Littlest phony

| September 20, 2012

Bubblehead Ray sends this photo with no identifying information but something about this Marine doesn’t seem right. Although he has all of the facial features of a real Marine Drill Instructor something about him just doesn’t seem right. Maybe you guys can pick out what it is that makes me think he’s a phony;

Category: Phony soldiers

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He’s too damn cute. That’s what it is.


He’s doing a much better job of it than Gunny Driveway and Fatty McMillionQuarterPounder! Is this the guy that did ?


I don’t know, but I have this intense desire to ‘beat my face’.

Adirondack Patriot

He’s definitely got bigger biceps than Matt Chiroux.

He rocks. Semper Fi, little guy.

Dave B

Looks more real than some of the others you’ve shown. At least this one might actually have some potential.

Joe Williams

He foaming at the mouth!True Drill Instructors have spittle flying in your face while foaming also. They are traught this at D I school. Joe


I think it’s the lack of drool and spittle! Aside from that, Semper Fi Little Man.

2-17 AirCav

Phony? Looks 100% legit to me. Snarling, baring teeth–you just can’t fake that.


A little Devil Dog, gettin’ it right! Ooh-rah!



Oh, I know what it is. The head strap isn’t flush on the cover brim, that really IDs him as a phony. Gotta love the custom made uniform.


Give him about twenty years. He’ll scare the living hell out of the devil himself.


Good one Shamus62 … no unit id b/c he’s delta force. Right?

Is that a boy scout shirt?

Yat Yas 1833

Drill Instructor Sgt. Allen…ooops, my bad! I have the sudden urge to do “mountain climbers”!?!


Ummm… Oh I know! He hasn’t snuffed anyone’s soul. No blood, no smoke rolling in under the doors, and no scorch mark on the wall behind him. No beating heart in his hand, either.


I got it: The strap on his cover is crocked and his gig line is not straight. BUSTED!

Other than that he looks legit to me.

Very handsome Marine!


No eagle, globe and anchor tattoo on is forearm? Cute pic, really.


Adirondack Patriot @4 – My Saint Bernard has bigger guns than Chiroux. And probably smells better too.


OK, guys – I’ll bite. I don’t recognize the last ribbon – unless it’s the Navy Cross or Navy DSM. Kinda doubt it’s either, since everything else seems to be in order. Can anyone help out?

Hack Stone

He is not wearing a Drill Instructor belt, either. Somebody needs to check if he has filed a phony claim with the VA yet.

Yat Yas 1833

CRAP!!! How did I miss it?!? He’s not wearing a Marksmanship Badge!!! There isn’t a Marine, in the world, who didn’t qualify during recruit training!? The last ribbon is for doing a tour as a Drill Instructor.


Yat Yas 1833 – thanks. I don’t think that one was on any of the ribbon charts I consulted – but I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to be the Navy Cross or Navy DSM since everything else was in order.

It’s an adorable kid and picture, too.


Has a FOIA request been sent in to see if he ever served?

Old Trooper

This reminds me of the line R. Lee uses in FMJ; “Show me your war face”!

Hack Stone

Just a matter of time before the Madison County Whiner (Crier) posts an article on how this Drill Instructor is part of that evil JROTC program that she so despises.

Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, it’s been out for about a dozen years. Sheesh, we’re getting as bad as the AF with all these new ribbons!?!


The link I posted at #10 is from the Onion. I thought it is kinda fitting for this topic.


Someone owes me a keyboard.

To quote Gunny Hartman, “OUTFUCKINGSTANDING!”

2-17 AirCav

You fellas who doubt his legitimacy better watch yourselves. The pic portrays this lean, mean mini-Marine in a good mood. That’s his happy face. You do not want to see him angry.

Thor H

The obvious problem is his military ribbons are only 2 across. That, and their should be at least one campaign star on his ICM. Come on many, wear it right!


Haircut correct. No ballduster or molester mustache. He is young, but that could be from battlefield promotions. Got his war face on.

I say he’s legit.


He might not be liget but I ain’t gonna be the one to tell him. That’s one tough DI.

Adirondack Patriot

Yat Yas wrote:

“He’s not wearing a Marksmanship Badge!!! There isn’t a Marine, in the world, who didn’t qualify during recruit training!?”

New prototype. This Marine can kill you with his mind.


You can see him in action here:

Green Thumb

This kid is by far the toughest poser. I bet he could take “Ranger” Burrell, the 4th most toughest man in the world.


He looks older than Ballduster McSoulpatch. I say he’s legit.


FMR PAO, he looks tougher than Ballduster too.


I’d say this DI’s tattoos are hidden from sight, aligning himself with the current tattoo policy. Beyond that, today’s DI’s look younger and younger anyway!

I’d say he’s legit.

Give ’em hell out there, little man!

Just Plain Jason

Ladies and gentlemen who has the balls to correct this possible poser?


Take off the hat and slap some gold bars on him and he would seem legit.


Mustang, I just watched him in action!! Lord he had me standing at attention and all 270lbs of me shaking!! that is one little tough playground hombre! Look out Kiddy garden and 1st grade, a new Sheriff’s in town!

Too damned cute!


Holy Crap! How did they get a picture of me in my Halloween costume!


Devil Puppy?

Old Tanker

I’m not seeing anything…looks legit to me!

Green Thumb


That was funny.


Adorable… is there a back story to this? little man trying to be like his old man?

2-17 AirCav

@46. Adorable? I dare you to say that to his face!


@46. See post 34.


For shame. This one’s obviously the real deal. Seriously, maligning a Marine’s character by calling him a faker is no trivial matter.


First, the little guy is not a phony – too much time was spent getting his uniform right. As to his ribbons only being two accross, well, they are straight, fit his uniform, and from what you guys have said, are in the proper order.

As to the marksman thing, it is hard to qualify with a cap gun, give him a few years.

Further, @34, am I the only one who feels a bit sorry for his little brother/friend?