And thus does it end…
Still waiting on apologies….Blue Falcon, Dude, you guys out there?
Next argument up will be I am picking on a mentally handicapped guy. Who also has an arrest warrant out there now.
Also, for those who care, I am on 20/20 right now.
Or not. Looks like the entire Poe segment got canned.
UPDATE: Here is my friend Donna, and this stuttering crying asshat.
Category: Politics
Oh looks like the PTSD claim is coming out.
As for Poe himself, a family member says she fears he’s suicidal. He hasn’t left the house since the scandal broke, and he’s been crying incessantly. One family member says Poe is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
Thanks for taking point on this, TSO, you done good.
Has the story been on 20/20 yet? I switched channels because I couldn’t stomach watching the PoS who faked cancer for her wedding and now there’s a guy who lied to go through high school again (really? I taught high school for over 10 years–never knew anyone who wanted to go there voluntarily…)
Really hoping I haven’t missed Poe yet…
Jonn’s wallet is stamped, “BAD MOTHER FUCKER.”
That is all.
Pass the Bar Exam AND gets on 20/20 all in one week WTF’NG TSO!!!
Found the video just especially for you TSO just go to that link. LOL
Not yet, I think I will be on last.
Congrats, TSO: Solid reporting and research. You’ve done the good guys proud.
Give credit where credit is due, the other dude. It’s TSO who broke the Poe story. And I hear TSO has that tattooed on his
right bicep. (smile)
Zomg, I can’t believe this dipshit. I’ll smack a real stutter into him!
All the credit in the world to TSO for exposing this guy.
Having listened to the radio interview, I’m still thinking he is trying to continue to run his con, but with a different spin: “Oh poor me. I am so pathetic and sad and damaged. Please take pity on this poor broken man.” Give him a few months for the heat to die down and for people to forget and he’ll be trying some different hook for a different crowd. I just get a wrong guy vibe from him.
20/20 never looked so good. But how can you fault the guy? I mean SERIOUSLY he said right there he believes it in HIS OWN MIND. lol. What a douchebag.
Wow. 20/20 screwed me so bad.
They completely wasted my entire day.
I can’t even listen to the whole damn thing. The stu stu stu stupid studering BS makes me want to punch his mother in the ovaries.
Clever girl, ABC…making me sit through an hour for that two-second clip.
I know people have asked this before, but I just don’t get how he didn’t think he would be caught. I mean, how could he *not* think that people would recognize the real people in the photos he submitted, or that people who know him wouldn’t step forward and call his bullshit? Or that people like you, TSO, exist and would rip his story a new asshole? Just don’t get it.
I just watched 20/20 for no reason other than to fuel my hatred for pretty much everyone….there wasn’t a beard to be seen on that show
I guess it wasn’t a total waste of an hour….I did get to stare at all grown up Dominique Moceanu who just seems like a lovely person to on….i mean around… 😀
My speculation is that because he fessed up, it kind of took the drama out of it. I did note however that the correspondent that did my portion ended up not being the correspondent for the actual segment. So I think they intended to do a piece on whether he was lying or not, and then once he said “I’m batshit crazy” it took the ooompf out of that focus.
Jesus, I want to curb stomp his fucking stupid ass
He’s already called a VA hospital to get some treatment? Like what? An enima to remove the shit from his brains?
Cocksucker needs to be strung up by his balls
He went to the VA to what? Get a blankie? Shit at least he could be a fuckin man about it.
Good. Cry, you fucking lying pathetic pussy. I’ve carried people off the battlefield in bags who you aren’t fit to speak the name of. You earned the attention, asshole.
@17- TSO, they could have dropped you because Poe fessed up, but Occam’s razor suggests that the Blue Falcon called in a favor from one of his collected scalps to get you pulled off the air, under the pretense that he would take his foot off the guy’s throat long enough for him to catch a breath of air.
Because the Blue Falcon fucking hates lawers.
Crocodile tears. He’s upset only because he’s been caught. What an absolute piece of shit. I hope he spends some time in jail.
Now comes the sorries,crying and seeking help! only after he is caught with no way out. TSO,Annand Jag, Ican I claim PTSD for stromping him thru the curb? Or if I talk to him in Morse code left hand for Dot and Right hand for Dash. It will be a long message. What are rates? Joe PS, been a long time since I have really wanted to harm another person. this,OT,Tim and Yat yas I cannot think of a word or phrease for this “thing”. Joe
He’s got an arrest warrant out? For what? I was working, I missed a few hours of the epic smack down as it was unfolding.
Sorry, TSO. You are da man. My apologies!
where you at, Blue Falcon? Still defending this SOB? LOL. You barracks shysters suck.
Congrats TSO, but I know how 20/20 feels. I’m disappointed that this wasn’t more painful for him.
Something tells me that this has yet to play out.
Yeah… it’ll probably end with Poe taking AGT hostage and demanding his crown.
If he got PTSD from being a total pussy then I’m going to claim PTSD from when the DFACs stopped providing individual Grandma’s Cookies packets for us to hoard. Then I’m going to use that diagnosis to stop a real stutter into him. And probably castrate him for the good of humanity. I’m sure at the very least his menagerie of ex-wives would appreciate it.
I think I am gonna hurl chunks listening to the friggin douchiest of all bags.
Here’s Poe’s “reality” #1 – Poe saw an opportunity to gain sympathy from a sympathetic public and AGT staff.
“Reality” #2 – Poe saw an opportunity to enrich himself based on the aforementioned sympathies. One doesn’t have to win AGT in order have future monetary success.
