Pot POWs?

| February 1, 2012

John sent us a link to a website yesterday called “Veterans For Weed” (and then it shortens the name to the acronym “VFW”) which is supposed to advocate for veterans who have been arrested and imprisoned for consumption and the possession of marijuana. And, yes, that’s their logo above. Before that, the image was a tribute to Missing and Imprisoned POWs who remain unaccounted for.

On their website, they explain;

We love Veterans. And the PoW flag has just as much meaning to us as anyone else. Hemp Solo himself fought in Vietnam in two tours, and only knows too well what it was like to lose comrades in battle. It is because of our love of Veterans, and the flags that represent them, that lead us to making this site. What you declare a desecration, we declare exercising the very freedoms that Veterans fought for.

If you’re here, and you’re angry, then perhaps you could understand the anger we feel when men, good men, who fought in wars, end up in prison for possession of a drug that for all intents and purposes should be legal.

Yes, veterans imprisoned for breaking the law by choice are just like those who are held in foreign countries against their will, while executing their sacred duties. “Should be legal” doesn’t mean “is legal”.

And there’s nothing disrespectful about embroidering your pot head flag with words like “stoner soldier” and “semper high”.

The VFW is also a little miffed about them stealing their acronym according to Stars & Stripes;

On Monday, the real VFW (they’ve held the copyright on the acronym for more than six decades) sent the Milwaukee-based pro-marijuana group a cease-and-desist letter, calling their use of the acronym misleading and illegal. Officials said they’ll move ahead with more serious legal action if the other guys don’t drop the three-letter-name on all communications, web sites and other products.

This organization only serves to perpetuate the myth of drug-addled veterans who can’t adapt to civilian life without illicit self-medication. It seems to me that anyone interested in veterans’ well-being can find other ways, like promoting employment, or rehabilitation from drug use. This narrow-minded self-serving crap only makes things worse, pirated imagery aside.

Category: Shitbags

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Doc Bailey


I have a great uncle that’s still north of the 38. You can’t tell me for a second that I shouldn’t take offense to this.


“Should be legal” doesn’t mean “is legal”.

I agree, breaking the standing law while advocating for it’s repeal isn’t honorable conduct.



Quote of the year! Thanks Doc!


Words fail me. And that takes some serious doing.


Would I be in trouble if I just went up and punched one of these dumbasses square in the jaw while in uniform?

If they really respected and honored those men they wouldn’t steal the real VFW acronym, or even make it sound similar in full. As well as use the POW banner in the first place.


As a VFW life member, I hope the organization goes after these morons with both barrels


I refused to give them the attention they want, but their excuses just blow my mind: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/ps/2012/02/denigration-to-honor-the-sacrifice-of-veterans.html

Now, let me go add your voice to the debate.


Hey Doc, you mind if I use your invective on my Soldiers this weekend?


they are out of their gawd damn gords


What? So, is anyone seriously surprised that stoners would exhibit tasteless, offensive, and otherwise anti-social behavior??

Ah, come on. It’s all about them. Part of the great “I want…” segment of society. The ones who are happy to let others take care of them. You know, just because it’s easier to be non-productive.

No victims here. Unless you consider the erosion of this country to be negative. Or that the increasing numbers who we productive members must support to be a heavy burden, one which eventually brings everything to a halt.


The scumbags who created the web site have reacted to the VFW’s threats…they’re now the “Veterans For Weed United.” For those of you who are too disgusted to read the site, here’s what the scumbags said:

“The second issue regards to the use of the VFW symbols. We have chosen to remove all current artwork using the VFW sign. Furthermore, we have decided to change our abbreviation to VFWU, The Veterans for Weed United. We respect the Veterans of Foreign Wars and apologize for any inconvenience this caused them with the similar abbreviation.”

“We have chosen….we have decided…”? No, more like they were too fucking stupid or too stoned (or both) when they created their little roach-sucking circle of potheads, to realize that they were leaving themselves wide open to legal action that would quickly drain their pocketbooks (and impact their supply of weed). They only woke up when the VFW threatened to nuke them.

Semper Fi

Doc Bailey

Lucky, Feel free. I think it was used to berate me once, and I know I used it at least twice to berate a private that was suffering from Cranial Anal insertion.

I’m sure if I’d been to Drill Sergent’s school I’d have had a much longer tirade, but for now i think my first comment will suffice.


Milwaukee, huh? Hm, wonder if this isn’t that our old pal, Jonathan Whats his name and his rump ranger marxist buddies?

