Another Phony Warrior Exposed…in the White House

| June 4, 2012

Over at American Thinker, author, William A. Levinson, has an interesting take on the Obama Campaign’s efforts to make it seem as though our affirmative action commander-in-chief personally led the raiding party of SEALs that took out Osama bin Laden. Levinson refers to this cynical exploitation of our troops as “Barack Obama’s Stolen Valor,” and suggests that a shortened version, dropping the Barack, would make a pointed bumper sticker during this election season.

Levinson is spot-on, of course, in applying the premise of B.G. Burkett’s seminal book in his assessment of Obama’s shameless attempt to appear to be what he isn’t, a decisive military tactician and boldly courageous combat leader. Think about it, what is the difference between that counterfeit claim and those of this little worm, “Ronad” Mailahn and the other phony warriors Jonn exposes here regularly, other than the higher level of the deception and the far greater significance of Obama’s theft of valor?

One of the comments to Levinson’s piece is insightful in noting that Obama is intimately involved with seals but not SEALs. Obama is surrounded by trained political pinnipeds that perch on their pedestals, barking their approval of his every command, flapping their flippers enthusiastically as they do his bidding in return for smelly morsels of political spoils.

This is exactly what a nation gets when it applies the misguided concept of affirmative action to the selection of presidents and commanders-in-chief.

It just occurred to me that perhaps someone should Photoshop Obama’s haughty mug onto that pic of Sergeant Major Mailahn. it just seems so appropriate. Know what I mean?

ADDED: Thanks to Mark for the updated photo.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Tunnel Dweller

Loved the phony warrior post and will link to it in my blog. I’m 72 years old- a former USMC corporal and have never been as concerned for America as now, and that includes living through the red scare of the 40’s and 50’s. That concern is reflected by the Lincoln quote in the banner of the Tunnel Wall.
We could defend against the reds, but not when it comes from within.
Good Work.


“I am the one you’ve been waiting for”-BHO.


I don’t really have any doubts that we’ll see much the same after Inauguration Day, with President Romney.

Dave Thul

Not much I can say on this while still on AD orders.


Sure there is, Dave. Just don’t fill in the name and mail boxes above the comment box.


[…] And I just added to it.  The photoshop job is mine  This entry was posted on Monday, June 4th, 2012 at 17:22 and is filed under webstuff. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. […]


There is so much crazy in the above comment it would take an entire post on it’s own to cover.

I’ll just address a few things – I have no problem with his race, I have a problem with his handling of just about everything. Also, if he is so fucking brilliant (as you suggest) then how come all his college transcripts are sealed? GWB released his (and had a higher GPA than Kerry) so why won’t Obumbles do the same?

“Harder Working”??? Seriously?? The guy has had more days off playing golf in one term than GWB did in two.

In the world of psychology they call what you are doing ‘projection’ – I suggest you get help. I will say that your name fits you though.


Poor baby. Can’t handle the truth, eh, ‘sip? You are soo silly.

This clown has done more damage to race relations in this country than any single person in our history. Not sure how long it will take to recover from that, but I do hope to live long enough to observe the healthier state we will some day achieve.

If you ever manage to engage enough brain cells to actually comprehend what it means, you really should spend some time in study, ‘sip. Try reading some things by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, for instance. You do know that he earned a doctorate from BU, right? Earned it. Not pushed through, given it as a honorarium, or otherwise rewarded with something for nothing. He worked hard for it and he EARNED IT!

Can you not see that MLK’s doctorate actually meant something as opposed to degrees conferred on people for showing up at the right time and place?

No, guess not. You probably think that an affirmative action degree means as much as one earned. That is just goofy. The real problem is that many minorities still do earn their degrees, which end up being cheapened by those that simply were handed them.

Sad for everyone.

Old Trooper

Ah yes, here comes one of the drooling moonbats with the overused, tired, worn out charge of racism. Nice try, numbnuts, but calling it affirmative action isn’t racist, unless you’re ready to admit that affirmative action is reverse discrimination. Any time anyone disagrees with this President, they are called racist. Any time anyone tells the truth about why he was elected, it’s racist. Samuel L. Jackson admitted that the reason he voted for Obama was because of his skin color; is that racist?

BTW; is it racist if I don’t like Obama’s white half, too?


You should change your name to old senile trooper. I do not have to “admit” that affirmative action is “reverse discrimination” (the only type of discrimination Conservatives will admit exists) because i deny the entire idiotic racist premise. You found one black guy who stated that he voted for Obama because he was black and that to you is evidence that the entire country did the same? Because in your racist world one black celebrity speaks for all blacks because they’re all alike, right?

If being black is such a huge advantage then how come there’s been a grand total of ONE black president and there is a grand total of zero black Senators? In fact since reconstruction there has been a TOTAL of FOUR black Senators since reconstruction? But in your mind these facts are meaningless behind a statement of Samuel L. Jackson. In your world it is just impossible that there’s anyone that avoided voting for him because he was black.

