Private arrested for larceny

| February 18, 2012

Radar sends us a link to an article from KOMO News which reports that Private Nicholas A. Solt has been arrested for the theft of more than $600,000 worth of sensitive military equipment which resulted in an entire infantry company being locked down at Joint Base Lewis-McChord that NSOM mentioned last month.

Solt has been charged with:

• Selling optical and targeting equipment of a value more then $500 without proper authority, a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 108

• Larceny of military property, of a value of more than $500, a violation of UCMJ Article 121

• Unlawfully enter a government building with the intent to commit a criminal offense, a violation of UCMJ Article 130

• Wrongfully communicate a threat to kill an individual, a violation of UCMJ Article 134

• Violation of a general order wrongfully possessing drugs and drug paraphernalia, a violation of UCMJ Article 92

• Wrongfully possess anabolic steroids, a violation of UCMJ Article 112a

If convicted on all charges, Solt faces 59 years of confinement, total forfeiture of all pay and allowances and a dishonorable discharge.

From the looks of his Facebook page, he needed the money to buy more tattoos. He’s safer in prison than he would be in the barracks, though (CNN link);

After learning of the thefts, the Army decided on January 4 to put members of the Army’s 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division on lockdown, preventing soldiers from making phone calls or leaving the unit’s barracks or unit office.

The unit has been home from Iraq since September 2010.

Category: Shitbags

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Holy crap!!!!! I know those folks! We used to run convoys with the 4/2 DSTB all the time in 2009-2010! I spent almost 90 days attached to 4/9 as well, but holy crap! I know steroids make you do dumb shit, but this takes the freaking cake!

AW1 Tim

That young fellow better pray to his Gods that he stays in protective custody until this is resolved. If he ever gets released to an area where his former comrades recognize him, he’s likely to have some sort of “work-related accident”.

When I was in the Navy, thieves were treated as at about the same level as child molesters, and Lord knows they’d have been invited right away to a blanket party if they ever interfered with someone’s liberty.

Old Trooper

Ah, yes, this little cupcake is gonna have a lot of fun at the Kansas Gravel Academy. $600,000 worth of stuff? That should get him 10 years.


A Private, over 3 years? Must have been a stellar soldier, even before he decided to become a thier.


Right? I mean, not only did he thieve from the Green Machine, but his buddies lost at least one weekend pass for his actions!


Duh, that would be “thief”. Must learn to proof-read.


UpNorth, there were a few from 4/9 like that, the Marines call it being a Terminal Lance……

Toothless Dawg

Maybe he can share a cell with Manning. They can flip to see which one is the bitch on any given day. On second thought, Manning would probably automatically roll over.


Lucky, they’d have to actually work at not getting promoted, would they not? And, I heard that expression from my oldest son on a few occasions.


UpNorth, 4/2 had a habit, on an almost WEEKLY occurrence of rolling their Strykers going too fast, negligently discharging their breaching shotguns INSIDE the Stryker, losing the little black box that stores the secure Commo fill for DAGRs, MBITRs and the like, cavorting with female terps, Hashish, steroids, failure to follow instructions, etc.


And don’t forget to congratulate the dedicated, hardworking US Army CID agents at FT Lewis that *cracked* this case. Hooah?


**Crickets Chirping**



Then it sounds like 4/2 needs a THOROUGH house cleaning, no?

As far as this Solt turd, he needs to run a gauntlet, in the fine old Roman Legions meaning of the term. I have no use for a thief, and a barracks thief … yeah, a gauntlet. With axe handles.


Old Soldier: As an NCO, I concur, although there are some good, tactically competent folks in that Brigade


i’m surprised dickless didn’t try to steal a STRYKER vehicle too


Experienced lockdown for thievery twice in the ROK. In those cases the stolen items turned up, but the lowlife(s) weren’t caught. Hated the lockdown, but it seemed somewhat effective. Wish we could have figured out who the dishonest SOB was.

