Limbaugh’s sex problem

| March 2, 2012

I don’t listen to Rush…I have a job, well a couple of jobs if you count this thing I do here. But, Politico writes that 75 Congressional voices have been raised to defend college student, Sandra Fluke who claimed to Congress that her sexual activities may sink her budget while she’s in law school at Georgetown. Congressmen apparently have no other function these days than to defend excessively sexually active law students, what with the economy in such great shape and gas prices falling precipitously.

Fluke claimed that her birth control bill for three years of law school may be $3000. Really? That’s about what I pay for three years of property taxes, more or less. I don’t think my pr0n [sic] bill is anywhere near $1000/year.

Limbaugh might be right in this case, as he’s called her a slut and demanded that if she thinks that the government should pay for her birth control, she should post her sexual activities on line so we can observe how our tax dollars are spent.

The whole thing is, if she’s worried about paying so much for her birth control, maybe she should cut back on her sexual activities and focus on her law school studies. I’m pretty sure her parents sent her to law school to study and not screw her brains out. But I’m just guessing…who knows what is in parents’ heads these days.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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I don’t think birth control should be covered under a taxpayer funded medical insurance coverage, unless specifically prescribed for a medical reason beyond sexual activity. The same goes for Viagra or other elective extra curricular needs.

But while Limbaugh raises a point in a rather obnoxious way, the rule of having overt transparency where our tax dollars are spent, in other less hedonistic arena’s, is a political talking point. It’s great rhetoric, but nobody in power really wants that sort of citizen oversight.

Former 3364

OK, my first thought was I should have gone to Georgetown and not UMBC…

I don’t think that many people are aware that Georgetown is a Jesuit University> I only heard a few minutes of this while I was going to lunch so I don’t know if that was mentioned on the air. I think that this is just another attack on the Catholic Church on this made up “contraception crisis”(tm).

paul mitchell

The first thing that came to my mind was what she was paying for Georgetown and why she couldn’t afford her own sex toys.


So where were these voices, raised in unity, when cuts to the benfits of Vets and active duty Military were announced?


oops, benefits

B Woodman

I thought that by going to law school, that was the same as getting your brains screwed out, and losing your mind.

Yat Yas 1833

Why doesn’t she buy a case of ribbed Trojans? It would probably stimulate her more, she still wouldn’t get preggers AND she couldn’t get an STD!? Besides, it wouldn’t cost $3,000.

Just a thought…

Old Tanker

I went to Planned Parenthoods website. On there FAQ’s it states that if you walk into a pharmacy and pay out of pocket for birth control pills it costs between $15-$50 per month. Using the highest priced pills would cost $600/year. Rush’s staff found you could by about 950 condoms a year ($1000/year is what she claims she spends) That’s having sex nearly 3 times a day, every day. But hey, we’re not suposed to question her.

Oh, and PP will get your pills at reduced or no cost depending on your income…..


What the heck is her big rush? Once she graduates law school, she’ll be screwing people for a living!


Meh–she’s Westpac/tender hot, but that’s about it. Certainly not a three-time-a-day type of girl.

And yeah, if she can spend that much on Georgetown law but can’t buy the pill or a condom every once in a while, and still can’t make a decent argument about why someone else should pay for her promiscuity, would YOU want her representing you?

Thought not.


What she is talking about in birth control costs does not cover my ANNUAL property tax bill up here in Michigan, and I do not live in an expensive house or large house. She needs to get over herself and get a job. Oh, maybe she could have worked while she was in law school to cover her expenses. What a bunch of bullshit.


Final point–how fucking hard (no pun intended) can Georgetown Law be if she’s got this much time on her hands to go bumpin’ uglies with that many guys?


You are forgetting that her law degree is also most likely being subsidized by the government in the form of low cost student loans and grants, so the demand for subsidized birth control is merely a logical extension of what she already has.

Once upon a time, my recreational activity was competitive shooting. I shot a lot, and the recreation required guns (at least 4 depending on what I was shooting), ammo, club fees, NRA fees, and entrance fees. On top of that, I was on active duty while I was competing, but didn’t compete on a military team, so, logically, I could tie my recreational activities directly to my employment. Unfortunately, I wasn’t of the mindset that the government should be responsible for the cost of my recreation (to the tune of several thousands of dollars a year) either in direct reimbursement or tax breaks.

Just A Grunt

For me the interesting part of the story has the ever evolving “coed”. I put that in quotes because in the beginning she was described as a Georgetown law student. It was then revealed that prior to attending Georgetown she was an active women’s right advocate. In one of her first interviews she is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend and seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy. During this time she was described as a 23 y/o coed. Magically at the same time congress is debating the forced coverage of contraception she appears and is even brought to capitol hill to testify. This morning in an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today show it was revealed that she is 30 y/o NOT the 23 that had been reported all along.

