Egyptians lose their collective mind over some film (Updated)
Old Trooper sends a link to USAToday which describes the scene at the US embassy in Cairo where 2000 members of that peaceful religion that is at war with everyone, scaled the embassy walls, tore down the US flag, shredded it and burned the pieces. They raised a black banner in it’s place. All of that to protest some nebulous film which will purportedly depict Mohammed in a bad light;
Iran’s FARS news agency says the film is the work of a group of “extremist” members of the Egyptian Coptic Church in the United States.
Al Ahram online says the film is reportedly being produced by U.S.-based Coptic-Christian Egyptians, including Esmat Zaklama and Morees Sadek, with the support of the Terry Jones Church in the United States.
Jones is the evangelical pastor who stirred controversy last year by threatening to burn a Quran in public.
CNN says the film in question is a Dutch production.
The embassy says that they had evacuated the building before the asshattery began, or words to that effect. Reuters reports;
“This movie must be banned immediately and an apology should be made … This is a disgrace,” said 19-year-old, Ismail Mahmoud, a member of the so-called “ultras” soccer supporters who played a big role in the uprising that brought down Hosni Mubarak last year.
Many Muslims consider any depiction of the Prophet to be offensive.
Mahmoud called on President Mohamed Mursi, Egypt’s first civilian president and an Islamist, to take action. Many others were supporters of Islamist groups.
Yeah, you dinguses need to declare war on us. Invade. Oh, by the way the black banner is the flag of al Qaeda.
Update: Oh and it seems that the US Embassy in Egypt posted a apology to the people that trashed the place for offending film.
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others
Category: Terror War
The Black Banner was hijacked by Al Qaida, it is part of the Hadid, words from Mohamad himself, that stated that in some part of the future, men with long beards, carrying black banners, would come out of the area of what is now FATA, and wage a holy war against pretty much everybody. Osama knew about that particular Hadid, and hijacked it for his own usage.
Perhaps Dow Chemical could be persuaded to begin producing Napalm in large quantities again…nothing like a few tons of magnesium detonations followed by thousands of tons of napalm to keep your enemies in check.
The thing that shows me they are really messed up in the head is the fact that no one knows the name of the film, if it is even being made, what the story is, etc. All they have to go on is a rumor that someone is making a film and they get their fan belts and jammies all twisted up.
The other part that bothers the hell out of me is the embassy quisslings bowing and scraping to these goat ropers and letting them on sovereign US soil to take down our flag. There should be at least some dmf’s all up in here!!
Fuck I hate muslims.
Salafists are generally known to hump the intellectual legs of Al Qaeda when they aren’t busy buggering their own children.
I don’t see why we can’t call out the collective nincompoopery of key Islamic demographics without the collective taking insult. I doubt American Muslims would be so stupid. So why do they get riled when the rest of us view global Islam with suspicion? Did they ever notice in Egypt that Muslims in Bangladesh and Indonesia don’t go burning things down at the slightest offense, and people actually like them.
If I ever build a time machine, I’m not going back in time to stop the Holocaust or kill Hitler. I’m going to punch their Prophet in the throat.
The Iranians wouldn’t have an ulterior motive for saying this now would they hmmmmmmmm?
This has been a long time coming.
Sad, but true. Looks like the liberal world is getting what they asked for.
I wonder what those US kids think about this this; the ones protesting w/ the “opposition” several months ago?
The Muslim Bros are “largely secular” per Obama’s DNI, Lt Gen Clapper. (Even though they have the word “Muslim” in their title?)
Couple this with Dear Leader refusing to meet with Bibi and it scares the beejeebers out of me!
Someone should send in Samuel L with his FAST team, at least then someone would have grabbed the Flag and put the crowd in check.
And its pure coincidence that this happened today, September 11, 2012.
You know what puts Mohammed in a bad light? Facts.
Egypt will still collect their $2 Billion in annual U.S. aid – so whatever. Slapped repeatedly with the pimp hand, but still gaga over them crazy Egyptians. Love is as stong as ever since 1979 – no matter the abuse.
jesus t’ f’n christ.
I wish I could say I’m surprised!
Claymore #13: One of the voices in my head said that exact thing. With a few expletives as well.
We ARE NOT allowed to voice such and be PC it seems?
How’s that Arab Spring working out? The religion of Perpetual Outrage is at it again, nothing to see here, move along.