Solt definitely ain’t the sharpest tack in the box, maybe the ‘roids shrank his brain.


My senior drill explained to us that there’s only one thief in the Army; everybody else is just trying to get their stuff back. I guess they found him.

Yat Yas 1833

What has happened to honor amongst the ranks? Anybody in our outfit pulled something like this and he’d still be getting the snot kicked out of him. It’s one thing to ‘acquire’ things for your unit but to steal from your unit? No forkin’ way!


Checking out the other pictures on his (wide open) Facebook profile, I can readily believe the steroid charges.


Dude really is a roid rager from the pics, but having been in Iraq in 2009-2010, when we couldn’t leave the wire without Iraqi Army escort, and the brass decided it was easier to just leave us on base, the gym is pretty much the only escape, aside from the running paths. I mean video games and online college and other pursuits get kinda boring after a while. So if he took to using them in the gym out of boredom, the substance abuse classes will help. If he was selling them, fry his ass, and Idk what led to the mental disconnect and his thievery, but the prison time is not enough in my opinion.


@#10, that would be a bit exciting, having someone discharge their shotgun inside a Stryker. Not to mention, riding inside one when the driver decided to play shake the dice and roll his vehicle.
And, I like OldSoldier’s idea, a gauntlet with axe handles.


These were multiple incidents, and aside from them, it was an interesting tour, I loved my time at the JSS. Got me very interested in Crossfit.


Looks like IVAW just found their new spokesmartyr.


PTSD claim coming in 3…2…1…

Yeah, assholes like this had a nasty habit of falling up ladders on their way to be taken to see the Captain.

Virtual Insanity

Why am I thinking this guy must have been in the squad with the dope-smoking NCO from that thread a few weeks ago?

Liam B.

DOOOFUS alert….DOOOFUS alert

How long before this one is standing next to Methis and his cohort of filthy, never accomplish anything, its the worlds fault, hippie douche-rags?


If we’re lucky he’ll just roid rage to death….

Liam B.

@ 27, would be nice, but when is it ever that tidy?


Now I wouldn’t exactly call this tidy (it was probably pretty god awful messy actually), but you get the point.

Liam B.

LMAO, we can only hope?

4/2 SBCT 4/9 INF

Pvt. Nicholas Solt was released this past week from confinement. Most of his fellow soldiers welcomed him back with a hand shake and a smile.


Any reason why he was just released?

stephen s

To all the people that are frying this army pvt of crimes that he is accused of. Just remember this soldier served 3 year protecting all of you to keep the rights that you are denying him. We live in America where we are innocent till proven guilty. He has a father, a grandmother, 2 brothers, a sister, a niece and a nephew who care about what happens to him. Maybe you should think of someone else for once.
His older brother


Uh stevie? Shitbag? Most of us here are veterans. IOW, a lot of us here have knocked more dust out of our boots than he’s seen.

And it doesn’t matter how many relatives he has. He’s a shitbag and is about to become Bubba’s bitch. That’s not honorable, nor is it “protecting” anyone, least of all those of us who HAVE served honorably.

You might be his older brother, but it’s pretty apparent you and he need to learn the same lesson, that being:

“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”


Never,ever underestimate what a “motivated” Private can do…the good or the bad


And seems a few weeks ago that a couple of his buddies got brig time and DD/BCDs for being art of his little ring.

Google is a wonderful thing.


Stevie, You might want to click on the Members Gallery and take a good hard look at the pictures in there before you spout off with “Just remember this soldier served 3 year protecting all of you to keep the rights that you are denying him.”

I have t-shirts that have been in the Army longer than he has, and boots that have seen more deployment time than he has.


“He has a father, a grandmother, 2 brothers, a sister, a niece and a nephew who care about what happens to him. Maybe you should think of someone else for once.”

Maybe HE should have thought of them before he decided to steal $600,000 worth of sensitive military equipment.

