Coming to NYC “An Army of Rape: Why Supporting the Troops is Wrong! “

| March 13, 2012

I went over to the facebook page that was in this post. There is one comment that I could not pass up.

Looking at the names involved that this conference this is going to be a real meeting of the minds. We have Sunsara Taylor, Carl Dix and Mathis. I find it funny that people are still refer him as a member of IVAW. Not to mention the direct statement that Carl Dix is a Communist.

I tried to look for anything on the net but nothing so far. But considering that anything Mathis does is kept quiet for fear of use ruining it with his past.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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I guess I should keep you on my email list 🙂

Heights is a Seattle shill for World Can’t Wait, an “anti-war” front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party. The RCP is a fairly media savvy group out of NYC and SF ran like a cult for a pretend fugitive/revolutionary named Bob Avakian. Dix is one of their old school token black guys.


Oh, and Taylor is the pretty face RCP/WCW puts on TV because she looks like an almost attractive hipster chick instead of a burnout, failed revolutionary.

Doc Bailey

So I would like to ask, if America has an army of rapists, and cold blooded killers, what exactly are the taliban? No I’m sure they use fuzzy kittens to get their way.

Just Plain Jason

Doc, don’t you use that logic stuff. The Taliban is way over there and some how if you look at it from their point of view it’s all our fault, because they say so. Now if we would…I forget what…they wouldn’t have to bomb our embassies, ships or attack us here. And we are rapists and murderers remember Jessie Macbeth said so!


They TOTALLY support the troops though. Don’t ever say that they don’t. They get touchy.

And they inevitably accuse you of wanting to kill troops for imperialist wars and oil company profits.

This is the type of civility we’ve grown so accustomed to. They tell us what we can say and then we comply.


Wait a minute,

Wasn’t the biggest army of rape in modern history the Red Army?

That’s right the biggest army of rape in modern history was Communist.

I can’t help but admire the audacity of Communists who decide to lecture us on military rapes. I’d be laughing if it wasn’t so damn ridiculous.

Yat Yas 1833

These ‘groups’ remind me of the “revolutionary” groups back in the ’60s and ’70s. The Symbionese Liberation Army < a dozen members, the Black Panthers < a few hundred members nation wide, etc. Always with the "We're gonna over throw the government and power to the people"! Where are they now? At least these filthy hippies aren't killing cops!

B Woodman

That should be “a real meeting of the mind.” (singular, not plural).


This group of oxygen thieves makes run of the mill leftists look sane….ish.

Army Sergeant

I wonder if they’re advertising it like that, does it count as slander?

I’m trying to decide if it’s worth my sanity to go counter this.


Margo–how ’bout you run up to a few Talibunnies without your burka on and tell them how they shouldn’t throw acid in little girls faces, blow up shit, things like that.

Let us know how that works out for ya, mkay?


Just because Matthis admitted to raping someone while in the Army, it doesn’t mean the rest of us followed his… ahem… lead.

As an aside, it’s interesting that Margo Heights’ raison d’etra is that one can’t support the troops because troops are solely tied to the prism of “atrocities.” But she states that she finds it impossible to support the troops, or at least what they defend. One with an open mind would see the irony that those same troops that she lumps into one, giant Army of Rape is defending her right to be a close-minded, pseudo intellectual. She would be the first to complain aboutus labling her little group as a bunch of moronic hippies, but it certainly is ok for her to tarnish the institution of the Armed Forces. I’m sure she would be much happier under Communist rule, because I’m sure those govermnents would love and encourage such events, and even defend her right to say it. If she had her way based on her wide brush view, Margo Heights would absolutly be the star of the work camp.


Hey guys, maybe I should go, I want to look Matthis is his bloodshot eyes and ask him about the Taliban, ask him what his experience with them is, ask him if he literally knew anyone murdered in their sleep by the Talibs, if he had ever seen up close and very personal what happens to Afghans who support GIROA when the Talibs get their hands on them… But I am pretty sure I would get called a racist or something else for daring to confront his holyness Matthis the 1st


re #7

They should remind you of such groups from the 60’s and 70’s. They’re part of the same intellectual movement. Many, such as the Revolutionary Communist Party’s Bob Avakian, got their start in such groups way back in the day. It’s the same people, just with new recruits and different front groups.


