Overblown idiocy

| August 23, 2012

Yeah, just a quick glance through the subsequent reports on William Alemar shows the media is taking it’s cue from the prosecutor who is apparently racing to cover her tracks on this;

Fox News loves a veteran with a gun story;

The Charleston Daily Mail quotes the prosecutor;

The Martinsburg Daily Journal quotes the prosecutor who says Alemar was “highly intoxicated”;

Yeah, that sounds likely. I know I always got “highly intoxicated” and then threw on a ruck and body armor and ran my ass off. If he was so dedicated to attending Ranger School that he was actually training for it, I doubt he was getting sloshed.

Even if he was drunk, how is that “terroristic”? Berkeley County Prosecuting Attorney Pamela Games-Neely says in the Journal article;

“First of all, it is the correct charge. We are aware of it and it is the correct charge under the circumstances. That is not to say that there are not other issues going on with this young man. We are coordinating that between multiple agencies at this point. He was highly intoxicated at the time in addition to this and that gives everybody great cause for concern, especially around children,” Games-Neely said.

Yeah, bring up “the children” – must be an election year. Since when is being around children with a toy gun a “great cause for concern”. Ditz. If the Martinsburg Police is going to start locking everyone up who gets near kids while they’re drunk, there won’t be anyone left in the State.

Commenters to The Journal are already blaming PTSD for his runs and reported state of intoxication. Idjits. Hollywood has made us all practicing mental health professionals, apparently.

And having empty “clips” isn’t a crime, no matter how many he had even in the bluer states. Especially empty “clips” for a toy gun. Never mind that the word is “magazines”, media dumbasses.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Veterans Issues

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He probably just had mags in his ammo pouches.
This whole thing seems dumb. Even if he was drunk, arrest him on public intoxication.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Who gets loaded and goes jogging in shorts and training shoes, never mind full gear that sounds a little unlikely?

Geezus, I hope there is a lawyer available to work the case for this kid. The media is unbelievably lazy these days, I like this line:

“The reality of the thing is you have a veteran who has returned behaving in this manner which causes the public to be very upset, so we have to figure out what this behavior is and why this occurred at this level,” Games-Neely said.

Behaving in what manner you f#cking moron? A training manner? Do none of these 4ssholes have any idea how the military trains?

or this line:

“The terrorism statute is basically broken down (that) he creates this threat by his behavior. That’s what happens. For instance, if you saw this young man walking into a movie theater after Aurora, what do you think?,” Games-Neely said

But he wasn’t in a theater you stupid b4stard, he was jogging in his kit prepping for his next training assignment…he’s just an easy target for lazy morons.
As many have stated, an initial stop to discern the reality of the situation was probably in order. Arresting him was stupid, deciding to charge him is outrageous. Attempting to defend why you are charging him with idiotic platitudes about hypotheticals that are not applicable is grasping at straws at best and incompetent assclownery at worst.


This year, my idea of hunting means a long walk with a weapon and other appropriate gear, in the dark. Then I sit and wait for the sun to come up. How should I train for that? All suggestions should consider that I will pass within view of a young mother out for a walk with small children. For whatever it’s worth, I think that many people frighten too easily.


Teh Stoopid seems strong in Berkeley Co, WV . . . .

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@4 wear bright orange clothing and carry a heavy stuffed animal, preferably a bright pink bunny…and definitely lose the night vision goggles…/sarc


Yuppies and their children and grandchildren….everything scares them. They think there are ticks, fleas and boogeymen everywhere. If they go on a trail hike, every bug is a threat to their lives. They are, to quote Robert Heinlein in “Have Space Suit — Will Travel”, “the kind of people who will poke something with a stick or step on it and run away. They clip the wings of birds because they cannot fly.”
Seriously, I’ve been out on a trail within a few yards of a popular fishing pond and run into people, with children, who think that dragonflies (they eat mosquitoes) will give them some sort of horrible disease, and the trails should be covered with concrete so that they won’t get dirty. They put helmets on their kids’ heads to go on the trails. These people are beginning to creep me out more and more.
Yes, they do frighten too easily. They have no contact with the real world.


When I was preparing to go to Iraq, I put on some trashed ACU bottoms, a tan t-shirt, my boots, a boonie hat, threw on my rucksack, and because I saw it on “Generation Kill” and thought “thats hardcore”, put on my promask and ran bleachers at my daughters high school, while the foot team was doing two a days.

The coach grabbed his two biggest linemen and asked me just what the hell I was doing.

If you ask me, that was the right way to handle it. Yeah, I was being stupid (and HARDCORE!), but the coach didn’t compound that stupidity by calling the cops.


My idea of staying shape for work (flight medic/nurse) is to take a ruck with about 35 lbs in it (yeah, I’m old now…) and head it early in the morning through the roads and arroyos around here. It worked when I was younger, and it still works now. I sure as hell hope none of our local PD get any ideas from this story!

