Charlotte and Harriet Childress are morons

| March 30, 2013

In today’s Washington Post, Charlotte Childress and Harriet Childress, who are supposedly some sort of researchers, write a piece that is supposed to be about gun control, entitled “White men have much to discuss about mass shootings” because apparently, we all commit mass shootings.

When white men try to divert attention from gun control by talking about mental health issues, many people buy into the idea that the United States has a national mental health problem, or flawed systems with which to address those problems, and they think that is what produces mass shootings.

But women and girls with mental health issues are not picking up semiautomatic weapons and shooting schoolchildren. Immigrants with mental health issues are not committing mass shootings in malls and movie theaters. Latinos with mental health issues are not continually killing groups of strangers.

Each of us is programmed from childhood to believe that the top group of our hierarchies — and in the U.S. culture, that’s white men — represents everyone, so it can feel awkward, even ridiculous, when we try to call attention to those people as a distinct group and hold them accountable.

Apparently, these ditzes think all white men are prone to mass shootings, even though there have only been a handful of mass shooters. Of course, it’s supposed to be more about race than guns. But, what they forget is that white men are more likely to legally own their weapons, and most shootings, mass or otherwise, are perpetrated by criminals with illegal guns. Many of those criminals are not white males. Find that offensive? Well, don’t, it’s just the facts.

Run through the victims of the murders in the nation’s capitol who are killed in their neighborhoods by their neighbors. I’ll remind you that most guns are heavily restricted in DC, so what gun control laws will stop those shootings, mass or otherwise. I mean, those white mass shootings are usually perpetrated against white people, while the shootings which aren’t so mass are usually committed against people of color. More people of color are killed with illegal guns than white people murdered by mass shooters, but the national discussion on gun control (that won’t work) is initiated by and focuses on the killing of white people.

The real problem is the murder every year of thousands of people of color who are killed with illegal guns, while the focus of legislation is disarming legal gun owners who aren’t committing these crimes, who don’t live near or travel to the scenes of those crimes. Why? Well, because legal gun owners are more likely to obey the laws, and criminals never obey the laws. It’s easier to write legislation that people will obey.

These two women are racist morons, and the Post should be ashamed that they published this anti-intellectual drivel.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Jim Donald

But what if more mass shooters were black? What would you say then? I thought it was an interesting slant and one that would lead to a healthy discussion and/or debate.

NR Pax

And my dad wonders why I think college majors like Sociology and (Insert Noun Here) Studies should be downgraded to two year degrees only.


No immigrants?

Someone needs a better fact checker:

Zero Ponsdorf

Reading the Post link I started smelling something that I couldn’t quite place; so I read it again.

Finally dawned me what it was. Unicorn shit!

And, yes, I do know Unicorn shit when I smell it.


What makes those two silly women think that black Americans won’t commit mass murders?

Do they think those flash mobs running through shopping malls and getting into fights at sports events are just kids having fun?

Since when does mass murder have anything to do with skin color? Or have they conveniently forgotten their own mass murdered Idi Amin Dada?

And what about the genocides in Africa? Hutus vs. Tutsi? Huh? No mass murder there?

B Woodman

The WaPo? Ashamed of their biased libtard agenda “reporting”??
That’s their only reason for still being in existence and wasting ink and paper.


The lib-tards again are trying to divert the country’s attention by trying to steer the dialog away from the real problems involved in gun-violence: inadequate mental health care & criminals.

2/17 Air Cav

“Charlotte and Harriet are identical twins who live near each other in Oregon. They are active in their communities, serving on boards of public and historic parks, schools, and neighborhood and community organizations. They enjoy long walks, camping, commuting by bicycle/walking/bus, organic gardening, cycling, dancing, reading, needlework, backpacking, and cuddling with beloved cats and dogs.”


2/17 Air Cav

Identical twintards.


Liberals must be very proud of their idiocy, they perpetually parade it in front of everyone!!


This article is, bar none, one of the most offensive pieces of tripe I’ve ever read. Shoddy research, typical Liberal media spin, faulty conclusions, all combined with an inflammatory headline. Oh, and read the Comments section if you have a strong stomach.
Shame on the Washington Post for publishing this drivel.


Lets see now, Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others. I guess being
Korean is close enought to being white for them?

NR Pax

@14: Or he magically became a white man. Kind of like how Mother Jones magazine ignores shootings that get stopped by citizens because not enough people died.


Considering their statement is DNA-based, the argument can be made that they are racist. Equally racist was the comment made a while back about how minorities need to be scared because white men are hard-wired to kill everyone and everything that gets in their way – savage vikings meet gentle, pastoral empires of Aztecs, Chin, and Zulu.

Perhaps the sisters should not use newpapers and blogs for their source of information. Most gangland wars feature mass shootings of minorities by minorities. Checking LWOP and Death Penalty rolls, one finds a lot of men and women who shot people, one at a time, or in groups.

