Jim Carrey, America’s only Male Dixie Chick

| March 27, 2013

An infrequently funny but toothy and foul-mouthed Hollywood moron shot his career right between the eyes this week. Rubber-faced Jim Carrey administered a video coup de grás to his already lagging film future, with a last gasping breath, all to promote the Hollywood liberalism that has infected that culture for decades.

Stupidly, Mr. Carrey chose to immolate image and career with a poorly-produced, amateurish, video venture to attack an icon of the American conservative movement, Charleton Heston. Mr. Heston, an actor of exceptional accomplishments that a third-rater like Carrey could only dream of, famously defended the constitutional right of Americans to keep and bear arms. Foolishly, Carrey chose to mock Heston’s impassioned defense and to completely alienate forever all those Americans who revere that speech. A bit of advice Jimbo:

Don’t fool with Moses…

As should be expected, when a third-rate talent savages a talent of the first order, the attacker’s puerile yappings come as those of some frustrated little lap-dog terrier beloved of an old, out of touch, Hollywood dowager, who has lost her vision of the nation that made her wealthy. That’s understandable because Carrey, an equally out of touch Hollywood liberal with a personal armed bodyguard, doesn’t see any need for you or me, or any of those tens of millions of live-alones, including all our old widows and grandmothers across America, to share the necessary protections he so comfortably and constantly pays for to insure his personal safety. He can lay out hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to secure his safety, but you, you peasant, and your grandma, can’t spend $400.00 on a pistol for self-protection?

It’s the old limousine liberal double standard: lots of gun protection for me but not for thee.

Carrey’s views will no doubt be popular with the unicorn contingent in Europe, where a career that was already flat lining in his home country, may be minimally resurrected. He might be able to star in porn movies but I somehow doubt he lacks the requisite equipment. But hey, Europeans loved Jerry Louis and his similar rubberized facial antics didn’t they? Enjoy your stay there, Jim, while you wonder for the rest of your life what colossal stupidity swept through your brain to allow you to declare yourself a hated enemy of the movie-viewing public in America. The only Hollywood producer who will touch you now has to be dumber than you are.

Imagine the movie title: Dumb and Dumbest.

Jim Carrey you have achieved a unique status: America’s only male Dixie Chick.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Shitbags

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Is he American now, or still Canadian?


He lost it years ago, it’s just finally catching up with him. Too bad too cause Kick-Ass 2 looks like it might be better than the first one, now with Carrey’s remarks he lost a lot more viewers going to see it.

Old Tanker

More like a Chickie Dick….

As I heard a person on Fox put it. He has championed the anti vaccination craziness so he could literally be tied to over 100,000 measel’s deaths…..and he thinks Charlton has blood on his hands?


Jim Carrey? Isn’t he the guy that plays the same doofus white male in every movie he’s in? And now find he’s not really an actor – he’s that same doofus in real life.

/adding Carrey to my STA Team’s Tar & Feathers list, for when the walls come down


How I see this:

Carey along with Justin Beiber (another little punk I would love to see my 7 year old beat up) are just more friggin’ foriegners (Canadian or French … whatever … same thing) that love all the material things of our great country but hate everything else about it.

Carey … some words to consider …

Don’t Fu*k with:

Omega Man – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od_cApZQ-mo
Moses – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqCTq3EeDcY
Taylor – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cdmqn9JIuzc
Ben Hur – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huBZIFEfK4U
CAPT Matt Garth – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjofsqGsDvY

Anyone of these characters above would kick your ass in a NY minute or less.

It is the man below that you and your type should be worried about for he lives on in the hearts, souls, bodies, and minds of all American Patriots who know and understand the Constitution!

Patriot Heston – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORYVCML8xeE


Seriously, if you’ve seen Mask or Cable Guy, you don’t need to see any more of his stuff. Will just be the same stupid character in a different venue.


The only movie I like that has Jim Carrey in is “The Dead Pool”.


This guy is a king scumfuck. Gutfeld owned his ass on national tv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ8AxAqmQdg


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I am the most moderate person that visits here!

Jonn Lilyea

MCPO NYC USN (Ret.): the reason your comment went to moderation is because the spam filter saw all of those links in your post and just wanted to ask me if you were a guy or a spambot. Dont take it personally. Everyone who puts four or more links in a comment gets moderated – it’s one of my weapons against the thousands of spam comments I get every day.

B Woodman

When he played the over-the-top cartoonish character in “Mask”, I thought he’d hit his stride. Instead, I see that he’d just hit his peak. Most everything else has been downhill from there.


“The only Hollywood producer who will touch you now has to be dumber than you are.”

Hollywood will be fine without him. There’s no shortage of metrosexual weasel’s willing to prostitute themselves to promote Hollywood’s Stupid White Male meme. Maybe he can find a guest role filching Homer Simpson or Family Guy.


