Airsoft=active duty

| August 29, 2012

So, this guy claims he’s on active duty and you can tell he is because he’s wearing ACUs and, of course, there’s the CIB and the Ranger tab and the 75th crest on his hat. Never mind that he has one of those devil beards.

Funny, though, there are no jump wings. I guess he didn’t want to go full retard, but since there are no leg Rangers in 75th, I’d question him. And he’s wearing a 173rd combat patch – they’re an airborne unit.

From his YouTube comments;

So I guess that being an Airsoft wienie counts as combat. And he doesn’t look too old or fat to be a Ranger at all.

Thanks to Joel for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Another contender for next year’s tournament.


More and More 173rd patches are showing up on phonies….Sons of Bitches.

Green Thumb

I love the blck t-shirt. It matches the POW-MIA unit patch.


Where on god’s green earth do these clowns come from? Douchebag deluxe!

Old Trooper

I’m not even gonna comment.


He wanted to go airborne, they just couldn’t find a chute capable of holding his fat ass.


I keep asking him when he “earned” his tab , he keeps deleting it.


If your papaw earned it , I guess you can wear it.

“My Avatar is my Grandfather Granville Hughes. United States Army Ranger World WarII. Love you Papaw.”


Of course he will, but keep it up. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

At least this guy isn’t as jacked up as Gunny Driveway. Close, but not there yet. YET.

Now if he shows up threatening us with his “lawer” and pictures of his hogtied “girlfriend”, then we might have a case.


He was only a SSG back in May. No CIB then either… Must have been a busy summer.


But, remember, as per Billy Troung (sp?), he is a “Veteran” of airsoft, and as per POTUS, he did build that…

CI Roller Dude

Maybe he’s in the “75th POW MIA” unit? with velcro, an assclown can be anything he want’s.


Anyone who makes videos for YouTube to show everyone his high end pistol, holster, and ACUs has some serious issues.


So I’m guessing it must be asshole to elbow under that rock.


The tool said that he was in “25 years ago” then blocked me on his YouTube account. Can anyone who knows the Sky Soldier history explain to me where he could have gotten a 173rd combat patch in 1987?


Perhaps he & David Hack should team up since they both claim to be Rangers making an honest living.

Sgt Awesome

In his video explaining his uniform he says he was an E6 and that you should wear the uniform correctly to show respect… as he has a ranger tab over the 173rd patch on his right shoulder.

I giggled.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Broken window blinds and wall trim that doesn’t line up and a costume uniform full of flaws…the sad part is, he talks about his kids. He’s their role model on how to be a man, and he’s teaching them that being a phony and a liar is how men act.

He ought to take a hard beating for that alone, never mind the multitude of other reasons he ought to take a whooping.

Sgt Awesome

“We are located in Houston, Texas at the address below: AirsoftRX 11816 Champion Forest Dr. Houston, Texas 77066 If you have any questions, please call us toll free at 1-866-457-4867 or email me at

Adirondack Patriot

Another D-Fac warrior.

You improvise (with fake pancake syrup rather than real Maple syrup).

You adapt (by setting your alarm clock for mid-rats, even though you ate three meals alreay).

You overcome (weigh-ins by overdosing on laxatives diet pills.)



Adirondack Patriot: or you just outright fake it, like I’m betting this asshole is doing.


Donald Ethredge
11816 Champion Forest Dr.

Houston, TX 77066
Phone:+1.2813976250 Fax: +1.2813976250

Donald Ethredge
11816 Champion Forest Dr.

Houston, TX 77066
Phone:+1.2813976250 Fax: +1.2813976250

Donald Ethredge
11816 Champion Forest Dr.

Houston, TX 77066
Phone:+1.2813976250 Fax: +1.2813976250

Donald Ethredge
11816 Champion Forest Dr.

Houston, TX 77066
Phone:+1.2813976250 Fax: +1.2813976250

Domain Servers:

Green Thumb


So true. D-Fac Warriors and PX Rangers.

Now that would be a good fight.

Broken egg PTSD vs soft-shoe self inflation.

Hell yeah!


The inevitable. From him on the YouTube site: “any soldiers dd214 is protected information. troll elsewhere. and be advised it wont be.the first time i’ve contacted law enforcment over? MY information. watch what you will be.forwarded”

And DullAss has chimed in there, too.


He’s correct about his DD214 being protected. But I wonder if he’s ever heard of something called a “FOIA request”?

Looks like it’s time to send NPRC another letter. If anyone has more info on this tool, please advise soonest. Generally need either Full Name (First/Middle/Last) and DOB or Name (First/MI/Last) plus SSN for success with relatively common names like his.


Yeah I just posted that and said “I have my DD214 do you have yours? Want to pony up??. I bet you I get deleted.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@24 he is dumber than sh1t about his uniform, not too surprising he’s not quite clear on “public” records.


THAT IS ONLY 15 MINUTES AWAY FROM ME!!! Oh snap, my old PSG lives an hour a way and one of my old PVTS lives 30 min from me…a little 173rd ass kicking party for this phoney


Or maybe I should go to one of his “Instruction” Classes


He’s deleted everything except DullAss’ comments. Any way that we can make sure that this thread pops up when people Google AirsoftRX? I’d hate to see his business take a hit because he’s an asshat. 🙂


He keeps deleting everything. This guy is hilarious, check out this video:


I tried to post ” Gee, you deleted my comment. Guess that my 23 years in the military is frightening to you when you get called out. You have been outed and you can’t argue against the truth. You’ll just be another wannbe added to the listing of idiots. I can prove my service. You OBVIOUSLY can’t. it’s going to be hilarious when we post your real record *IF* there is anything to post. NPRC often tells us “No Military Service” when we submit FOIA records requests. Fraud – LOL” AND I was blocked…..LOL

Sgt Awesome
Sgt Awesome

Odd that two of his 24 friends share the exact same name…


Hondo, he said that he was in the Army 25 years ago. That should be a good start for service dates. Also said that he was “Ranger certified” while assigned to the 173rd, but also said that the 173rd patch was an “affiliation patch”.

He seems to think that service records are kept at Knox, and has never heard of a FOIA request. I’d love to see this guy go down if he’s sporting anything that he didn’t earn to increase income from his airsoft crap.


If you look at his friends on FB he is friends with himself there’s 3 seperate profiles

check this one


I volunteer my services to go to his Airsoft store and investigate. Possible record a conversation inadvertantly brought up about serving in the military.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Facebook seems down right now…at least I can’t seem to get to it.


I got this FB link through the AirsoftRx Facebook, to a Keith Taylor, check out the Army pics.!/keith.taylor.3133


@38…I think oyu have to be logged in to see his profile


Sorry, forgot to add that they are under Mobile Uploads


I went to and forwarded this to Mary and crew. They’ll post his garbage and if they get anything from NPRC, they’ll post that too. I referenced this TAH blog. I’ve sent them a few folks over the years.



I saw that too, first thing I noticed was in the bottom left…a Road Guard Vest…..Basic Training style.


@46 Yup, notice the lack of wings, too.


Maybe when the dust clears, we can shift fire to this douche!!/photo.php? fbid=3587397246498&set=o.194891727267099&type=3&theater


I would love to comment on his facebook pages but I think you have to be a friend to post. What a douchnozzle.


The first thing that I noticed was no badges. Missed the road guard vest. I already hate this prick.

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