Funny thing is that the liberals who say the US is oppressive to Muslims don’t realize that the only thing that Muslims hate more than Other religions are Feminists, Freethinkers, Artists and Homosexuals.
Exactly as hoped-for, UpNorth. This is the fruit of the democratic uprising. Any excuse will do. Hey, I heard that someone–pretty sure he was Mexican–said Mohammed was a pedophile. There, that should do it.
Wait, where is Rage Boy?
Just an Old Dog #19:
Common sense is not in play. Go find a Unicorn.
Tolerance is when you don’t like the sound of a movie and just don’t see it.
My level of tolerance has changed considerably during the past 11 years or so. People who refuse to tolerate my freedom to hold an opinion which may or may not agree with theirs have proclaimed themselves to be my enemy. Yes, that is harsh, but it is because those who demand my tolerance usually soon show themselves to be completely intolerant of others.
It’s a crazy world we live in these days. Unfortunately, too many of our own citizens still do not understand the distinction between protecting oneself from an aggressor and being the aggressor. We of this country have never been the aggressor against other peoples around the world.
We need to arm the security forces with bacon …then they can toss it at the Islamic freeks in cases like this.
I got a film for these fucks. It’s called “I’m going to burn a Koran and post it on YouTube along with my home address.” I dare them to come and try to burn my flag.
#24, In all seriousness, that plan may actually work. I’m calling my congressman!
As loathe as I am to senseless violence, where’s that old picture from Sacred Cow Burgers of the ICBM with the graffitti saying, “Mecca or Bust?”
And yes, trolls, that’s semi-satirical. Eff these 7th Century goat fuckers. Turn their desert into a glass parking lot–it’s what they understand.
Fuck them and the camel they rode in on. Let’s see how outraged they get when we cut off aid. And “No visa services tomorrow” ?!? WTF? How about “No visa services EVER.”? See how those goat pumpers enjoy staying in a third world shithole for the rest of their unnatural lives. As for Barry and Hillary want to engage the largely ‘secular’ Muslim Brotherhood, they need to remember there are no ‘moderate’ muslims. There are only the honest ones (al-Queda) and the ones who lie.
@25. You will probably be arrested for inciting violence, unlawful burning, and–if the prosecutor in Berkeley County, WV has anything to do with it,terrorism.
@24. Makin’ Bacon Pancakes for Mohammed!
Don’t we have Marines there that should be guarding the Embassy grounds? At the very least, DC should of summoned the Egyptian ambassador and asked why the hell his country isn’t abiding by Article 22 of the Vienna Convention.
AirCav–I’ll be giving a 4-hour training session on makin bacon pancakes for anyone who cares to attend on Friday. Unfortunately, the outage is upon us and that’s my day off.
Lobster–more than likely pulled back by the ambassador, who was likely ordered to do it by the folks at Foggy Bottom or the White House via State.
Well, the State Department and the administration are on top of this, as the following statement shows, “The U.S. embassy in Cairo released the following statement: The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy”.
Really, “hurt the religious feelings of Muslims”? Awwww, too bad. Nothing like standing up for what’s right, no matter what, right Baracka and Hillary?
Did anyone besides me ever want to just grab a big ballista and throw something?
I posted this link elsewhere, but it applies here, also.
How long before the Middle East (all countries inclusive) truly erupts in real warfare? Any bets?
I’m struggling with getting pissed off at Muslims because there are rational Muslims. I love our Paki restaurant. But, if the “rational” Muslims don’t rise up against the nutcases then I’m perfectly happy with lumping them all in the same basket and making Muslim lands glass.
Well, SJ, they’ve had at least 11 years to distance themselves, and I haven’t seen a huge outpouring of “rational” Imams standing up and saying, No, you don’t represent us.
Fat chance. There are no rational muslims. Just muslims who haven’t shown their hand.
Serious question: Every embassy in the world is by international treaty considered the soil of the country that occupies it. All of our embassies have a Marine contingent where were they? Are they ordered to stand down and let some bastards invade the compound, pull down and trash an American Flag?
If the compound had already been evacuated then who was the genius that left the American Flag behind?
Getting really, really, REALLY tired of repeating the same thing over and over again.
