there were executed by the Klan as Freedom riders in Mississippi.
The State of Florida bent and flexed the law and kow-towed to the liberal media just to make it a murder trail. A jury of Six Women( not good ol’ boys) found him not guilty, even then the must have had a feeling that someone was pressing them to do the Manslaughter finding, which they didn’t do.
If Zimmerman gets set on by the family in a civil trail or the feds for civil rights offences he will not lack for pubic support to fight this bullshit off.
Well it’s official. Democrats hate Hispanics.
‘He’ll stand in history next to Emmett Till’. Words from the Martin family attorney.
Really? Really? Because those were two VERY different circumstances and events. That’s like someone saying I’ll stand in history next to Audie Murphy just because we were both in the military.
@35 Nothing new there circles, they just haven’t yet figured out how to completely destroy the hispanic family like they have the black family, but they are working on a solution even as we speak.
I think we can all agree the MSM really fucked up this subject from the beginning, though it no longer amazes me how easily influenced people can be of it.
I guess getting one’s head slammed on the pavement is okay with most people. I think the chemistry of the Zimmerman/Martin confrontation was bad to begin with. IMO, had Zimmerman not had a gun, this story would have been very different and wouldn’t have left Sanford, FL to begin with.
@ gameandshow in 18, whitest people you know? i said thug, not color. in the other zimmerman post, i told a story about a kid that i am sure will become another trayvon martin, but that kid is white. race has nothing to do with thug antics and crime unless you are a liberal that is convinced the system only targets minorities.
@39 statistically the system does target minorities more than is represented in the general population. Unfortunately it’s not due to racism, it’s due to factual data where most crime in urban areas is committed by minorities.
The problem is too many people look at those numbers and assume the criminal justice system is the problem, when in fact I would suggest that the system at fault is further upstream and has failed minorities long before they become criminals. That system is the liberal hand out program that has taken away a sense of morality, responsibility, and accountability from an entire segment of the population who have been taught for 40 years now that the government can satisfy all their needs.
The result is an abortion rate of almost 50% for blacks, a single parent rate of almost 75% for blacks, and in New York City along with Detroit and Chicago a homicide crime rate where minorities (hispanic and black) are both perp and victim in almost 90% of NYC homicides and over 80% in the other two cities..
The underlying reason for the crime rate and resulting entrance into the criminal justice system may or may not be race related, but until we start and actual dialogue free of hyperbole and racist accusations it’s easier to blame the point of data capture which is the criminal justice system instead of the initiating practices that are a result of the deadly law of unintended consequences that are much further upstream….
That’s my $0.02 your mileage is guaranteed to differ.
Golly, people can’t defend themselves without guns so they’ll be less like to start trouble and more likely to let take their property and money for social justice, and… oh, damn, let the cat out of the bag! (What you’ll get if you ask a left/liberal why self-defense is bad.)
So we are honoring the “apparent criminal” in this case and not the “victim”.
Tragedy … Yes!
The tragedy is that charges against Zimmerman were filed in the is case in the first place.
The real tragedy is that one life has been ended, and another scarred (And probably scared…) for its remainder.
As a former Cop and a gun owner, I support the motivation behind Zimmermans actions…I cannot support the shooting, simply because it never should have gotten to that point. Zimmerman has no training, had no police powers and is lucky he didnt get his gun taken away and turned on him or worse. This should not be painted a racially motivated thing, or a gun rights thing, this simply should be looked at as a guy who went too far in his neighborhood tough guy actions and got away with it.
I am willing to bet that Zimmerman would stay in the car if he could do it over again…
I couldn’t care less EXCEPT for obamaman’s sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. But for that SOB’s early and latest statements, this shooting barely rates mention in the local police blotter. His words, as far as I am concerned, are code for, “Have at it. Riot.” He actually says, “We are a nation of laws[!].” Yeah, except that he chooses which ones to enforce and which ones he deems to be constitutional.
@42 Probably because the “victim” Zimmerman isn’t much of a sympathetic character.
Spoiled son of affluent parents, his dad a retired judge, so when a drunken Georgie shoves a cop in a nightclub and beats his fiancee instead of jail he gets to have the charges (3 charges, 2 resisting arrest with and without violence and 1 domestic violence) dropped by entering an alcohol “education program”…probably you or I don’t get the same courtesy after being charged with felony violence against an officer…hard to sell a sh1tbag as anything but a sh1tbag. He’s not guilty certainly, but he hardly fits the profile of a sympathetic victim or all around good guy….
