Why is the USO trying to bully a military blogger into shutting down his blog?

| March 27, 2013

NEWEST UPDATE:   See the latest, its all Kumbaya and love arrows. Once I finally got the right person talking to me, it got resolved in 30 minutes.


As I said in a separate updated post…
Not only is it back on, as Penny from Big Bang Theory would say, “It’s junior rodeo on.”
I’ll have more tomorrow, but if I post right now, well meaning people would have me committed to an asylum.

The portion I took down will go back up tomorrow.

Someone from the USO has finally responded, albeit not through the email that I have supplied them on 5 occasions now:

Hi everyone! We’ve looked into the matter, have discovered the source of the misunderstanding and are remedying the confusion now!

This post may go the way of the dodo at some point, since again, we didn’t want to attack the USO, only get to the root of the problem. So, it is possible that what was up here might get replaced with the official explanation from the USO. Hopefully have more later.


Edited for now, pending explanation from USO. I hate to do that, but even more, I hate to malign an organization for the acts of what appear to be one individual. It is saved, and might reappear later.

Category: Politics

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I can’t wait to see what was edited out. TSO just pulled a “I have a secret to tell you…..ahhh never mind” on us.


Wow. That is truly disgusting.


Someone already pissed in my wheaties and now, this? Picking on Ranger Up’s Nick and Sniper? Wrting a letter during my lunch…Tax season sucks.


I suspect you have their attention now and possibly a few levels up from the initiating individual.
Ball is in their court.


Just what is it they’re afraid of?


No win situation for USO now.
Their best COA is to apologize and back out as gracefully as possible.


In a few years when they notice your post coking up on google they are going to get really mad at you!


I figured as much, TSO. My curiosity meter just had gotten pinged.


And to think, I just applied for a job with these turd earring Commies


Timely. I have on my desk an envelope with a check in it that I was just getting ready to take to the PO. Mr Sloan D. Gibson wrote to ask me to donate again and he’d send me a tote bag. Guess I won’t be getting a tote bag. Can I line through “USO” and write “Wounder Warrior Project”?


I questioned them on the USO facebook page. We’ll see if it stands.


SJ: probably best to void that check and write another one. (smile)

Sadly, if memory serves I sent the USO my normal annual donation about a month ago. I’ll have to look at the checkbook register when I get home today.

Of course, they did send me a prepaid envelope the other day – which I haven’t yet gotten rid of. Maybe I can put it to good use for a letter.

Parachute Cutie

@12 SJ – line through USO and write “Defenders of Freedom”

Doc Bailey

It kind of sickens me. I truly LOVE the USO, and the one at DFW was top notch. But this is too douchetastic not to talk about.


Here’s a clue for whoever at the USO: focus on accomplishing your mission instead of engaging in behavior which appears excessively juvenile. (Is it only me who is hearing whiny stuff like “He’s looking at me!” and “She touched me!” in the background?)

Sure do miss the old days when actual grown-ups ran things.

B Woodman

#12 SJ,
Just shred/tear up the old check, and write a new one to Wounded Warrior.
But be sure to send the envelope (already addressed and stamped) to USO with a letter explanation as to why they’re not getting a donation. Stoopidity should hurt, and actions should have consequences.


From their “Contact Us” page:

United Service Organizations
P.O. Box 96322
Washington, DC 20090-6322

I’m guessing if you put the line “Sloan D. Gibson, President” above the line reading United Service Organizations it might get to his office.

And, for what it’s worth: this page has a link to what seems to be an e-mail address. That address appears to be for someone named “Sloan D. Gibson” (mouse over the underlined name above the picture).


TSO: glad to be of assistance, amigo.

On another matter: did you ever get my e-mail on the fireman guy?


Mrs TSO … first my condolences … can’t imagaine what it is like living with TSO. Keep your chin up on this issue don’t let the turkeys get you down … The Military Spouse Flies with the Eagles!

TSO … Stand by Your Principles … You Will Never Fall Dow!

Former 3364

Wounded Warrior is getting my CFC money this year. I tried to check out the link but The Sniper is blocked on my network.


Could this perhaps be a misunderstanding? Maybe they meant to just have the blog entries mentioning the USO/USO girls taken down vice the entire blog.

The Sniper

Military computer systems find my blog naughty because I sometimes write using the same vocabulary that I spoke with in the infantry.


TSO: sorry to hear you’ve been ill. Hope the codeine-inspired dreams were good ones. (smile)

I’ll retrans the e-mail in case you missed it.


I just wanna donate a few bucks to whomever is responsible for this, and Sniper’s blog. You guys take a few bucks via paypal? Today, JUST today (maybe tomorrow) I don’t feel very furloughed.


From a corporate perspective, it is vitally important that they send demand letters to anyone who may be improperly using a trademark or brand without permission. Mark holders need to police their marks in order to maintain their rights. So I get the general point. Demand letters are rarely nice, and should be straight to the point and unemotional.