NSOM: Ain’t warmed-over 40-year old idiocy great? (smile)

Anonymous in Jax

I couldn’t resist….I had to go to the event page and comment. I am so sick of people calling Matthis a member of IVAW, an Iraq war vet, and an Afghan war vet. Why does he never chime in and correct them?! I’m convinced, based on the sheer number of times that the media has referred to him as such, that HE is the one who is telling them that he is an Iraq or Afghan war vet. I know the media has a tendency to not understand certain aspects of the military, but like I said, they do it ALLLLL the time with Matthis. He has to be fueling the fire.


@ #7

Where are they now?

Looked at the White House lately? lol

Yat Yas 1833

@17 LOL! Good one, Jacobite!?


16 – Metthis insists he is an Afghan war vet because he spent 5ish days “in country.”

Liam B.

Any gathering that promotes the pontifications of Methis Shit-roux, has my attention for one…two….what were we talking about again?

And communists, Jane Fonda? Are both parties dead set on bringing us back 40 years? WTF is this chewed up mess of crap.

I’ll close with this observation, what a bunch of misrepresentative jack-asses.

In fact they are all a bunch of hot steamy freshly baked CHUD muffins!

Doc Bailey

Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Methinks she oughta sit down and shut up.


I’m a bit disappointed that no one has mentioned this would be a target rich environment.

10th MTN NCO

Where did this Mathis’ apparently serve? I see that he is a so called member of IVAW but it also says he was in Afghanistan? I am tracking he is extremely left wing, which is fine, but does he have the service to back this up or is he someone who got in over their head and refused to deploy due to cowardness?


10th MTN NCO: Here’s the short version.

Mathis Chiroux served primarily in CONUS, Japan, and Germany as a military journalist. He apparently visited Afghanistan on a 6-day TDY (spent at Bagram AB), presumably to get material for a story in connection with his official duties as a journalist. He now uses that 6-day visit to claim he’s an “Afghan vet” while working for leftist/antiwar causes. Chiroux also reputedly went TDY to the Philippines, Italy, and Poland – presumably also on a military journalistic assignments – and claims having been “deployed” to those locations also.

Last time I checked, a TDY assignment anywhere ain’t exactly considered a deployment. And if it’s less than 30 days consecutive/60 days cumulative, you don’t qualify for any campaign or expeditionary medal for TDY – so you don’t have any right to call yourself a “(insert country here) vet” unless it’s a really LONG TDY. (Navy/USMC readers: TDY is the Army/AF term for what you call TAD.)

Chiroux also was apparently administratively discharged from the military after refusing call-up from the reserves after his first ETS.

Further info about Chiroux, including the info releasable from his official military records under the FOIA, may be found at

or by searching for “Mathis Chiroux” on this site. Note the conspicuous absence of any campaign or expeditionary medals in his official military records.

Bottom line: he’s a lying sack of excrement.


Well, the good news for IVAW is that Mathis is gone and that Facebook message was a response to Coffee Strong, which is ran by an IVAW Board member (Jorge Gonzales) who wisely rejects the notion of being against soldiers and who checks political ideology at the door.


First of all I am not a hippie, I have worked 45 years at the Sparrows Point Shipyard as a laborer. I met a supporter of the R C P there and I have been reading their literature since 1976. It makes more sense than your clap trap. First off there is no choice. BOTH the us armed farces AND asll the jahadies rap and kill. When you talk about brutal killers and rapist and you say war crimes are being done by both sides to quote Ed McMahn “You are correct!” Next Mao was not a killer. WAKE THE FUCK UP! What ever you wer told about him is a lie. You should read the RCP literature. What are you afraid of? I know you are afraid of the truth. So you act like little Limbaughs and do personal attacks against the very people who you should be listining to. But you won’t you are lost in your own world. Why Wonder Bread wouldn’t put up with your baloney! To quote the cop from North By Northwest when he was talking to Carry Grant’s Character “You ought to be ashamed” Learn to give a serious analysis or jump in a lake!
Waldo Geeques 45 years at the Sparrows point Shipyard
two tours of duity Vietnam
“The wind may kiss the trees so high!
The flowers kiss the butterfly
The spsrkling wine may kiss the glass
All you reactionaries can kiss my ass”
Alan Barysh


So are you saying “We” should listen to them? I am confused as in your post was vague and jumped from movie quotes to a jargon of nothingness. I am not attacking, just trying to clarify.


