That green-on-blue attack this morning
So, this is how I’m hearing that the attack happened this morning. A sergeant first class and a contractor approached an ANA checkpoint and struck up a conversation with the officer in charge of the outpost. In mid-sentence, the ANA officer shot the contractor and the sergeant first class, who went down returning fire.
As the sergeant first class was shot, the entire 17-man Afghan unit opened fire on the US convoy which was passing through the checkpoint. Three other soldiers were injured, and one is critical.
That means that there were 17 m’er f’ers who had slipped through the system that we were assured was in place to weed out the goat raping thugs who planned on killing Americans. 17 of them in one unit.
But, don’t worry, because General John Allen is “mad as hell” about it;
ISAF commander General John Allen told US 60 Minutes program in an interview recorded before the latest incident, and scheduled to be aired today, that insider attacks were unacceptable.
“I’m mad as hell about them, to be honest with you,” he said. “We’re willing to sacrifice a lot for this campaign, but we’re not willing to be murdered for it.”
I hope he cleared his anger with the White House, because it was just a few weeks ago Jay Carney told us that the casualties from the “insider” attacks was “negligible” in terms of the strategy.
So, I guess if you ignore the problem long enough, it’ll become the strategy after a while, huh?
By the way, if you’re looking for a link to the report of how that attack happened this morning, there won’t be one. Either take my word for it or don’t. I know their names and the unit, too, but I’m not sure if the NOK has been notified yet because I don’t see the names anywhere.
Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Prayers for our fallen and I hope there are now 17 dead ANA.
No one “slipped” through the system.
Given the fluid nature of Afghan loyalties, somewhere between half to three-quarters of the ANA is/was Taliban-Mujahedeen-Communist-Royalist. I hyphenate because their loyalty is purely a function of environment and who is the strongest tribe.
These growing green on blue murders are open declarations that the ANA (which is still tribal and controlled by warlords) is positioning itself to be something other than just a pawn in the post-America hell that is to come.
Words fail me. How much more are we expected to endure?
The only loyalties the goat rapers are to their goats. DOGS each and every one of them. Bring our boys and girls home now. F#ck them right in their goat raping a$$es and let them slaughter each other like the animals they are.
@4. “Bring our boys and girls home now.” You said what I am reluctant to say. I do not know why I have been reluctant to say that. I honestly don’t. But if Jonn’s account is even only half accurate, that’s enough of this. Enough.
I say we take off, and nuke the whole site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
And I’m only half joking about that.
This is bullshit.
I feel as though I am reliving the early 70’s. We should have pulled out from SEA earlier also. Give Nixon some creit for ending that debacle. Only difference is our troops are not spit on or called baby-killer now. I also wonder where are the protestors -about the only ones I know are military, or closely connected to the military.
Sparky, since my father was a WW II vet I am/was a student of the war and I believe in ” carpet bombing. We have B-52s, B-1s & B-111s. USE THEM!!! These animals wanna act like animals? Treat them like animals, slaughter them.
Jonn’s account is completely accurate
Don’t worry. Obama will send the Afghanis $450 million just like he sent Egypt $450 million for storming our embassy and hoisting the Al-Quaeda flag.
As a bonus, he’ll connect the Afghan shootings to an anti-Mohammed video or some such thing too.
Peace through surrender and subsidies.
here is the NY times version of what happened
We’re out in 2014 and the bad guys are in. For our current ‘friends’, that means their death in 2014. In turn, that leaves them with a choice: Kill our people now and redeem themselves with the future power or don’t and be taken out and shot later. They’ll be no re-education camps. And we’re doing what in response to this?
Blunder: There will be no re-education camps.
** Pray for World Peace .. People don’t stop long enough to think about what they’re doing to each other .. where did all this lust for blood come from and bad language and profane thoughts .. decency and respect for human life seems to becoming more rare as the days dawn … Pray for World Peace .. and rather than respond with swearing towards me, just dare yourself to stop for a moment and say or think something better and positive .. for once in your lives …
Reduce our nuke stockpile and make some glass.
About time someone called it murder. I hate the term “insider attack”. Murder is much more specific.
This is an awesome blog, btw. First read; very impressed. You have a new follower.
I kinda feel like we should get Roman on them,….if they, as a group want to bullshit and say they don’t know which amongst them is Taliban, then everytime this happens we make them pick 100 of their own and we pike them along the route back to Bagram. These guys don’t do “nice” or “apologies” or “negotiations”. They do understand strength and brutality. Sadly, if they want to learn the hard way, I say give it to them the hard way.