You’re racist because you can’t accept the FACT that the black guy beat the white guy in a fair fight. So Conservatives, who formerly claimed to HATE “psychobabble” now turn theirselves in knots coming up with explanations like “affirmative action President” and “white guilt” because you’re too much the pussies to handle the real truth: he won.

The reason you are a racist is because you find it inconcievable that 8 million more Americans could find a black man better to lead the country then a white man. It wosn’t affirmative action that got him in the White House. It was an election.


Oh, does Donald Trump speak for all white guys, now? How about Orley Taits? Whatever.

CI Roller Dude

I’m guessing that if he doesn’t get re-elected, he can claim PTSD and get his retirement as a disability and not have to pay taxes….
what’d you guys thing?


Oh, bite me, OWB. First off, he has done NO damage to race relations. Blaming him for the actions of Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump, Glenn Beck and other racists is like blaming the rape vitim.

Secondly before MLK earned his Doctorate from BU he was given a break by getting into Morehouse College a negro university. So yes, there were institutions even back then designed solely to help black people get ahead.

Secondly Barack Obama EARNED his place in Harvard, he EARNED his grades that led him graduate Magna Cum Laude(which means he graduated in the top ten percent- MUCH higher then Mitt Romney) he EARNED his position as editor of the Harvard law review by getting more votes than anyone else and and he EARNED his Senate seat by getting more votes then Alan Keyes and he EARNED the Presidency by getting more votes than John McCaine. It had nothing to do with “affirmative action”. It had to do with him being better than your guy. That’s the truth, and the only reason you don’t accept it, is because you’re a racist piece of shit. That’s not me not being able to “handle the truth” that’s me stating the truth. Deal with it.


Really, earned it did he?? then where the fuck are his transcripts and grades??

Considering how he likes to parade out everything he can to make himself look better you would think we would be allowed to see Obumbles grades.

And if he was such a great editor at the Harvard Law Review why are there no published articles by the Golfer-in-Chief??


Insipid just needs to go….far away.


You have to be in the top 15% to graduate Magna, and you have to be in the top 10% to make law review. Furthermore he was a professor at the university of Chicago and the only reason he wasn’t offered a position is because HE didn’t want it:

I don’t know why he doesn’t release his college transcripts, i don’t know why Bill Clinton didn’t release them and i don’t know why Mitt Romney hasn’t released his. Yet of those three people, none of which have released their college transcripts only ONE gets accused of not earning his place and not earning their nomination? Why is that? Let me spell it out for you. R.A.C.I.S.M.

But it’s ok that Mitt Romney doesn’t release his transcripts or his tax returns because we all know that rich white guys NEVER get unfair breaks.


Insipid…yeah, u mad, bro.


BTW insipid…he was never a law professor. He was an adjunct, which is a nice way of saying fetch boy and teach my firstie class while the adults do real work. He wasn’t paid, he had no tenure, and why exactly did he stop practicing law over a decade ago?


If you don’t want to be called a racist piece of shit, stop BEING a racist piece of shit. And yes, using the term “affirmative action president” does indeed make you a racist piece of shit. I didn’t do it, you did. I’m just pointing it out.


Oh, and go fuck yourself too


Bullshit again NH Sparky. I already posted the link, but i guess you didn’t read it, god forbid you should learn anything: Here’s the relevant passage: Fortunately for me, that was easy because the Harry A. Bigelow Distinguished Service Professor of Law at the University of Chicago Law School, Douglas G. Baird, is my first cousin (the “G” stands for Gordon). So I asked him about the quote and about the possibility that the reason Obama has refused to release his academic records was that his grades weren’t all that good. Here’s what he wrote back: … The idea that Obama had lousy grades is demonstrably untrue. He graduated magna from Harvard Law, which means that he was at least in the top 15 or 20 percent of his class at HLS. Most of the exams are blindly graded. I don’t want to argue about the relevance of grades, but the idea that they weren’t very good is just not right. It also mischaracterizes his position at Chicago to say that he was only a part-time instructor. Not being full-time was a matter of his choosing. (He wanted to pursue a political career. Our efforts to persuade him to teach fulltime at Chicago didn’t succeed. With respect to this, I should emphasize that I’m not speaking with second-hand knowledge. As dean at the time, I was the relevant decision maker.) Moreover, he was a “senior lecturer.” This is not your typical part-time instructor. At the time, it was a position reserved for people who would otherwise be full-time faculty, but who choose not to. (He got full medical benefits, large office, secretary, and faculty-type perks that were given only to [Richard] Posner and [Frank] Easterbrook [who are vastly distinguished appellate federal judges as well as senior lecturers at the law school], and not any other adjuncts.) To say that some professors hated him because he was unqualified is mystifying. His credentials (president of HLR and magna) are completely traditional law professor credentials. His classes were consistently popular. He spent relatively little time schmoozing with faculty or hanging out with them… Read more »


My, reading insipid’s rants is a lot like reading what the “really smart” people write on the restroom walls.
Sip, you made mention in another thread that you were in “the Guard”. Would that have been the Red Guard?
Oh, and what Instinct told you in #23.


