Election Night Live Blog

| November 6, 2012

All are welcome, come on in after 8:00pm

Here is a list of poll closing times across the nation on Nov. 6, 2012. All times are ET.

7:00 pm: Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia
7:30 pm: North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia
8:00 pm: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee.
8:30 pm: Arkansas
9:00 pm: Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming
10:00 pm: Iowa, Montana, Nevada, Utah
11:00 pm: California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington
1:00 am: Alaska

Thanks to the 280 of you who spent time with us tonight.

Category: 2012 election

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Not looking good so far…


The networks are not supposed to make projections, but they do it anyway.


Some of these projections are strange: 59% Romney 33% Obama and Obama is the Projected Winner??


Romney seems to be getting the popular vote


@3 Which state is it? Some of the states are solidly blue (or red), and it’s easy to call. Plus, the networks have the by-the-district votes and can make more informed ‘guesses’ than you or I with just percentages of total votes. In short, their reputation depends on it, so while they’re not ALWAYS right, generally ones called this early on are correct.


Whoa, Romney’s coming on strong now…


Under the assumption that non-swing states go as expected, with NH now being called for Obama, a FL win will give him the victory, regardless of all other swing states.

Map: http://elections.nytimes.com/2012/results/president/scenarios


Well, folks, I hear the fat lady warming up. Call me a pessimist, but this one is done. Good night.


Yahoo page has Romney leading now, 186 electoral votes to Obama’s 158.



Obama leaps over Romney, now leads electoral 227 to 183


The good news is the Congress. At least we didn’t blow that one. GRIDLOCK IS GOOD. Remember that. Boehner had better have some stones.



That is all.


He clearly cornered the moron vote…


Time to start thinking about Secession ladies and gentlemen, certainly would be better than the current idiot in chief.


Is sippy gone? Good.

Take these things into consideration before you pack up and head for Tasmania.

The results are not in. The numbers that are being published are based on exit polls, not on actual votes counted. There are still provisional ballots to be counted as well as absentee ballots. These along can change results, and have done so in the past. I’ve been trying to find a site that has a reasonably accurate vote tally, and the closest I’ve got to it is WaPo, but the internet is so clogged with traffic from tweets and Fb posts that it’s slower than molasses in January. Alaska’s polls haven’t closed as yet, either. The biased reporting of all the networks doesn’t have anything to do with the actual results.

I’m just saying it ain’t over ’til it’s over. Things can change in the blink of an eye.


EX-PH2, for the sake of this country I hope you’re right. If not, at least we know his days in the WH are numbered, the question is can we hang on until then?


@15 If it were just MSNBC calling it, I’d have given that some serious consideration, but when FOX called it… well, it’s done. I imagine Florida might actually flip with provisional ballots counted, but it doesn’t matter — Obama has it without FL.

Sure, anything can happen. Kate Upton might knock on my door tonight and suggest we get it on. I’m not going to stay up waiting for that remote possibility, though.


Anon, you better stay up, I just dropped her off in front of your house.


OK, I made a forecast on “Get out the Vet” at #79. I can copy it here, if you want me to, but it’s late, the net is so clogged with traffic I can hardly get in or out of it.

It’s not just provisional and absentee ballots, it’s the actual results. The probability of fraud in this election is higher than it has been in a long time. Wait a few days. Watch for it to start.

So I’m sticking to what I said in that post, which means that even if Bo is the actual winner after ALL the votes are counted, as Redacted says, his days are numbered.

I do not see him having a full term, but worst case scenario is that we’ll have another four years of gridlock and incompetence, regardless, and perhaps by then, people will be blaming Bo instead of Bush. Karmic law says that the energy from everything you do goes out into the universe and comes back to land on you nine times over. There’s a lot of bad karma going on here, even if you don’t believe in that kind of thing. It’s the ‘what goes around, comes around’ thing. You do shit — you get shit.

I know that everybody feels disappointed, but the sun is going to come up tomorrow. (Sorry, couldn’t resist it.)