He’s a turd, same kind of lying turd as some folks in our current stolen valor tournament….he’s as big a liar as some of them…his dad’s a judge, he took a criminal justice course but he would have you believe he knows nothing about self defense law and stand your ground law….bullsh1t…this guy’s a fucking liar same as some 4sshole who puts on a fake ribbon…lies are lies…I don’t much care for liars, stolen valor or lies to your friends, family, the public…you’re either someone who is honest or you’re not….just because he’s not guilty doesn’t make this lying sack of sh1t a good fucking guy…he’s just another liar…so he won’t make a very sympathetic character no matter how many times that 4sshole Hannity puts him in front of a camera…
@ VOV … ok … but in this case … he was the victim!
That is my only point here!
And stop yelling at me … I am sensitive!
Maybe Obamaturd will have a beer with Zimmerman and Martin’s “parents” and try to smooth it over…..
I mean, it ain’t like he has more pressing issues to deal with…
Zimmerman’s case has nothing to do with stand your ground laws. that only says that you do not have to retreat when confronted. he was on his back being pummeled, he had no way to retreat at all. He was aquitted of the charges you repeatedly reference, yet you have already found him guilty. if he was guilty of either of the charges, assault on a police officer or domestic violence, he would not have a CCW. You have decided to attack the victim here, and weather ya like it or not, Zimmerman was the victim and nothing else. Martin earned the fate he received, that is the end of the story. We all must be responsible for our actions and the consequences for them. Martin put himself in that situation and reaped the consequences. if everyone would stop trying to figure out who to shift blame onto and be responsible for their own action, we wouldnt have any of these problems. However, Liberalism abhors personal responsibility so we must have someone to blame for a thug wanna be getting himself killed. glad ya could jump on board that band wagon VOV, i dont think i would get along with people there
I always believed that Zimmerman was morally responsible for Martin’s death, but that was an entirely separate factor from whether he was criminally accountable for it.
I do believe Zimmerman took risks under his elective responsibility as neighborhood watchman that he wouldn’t have unarmed. I don’t have a CCP, so when I’m doing my neighborhood watch duties, I don’t go accosting groups of teens. One teen, that doesn’t scare me so much, but I’m a damned infantryman, not some overweight wannabee.
But that never made Zimmerman guilty under Florida laws. I was even sympathetic to the possibility he identified Martin as a miscreant on the merits of his skin color. Even he’s not overtly racist in the way that would better satisfy the “hate crime” circus, I could believe that. I, sadly, treat black folks dressed in a certain way with a little more suspicion, but unfortunately, growing up in an urban locale, it’s informed by experience.
I’m always vexed that the black community doesn’t engage in a little more introspection, instead of wailing. Or both. Lamenting and asking for justice for Martin is understandable, but perhaps asking out loud, “what can *we* do to prevent this? Do we not make our victimhood self-fulfilling prophecy by adopting these attitudes?”
Zimmerman’s no hero to me, but I would say that the result allays my concern that the disproportionate and reckless sensitivity to “white on black” crime will permeate our justice system moving forward.
@46 Bro, I would never yell at you and if I did IT WOULD BE ALL CAPS SO AS YOU WOULD KNOW….(smile)….. @48 if you think I am on a bandwagon that avoids personal responsibility you’ve not read many of my words here…Martin got himself killed, and his killer was not guilty, that doesn’t mean his killer was innocent by any stretch of the imagination. What I don’t like and I have taken an extreme to the opposite in making my point, is that Martin has been demonized without a single prior arrest…meanwhile the son of the retired judge who miraculously had a felony charge disappear after entering an alcohol program is somehow portrayed as above reproach, I don’t find him any more guilty than any other spoiled rich kid who manages to get a pass after committing a felony crime that would get you imprisoned or at least on probation for a long time even with your entering a program, he wasn’t acquitted of felony resisting arrest with violence he was allowed to have it wiped out because he entered a program…. It appears because a lot of people don’t seem to much care for Martin, they sympathize with Zimmerman’s position and for them it’s okay that Zimmerman got away with felony resisting arrest with violence and being a wife beater because his dad got him in a program…that’s justice in America for lots of people, poor guys go to jail and the sons of judges, cops, and lawyers don’t….no worries I understand how the system works. Zimmerman didn’t commit a crime, a jury has spoken and that’s the deal, it doesn’t mean Zimmerman isn’t culpable and I suspect a civil trial might turn out far differently for Zimmerman. That actually fits my idea of personal responsibility, Zimmerman might not be criminally liable for killing Martin but his actions might be financially liable for the same action. Sometimes the things we do aren’t crimes but we still bear a responsibility to make them right. Perhaps this time Zimmerman might at least find himself financially responsible for his actions and… Read more »