The only possible mistake this kid made was the model gun. But I get that. He was thinking ‘train as you play’, and not thinking that the local cops would lack a little sense. What happened to a cop pulling alongside and chatting? ‘Hey kid, what’re you up to? Mind if I look at that for a moment? Listen, this makes the neighbors a little nervous. Do ya think you could leave this home on the next time out?’ The whole thing would’ve been done in 5 minutes or less. I’m sorry to say the Barney Fife comparison (may he RIP) sounds apt.

Old Trooper

First of all, I won’t say “I told you so” to a certain person 🙂 Because, they were thinking with commobn sense, as would I, however, we are talking about an elected lawyer in an election year. I knew they would attempt to make this bs charge stick.

The rationale posed by this ignorant chick is right out of the leftist appeal to the soccer mom play book. She mentions feelings and children in her defense of the charges. The two biggest buzzwords they have.

I don’t trust women with hyphenated names; period. I think most of them are evil, snotty, arrogant, and narcissistic.

This chick is piling on by adding the “highly intoxicated” sound byte. If I were his lawyer, the very first thing I would ask to see is the breathalyzer report that shows his blood alcohol level at the time of his arrest.

The Constitution says you have a right to be safe, not a right to feel safe. Someone didn’t feel safe, so they called the cops. If the cops were smart; they would have ascertained that the situation was safe and sent him on his way in full knowledge that the person that didn’t feel safe was actually safe. Notice I said if the cops were smart.

Green Thumb

Pretty rare for the NG to get a slot for Ranger School.


Are they going to hold his Ranger school slot for him?


Green THumb: If he is in a LRS unit, they have Ranger slots… As for this, is there a number to the Prosecutor’s office, so one might call up and demand that they release the toxicology reports they claim to have, then demand a VERY public apology?

Green Thumb


Lucky 13? Odd.

Anyway, I did not think about that. You are right. I have been out a while.


Having rode out that way, I expected better out of WV. grrr


Highly intoxicated, huh? Maybe highly intoxicated on the HOOAH, you fucktard journalists.

The fucking media in this country has about as much credibility as a gossip mag.


Lol me coming up 13 is oddly lucky… And no worries!


@11 Green Thumb – Ranger school is now funded through NGB, not state training dollars. Since he is assigned to a light infantry company and the funding is looser, the opportunities have increased. The ARNG even has a full time staff at Benning teaching pre-Ranger, air assault, and pathfinder courses.


#7 Ex-PH2

“They put helmets on their kids’ heads to go on the trails.”

Please tell me you are joking/exaggerating!!??


I’m sure he was not intoxicated, just worn out from the hardcore PT session, and they called it intoxication. It’s WV, and no offense Jonn, but I don’t think the cops there bother to do shot right the first time or any time.


Highly intoxicated … oldest lawyer trick in the book. Whether he was highly intoxicated or not … we will never know … but I will bet you he was never tested and this notion was an after thought.


This is just pathetic.


I know if I was highly intoxicated my first thought would be to throw on my uniform, body armour and a ruck and go for a run /sarc

Green Thumb


Things seemed to have changed alot.

When I went through years past, it was mostly IOBC grads, Batt Boys, IN guys such as myself (Enlisted Pre-Ranger grads from parent units), and handful of other combat arms and sister services plus a few foriegn nationals.

I do not recall any NG guys.

It seems that the NG deployments caused by the war(s) have shifted the paradigm to include priority slots and funding.


@Old Soldier54, I was not exaggerating. This is no sh;t. I saw a soccer mom shepherding three kids (two boys, one girl, maybe 6 thru 10) along a flat, groomed trail around a popular trout fishing pond, with helmets on their heads. It was hot and those kids looked bedraggled, so I asked her why they were wearing them. She said if they fell, they might get dirt in their hair. That is not a joke. So I told her it was more likely they’d get heat stroke wearing those helmets in 90+ degree temperatures, and she got annoyed with me for implying that she was a bad mommy.


Twist, stop with that Fort Bragg mentality!!! Lol. And yes, MTOEs and operational needs have forced changes due to the wars. Its a good thing as long as guard and reserve units start giving the schools and slots to us TPUs instead of the freaking full timers who will NEVER use them!


@MCPO, that county PA has to prove the kid was drunk. Documentation is everything. Where’s the blood acohol test? That takes two minutes with a breathalyzer, so where is the test?


@ PH2 … just my point … anyone can say anything … the proof of intoxication comes the inform of a chemical analysis and test result.


Or the blood test to boot! She has nothing and is all bluster

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@19 For recreation I tend to Geocache a lot these days, keeps me running around the woods and lets me use some of my high tech toys outdoors for fun. My wife and I are of the age where when you saw a kid with a helmet you weren’t supposed to get too close, well now whole families here in the people’s republic of massachusetts wear helmets, and wrist protection so they don’t snap their vegan induced osteoporosis wrists every time they trip over a stick…they make more noise than the old M-60 tanks rumbling through the woods and they wear more protection than we were ever issued by Uncle Sam…


Call me wrong if you want, but the way I see it.

Media = liberals

Liberals = Hate the military unless we are doing some do good social program of theirs far removed from the duties of the military.