2-17 AirCav

Hey older brother. People make mistakes. Lift a candy bar. eat grapes in the supermarket,drink too much and do stupid things. You know, mistakes. Your little brother stole $600, ooo of equipment. That’s a crime, not a mistake. And, oh, that business about innocent until proven guilty. That doesn’t apply outside of the legal system so if every swinging one of us wanted to regard him as guilty, that’s fine. By the way, when and with what branch did you serve?


I served 14 years and if I would have done something as low as that my own brothers would have given be a blanket party. All 3 of them were ARMY. what a dipshit

stephen s

He was released from confinement because he was innocent. 2 others have been charged in the crime and he has been back home. Google doesn’t tell you everything.


Interestingly enough, stephen s – several stories from about 3 weeks ago still show him as pending courts-martial, no trial date set, for charges of “larceny of military property, entering a government building with the intent to commit a crime, attempting to sell optical and targeting equipment, threatening to kill another person, possessing narcotics and possessing steroids”. And I can’t find anything later saying that authorities have dropped charges or that he’s “copped a plea”.,0,3761430.story

Sounds more to me like he’s still awaiting trial, but is no longer in pretrial confinement.


So let’s see,

Solt has been charged with:

• Selling optical and targeting equipment of a value more then $500 without proper authority, a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 108

• Larceny of military property, of a value of more than $500, a violation of UCMJ Article 121

• Unlawfully enter a government building with the intent to commit a criminal offense, a violation of UCMJ Article 130

• Wrongfully communicate a threat to kill an individual, a violation of UCMJ Article 134

• Violation of a general order wrongfully possessing drugs and drug paraphernalia, a violation of UCMJ Article 92

• Wrongfully possess anabolic steroids, a violation of UCMJ Article 112a

……But, he would NEVER, under any circumstances, lie to family.

stephen s

That’s funny because he has been back in slatington since the 8th of september


Whatever you say, stevie. Whatever you say.


That’s funny because he may be released from pre-trial confinement but none of the charges have been dropped. It doesn’t matter that two others have been charged. We have a word for that, and that word is accomplices. Of course he says he is innocent. The prison system is chock full of “innocent” men.


I really don’t understand what you are trying to accomplish. Do you think that we are all just going to throw up our hands and say that he is innocent because his brother says so? I’m waiting for the “it was the one arm man” defense.

stephen s

The point is you all claim to be “military men” but you are sitting hereshit talking on a fellow brother in arms because he was accused of commiting a crime. The websites that you all get your info from and swear it is the truth also say he is still in confinement which is false. And to the person who asked what branch I served in, I was going to enlist in the marines but backed out at the last minute because my girl got pregnant. Now I’m glad I didn’t go because I see that the people who would have been my so called “brothers” would have thrown me under the wheels of th hum vee faster than anyone


Stevie, you need to understand something right out.

I’m going to speak based on my experience as a Marine, because that’s what I know. I suspect you’ll find similar attitudes in the other services.

In my experience, Marines stand up for each other. They’re the first to try to help another Marine out. But, they’re the first to call out their own when they fuck up. Oh, and Marines hate thieves. This especially includes stealing potentially mission critical equipment.

Just being a Marine doesn’t make a person above suspicion. It does, however, tend to mean you’ll be held to high standards. We police our own, and we have strict standards by which we do so.

That’s just my experience in the USMC. I suspect you’ll find similar attitudes in the other branches.

2-17 AirCav

@48. “And to the person who asked what branch I served in, I was going to enlist in the marines but backed out at the last minute because my girl got pregnant.” Let’s look at tha, shall we?

1) “I was going to enlist….”
I understand. I was going to win the lotto but I didn’t buy a ticket.

2)”but backed out at the last minute…”
I understand. Backing out of challenges is not something the Marines relish. So, that was a good move.

3) “….because my girl got pregnant.”
I understand. Sometimes it rains. Sometimes females get pregnant. We have nothing whatsover to do with either one.