We’re in for another rough winter, if the long-term forecast is right, so stock up now. We had a very bad summer everywhere in the US this year. All it takes is a couple of years like that and more nasty storms with little or no help for the victims, and — now, do you see where I’m going? It’s the ‘what goes around, comes around’ thing. You pull shit — you get shit.

You all have a good night. I have chapter 2 of “Babes and Bullets” to finish, and chapter 3 to start tomorrow, and I need some sleep.


Romney is currently giving a gracious concession speech. It’s over.


Wow we and our freedoms are in big trouble. God will be mad now and we have to answer to him and he does not have to answer to us. It was nice to know you Bill of Rights.

Common Sense

We had an election party tonight. It was fun, despite the very disappointing outcome. We pretty much lost at every level.

The only conclusion I could come up with is that there are now too many people on the public dole that want to continue to get their freebies without having to work for them. Now that Obama and his ilk have 4 more years to pad those numbers, we have lost completely.

My daughter said tonight that she wishes we had a place where we could go ‘John Galt’. But we don’t. Maybe those that actually work should quit and join the rest. I guess we just do the best we can until the US becomes Greece or we’re taken over by China or nuked by Iran.


I have only four words:



All right, listen up. That’s enough self-pity. Stop it.

I admit that I’m very disappointed, too.

But I also recognize that people still blame Bush for everything that went wrong, when it was inevitable because there was so much financial mischief going on, and no one even tried to stop it.

He got blamed for it, but I don’t think he could have stopped it because he didn’t know how to put the thumbscrews on Congress to get the legislation passed that could have stopped it.

But Obama, because he doesn’t have a clue, is letting the Bush tax cuts expire and sequestration is going to happen. This will put us, and possibly the world, into the slide over that proverbial financial cliff coming up in January. That can be absolutely devastating to all of us, not just here in this country, but EVERYWHERE.

And guess who will be in office when it happens? And who will get blamed for it?

Ah hah! Now, you see where this leads.

I wouldn’t be in his shoes right now for anything.

Karma is a very unforgiving bitch, especially when you refuse to learn the lessons she provides.

And remember, you have four more years to make a salad out of his name, like Obamarama and Bananahammock.



That’s the kind of class I’ve come to expect from Liberals.


Aaaah…. I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning! Smells like… victory!


@25- How many times have I been called a fool, naive, stupid etc. etc. for maintaining that President Obama was going to win?

Probably about the same amount of times that i was called a fool for maintaining that Obamacare was going to be ruled constitutional.

Don’t even try and pretend that you all were going to be consoling if it came out the other way.

I was wrong about one thing… I said it would be over 300 electoral votes. It looks like it is going to be WAY over 300 electoral votes as I believe he’s going to nab Florida as well.

And it looks like we have an excellent chance of adding two seats in the Senate.

But i have a solution for you! Run farther to the right!


Again, in victory you show your breeding. Congrats.


Fine… I shall make an attempt to lift your spirits:

At least Obamacare covers clinical depression!

How was that?


I find your use of the word schadenfreude appropriate. You are aware it means taking pleasure in the suffering of others, I would guess. Otherwise you wouldn’t have used the word.

Great. You’ve shown us what kind of person you are. Are you here to drive the point home?


Insipid is the kind who cuts off his nose to spite his own face. Remember your words when the there’s no money left for freebies and you and your’s have to shift for themselves.


insipid … stop with the glory on high crap. Lets see what happens!


Great. Four more years of an empty-suit talking head as POTUS – sorta like “Max headroom without the wit”. With a sidekick who’s just as much an empty shirt.

Just freaking great.


Sippy–I’m glad you’re happy. But remember this, m’boy–you OWN this shit now.

No more blaming Bush. No more painting Romney as a Jesus-freak.

It’s all on YOU. And when the economy turns to warm runny shit worse than it already is now, and it will, mark my words, you’ll have nobody to blame but yourself and all those people who voted for four more years of teh stoopid.