I will ask the question again. If it’s not racism why isn’t Mitt Romney who also did not release his grades, the “affirmative action candidate?” Is it so impossible to believe that the son of a wealthy Governor might have gotten in because of his connections? Why isn’t Bill Clinton, another person who didn’t release his grades the first “affirmative action” President? Why the one, different standard for President Obama? “Funny” how you steadfastly refuse to answer that. Doesn’t fit your world-view i guess.


And, Baracka was overworked, he taught “3 classes a year”. Wow, was that before or after he “gave up” his law license voluntarily?
Now, insipid, why don’t you take your projection elsewhere, I’m sure they love you at Kos.


He didn’t “give up” his law license. He retired from the practice of law. Nothing sinister, he and the first lady are doing jobs that don’t require a law license:

Here’s the truth:


“he EARNED his position as editor of the Harvard law review by getting more votes than anyone else”? So, Hah-vahd Law Review is, in fact, a popularity contest? So, why then, is it supposedly a resume-enhancer?
And, Samuel Jackson isn’t the only black who said he voted for Soetero just because of his race. You know it, all this “racist” bullshit is only you sellin’ wolf tickets, but ain’t no one buyin’.


Right, because everyone retires from law before their career has really started. I know of NO ONE who give up a license even if they are not using it, to do that makes no sense at all – like yourself.

Oh, and siting Snopes? They aren’t exactly what I would consider non-biased. How bout throw in a Wiki article while your at it.


You’re living in fantasy land if you really believe that President Obama hasn’t VASTLY improved the view of American in the eyes of the rest of the world after the REAL “affirmative action” President GWB fucked up our standing in the world by lying us into an unnecessary war.

Barack Obama did not get into the White House because of “affirmative Action”. He got into it because he got more votes than the next guy. The fact that you are saying that is what makes you a racist piece of shit. There is no justification for your using that phrase on him and not Romney or Clinton or GWB other than your being racist and the fact that you accept it when Whites are given brakes but are seething mad whenever anyone who is black gets a brake.

To be honest, i don’t relish calling you that. I’d rather you take it back so i can as well. But if your going to use terms like “Affirmative action President” to describe the first black president then you own that term.


Who’s giving automobile brakes to whites and blacks? And, using your “logic”, neither Bush or Clinton got into the WH by affirmative action, because they got more votes than the other guy. Yes, even GWB, much as you scream and cry, he won(where have we all heard that before?).
Romney, he’s only won the nomination so far, so no AA there either.
Anyway, it’s fairly early, I’m off to enjoy a brief time with a good Canadian(Mist), so good night, comrade insipid.
OH, and btw, why don’t you ask the good people in Poland what kind of view they have of the AA President? Or the Czechs, or the Georgians?


He was already a lawyer for 12 years and a teacher at a school. He doesn’t want to pay malpractice insurance anymore and he’s in a job in which he doesn’t need a law license. There’s no evidence whatsoever that there is anything nefarious, nor is there any disciplinary action on either of their records.

Why do i get the “why doesn’t he release his birth certificate?” feel to this line of attack?


“…that’s because Conservatives are pussies. There’s even been a study on it:

That’s the reason why you love the gun so much. You’d continuously wet yourselves if you had to walk down a city street without a concealed carry.”


Are you really this stupid? It’s not that we are pussies, we like our guns because it’s our right to carry them, which the current administration would just jizz their pants if they could take them away, we also carry them, because we don’t know if the next person we meet is part of the liberal “let’s help them with love” group that has an illegal gun and is FUCKING CRAZY!

I carry a gun and have 17 years experience with the martial arts because I am smart..not scared. I know that there are people out there that want to hurt me and my family. I will not cower like the Mayor of DC wants and allow my wife to be raped and my children harmed.

You sir, need to either wake up and smell the coffee, because this keeping your head in the sand shit is the wrong answer.


November is fast approaching. Time to send this fraud packing.


I think I just 50 IQ points reading Insipids diatribe. I really don’t give a rat’s ass whether Obama is black, white, mixed, or Venusian. The truth is Obama has degraded the country with his attacks on class, attacks on corporations, attacks on the military, and his kowtowing to foreign leaders, openly proclaiming us the bad guys. Then he turns around and uses the actions of SEAL Team 6 to prop up his miserable record at home. Oh, and Insipid, if you think Conservatives are pussies, explain Reagan’s stance against terrorism, especially in 1986. Explain Bush the Elder’s stance versus Saddam’s aggression in Kuwait in 1990, or in Somalia 1991-1992? Insipid go crawl back between your mother’s nether lips from whence you spawned. The better part of your DNA ran down your mom’s thighs when your fucktard dad tried to pull out!