I won’t be watching future Jim Carrey movies that’s for sure. I’m thankful for the internet and twitter for allowing scumbags to show their true colors so I can act accordingly with my money.

Gregg Gutfeld owned his ass so hard on national tv. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ8AxAqmQdg


I won’t be watching future Jim Carrey movies that’s for sure. I’m thankful for the internet and twitter for allowing scumbags to show their true colors so I can act accordingly with my money.

Gregg Gutfeld owned his ass so hard on national tv. The clip of it is on youtube.


@ Twist … Nice … “Welcome to the Jungle”


I often wonder if the younger folk get some of references?


See “Mask” and “Liar, Liar”, and you’ve seen ’em all.Hasn’t done anything new in a decade or so. Yawn…..


#17 don’t forget “The Majestic” which highlighted the suffering of fellow travelers during the height of the Cold War and Soviet infiltration of our government.


He posted his drivel.
I added him to the “do not watch list”.

As another famous individual said.
“A Man’s Got to Know his Limitations.”


MCPO, I’m only 38 so I’m one of the younger folk here. 🙂


Not all of us younger folks are as good looking, talented, and drop dead gorgeous as myself and Spork MCPO, unfortunate as it is. When I was in HS, I was astounded by classmates who had never heard of Mogadishu, and only wanted to see Blackhawk Down because Josh Hartnett was in it, not because they’d get any credit for seeing the movie and doing a paper… I legit wanted to choke the fuck out of them


21 … oh … I guess this means that I am getting old!


@11 Agreed. Never saw anything after “Mask.” Wasn’t interested in the stupidity.

@21 A veritable BABE IN THE WOODS! 🙂


@22, I’m still astounded by the ignorance and lack of maturity of my generation.


Carey’s still making movies? Really? Huh….


He should just shut up and go back to protesting vaccinations for kids.


His movies were always hit or miss for me. He is one of the most type cast actors in Hollywood, and for good reason. Seems the only character anyone will pay him to play is a loud mouth doofus. Not surprising, since he’s a loud mouth doofus in real life. The only decent movies he’s ever made are his serious roles, rather than “comedy”. I will admit I really liked The Number 23. But all that aside, screw him if he doesn’t like what this country is all about.


cannoncocker: agreed. If he has a problem with US laws, he certainly has enough money to move back to his native Canada.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Another 4sshole in Hollywood? Who knew…

It is interesting to note that one of lines in the song: “Charlton Heston’s movies are no longer in demand”

And Jim Carrey’s are? If so by whom?

Another Hollywood douchebag who actually believes he matters more than the rest of us. We should not be surprised, after all a majority of our fellow citizens believe that actors, athletes, and reality TV “stars” are somehow worthy of note when it comes to lifestyles as opposed to their talent for pretending to be something they never were and never will be.

What they actually are in Hollywood, and various sports arenas around the nation are drug addicts, serial adulterers, liars, and felons. As our society reflects its’ chosen heroes more and more it’s no wonder the nation finds itself where it does these days.

Thus, Jim Carrey thinks his opinion means something because our society has trained him to believe it does, and that it carries more authority because of his celebrity.

When you worship the parasites in your society, the hangers on, the performers, the non-producers you lose the value of those who day in and day out actually DO perform the heavy lifting that a great nation needs to succeed.

When Caligula replaces Caesar, the empire is doomed.


This was an incredibly stupid and classless move by Carrey.


I had already seen “the Incredible Burt Wonderstone” before I heard about all this and, credit where it is due, Carrey was funny in it. I decided a long time ago that if I was going to forgo the works of those that I disagree with politically I might as well give up on most of popular culture. Lefties use their stranglehold on the media to their advantage and we have an uphill battle in that regard, but I’m not going to feel any guilt about allowing them to entertain me. I’m an NRA member, which is an explicitly political stance, but i don’t want to live my entire life making every decision based on some political calculus-that’s how the left lives (or claim that they do), screw that.


Typical Hollywood type. Gets rich and famous and think that makes him smart too. So he decides he needs to share his new found wisdom with all of us dumb hicks who do not have the benefit of his superior smarts. And goes after Mr. Heston, a true film icon and civil rights champion before he became an advocate for the NRA. What Jim Carrey does not understand is that Mr. Heston had something that he is sorely lacking. A real set of balls and deeply held convictions that he did not compromise. Mr. Carrey and those of his ilk are the worst kind of phoney, they are preaching to a choir that agrees with them 100% and calling it groundbreaking. Same shit, different asshole.


@8 The Deadpool was the first thing I thought of. He was darn good in it–for those 5 minutes. I can’t get this new video to play for the life of me though.


@31: I’m with you. With few exceptions, I don’t apply political filters to my entertainment choices. Life’s too short for that.

Entertainers are basically trained monkeys and I don’t really care what the political opinions of monkeys are, I just want to watch them dance and fling poo.