As for me, I’m fine. Not really upset one way or the other, but I am investing heavily in canned food and shotguns. Good thing my property has lots of trees on it because I think I’m going to be going through them instead of heating oil a LOT more. Deer, turkeys, and even bear are around, and they’re all good eatin. I’ve got a garden in the summer, I know how to can, and I’ll get by.

What will all the welfare queens do when we’re well and truly fucked? Maybe they can call for help on their Obamaphones, but don’t expect anybody to give them the answers they want.

C’est dommage, sippy. Revel in your “victory” now, because I guarantee you and about 300 million people won’t be laughing much very soon.


So, suddenly in America, Failure is not only an option, but the preferred option. The American people have decided that sexual deviancy, recreational drug abuse, and political revenge are worthy heirs to the lofty ideals of true patriots. I will forever more hold any allusion to the supposed wisdom of the American public suspect.

The nation that has in the last 75 years rescued the world from the scourges of necrotic fascism and black-hearted Russian Sovietism is no longer a nation, but a fractured and descending meteor soon to dissipate through small, heated moments into the next fine layer in history’s implacable dustbin. Your country is a derelict hulk piloted by naive and malignant impulse toward the un-submerged reef of moral implosion and fiscal collapse.

Dance while you may.


SECEDE! SECEDE! SECEDE! Romney won the popular vote, time to secede from this union before it breaks any further.


On the bright side, the fact that Romney won the popular vote shows that over 50% of voters are not dumb asses.


It just gives reason for secession. Over 50% of voters wanted Obama out. Electoral college be damned, lets secede



Romney lost popular vote by around 2.5M. Florida results won’t change margins.


Almost every talking head is saying demographics is destiny –
Romney lost >90% of Blacks, > 70% hispanics, > 55% white women, and even 40% white men…GOP has some really serious thinking on what they need to do to stay competitive in national elections. Some statistic I heard last night was 50K hispanic males turning 18 every month…if 70% of them vote Democrat…GOP will be blown out.

Bill O’Reilly on to something when he stated to the effect last night “We’re not JFK’s ask what you can do for your country, but fast becoming a nation that wants stuff from the gov’t”.


Devtun, thanks for ripping the silver lining out of my cloud.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I am disappointed to be sure, but I am hoping that I am proven wrong about Obama and that the next four years lead to prosperity for everyone. It was clear that Obama did not work towards bi-partisan legislative efforts during his first term in spite of the rhetoric. Perhaps now without re-election pressure he will encourage his party to do so. I am not holding my breath, but I certainly can hope I am wrong and that he will change the nature of his party and that the opposition party will be receptive to those efforts and we might actually get something of value done this time. There will be many post-mortems on this election by the Republicans, which is appropriate. Losing the white house and the senate should encourage such consideration. The lesson should the Republicans choose to hear it is simple to me (although my perception is no doubt colored by my world view) the elections of the future hinge on women and hispanic votes. George Bush felt the Republicans were wrong on immigration and he said so, and was derided by some fellow Republicans for doing so, but he served 8 years and his words should carry some weight on this topic. Women’s issues being discussed by candidates like Akin and Mourdock put a face on the party of out of touch cranky/crazy religious right white guys. If that’s the face the republicans continue to put forth this outcome will become very familiar moving forward. Romney was an electable candidate, and a good man. Forcing him to fit into a platform that he did not subscribe to completely was pretty obvious. Rik is clearly not happy with the outcome but he touches on a simple reality, America has changed. I am not convinced it has changed as irrevocably as he suggests and I would point out that many of our founders were hypocrites at times and not always god-like idealists. The democrats also need to understand there was no mandate last night, half the people don’t want Obama as their president. Failure to be graceful in… Read more »


@ Devtun: The demographics issues is clearly the big one, and simply raises the question of what IS the GOP? Many claim it’s the party of small government – if so, well, you can be the party of small government, and still shift your stance on immigration. (Or gay rights. Or women’s health.) With the margins in some states being a mere 1% or so, that means only 1 out of 200 people need to shift their vote, and any one of those could do it, and none are ‘small government’ issues.


@41 Twist

Sorry bro. I really thought Karl Rove and Dick Morris would be correct about depressed Democrat identification – instead it was D+6….down, but not nearly enough.