Not and infantry or combat arms vet so I have a question. When are the guys going to get smart? When are they going to start treating each encounter with ANA forces as a possible ambush? Why aren’t we setting these inbreed, ignorant, sheep humping rubes up? One, just one convoy that is set for a counter ambush and the trash will start thinking things over. Yet we keep walking down an alley with $100 bill hanging out of our pockets and wondering why we get mugged. Or is it the ROE?
#18 – ROE without question
Don’t wait for the left/liberal loving press (who’s in the tank for a certain guy to be re-elected) to say much about this ’cause “the war is over” for potential voters and this might ruin that illusion.
Where’s COL Kurtz now that we really need him? (Seriously, his fictional insane nastiness is about what said Afghan goat-molesters actually respect.)
It is now a matter of record that Obama had a goal of retreat from Afghanistan, from the beginning. He merely needed public support for it.
While it is a matter of debate whether 25% or 90% of insider attacks are Taliban missions, it is finally admitted by the top politicians that this is a Taliban strategy.
It ia a matter of contention, that the Taliban infiltration to the ANA is a direct result of the Obama policy of rapidly expanding the ANA/ANP, without vetting the recruits.
So, if your reaction to the attacks by Taliban infiltrators is to retreat, you are providing Obama with exactly what he wanted to begin with.
Or as Karzai said in his interview on the same show: It is not the American people he has taken issue with, but the American Policymakers. As I have pointed out many times in the past, the Obama-Karzai relationship took a wrong turn when junior Senator of Illinois acted arrogantly in his very first visit ever to Afghanistan, in Karzai’s house. It was worsened when the Obama Administration attempted to install a “counterweight” to Karzai, and additionally when they attempted to prevent his re-election campaign.
Don’t like the current status of the War in Afghanistan? Change the guy in Washington. It was going far better in 2008, when there was no schedule for retreat, and there was a goal of winning, and a means to get there.
But don’t reward the enemy because your politician screwed the pooch.
2-17 AirCav and DO are absolutely on target.
When Obama tossed Afghanistan under the bus, these guys were screwed, and their families were screwed and they knew it. Suddenly we had a declared date we would be gone by, but they were still going to be there, and so were the Talaban.
If they don’t want to be shot or burned or stoned to death in 2014, they need to get in good with their future overlords right now.
[…] the bodies of four dead Americans, the spin and cover-up blaming a film beginning to fall apart and increasing green-on-blue attacks in Afghanistan and decide that Romney has had a bad […]
I would love to share my thoughts on this. Six more months to go.
[…] Afghans would not be killing them.–The New York Post reported, via Pat Dollard: (GWP) This Ain’t Hell has details from his Afghan contacts on today’s […]
Can’t wait to hear what the pencil necked dempsey has to say.
I’m of the feeling we need to start going Sicilian on Afghanistan. Kill one of ours, we kill 100 of you and your families and your friends and your friends families. Even Mussolini took care not to mess with the Sicilians unless he had overwhelming strength.
I say we take off and nuke the whole site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
It’s not cut an running…it’s time to come home. No matter what we do it will not be enough and we will be second guessed. Bring them ALL home NOW!
Allen’s been relieved of command….
No matter what we else we do, when we leave we make certain that Karzai is dead, and by dead, I mean a long, slow, painful death, with his body on a pole in some public place in Kabul.
If I had my way, that rat-bastard Elkenberry would be on a pole right beside him.
Make certain that Karzai knows his family will be left with nothing, that we’ve raided his bank accounts and taken our money back.
Then, as we leave, demo every frikkin’ structure, every vehicle, every piece of equipment that we can’t take out with us. If we need to, bring in some massive frikkin’ airstrikes to destroy hangers, revetments and runways.
Ideally, Obama, his advisors and the top folks at State would all be charged with negligent homicide for every American death suffered since he announced our withdrawal.
But that’s just me. I’ve only had one cup of black joe this morning. 😉
@14. Maverick 101: A wise priest once said, “Faith moves mountains, but it helps to bring a shovel.” Most of us pray for peace, Maverick101, but at the same time we understand that peace is not self actuating. Thanks to sin, it is not the natural order of the world, either. Find someone in a US military uniform that does not want peace. Find a parent of that person who does not want peace. You do not have the market cornered and that nasty little comment about “for once in your lives” reveals your indifference, your callousness, and your cluelessness. Try reading and not commenting.
@14: grow the fuck up.
“Peace is a theoretical state of affairs whose existence we deduce because there have been intervals between wars.”
