Nation’s ugly girlfriend fired

| September 16, 2012

David sends us a link to the Navy Times story that announces that Cmdr. Sheryl Tannahill, who was the commanding officer of recruiter, Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class (AW/NAC) Grady Nations, who was court martialed for wearing an unearned Distinguished Flying Cross. During the court martial, it was revealed that Nations and Tannahill were involved in an inappropriate relationship. And now that has cost her a job;

[Tannahill] was relieved of command Sept. 14 by Capt. George Whitbred, commander of Navy Region Midwest Reserve Component Command, because of a loss of confidence in her ability to command.

Tannahill had just been selected for promotion to captain, so luckily we’ve spared the spectacle of her being fired down the line for something else equally immature like the other 15 field grade officers who’ve lost their jobs this year for stupid shit.

But stolen valor doesn’t hurt anyone. By the way, there’s a picture of the disgraced Tannahill at the link and I don’t think there’s anything about her that would make me jeopardize my career. But, then, I’ve never been able to justify to myself wearing my father’s medals, so whatever mental mechanization process Nations used to justify that probably made her attractive, too.

Category: Politics

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2-17 AirCav

Yipes. It would be childish of me to say something about a brown bag, dead drunk, and not even with yours, so I won’t.


oof. talk about five miles of bad road.

not with a 10-foot cattle prod.


and was due to take orders to the Navy Inspector General’s office.

Waithefuckupholdonjustadamnedminute–she’s banging an enlisted man and she was tapped to go to the IG office?

Words fail me. At least that move got shitcanned and she’ll be retiring very quietly, very soon.

So much douchebaggery in this story I don’t know where to begin.


I’m sure she’s got a great personality. No brains, just personality.

Virtual Insanity

Golf ball? Garden hose?

Green Thumb

Is there a picture? I would like to see it before I comment.


Neither of the 2 women in the picture are anything to write home about.


PH2–personality to my measure means there’s something between the ears as well, and high on the list of officer no-no’s is banging the enlisted folk.

So yeah, fail on that count too. And assuming that’s (former Petty Officer, thankfully) Nations’ spouse sitting with him, why is it guys seem to always pick ugly women when they’re gonna cheat? Seriously?

The only one who’s really getting screwed in all of this is the (hopefully) ex-wife. She dumps him, but still isn’t going to get anything because he fucked up and blew any chance of retirement out the window.


Sparky, I was doing my best to be kind. I try my best to keep my Tank Girl persona in her cage most of the time. I’m really rather subdued most of the time, just watching other people wander by…..but sometimes, Tank Girl just blows the cage door off and starts up.


All I can say is he looks like a typical ordi, and she looks like you would have to throw a bag over her.


Squids don’t have weight standards?


With her face as ugly as a bucket full of mortal sins … the relief is only a portion of what is coming and deserved for her inability to lead!


Maybe he was doing it to keep those faked commendations coming.


In my opinion, any woman that would stand by him after all that he has done is not much better than Jerry Sandusky’s wife for standing by her husband knowing what he did. Apalling!


My, my, my! Nations certainly is wearing a nice chestful of medals. I hope that will that qualify him for the next round of stolen valor tournament. Aside: Back in the ‘hood, Tannahill would be classified a “two paper bag”…Just saying.


streetsweeper: after this, I’d guess he makes the “Sour Sixteen” – easily.

For what it’s worth: it’s possible the “inappropriate relationship” between Nations and his CO wasn’t sexual. Many other types of relationships (e.g., business relationships, many types of off-duty socialization) between officers and enlisted personnel are also strictly limited.

This happened in Nashville. And as I recall, Nations reportedly at one time was involved in the country music business there. That’s one possibility that comes to mind.


These two would shut themselves up together in an office for hours, she was attending his hole in the wall bar concerts, out to lunch together, after hours in a locked office and she would have him chew out other personal for her with a higher ranking then him. I was at a friends house once when Nations showed up to chew this guy out for her. I personally hope they both get brig time.


This couldn’t have happened to a better guy. Karma is a “B”!

Yat Yas 1833

Ok, I make fence posts look good but I’m sorry…THAT?!? Not after my wildest binge at the Longbranch on Hill St in Oceanside!?!


I think everyone is judging this capt too quickly. All of the facts haven’t been told.


To you personally, no. To those who matter, yes, and then some.


I always have heard the navy isn’t female friendly, could it be someone didn’t like the idea of this woman being a captain and a leader?? This whole story sounds too ridiculous to be true.

Navy Chief Retired (SW/AW)

@ 21 & 23. Are you married to her? First off, she is not a Captain, she is a Commander (by title only – she is not acting like one). I’m certain all the facts haven’t been told, why don’t you enlighten us.

@ 17 is giving you a first hand report. What don’t you understand?