In other words folks, you are being played. She has been an activist all along and the Dems were just waiting for the appropriate time to play this card.

Her claim of $3000 or $1000 @yr for contraception has been thoroughly debunked by women who on chat rooms and message boards all over the web wonder where the hell she is getting her stuff from since they pay anywhere from $5 – $9 a month for their pills.


Yet another ringer? Say it ain’t so, JaG.
Seems the dems have a never-ending supply of those who are perpetually outraged by something.


Actually, birth control does offer several health benefits including a lowered cancer risk, osteoporosis, and stabilizes hormone levels. Access and education about birth control also increase the likelihood of further education, and the rates of people using government assistance decrease.

I personally don’t agree with promiscuity, but that doesn’t make her a slut. If Rush wants to have her list her dalliances, fine. But then he needs to pony up his academic and medical records that he used to get deferments from Vietnam. Also, every state and federal employee should make their medical records public since they are using government funding as well.


But then he needs to pony up his academic and medical records that he used to get deferments from Vietnam.

Relevance? I don’t think Limbaugh sat in front of a congressional hearing demanding his medical issues be paid for by the taxpayers.


@OT Women can get subsidized birth control, but it’s difficult to consistently stay on a program. Doctors, funding, allowed brands/type of birth control, paperwork, pharmacies, and program requirements change. Add into the fact that if you’re getting subsidized medicine then you’re not raking in the big bucks, and probably work two jobs which doesn’t exactly facilitate Doctor or pharmacy visits. You also might end up facing the gauntlet of angry picketers convinced you’re out to sacrifice babies to the Evil Abortion Gods, and that’s a scary situation.


Clay, stop that–you’re using facts and logic on a liberal. Way out of their league, man.


but it’s difficult to consistently stay on a program

Huh–my ex-wife had no problems with staying on it for the 13 years we were married. Go figure.


@Claymore He got out of military service, utilized MEPS resources, and government resources courtesy of all the paperwork a deferment takes. He may have received government grants, scholarships, or loans during his college stint.


Boo hoo? At what point do people take responsibility for their own bodies? Are all of these poor downtrodden people who can’t make it to their pharmacy routinely unaware of what exactly makes them get pregnant? And again, how exactly is it the taxpayer’s responsibility? And further, if the taxpayers are subsidizing these people’s reproductive health, don’t they deserve some level of direction over that person’s behavior?


He got out of military service, utilized MEPS resources, and government resources courtesy of all the paperwork a deferment takes. He may have received government grants, scholarships, or loans during his college stint.



@NHSparky Sorry to disappoint, but I’m pretty moderate politically. And was your ex-wife on a subsidized program, or did she get her care through an HMO or Tricare?


Her employer, thanks for asking, who didn’t pay for contraceptives. She paid $18 for a 12-week supply.


Oh yes…Snopes…what an unbiased and reliable source of information. Thanks for playing. Clearly you can Sandra should open your own law practice.


Oh, and Ann, using Snopes is about as intellectually honest as using Wikipedia.


@Claymore If you want to regulate her sexual behavior then be prepared to concede alcohol, tobacco, and certain hobbies since none of those are required for you to be healthy and can be pretty risky health-wise.


Here’s the punchline, sweetheart, the left is already attempting to do exactly that. My suggestion? Pay for your own shit and then no one can tell you what to do.


Ann–smokers and drinkers DO pay more. At least they do where I work. Risk pools and all that, dontcha know. Finally, you can’t tell me that what goes on in a private transaction is the same as subsidizing someone else’s bad behavior using tax dollars, can you? Really?


@Claymore Check the bottom of the page: there are citations. No law school for me, I’m not interested in lying for a living. I’m planning on going to med school, and working in epidemiology/public health.

@NHSparky Wow, where did you live?


For my ex to pay for BC pills? California. Of course, had she been an illegal alien, they’d be free, but that’s a discussion for another time.


In general, he who pays the bills calls the shots.

Interesting take on federal resources and public info, Ann. Since you’re using Pell grants and the GI bill to fund your education and medical care, does that mean we should have the right to see your medical and academic records – in spite of Federal laws to the contrary?


@Claymore I’m not advocating for any side. It’s just as unethical whether it’s imposed by a Republican or Democrat.

@NHSparky It is still a private transaction that’s technically unnecessary, and bad for your health.