45 years working in one place (going back to at least 1967) and two tours in Vietnam?!?

Yeah, I’m going to go ahead and throw the bullshit flag on that one (I mean it’s technically possible, but incredibly unlikely). But since you are a 60 or 70 year or commie and lived through the fall of the wall and the years after, I’m pretty sure truth isn’t really all that important to you.


Maybe this guy was NVA or VC, they picked em young. He never specified which side but he’s leaning towards red quite heavily.


Maybe it’s a guy Dallas tried to “Hunt down and Kill” but he got away and is now back to gloat?


Redacted-you may be on to something, or perhaps a Soviet adviser who got lost on his way home. Anyway, he’s worked for 45 years as “a laborer” unlike Igor featured in this video he could not “one day make foreman”.

Old Trooper

@26: Were you born stupid; or did you grow into it?

Yeah, I’m sure every word printed by the RCP is the honest truth, according to them. Yeah, you’re right, Mao wasn’t a bad guy and had nothing to do with killing his own people. Just like Pol Pot was just misunderstood. Hell Pol Pot was such a freak that even the Vietnamese intervened to get rid of him. Stalin was a terrific guy, too.

Same as always, a commie comes here blathering about how truthful everything in the commie propaganda literature is and how everything else is lies. Go smoke another bowl and watch the Motorcycle Diaries one more time (cuz Che was a real nice guy).


Dude’s probably got an enormous picture of Lavrenti Beria hanging over his bed. Now THAT was a pure piece of shit.


So, Waldo – perhaps you’d be able to give us the street address of the that shipyard? As well as which year its owner went bankrupt and the shipyard closed?


Listen you jive turkies
A) I am as old as you say. B) Sparrows point shipyqard was located off Bethleham Blvd! C) Your answers are stil shit. They are all slanders and lies. Remember! The war in Vietnam was going on in the middle 60’s B) Pol Pot was a jerk PolPot doesn’t equal Mao so stop with the red baiting. You all make me sick!


Shit … I will have what Waldo is smoking!


I’d say pass it down but there’s no way it’ll ever clear my system in time.

And I’ll second Hondo’s question…as point of curiosity for this former Navy guy.

Old Trooper

@35: You make me laugh!! I love your retort about Pol Pot, but you are missing the bigger picture so I will connect the dots for you; mmmmmkay?

What do these people have in common?

A) Joe Stalin
B) Mao
C) Pol Pot
D) Che
E) Kim Il Sung
F) Kim Jong Il

I’ll give you the answer: They were responsible for the deaths of millions of their own citizens. They used violence and oppression to keep their populations under control. And, they were all communists. Those aren’t lies; those are facts. Have you ever talked with anyone that defected from the Soviet Union or anyone who defected from behind the Iron Curtain? No, I’m not talking about your official Communits Party handlers, but the average person. Remember; the Berlin Wall wasn’t built to keep Westerners out, it was built to keep the oppressed people in. However, I suppose you will say that that, too, is a lie.