I do not give a flip who is attacking me, mine, or my country. I seriously do not care why they are doing it, their ethnicity, their religious practices, what they ate yesterday, or who their momma is. After I defend myself, or me and my countrymen defend the country, perhaps it would be an interesting intellectual persuit, but until we have convinced them to stop their behavior, or kill them all, whichever they choose, I just don’t care if those attacking us are Martian, pink and green striped, or blonde.
Yeah, I do understand that we have idiots among us who refuse to believe that when someone has the means with which to destroy you and has promised to do so, giving them the opportunity is foolish. These particular folks (who happen to be Muslim, but it doesn’t really matter) have been demonstrating a willingness to attack us/westerners for 40 years, give or take a couple. Anyone seen any evidence to suggest that their zeal is deminishing?
Nope. Me either.
@29, you’re right, and that’s why I won’t do it. The Gustapo would come for me. I’m just sick of these overly sensitive muslims.
I’ve been watching CNN, Anderson Cooper while all this is going on. Three different reporters he’s been talking to indicate that these demonstrations were known about several days ago, which means that they were orchestrated, or planned, whatever buzz word you want to use — basically, manufactured for the media. Also, the Egyptian president and his cabinet are nowhere to be found right now.
One of the reporters, an Egyptian woman, said that this appears to be something coordinated by the extreme right-wing people, and that Egypte still does not have a constitution in place, which means that the military can still move in and crack down on everyone.
I expect there will be more to come, and this is on top of Bo’s not meeting with Netanyahu, when he’s in the US in a few days. SEN Shumer was giving excuses for Bo’s behavior, but they did not seem very convincing, nor did he himself appear to be willing to do anything other than make excuses.
@28: I saw the “moderate” muslims in this country dancing in the street on Sep. 11th, 2001. Whenever someone tells me that most muslims are moderate, I ignore the person saying it, because I saw it with my own lying eyes. To be sure, I do know muslims that were just as outraged on Sep. 11th as I was and were just as outraged at the muslims dancing in the street. However, they are the exception, not the rule.
Staged? Of course they were, Ex-PH2. Just like the street demonstrations in Teheran on 4 November 1979 were staged.
Fortunately, so far it appears as if we avoided another hostage incident.
Let’s see if our response this time is any more credible and effective than Carter’s was in 1979. But, frankly, I’m not holding my breath.
@45: Well, Hondo, it seems that our current fearless leader is even more inept than Carter, because he has been polishing this turd all night long. Also, in the other thread about Libya, it seems several people were killed, including the Ambassador. Obama will be apologizing PDQ for that.
@Hondo, it’s a campaign year. Do you actually expect anything…well, effective from that end of the spectrum? (sarc)
CNN confirmed this morning that the ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other staff officers were killed in a rocket attack. And the CNN people are just getting around to trying to figure out if these incidents were staged, or just spontaneous. Real bright people. They should get raises or move to South Dakota. I hear South Dakota is looking for about 11,000 people to fill empty jobs. Geez!
Now how long do you all think it will be before this blows up into an even bigger ‘event’?
OWB, on target!
Instead of attempting peaceful occupations using soldiers as cops, a year’s worth of strategic bombing to reduce the enemy nation to ruin and then forceful unapologetic occupation with curfews from dusk to dawn enforced with lethal use of force on any and all outside will drive home the point we understand you hate us and we are here to destroy your nation as you knew it. You can choose to be a casualty or you can learn from the Japs and the Germans that it’s far better to go along and get along. I also believe those who say they want to kill me or my countrymen. I believe the Israeli’s have the correct answer with pre-emptive strikes to discourage attacks. I would go further and make sure if we don’t intend to stay in the Afghanistan for 50 years like Germany and Japan that we leave behind a nation so destroyed in infrastructure and destroyed arable land that the population will struggle to eat and survive, making it very difficult to export terror when you can’t grow a blade of grass or a single poppy anywhere…there is no tragedy in the death of your enemies, the tragedy is refusing to accept they are in fact your enemies.
@47: “Now how long do you all think it will be before this blows up into an even bigger ‘event’?”
Well, they are putting out warnings that Algeria is getting ready to be outraged today, so it seems that you’re being quite clairvoyant, today.
Let me guess- “it’s only a few fanatics, most Moslems are peaceful and non-violent and would never do this”. We’ve already seen an apology (for a film only shown once that no one has ever heard of). SSDD…. There is a reason for neutron bombs’ invention.