If you get hurt in the military, well you volunteered so you should pay for it not the gov. (Remember that one)

Well since we have to pay for it we will give you substandard care (Numerous cases of VA and a few military malpractices) but you can’t sue us for it (Ferres Doctrine) and make you wait for disability if you can’t work because you volunteered for it. (VA backlog)

Then we want you to close yourself away from us because we don’t want to see you or be reminded of you because you scare us with your high probability of turning John Rambo on us and shooting up the whole town while Andy and Barney can’t do anything about it.

So we will arm up the Andy and Barney with all the high tech military stuff to use against you just in case, even though a lot of them have neither intellect or common sense to use them appropriately.

And if any of your fellow citizens that support you and defend against our actions, well we will put them on our list to be dealt with too.

I might be a tad bitter here, but I bet some of you can agree with some of what I said.


Or, OOHH LOOK and guy in military garb running and sweating….THE SKY IS FALLING!

Remove him Officers we are scared.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@31 Pacino had a great line in the movie “Sea of Love”….
“Come the wet-ass hour I’m everybody’s daddy”.

..as long as everything is sunny and bright we don’t want to know you, but when the sh1t hits it…that’s a different story.


My guess is that the officers didn’t see a PT belt so they thought he was for real


Lucky, if he’d had the PT belt on they’d have known he was for real, and the headline would be “Armed Crazed Vet shot by Heroic Deputy Fife…for the Children!”

In all seriousness, I’ve been stopped while rucking (as Medic09 says its a great way to stay in shape) by the police and while it’s frustrated me each time, I get they were just doing their jobs. They get a call, and they respond to it, and me having learned my lesson at the High School, I dress pretty non-descript. So I get called in as a transient (aka homeless drug dealer apparently).

The only time, I’ve ever been worried was when a new to the job officer kept threatening me with arrest if I didn’t let him go through my bag. A more senior officer showed up and settled things down.

Green Thumb

I wonder if this is how Rambo felt when Brian Dennehy told him to keep walking?


SGTkane, When I ruck, I use an old ALICE pack, easy to tell military, especially with the PT belt, and civie PT gear with my boots, like I said earlier, the Cops know I’m military with that gear on

Green Thumb

Is the buddy run still three miles? Or do they even have that anymore?


We can’t even call them Indian Runs anymore!


I take it this guy Alemar is a regular reader of this blog.


@40…I’ll bet you do “take it”. In the ass.


Never heard of Alemar before this


Btw is your name knees2thebreeze, or onthekneesready2please?


Nothing new, VOV – nor unique to our country. Kipling saw it too, over 120 years ago.



Hey, welcome back Knees2theBreeze – or should I say DeWald? What “war stories” are you going to regale us with today?


I am the one who initially turned Jonn and TSO onto this story, and I am a regular if albeit quiet lurker on here. I was Billy Alemar’s 1SG from 2009 to 2011. He’s a really good kid, driven and full of Hooah..some times too much for his own good, lol.

Infantry units in the National Guard get slots for Ranger school, but they are rarely taken by enlisted guys because it’s a one time chance. If you get hurt, they won’t let you heal up in the gulag..you’re on a plane home. TSO and I actually spent a weekend competing for one of these slots many moons ago and we became good friends after taking a 52 hr Ranger school style tactical beat down (PT test, rappeling, wpns qual, land nav, obstacle course, 12 mi ruckmarch) at the hands of several tabbed guys – remains to this day, one of my favorite drill weekends.

Did Billy do something stupid? More than likely. He should have thought more about this before strapping his kit on and running by a school. I knew him as a great kid and got word from my former Soldiers who are still with him that he was training up all summer.

My hope is that common sense will prevail, although sometimes common sense is so rare in cases like these, it might as well be a super-power.


@40 What does it matter?

He is a Soldier who was doing PT, albeit not the wisest carrying an airsoft, still not a violation of the law, he threatened no one, did not resist arrest, and we have not seen any results of test for intoxication nor charges of public intoxication.

With all that happens weekly, sometimes daily in the news where there are questionable or poor treatment of Veterans or Service Members by different elements of our society public and private should we not be concerned?

You can bet if he were a member of a different minority class it would be all over the MSM. We as Veterans are a minority of sorts, however, when we are active and are wronged it is usually accepted to let it go to avoid the publicity to the branch of service, and continue on with career.

When one is a Veteran the populace quickly tires and forgets because most are programed by the MSM to view us as a group to be wary of and have nothing in common with to begin with.


Are they really going to charge this guy with terrorism?



There were some articles a year or two ago in the press about the Army finding that they were having trouble filling all the slots at Ranger School with “the right” candidates. Something about people who had already led guys in combat not feeling the need to spend two months to get a patch that shows they could theoretically lead people in combat. So maybe it’s easier to get a slot than it once was for NG etc.


2-17 AirCav

Games-Neely is a piece of work who is famous for two things: 1) Her political lineage, and; 2) Her making deals after over charging defendants. Perfect insight into her warped thinking comes from her own mouth. She is quoted as saying that the charge is correct (what the hell does that mean?) and defends the ridiculous terrorism charge by asking how people would view Alemar if he had entered a movie house with the same attire and accessories! Right. And if the facts aren’t sufficient to make the case then let’s just throw out some hypotheticals! What a piece of work.