Warfare, conflict, competition… that’s the natural state of humanity. We are predatory by nature. That’s how we got to be at the top of the food chain.
That doesn’t mean we don’t like peace and quiet. We have a huge frikkin’ military and the skills and technology to beat the living shit out of anyone who tries to disturb us. To try and ensure that our “neighbors” keep to their side of the fence.
ANA alliances change from one day to the next. While an ANA soldier’s life may be changed with the prospect of steady income, at some point that person goes home in the evening and his ear is leant to those who can influence him (tribe?), who may even offer money from outside Taliban to do “this-or-that” against our troops. Given that there were 17 ANA forces involved in this shooting, that tells me that this problem is much more complicated (and organized) than we thought. If it were one or two, that’s one thing, but considering there are 17 involved, that tells me there is a much bigger conspiracy going on over there… something I can’t grasp by not being there or articulate in this blog. For those of you who have served there recently, I’m curious to know what your take is this?
“I’m mad as hell about them, to be honest with you,” he(General John Allen)said . “We’re willing to sacrifice a lot for this campaign, but we’re not willing to be murdered for it.”
What an amazing statement!! What world is this idiot living in? Many veterans have said that this all would end in disaster, but we are called fools and traitors. That’s the price for telling the truth. It’s one that I’m willing to pay.
The whole war is based on a lie. So what do you expect? EVERY MISSION IS A SUICIDE MISSION. It seems that everyone here is so intoxicated with patriotism that they are blind to glaringly obvious facts. Wake up and smell the coffee.
How many more Human Beings have to die before you people realize that you’re part of the problem and that you need to rethink the situation and repudiate your racist, facist agenda?
Yes, that’s what it is.
For those of you weren’t around for Darnell Stephen Summers’ last visit over three years ago, this is who he is; he’s an admitted communist who spent time in Long Bihn Jail – the Army stockade for soldiers in Vietnam. He currently facilitates the desertion of US soldiers while he’s hiding out in Germany. He had to start his own VVAW because he’s too radical for the rank-and-file of the VVAW. And, oh, he loves the attention of TAH readers.
Gee, Darnell, are you a speech writer? You truly have moved me. You’re a magician with words, an artist, in fact. Now, go away and occupy something.
Do you feel better now that you have lashed out at us, Darnell? You know, because I certainly feel like I have been put in MY place!
Or maybe not.
My “facist” agenda?
Yes, I admit with shame, I often discriminate in favor of those with a pleasant face. I expect that excludes you Darnell, sorry about that.
“Many veterans have said that this all would end in disaster, but we are called fools and traitors.”
We? You a veteran Darnell?
Jonn, thanks for the clarification. Y’all responded quick.
Well, if it’s attention he craves, I will say this to him:
[…] This is what Jay Carney calls “negligible.” A sergeant first class and a contractor approached an ANA checkpoint and struck up a conversation with the officer in charge of the outpost. In mid-sentence, the ANA officer shot the contractor and the sergeant first class, who went down returning fire. […]
Hmmm. Negligible? Then going to the head, the dining facility (chow hall), or anywhere else in the day-to-day activities of a soldier/airman/sailor or Marine and being attacked and killed by a “partner” is OK. Is this what Jay the Carney means? (I say “day to day” because one would think that striking up a conversation out of the blue is just something that routinely happens and wouldn’t/shouldn’t precipitate an attack. No comments expected. Just a sarcastic observation.
… sorry, I didn’t close out my parenthesis.
So, anyone else out there still think we should be there for any reason?
Like I said a gazillion times before, we cannot get out of that place fast enough.
I’m lurking in the dark shadows right now because I’m working on a very important project (important to me), but to answer Tman’s question:
I agree with “get out”.
Gotta go.
Some of us have even said that if we are not going to fight to win that we should not call ourselves fighting anything. Go to war, win, come home. No other option is acceptable.
[…] Lilyea brings you the horrible truth that the Obama-media cartel will not touch: So, this is how I’m hearing that the attack happened this morning. A sergeant first class and a […]
Nice website.
Good to see the old reliable nihilists and their spawn are out in force.
When do we wake up and realize that war IS hell, it’s a choice, a long term choice, and there are a lot of cowards involved.
John Fogerty put it well.
Also both branches of the your single party monolith are hopeless.
You’re fooling yourself if you distinguish between them.
Anyhow, the answers are in all the real history books we never read for the folly of satisfaction with a cheap, dumbed-down and made up (as in make-up) ‘education’.
It’s incredible that the worldview of so many stretches about as far as the end of their noses.