“Reality” #3 – Kiss my Irish ass you phony SOB/POS – you’re done for thanks to TAH, TSO and and Poe’s former friends at the 114th (and others).
Sorry your time was wasted TSO. But thank you for getting this unraveled!
I couldn’t listen to any of it. I was so completely disgusted by his “pity-party I got busted” act in the video, I’m now nauseous. He reminds me of one of our guys in Iraq. Started crying and wouldn’t stop. Hadn’t heard a shot fired in anger or even seen a bad guy AND he was the tool room guy. Wasn’t doing any flying. He ended up going home over it cause he was just too afraid to be there.
Some people just aren’t made for this shit. Poe is one of them. I feel no sympathy for him because he outright made shit up. Tens of thousands of service members who served honorably don’t make things up about what they did. I think Poe is just a scared, shitty excuse of a man.
If he gets DX’ed as PTSD, then the only catalyst I can see causing it is his getting his bullshit exposed on National TV.
Proof again, Pags is a class act. Poe on the other hand well if he really is delusional I hope he gets the help he needs. The folks @ AGT and the rest of the so called MSM all need to be sent back through ethics class. I think two major things happened in this case the producers @ AGT got so blinded by the potential ratings and rise in money that they didn’t bother checking things out, (while I can understand wanting to trust a Vet: in the words of the great Ronald Reagan: trust but verify!) I wonder if same producers who were so willing to use Mr. Poe for a ratings, do the right thing and help him get the help he needs. This whole thing is a major reason why we need Stolen Valor. To the MSM folks who totally failed to give credit to THA and TSO, you have just lost my, viewer ship, not just for your new programs and web sites but also regular programming. Actions have consequencs.
To ‘the dude’ and BlueFalcon are you all man enough to do what you were calling on TSO to do and apologized to TSO! But I’m not going to hold my breath!
Thanks again TSO for all your hard work and putting up with the crazies.
What PTS??? The only stress this clown has had is having to admit that he has no more ways out of his lies.
He’s a criminal, a fraud, a liar, a con man, and he is continuing his schtick, with mutating variations.
People with real PTS are self-destructive. This fool is just your garden variety user (both literally and figuratively) who manufactures stories to bilk others.
#26… Radar Online says…”arrest warrant in Denton County, Tex. stemming from a 2002 misdemeanor assault charge against a family member.”
Too bad it wasn’t a felony so maybe he’d get some time and made someone’s bitch.
What a pussy!
As for the Dude and Blue Falcon; this just in from Fire Direction/Target Evaluation center on these two:
“Target eval says these two are of no value, do not engage, save ammunition. Repeat Do Not Engage.”
This is what happens when mentally weak cunts join the military in times of war, worried only about self preservation then, worried only about self preservation now….man needs to be tattoed as a coward and by given duty at a national cemetery as punishment. Fucking cry baby dirt bag.
Going out not with a bang but a whimper. Why am I not surprised?
A 2002 arrest warrant out on him in TX, eh? And he left the state, went 1000+ miles north, and joined the MN ARNG in Oct 2002, right?
Gee – I wonder if there’s a connection between the two. (smile)
Unfortunately, lying about that on his enlistment paperwork in 2002 is probably well past the statue of limitations. And I believe lying about it on subsequent reenlistment paperwork would be a state issue, since he was in the MN ARNG. I don’t think MN will try to go after him now since he’s no longer a MN resident.
But I wonder if he’s put in for a security clearance within the past 5-7 years. He’d have to answer questions concerning past criminal behavior and/or legal problems on that paperwork too. And that should be within the statute of limitations for filing a false statement (7 years, I believe).
Security clearances are granted by the Federal government, so that would be Federal paperwork. And filing a false statement there would thus be a Federal crime – in this case, I believe a felony.
@Hondo – Just my perception, but Poe doesn’t strike me as the type to work at more than the local Jiffy Lube.
I’d bet good money that he’s not well versed on the cleared arena.
I concur with your impression of Poe, CI. But he may well have had to put in for a clearance pre-deployment in 2009. If I recall correctly, his unit was tasked to provide transportation support for a number of US and/or NATO installations. Working in unit supply would likely require him to have access to movement schedules, supply manifests, etc . . . . I believe some if not all such would be classified in theater.
If asscrack is having a problem remembering what happened to him, maybe he needs to read his entire medical record, not the two pages that he submitted.
Hondo I somehow doubt he wold have been allowed access to anything classified above FOUO. He didn’t seem to have the brains to do his job in supply so I doubt he could have filled out the long form for a clearance. Most classified stuff would be in the S-3 shop and those who had an NTK would find out and I don’t see Poe having an NTK for anything bigger than the TS Clearance for a roll of John Wayne toilet paper.
@Hondo – You’re correct that those items would be close hold, if not Secret//Rel……….but its really an overall minority of Soldiers at that grade who have had the money and time invested in clearance adjudication. It’s still possible that he was submitted for a clearance, but I’m (hopefully) doubtful that be would have been.
Is it just me, or does his stuttering go away when he has to focus on faking his tears?
Glad to see that TAH is getting national attention: msnbc, abc, etc. Take the publicity you can. Remember your roots. And keep up the good work. As the new readers realize you’re here, some will return & some will forget the story in a day.
Good job Jonn & Mark!
“Radar Online says…”arrest warrant in Denton County, Tex. stemming from a 2002 misdemeanor assault charge against a family member.” ”
Sounds like a domestic violence act. That was a a specific disqualifier for deployment both times I deployed (Kuwait, 2007 and Afghanistan in 2011, and yes I am a Fobbit), because you are not allowed to carry a weapon with that on on your record.
Should have said “was a Fobbit”