I declare these two women to be Ignorant F*cks.


OK We whites have gotten the message and those that have not will soon understand also.
The black race hates whites we know this now and will act accordingly.
All The progress made in race relations are now shown to be bullshit there was only progress on one side, the white side but since even if whites do good deeds for blacks whites will still be hated . So why even try to be fair and friendly to these people.
If one race hates another and no matter how hard that race tries to make everyone equal as per MLK the other race will persist in hate and teach it to their chillern’s. Much as the Palestinians do with their kids about Jews.
I guess it’s OK now for whites to hate blacks as much if not more than blacks hate whites.
What comes around goes around and then comes around again, only next time whites won’t be fooled.
I know I won’t be.


Women named Charlotte or Harriet have much to discuss about prostitutio since there are prostitutes with those names.

White women have much to discuss concerning preying on underage boys. Since a few teachers have had sex with their students, then obviously all women are sexual predators.

People need to begin to turn their twisted logic against them and expose how ridiculous their claims are.

CC Senor

Hmmmm, how do we classify the DC sniper? Although serial, he was mass in the aggregate. However he’s catagorized, I don’t think we can call him white.

Michael in MI

In today’s Washington Post, Charlotte Childress and Harriet Childress, who are supposedly some sort of researchers, write a piece that is supposed to be about gun control, entitled “White men have much to discuss about mass shootings” because apparently, we all commit mass shootings.

Interesting. So considering the vast majority of shootings across the nation are committed by Blacks, I expect a similar headline from these two entitled “Black men have much to discuss about gun crime”.

Not holding my breath on that, since that would be reporting facts.


From The Secular Right, DOJ report:
The most common gun violence, by contrast, is drearily predictable and is the source on average of nearly ten thousand homicides a year. Such violence occurs overwhelmingly in certain locations of cities—over the past 30 years in Boston, for example, 75 percent of the city’s shootings occurred in 4.5% of its area, whereas 88.5 percent of the city’s street segments experienced not a single shooting. Urban shootings are retaliatory or the product of the most trivial of slights. They are committed by handguns, not assault rifles. Victims and perpetrators usually know each other, absent bullets going astray. Reforming the involuntary commitment laws and beefing up mental health services are largely irrelevant to these shootings, since though the shooters have serious problems with impulse control and are clearly a danger to themselves and others, few would be deemed mentally ill. And both victims and perpetrators are disproportionately minority, by huge margins. New York City is emblematic of the country’s gun violence. According to victims and witnesses, blacks commit 80% of all shootings in New York, though they are 23% of the city’s residents. Add Hispanics and you account for 98% of all shootings. Whites commit a little over 1% of shootings, though they are 35% of the city’s population. These disproportions pertain across the country.

Joe Lammers

I read their article, it consists of cherry-picking facts, making tendentious arguments, and ignoring reality. Other than that it was spot on.

Old Trooper

@1: You thought wrong. However, using the progressive buzzwords of “healthy discussion”, I doubt that you could even think.


Perhaps someone should enlighten them that they may hang with the wrong crowd. If they actually spent time with white men they would know that plenty of white men (liberals, conservatives, and everything in between) have already had much discussion about mass shootings. Maybe they think that DiFi is the only one? What about Biden??

And I will take issue with calling these “researchers” morons. That is insulting to morons! These two have chosen to remain ignorant.

Hack Stone

Just going from memory, and verifying on the internet (thank you, Al Gore), I can recall instances of a white female going on a shooting spree.

16-year-old Brenda Ann Spencer, who fired at children in a school playground at Grover Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego, California on 29 January 1979, killing two adults and injuring eight children and one police officer. Another was Sylvia Seegrist, who opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle, killing two people and wounding eight others at a Springfield, PA mall in October 1985.


Here’s another example from around my neck of the woods…

2/17 Air Cav

Prior to my considering a read of their article, I did some research too. One look at them–they put the home in homely, and I concluded that the read would waste my time. Your comments support the correctness of that conclusion. I thank you all.


Dear Childress Cunts:

“At least 31 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 162 wounded and 72 killed”

Only worse than a Hack is a Racist Hack. I hope you both burn alive forever.

Hack Stone

Fen, you aren’t referring to me, are you?

No sweat, I know what you meant.


Given there are far more black-on-black, hispanic on hispanic, and even arab-on-arab murders every year than there are murders of any kind caused by whites, I think the two women are merely contemptible commie stooges…

And not the good kind…


Not even ALL mass murders are by white men:
. VA Tech was an Asian guy
. The DC snipers (John Allen Muhammed and Lee Malvo) were black
. Ft Hood, which they authors attribute to a “white male”, was committed by a Muslim of Middle Eastern origin. Racially white perhaps, but culturally unrelated to the others cited. Muslims in general, that’s another topic entirely

E6 type, 1 ea

After the smoke had cleared, a tally revealed that Essex had shot 19 people, including 10 police officers. New Orleans police later entered the residence of Essex at 2619½ Dryades St. and found the apartment completely covered from floor to ceiling with anti-white graffiti.