BTW, Colorado I think is a blue state now…they have maybe the fastest growing hispanic population in nation, and they are only state to approve proposal to legalize marijuana…looks very bad for GOP.


@26- From this comment, it appears that Insipid actually knows what he was pulling for, unlike 99% of the useful idiots.


@ #45: Yes, that is what makes the true believers so dangerous. The uninformed can, at least in theory, be educated. The true believers, not so much. They mostly suffer from an incurable mental disease which demands that they make everyone else as miserable in life as they are.


@42 I admire your optimism, but this is no time for it. An enraged grizzly bear emerges from the bush – proclaiming “Look, a squirrel!” isn’t going to keep one from being eaten.

George Bush, bless his heart, and all the Bushes believe that caving to a population that isn’t here legitimately is somehow going to be the salvation of the Republican Party. It may be, which signals my exit from the Republican Party. Of course, that’s “racist.” Of course it is. When someone – anyone – agrees that the principles matter, not the demographics, then we can have a sincere discussion. But look at the actual, applied reality here. A coalition of special interests bribes low-information voting blocs into voting for the elimination of the underpinnings of American success – individual effort, personal accountability, civility, fiscal restraint, limited government, etc.

I haven’t always voted republican, but I have never voted democrat. In fact, every election since the elder Bush has been about the less bad choice, not any real enthusiasm for Republican candidates. So don’t paint us ideological Bush-loving robots. For those that embrace limited government, in

And thank you for pointing out that “hypocrite” bit. No sophomore level discussion of politics would be complete without it. Of course people have contradictory traits – “true patriots” isn’t a reference to three cornered hats, knee breeches, and cheesy Mel Gibson movies. Get over that. True Patriots, friend, refers to the here and now.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@47 I think we are in agreement about the lesser of two evils choices of recent presidential elections. I voted for Romney, and I don’t believe you to be a racist. I hope you did not infer from my remarks that was my intent. I prefer a limited, less involved government myself. I am probably more libertarian than republican just not a Ron Paulian in any way shape or form. By hypocrite I meant many of us, myself included, quote the founders quite religiously when voicing our dissent with current events. Take that how you will, I only meant even the best men are flawed in some areas. I would disagree that caving in to a population that is here illegally was what I was discussing. There is a large legal population of hispanic voters that increases with each election cycle. My experience is that the hispanic voter is a religious, family oriented voter by and large. The difference is that they view the issue of getting to America as an immigrant differently than I do, that someone here illegally to find a better life is less a criminal in their eyes than mine. Consequently it makes sense to find a common ground that creates a path to citizenship for those illegals and secure our borders better to create a more difficult path to get here illegally in the first place. I don’t see that as abandoning a principle anymore than deciding it was wrong to write that some of the population was valued at 3/5ths the rest the population and remove that law from the books. Laws change, they are not etched in stone they are woven into the fabric of the nation’s character. Fabrics weather and fade as new ones are sewn in. Perhaps we have a fundamentally different perception of the law. The point of my post was that the nation is changing whether republicans like it or not, that’s a fact. We can choose to adapt, or we can choose to dig in. If we choose to dig in, yesterday’s results will be a common occurrence… Read more »


Hey, the sun DID come up. How about that?!?

The news people have repeatedly mentioned Obamacare this morning. Maybe the mindset on that was that it’s free, which it isn’t. They’ve forgotten that they still have to pay for it. And it won’t be cheap, either.

The GOP needs to find women and men who aren’t mired in some idealized past that no longer exists, or existed only in their minds, if it wants to attract more middle-of-the-road voters in all population demographics, including women.

The Democratic party is moving so widely to the left of center that if the GOP makes a concerted effort, it can regain its position. That means recruiting people who operate on something called common sense, which seems to have left the building.

When you guys stop crying, let me know, OK? I’ve got a big box of tissues for you.


Like the cartoon says, it looks like at least half of Americans believe in Socialism. I’m sure they’re very happy this morning.

But where are the other half going to go? Now we have no country.