First thing I remember Jim Carrey from was being the token white guy on “In Living Color” in the early 90’s.


Fire Marshal Bill has nothing on Ben Hur!

A Proud Infidel

Jim Carrey just joined my boycott list right alongside Jane Fonda, Sean Penn, Rosie O’Donut, *BURP!* Streisand,….


He has as much right as anyone else to express his opinion. We can point and laugh when it is this stupid. He may not like it, but if that is the case perhaps he should spend some time considering consequences in the real world?

The Dead Man

Well, he’s one of the few people that can legitimately be said to have talked out of his ass, is this really that surprising?


“Charlton Heston’s movies are no longer in demand” – Jim Carrey

“He’s dead, Jim” – Bones McCoy

2/17 Air Cav

He had a few funny bits in SNL long ago. And there was that movie where he played a cartoon character: The Mask. I liked that. But as Poetrooper suggested, he is no actor. He’s a dufus on film. You want to see real actors? Go watch any Heston or De Niro movie. Those guys, as they say, could captivate audiences by merely reading a phone book aloud on stage.


“Charlton Heston’s movies are no longer in demand”

Yep it’s not like Ben Hur, The Ten Commandments, El Cid, Soylent Green, and Planet of the Apes are being constantly be aired on TV. I think Carrey is just jelouse that Heston has more relevance years after his death than Jim has while he is still alive.


Jim Carrey is a stereotype, and not the worst out there. At most, he’s guilty of being a hypocrite. He’s in Hollywood, home to Hollywood Accounting, Hollywood Tax Breaks, and where most of the people pretend to be someone or something else – not exactly a den of honor, integrity, or consistency.

The guy went from being a dirt poor Canadian to an extremely rich American with luck, and perfecting the Doofus routine. Heston had to act – he lived among giants. Carrey? He competes with Pixar, Disney, and the Hangovers.

Best thing to shut up Hollywood: reform Hollywood accounting and remove all their tax breaks.


Poetrooper-sorry, I am not going too minutely examine every choice I face for the possible political implications. “The personal is the political” is the battle cry of lefties everywhere and fundamentally totalitarian-I refuse to live my life on those terms.

Oh-and “Jews and Leni Rheifenstahl “? Seriously?!? Laughing at Jim Carrey does not rise to the level of battling fascism. We ought also to be careful not to devolve into Manichaeism.

Old Trooper

Let us not forget that Heston was in front marching down South during the civil rights movement. Something Carrey would be too chickenshit to do, if he were around then.


An irrelevant, bombastic jerk whose schtick got old twenty years ago.


#43 and #44: the short answers to the Reifenstahl question are: yes, and later no.

“‘She had forgotten entirely that she was not the only one who made that picture; that there were Jewish people involved like the great Béla Balázs, who directed all the scenes she was in and Carl Mayer. But the fact that The Blue Light got bad reviews from Jewish critics influenced her so much that she went entirely over into the Nazi camp, even though she had Jewish collaborators.'”



Poetrooper-“most blatant” is your descriptor, but if you meant by it that Jim Carrey equals Leni Riefenstahl, then I obviously disagree. And frankly this is something that the left does constantly when they equate “wrong” with “evil”. I’m inclined to give Carrey the benefit of the doubt of being merely wrong here and I can live with that.

Anyway, “the incredible Burt Wonderstone” can hardly be called propaganda. I enjoyed myself and that was the end of it. What Carrey does with the money he makes from the movie is separate from my enjoyment. Hell, I can watch “Battleship Potemkin” and enjoy it while understanding that it was pro Soviet propaganda.

The other day I was listening to NPR while they picked apart “The Searchers” as racist and one of the callers denounced John Wayne for something he said in a Playboy interview. Well, it’s her business if she wants to deny herself the pleasures of the Duke’s movies over his politics, but I think it’s pretty stupid. I don’t care for Matt Damon’s idiotic politics either, but I would have missed a treat if I’d have taken a pass on the new “True Grit” because of it. As Martinjumpr said above-life’s too short.

SrA Tom

You know I’ve got a quote from 1 Corinthians 13 v11, that seems fitting, “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” Safety is something provided for us when we are children. When you become a man, it is on you to provide safety, for yourself and family. Charlton Heston was a man, and he took a moral stand. He fought for an idea which was and is, unfortunately, unpopular. He stood up for his beliefs and we admire him for it. Jim Carrey, is a child, attacking something he doesn’t understand, and an obnoxious little turd. A dingleberry on the asshairs of America. I think that Gregg Gutfield is right, Carrey is a moral coward, and his weakness should not be allowed to spread any further.

2/17 Air Cav

@49. I draw the line at certain actors. That knucklehead… what’s his name…(I had to ask my wife just now. I kid you not.)…Tom Cruise and his female counterpart Susan Sarandumb. I can’t watch either one. They turn my stomach. I’m willing to deny myself their talent. I think I’ll survive–and so will they.