However, the USO does not appear to be getting good legal advice on their trademark enforcement based on two things: 1) the go-between; and 2) the entire blog. From a purely legal standpoint, a demand letter sent via certified mail that identifies the mark, the owner, and the violations are sufficient, as well as the demand for an immediate removal of all offending references. It serves no legal function to use go-betweens. That’s my two-cents anyway.


In lieu of monetary donations, how about cigars and whiskey to the Sniper and his Legal Counsel?


It’s horrible that the USO would not only attack a veteran with no apparent attempt at recociliation over a situation that should be simple to resolve, but would even take away his First Amendment rights. I wonder why their reaction is so out-of-proportion to the supposed offense? Something isn’t right here. Maybe a closer look needs to be taken into the beauracracy — and finances — of the USO.


Hi everyone! We’ve looked into the matter, have discovered the source of the misunderstanding and are remedying the confusion now!


@24: You might want to reconsider supporting wounded warrior project considering they are very anti second amendment refusing donation from firearms manufacturers and any religious institutions.


I don’t think this is about using the USO name in a blog. Trademarking something with the TM mark is what you do with a product you’re selling and there’s a time limit on how long the TM is good for. At some point, it has to be renewed. The USO has been around since WWII. It’s non-profit group, not a product, and since you left some stuff out of your article, TSO, I can’t make head nor tail of it, particularly when the blog post by Sniper is over four years old. That sounds a bit precious on their part to me.

I’m with Sniper. I despise bullies for the cowards they are.
However, since you sent three e-mails, which have all been ignored, I’d send a certified and registered letter with a signature return card attached demanding an answer to your e-mails. If that isn’t forthcoming, then go for it.


Turned me off to the organization.

Miss Ladybug

WWP is also not very good on financial disclosure. If you really want to support the troops, donate to Soldiers’ Angels. You can do it through the CFC, too (#25131).


@36 – Thanks for the information! That is terrible of them to refuse support from religious organizations.

Beyond the physical and emotional wounds, getting spiritual support can also… (dare I write it?)… work miracles.


Hey all http://www.projecthealingwaters.org can use the money!!!!
How do I get a few dollars to sniper for beer cigars and bandwidth?

2/17 Air Cav

“Sloan is a 1975 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. He earned both Airborne and Ranger qualifications and served as an infantry officer in the U.S. Army. He earned a Masters in Economics from the University of Missouri in Kansas City and a Masters in Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.” That’s what the USO homie page (Leadership) says about him.

Forbes.com says this: “Sloan’s compensation for the fiscal year that ended 31 Dec 2010 was $477,736.”


2/17 Air Cav: meh. According to their 2010 annual report, the USO had revenues of over $334M in 2010 and showed a 32% increase in revenues over the previous year. Given that, paying the CEO less than 0.15% of revenues doesn’t seem particularly out of line.



I just came over from Blackfive. Wondering what the original issue is? I see that The Sniper will not be backing down.

We over here at North Carolina Outward Bound Veterans and Service Members Program could use the donation money. Long story short: We send OEF/OIF vets on outdoor adventure courses for free. Check us out: http://www.ncobs.org/veterans

Check out the video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JuQ_O-uhvA&feature=youtu.be

We have a good relationship with USO-NC.


Forgive the cynic in me,but do we know the IP address of that “gushing” post above at #35? That is just juvenile and immature. Sorry, no PC in my body. Remedy the confusion? There was no confusing that indeed they threatened the freedom of speech of a blogger who was doing no harm. JHC. UFB. And my Wheaties continue to turn to mush.


DefendUSA: the IP checks out to the NoVA/DC area. I’m thinking it’s legit and was done by a young and relatively junior employee, perhaps a PR-type.

2/17 Air Cav

@43. The pdf of the glossy report doesn’t say much that the USO doesn’t want said. That’s the PR stuff. The 990 and Form L with the details of itemized stuff is where the goodies are found but charities have a nasty habit of not completing the L form. Any charity that pays more than twice the average CEO charity salary of $150,o00 (Charity Watch) is an eyebrow raiser to me. But maybe that’s just me. I had a similar issue with the CEO of United Way and the Boy Scouts. Let these Charity CEOs come to the jobs post retirement– after they’ve made their fortunes doing something else. Again, maybe that’s just me.


Yeah, well, Hondo, I’m still in the mood to tell someone to go to Helen Wait.


PS. You may want to watch this vid as well.

Outward Bound through the eyes of some of the guys from the 173rd Airborne Brigade who went on course in September 2011.


If you want to support the good work the USO does without supporting the national administration that stepped in it on this, send your donation to the nearest local USO. A dirty little secret is that donations to the National USO mostly go to things like the big tours and DC-area events, etc. Most local USO facilities are almost entirely funded by local, direct donations. As far as I know, they only get money from National if they work together on something like a targeted mailing or a newspaper insert. Most local facilities are kept aloft by their donor list and local businesses.