If that homeless man were armed, he wouldn’t have had his face eaten off.


Please add “lost” between just and 50 in the above post….sheesh, see what I mean!


#39, If anything Instupid posts has George Bush, GWB or any variant thereof, (and it’s usually in the first sentence or two because he just can’t contain himself) just stop reading. It’s not worth it and you’ll save some IQ points.


@33- I’m not the one throwing the term “affirmative action” around as a perjorative. Barack Obama has certainly done more to earn his place in the world than either GWB or Mitt Romney who were both born with silver spoons in thier mouths. But when it comes to evaluating the white guys, you pretend that it is an egalitarian society, but in evaluating the black guy you claim it was handed. It’s a double standard that it racist.

As Molly Ivens said, they were born on third base and think they hit a tripple.

Again, the certainty that GWB did not earn his spot in an ivy league school and the certainty that he got less votes than the other guy in his first election does not earn GWB the title “affirmative action” president. Nor does anyone here question how Mitt Romney got into college you just ASSUME he earned it.

And actually GWB got less votes then the other guy in 2000 he “won” because of an electoral victory handed to him by a rogue SCOTUS.


Insipid, I am sure the Israelis(our allies) love the golfer in chief. If you are unwilling to admit that black folks voted for him just because he is half black you are just flat out lying or unintelligent. If you are unwilling to admit that there’s a segment of white folk that voted for him because they felt if they didnt they were racist you are lying or unintelligent. The most persecuted demographic in this country are veterans….and even more specifically white male veterans with facial hair.


I guess Obama got the Noble Peace Prize prior to becoming President through Affirmative Action, because he sure as hell has done NOTHING, to earn it.


Is the anointed one’s head photoshopped onto ballduster mcsoulpatch’s body? Priceless!


Oh, just ONCE i would like you to man up redacted and justify your statements. Why is it that you have the assumption that the White Guys earn their presidential titles but the black guys have it handed to them? Even when it’s white guys of wealth and priviledge you never doubt for a second that they earn the position. Don’t be a pussy and respond with your tired-ass point that you make every time i post something. Why is it that you assume the rich white guys earn their position but the black guy who came from the lower class and made something of himself didn’t earn it? Especially when the black guy one by a MUCH bigger margin then either George Bush or his father.

None of you have come up with an answer to that question nor will you.

As far as my contention that Conservatives are pussies: no, George Bush Senior and Ronald Reagan were not pussies because NEITHER was conservative. At least not by the standards of today. Ronald Reagan raised taxes a whole bunch of times, granted amnesty to illegals, worked well with Democrats and even said nice things about them on occaision, worked to SAVE SS and medicare and did not call either a “ponzi scheme”. In short he’d be a Democrat today.

And we of course all know what happened to George Senior when he dared to raise taxes. the Republican party was sane at one time. Not today.


Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever heard insipid go off on that bad of a rant before. Who pulled on his panties & gave “him” the uber wedgie? I could only read parts of his babbling before I had to stop due to nausea and illness.
Sounds like insipid needs to increase three things: his meds and the voltage and frequency of his electro shock therapy.


First off blacks have voted mostly for Democrats since the Civil rights act. The fact that you can’t conceive of the possibility that they are doing so out of their own self interest says a lot about you. It also says a lot that you think that you’re making up a bullshit theory and turning it into the rule. Is there a possibility that some White guys voted for President Obama because he was black? Yes. But remember even after GWB destroyed the world economy John McCain STILL got the majority of White Male votes. You don’t see any possibility that people didn’t vote for him because he was black?

The fact is that it wasn’t a close call. If, let’s say he “won” by less than 600 votes in Florida you could be slightly rationale in explaining it away as White Guilt or Affirmative action”. I’d still say you were racist and wrong, but at least you’d be sane. But to explain 8 million votes and a 7 percentage point win as affirmative action and “white guilt”, is hugely and undeniably racist. It’s just a mental contortion to try and minimize his accomplishment because you cannot accept that he won.


I never made that arguement pal. You’re just such a racist you made that assumption, you racist bastard. @#46, what he really needs to do is stick to the deep fryer and Mcflurry machine.


I’ll put it to you this way: if Herman Cain or Alan Keyes ran for President i’d vote for them in a heartbeat, but they’re probably not “black enough” for you are they? You racist fuckwad.


And if they did win and a liberal called them “affirmative Action” presidents i’d call THEM racist too.


No, you didn’t make the argument redacted, you just defended someone who did. Just as bad.