It is technically true that “most” mass killings in America are committed by white males, as whites outnumber every other race by quite a bit. But when 75% of the population accounts for only 60% of the mass killings, while another 12% accounts for 36%, you’d think there’d be a little more focus on the latter group. And query how many of Malvo and Muhammad’s victims might have been saved if that idiot police chief Charles Moose had not jumped to the conclusion that these two young black men driving a small blue car were absolutely, positively one white, middle-aged male driving a big white truck.


These ladies should temper their racist views regarding mass shooters with some facts regarding the black mass shootings that are ongoing in Chicago.

E6 type, 1 ea

and Detroit, and Compton, and New York City, and Washington DC, and St. Louis, and New Orleans, and Los Angeles, and Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, and…yeah…

Melissa N

I guess they forgot about another of the worse shooting in recent history…. where Mohammed and Malvo went around DC, MD and VA shooting random victims. Cowardly hiding in the trunk of a car shooting men, women and children…pumping gas..sitting on a bench…walking into school…..Were they white????? NO…evil resides in all races, to single out one race in such a manner is disgusting!! Shame on these two pigs!

Green Thumb

Par for the course.

Melissa N

And what about all that Kony crap last year bringing attention to the atrocities taking place in the Sudan and Uganda…..Joseph Kony is one of the worst mass murders in history. C and H are idiots… about the shooter at Virginia Tech……we can go on and on…again evil is found in all races. Personally I say shame on the Washington post for running this crap!!!


The problem is that white males can not face and accept the truth. Instead of looking at and trying to appreciate the the messages, they chose to attack the messengers. Unless they admit that white males benefit from lack of gun control, things such as mass shootings will continue.


@39 The “messengers” are ignorant fools. So are you, shit-for-brains.

Green Thumb


Your a turd.


Anyone bringing up Cho is foolish. We all know how idiots of a certain political persuasion mind’s work. 5 years is about the shelf life of their memory.


Addendum: What’s that you say? 100% of the shooters were mentally disturbed? Hog wash run the numbers again, there is a correlation to race in here somewhere, and by science I am going to find it. It’s our responsibility as west of center zealots to boil everything down to a race.

While the above is satire; I did love the part of the article where they complain that early US history is dominated by white people. Astonishing how demographics work isn’t it? It would be like me going to a history class in Nigeria and complaining that I don’t see many references to white people in the history of the country prior to the 1500s.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@39 Actually we should admit that every day more people die at the hands of black and hispanics than died in Newtown. If you want to be truthful, making it illegal to be black or hispanic between the ages of 14-35 in New York City would instantly stop 90% of the homicides in NYC. That number yearly is more than the last 10 mass shooting by white men.

It is true that crazy white men commit more mass murders and are more likely to be serial killers. No denying the truth.

But if we are talking about enacting legislation to stop murders that have the largest impact on saving lives my proposal has far more merit than the two “researchers” in the op-ed pages of the WP. My suggestion is also as reprehensible as their suggestion is. Because it lumps every single member of those two races into the same category as those who commit 90% of the murders in NYC each year. If a suggestion is ludicrous and racist when directed at blacks and hispanics, the same would hold if a similar suggestion is directed at whites.

These two “researchers” would have you believe that because less than a ten thousandth of a percent of a distinct racial population commits a certain type of crime that indicates that there is a fault within the entire group.

A substantially higher number of blacks and hispanics commit crimes on a daily basis, are we now going to initiate a discussion regarding the inherent flaws in blacks and hispanics that lead so many of them to become useless parasitical criminals? Or is that racist?

These two “researchers’ are full of sh1t, they know it, we know it, and so do you. When we intend to have an actual dialogue as to what the causes of murder are in the US we might be interested, if we are going to continue to play a rhetorical word play of “gotcha” nothing useful will happen.

But you already knew that, you’re just a f#cking troll after all.


Did anyone mention the Beltway Sniper and his little pal? They were both black, and picked random targets.


[…] mean, he’s a white guy who apparently converted to Islam and fits the profile of the Childress sisters so we should be discussing it, right? Oh, […]

Dave Search

Isn’t 300-500 dead a year mass murder? If so, then every major city is committing mass murder, but by the young black man and/or Hispanic youth. Rare that it is a white youth. Did the girls who wrote that crazy article think of that? How could they not?


Yeah, all those white men like Jiverly Wong, Eduardo Scencion, Chai Vang, Sueng Chi Ho, Omar Shariff Thornton, Jennifer San Marco, Colin Ferguson, Nidal Malik Hasan, and Jing Hua Wu.

Oh, wait.

The Childress twins are pure shit, masquarading as ‘researchers’.


Yeah, Colin Ferguson, forgot all about that clown.

pissed off

these women are ignorant and the whashington post need to be ashamed