@Hondo My point was I don’t think those records should be public, but if Rush wants to insist on it then all should be.


@NHSparky Now that is one thing that definitely boggles the mind. Illegal immigrants don’t pay taxes, and shouldn’t be allowed to utilize government programs except for services provided by the friendly neighborhood Border Patrol or ICE.

Old Tanker

The clever trick that Dems are using and that Limbaugh is exposing is that they are trying to make the claim that “Republicans don’t want women to have access to contraception” We all know here that the opposition is that we don’t want the government dictating who should pay for it. These lefties love to tout the “separation of church and state” unless it’s the state dictating to religion what they must do (ie. the catholic church paying for contraception)

My girlfriend is on the pill for medical reasons, not actual birth control as I was “fixed” years ago. In that case her insurance does cover it however, it costs less than her copay….Also, I dispute your two job claim. If you’re getting subsidized medice it’s probably because your not employed. Plus, CVS, Rite Aid, and Walmart pharmacies are open at least 12 hours a day….not to mention mail order pharmacies….no guantlet of angry picketers there


I do think that if she’s paying for any Georgetown education then she obviously doesn’t need any subsidized healthcare. I’d venture to guess she’s getting a nice little stipend from Mommy and Daddy.

Old Tanker

Good grief…I need to proofread and get some more coffee…


Check the bottom of the page: there are citations. No law school for me, I’m not interested in lying for a living. I’m planning on going to med school, and working in epidemiology/public health.

Good on you for seeking to help others. As far as the cited links etc? Fruit from a tainted tree. No thanks. Cheers.


What does she look like? Big tits?


Ann, do you really think Limbaugh was serious? Have you never heard of using hyperbole or ridicule to make a point?

And you really should read the articles you cite beforehand to see if they support the point you’re making. Snopes page you cited clearly states that Limbaugh had a legitimate medical condition that disqualified him from military service. Any enlistment or induction would have been technically invalid. And it goes on to state that his draft number didn’t come up after he left college either (his was 152, the draft only got to 125 that year) – so any deferment was a moot point anyway. He’d never have been drafted even without a medical deferment.

The article doesn’t exactly support your point very well. I’d think a someone considering going to med school could do better.


What does she look like? Big tits?

More like “butter face”. And I have to say, I think she’s vastly exaggerating the whole “it costs me $3000 a year in contraceptives” thing…all she really needs is a lightswitch.


@Old Tanker But financial reasons do dictate access, and there are proven long term health benefits from taking hormonal birth control.

There’s nobody heckling the drug store, but you have to go get a prescription. If you can’t afford one then you often end up going to Planned Parenthood. When I was in high school I went with one of my pregnant close friends to Planned Parenthood as moral support while she figured out her options. They had a small group picketing, and it got pretty nasty.

The two job claim is anecdotal. I grew up in a poor area, and my Dad worked for the government so we all had healthcare. Most of my friends families weren’t in the same position, and a lot of them did have to work more than one job. They usually ended up fluctuating above and below the level needed for most programs. They didn’t want handouts, but if it’s pride versus getting your family decent food via WIC then the family won out.

The Dead Man

And this is the Dead Man pleading with you to please spay and neuter your morally bankrupt lawyers. Student. 30 Year old if that above post is to be believed.

Sorry, I’m already paying for things I will never get to take advantage of. It’s a complete and utter lack of responsibility.
And wasn’t Snopes busted last year for a lack of research and a political bias?


Beret–like I said, Westpac hot, but even that’s pushing it.

I guess you guys in the sandbox would have called her an “Iraq 5.”


FYI – Sandra Fluke wasn’t going to testify that *she* needed 3K worth of contraceptives. The testimony was on behalf of other students at Georgetown. Specifically, a lesbian classmate of hers. This other woman needed the contraceptives to control the growth of an ovarian cyst. Since she couldn’t afford the contraceptive, she lost the ovary.

tl;dr – it wasn’t $3K for *her* contraceptives, it was for a classmate’s medical condition


Okay Cav, I’ll bite–since when do lesbians need ovaries?

Just sayin.


@Claymore Thanks. I specifically want to do work that keeps me away from self-entitled drama queens like Sandra Fluke because I’d probably have any medical licenses revoked for trying to strangle her. I support the principal she’s advocating, but if she’s such a feminist then she should have actually found a person who really couldn’t afford it. Birth control can be pricey, but not $3000 a year unless they’re coating the pills in gold. I pay around $1400 a year for mine.

@Hondo You’re right, I concede the point about hyperbole. I was trying to say if he’s proposing any behavioral regulation then he should provide his own medical records regarding the deferment.

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