Who is telling you that the “navy” isn’t female friendly? Your wife? Let me tell you one thing, this woman is not a captain and definately not a leader. She was a Commanding Officer who has been relieved because she couldn’t command or be a leader and started believing that a fraud was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Mr. Tannahill, wake up. You have been in the dark too long. CDR Tannahill and Nations have told so many “stories” that they can’t keep them straight!

Green Thumb


The Navy is a helluva lot more “female friendly” than some of the other branches.

Just saying….


This is for Witness 2: If you were a first hand witness, you can contact They have published Ms. Tannahill’s firing, but were short on the details about her unduly familiar relationship with the stout petty officer. If credible, Military Corruption may add your comments.

I witnessed her flagrant socializing at another command, and was pleased to see that her blatant unprofessional behavior finally caught up to her. The karma police strike again!


Anonymous2, thanks for the information I will look into it. I can tell all of you this as well. Nations was basically the head man at the NOSC, anything he said to do had to be done or else. Tannahill wasn’t the only woman he was messing around with. There were more then three at times, not including his live-in girlfriend. He caused one sailor his marriage and career. The father of this sailor has posted under Mr. Nations story on this site and you can read his comment for yourself. He also knew what was going on and was unable to stop Mr. Nations from having his son terminated after 14 years of service when he found out about the affair through his divorce discography and went to his commanding officer Tannahill to seek help. Instead of help he lost rank and was let go. This man was a good sailor and his only mistake was transfering to the NOSC.


@ 27 “Nations was basically the head man at the NOSC.”

Wrong, the CO, XO, CMC, Depart Heads, Division Officers, Leading CPO’s, and LPO’s …. in that order.

He was LOW on the totem pole.


MCPO: I think Witness2 is saying that Nations had the CO “in his pocket” because of their “relationship” and she’d do pretty much anything he suggested. I could be wrong.


ROG that Hondo … but I wanted to make clear that he was not the head man.

He was the worst, he was bad, he was broken, he was dishonorable ….

Now if the CO was broke … then the XO was head man … and certainly the CMC was not fooled by this guy.

My point was not to argue … just clarify what I know.

He was small potatoes and now he is gone.


Thanks Hondo, that is what I was saying. That’s why in the sentence I put “basically”. Wish everyone could have seen how everything worked in the NOSC for themselves.


At Witness2 … no harm …. your info is sound!


Witness 2,

It was sickening to read about the human carnage and broken careers left in the path of Nations and Tannahill. At another command, I saw her socializing as very unprofessional. To her and her husband, the Navy was a social club and not a branch of the armed services. Fortunately, she was not in a position where she could harm someone’s career.

Do you have the link from the father of the sailor whose career they destroyed?


Knew her from another command as well. Always pushing her kids off to others to take care of. Got the impression that she though the world revolved around her and that everyone was there just to help her. Always preached that she was a perfect Christian and others were inferior. Lots of socializing.

Witness2, this should take you to the fathers post. It is number 70.


This should take you to the fathers post.
he is number 70. Hope this helps.


The link to the fathers post is on this site, it’s titled “Navy recruiter charged with wearing DFC”.


In this site try searching “Navy recruiter charged with wearing DFC”. I tried posting the link but for some reason it’s not allowing me to submit with link.


It’s not letting me post the link either. The father of this guy is the 70th post under that title that helpinghand posted. It’s in this same site, not sure why it’s not allowing the link. No problem viewing it.


This is probably the link you mean, with “Gallout Dad’s” comment down at #70


or Fallout Dad


Thanks OWB, not sure why but it wouldn’t submit when I tried posting the link.



You are right about her trying to push her kids off on everyone. She was also peddling some mail order cookware from “The Pampered Chef” if I recall correctly. She was the President of the “Holier than Thou Club” and a card carrying member of the “Mutual Admiration Society.”


i would not say ugly…stupid is better


@23 – The Navy isn’t female friendly? Oh, puh-lease! I know better.


I still can’t believe she was selected to go the the IG office. Like I said, I knew about her from years ago and back then she was a master manipulator using half the base population to take care of her kids (she had a bunch of them) and to run errands for her. She was the queen of delegating and then taking all the credit for the accomplishment. What a disgrace.



Yes, she was a master manipulator and they had 4 or 5 kids. She and her husband really played it to the hilt with being part of the “Navy family” and expecting everyone to join in. Actually, the way they did things it more like a hippy commune, expecting everyone to babysit,run errands, and participate in pot lucks. However, it was a one way street with the Tannahills and they took advantage of their status as officers to get assistance with their personal issues.

It takes a village to raise a child…. I hope the Navy Times publishes the ultimate disposition of her case.


Anonymous2—SPOT ON!


CO should check into the not so up to par pictures floating around of a one LS2 with her uniform pants dropped to the ground bent over a desk. Seems this sailor was more worried about showing her *** off instead of doing her job. She wanders around looking lost now that her “protectors” are gone.


Whitness2, just curious, how do you know that Tannahill had Nations chew the guy out for her? You seem to say you know this and that, so who was the guy?