Waldo: the Sparrows Point Shipyard was located on Sparrows Point near Dundalk, MD. It was about 4 mi SE of Fort McHenry. You are correct in that it was reasonably close to Bethlehem Boulevard in Dundalk – but that’s NOT the road the shipyard was on. Bethlehem Boulevard runs east-west north of Sparrow’s Point; you have to take a different road to get to the shipyard. I’d think that someone who “worked there for 45 years” would probably know the name of the streets where he worked, not just the name of the nearest major highway. But maybe not. Some people are pretty oblivious to the world around them. In any case: Sparrows Point ceased operations as a shipyard in 2003 when BMI went bankrupt. This was about 6 years after it nearly went out of business under Bethlehem Steel in 1997. (It was only saved – temporarily – by its purchase by BMI. And it had been in decline for about a decade by then.) So unless you were kept on by the owners of the industrial park that bought the property after the shipyard closed its doors in 2003, you stopped working there NLT about 2003. I kinda doubt that they kept you on, though, because there wouldn’t have been much call for laborers at a facility that was in mothballs and/or being shopped to subcontractors and was doing little productive work. I suppose it’s possible, though. Now, let’s do the math. Let’s assume you stopped working there in 2003 when the shipyard closed (most likely). Back up 45 years – the amount of time you claimed you worked there – and I get 1957. Here’s a clue for ya, sunshine: the US Vietnam War Era started two years later than that – in 1959 – when Eisenhower sent a few hundred US advisers there. So under that scenario, there’s no way you did “two tours in Vietnam” and then worked another 45 years at Sparrow’s Point shipyard. You’d have had to have done your “two tours in Vietnam” before we were even there. You want us to… Read more »


Waldo, if you’re all hot for communism, there are countries all over the world you can live in that espouse that system. Why don’t you go live there? You have your retirement from the shipyard, right? You’ll do fine. They’ll welcome you with open arms, a true believer.

Unlike those comuunists countries…you can leave here anytime you want.

Veritas Omnia Vincit


The Alan Barysh poem is the giveaway…a tired old commie hack looking for attention. He was booted off his radio show and the folks at the local farmers market are tired of his sad little newspaper, so he’s looking for some way to get some attention. A sad little man, with a sad little audience, hoping to be important in some way.

Failing on every level…


1) That is the first time, ever, that I have been called a “jive turkie” (and I lived through the ’70s) and 2) I love the alphabetical order used in post 35 A-B-C-B. I think Waldo may actually be dumb enough to be a real communist (but the rest of his story is nonsense).


My Brother is Waldo. He has a brain disorder. He did work 35 years in Sparrows Point. He took the bus there every day. He did serve one tour in Vietnam. He met Alan Barysh at the shipyard. He has been a friend of our family for a long time. He is the only white boy we ever trusted. I served in Vietnam for a brief minute. When Waldo showed me the posts-I was amazed that people could be so stupid! I have read and debated with R C P folks they have more respect for people than you do. Oh and by the way Carl Dix was a Black G.I.Resister. And neither Waldo or I do drugs. Sober up


@43 Is your last name “Jordan” ?

Old Trooper

Well, Steve; I really don’t care what you think of us and I really don’t care that you think we’re stupid, since it’s obvious that anyone that subscribes to the principles of communism isn’t very smart, either. Oh, and by the way, I don’t give a shit that Carl Dix is black (I already know that), he’s still a commie POS in my book and calling him a GI Resistor means nothing since we all know his background, already.


So I guess this answers once and for all the question, “Where’s Waldo?”

And yeah…only those who eat paint chips with “brain disorders” find communism attractive.


So let me recap for those playing at home:

There is some jive goin down in the jungle were all those commies are hiding out.

The hippies all kinda like that commies stuff.

It is not the weed but some really bad head damage.

We don’t trust many white boyz around these here parts.

Did I get it right?

BTW – is that Re-Sister, like a former sister that you find attractive or resister like a DRAFT DODGER?


Well, you know, he can always move to North Korea. I hear Kim Jong Un is going to let the folks there use cell phones.


Sure Steve, we now totally believe this new story. Is your brother’s “brain disorder” that he believes in ****ing Communism? Mind you, it’s one he shares with a large part of the professoriate, but you’d think he could still keep straight how many times he went to Vietnam.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@43 The commies are always nice at first, they have all that nice BS about everybody working together and sharing all the world like brothers….of course some of you are going to be step-brothers, and you aren’t actually going to share the same things the revered leaders do, but it’s all good right? Until it’s not all good and the next thing you know they have your boys wired to a light switch while they re-educate your thinking….good luck with that. Too bad the only white boy you knew to trust was a performance poet…explains a lot.