Sergeant Spliff

You fags sound higher than any of those Pot POWs do. Cannabis is enjoyable, harmless, and honorable. It is not crack or heroin, it does not kill, it is not addictive. It relaxes you and helps you even yourself out. I smoke it regularly, and so do some of my Joes. One of them made Soldier of the Month a few months ago, and another recently came back from WLC on the Commandant’s list. LEGALIZE IT

Sergeant Spliff

Food for thought, you closed minded dildoes:

Congress should definitely consider decriminalizing possession of marijuana… We should concentrate on prosecuting the rapists and burglars who are a menace to society.
-Dan Quayle

The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.
-Carl Sagan

“I got tired of seeing otherwise innocent young kids from all walks of life getting criminal records for, in effect, doing nothing more than millions of other people in society were doing with alcohol”

-Sir Paul McCartney


#15 Spliffyboy: “harmless” in what sense? The damage it does to one’s body, as it burns hotter than ordinary cigarettes and therefore does immediate damage to the lungs? ‘Harmless’ in the sense of a stoned person getting behind the wheel and slaughtering innocent people? ‘Harmless’ in what way exactly?

No, you don’t smoke it regularly, or you’d’ve been nailed on the piss test, along with your joes. You could stop today, and still piss hot for the next few months. So is hatjacking all your benefits, and those of the joes you’re responsible for, ‘harmless?’

Sergeant Spliff

There’s ways around that, moron. I always know when the piss tests are coming, you really think it’s that hard to flush your system out? As long as I get more than 3 days notice, I can keep me and mine clean should we be called on to pee.

What do you think kills more people a year fuck-o? Drunk driving or high-driving? I haven’t done either since before I enlisted, but believe you me, I drove a lot better stoned than I did drunk. Guess which one is illegal…


Hey, Sergeant Scumbag…

You completely missed the point of the story. Aside from whether or not pot should be legalized (and I don’t believe it should be), your fellow scumbags have hijacked the POW/MIA logo, mocking and desecrating it in the name of your cause. In no fucking way can you compare being locked up for possession with the hell that our REAL, true-to-life POWs suffered at the hands of our enemies.

You guys too addled from sucking on too many roaches to come up with your own logo?

Semper Fi

Sergeant Spliff

Whatever jarhead. Being locked up for something as benign as smoking a j is not justice. I don’t give a fuck what logo these guys want to use, their cause is just.

Semper High,


Anyone care to tip a drink to the promotion we seem to have just gotten? (Being called a dildo IS a promotion from some of the other stuff, right??)

On the other hand, given the way “Sergeant Spliff” is behaving here, he’s either a real joy (not) to his command or a complete poser wannabe.

Sergeant Spliff

And jonn, it’s dildo, surely I don’t need to give you a primer on how -es is generally added to words ending in o, do I? I know I quote Dan Quayle and all, but come on.

Sergeant Spliff

OWB- 3, soon to be 4 GCMs says otherwise.


@21 “Whatever”…good, solid, intellectual reasoning. Maybe if you met and listened to a REAL POW, or a family member of a service member who is MIA, you’d change your tune about the logo.

Then again, thinking about it, you’d likely tell them you don’t give a fuck about them, either. If you DID care, you’d be telling your fellow pot heads to ditch the logo.

Semper Fi


I smoked some shit while I was over in Iraq on both tours, these guys are harmless this is a mountain being made out of a molehill.


Yo, you there! Shitstick Spliff! Whadda MaRoOn!


If these guys used the POW logo to somehow insult Obama something tells me most on this site would be all for it.. Our society is getting way to sensitive.. They aren’t hurting anybody let it go


@ #28-CS&B…Who are you again?


If anything we should use this as a wake up call and realize that alot of Soldiers are smoking cheebah then we think.. At one point my companies theme song was that Nelly song Take a ride with me. Because we were smoking trees in the barracks like nobodys business

Sergeant Spliff

Jarhead- I don’t like Toby Keith using pictures of soldiers to make music videos and albums, but I’m not going to get all butthurt about it like you are with this POW flag.

People are languishing away in prison for something they choose to do recreationally, which harms no one, except maybe themselves. It’s absurd, it’s immoral, it’s unjust.

This country owes so much to that beautiful weed. The treatment it gets is a disgrace.

Sergeant Spliff

Wrong on both counts dipshit.

Sergeant Spliff

Make that all counts.

Sergeant Spliff

Check out TOR sometime.

Sergeant Spliff

Ok retard. Keep believing what you will about both ip addresses and MJ legalization, just shows me what a small-minded person you really are.

I’m about to light up some fine northern-Cali, but that doesn’t mean that I’m back in Oakland, you dig?


@32 I was an E5 on my first tour in Iraq and I lit up with my Soldiers a couple times over there especially towards the end of the deployment.

I always hated your generation of Soldier Lilyea you guys dont know dick about war fighting and only know how to shine boots and bitch about the barracks. A private with 1 tour in Iraq has seen alot more combat than you did in your whole career. How long was Desert Storm a month? Let the guys who did a 12 month or 15 month tour talk about combat. If we have a question about starching a uniform we will let you know

Sergeant Spliff

Keep painting me as a troll. You can’t beat me in a debate about pot, so just characterize me as something I’m not, so your sheep don’t start to realize that I’m right.


Hey look, two trolls, neither of whom know the first thing about being a leader, or a soldier.


English IPs?


Spliffyboy knows not how the drug tests are run. My vote is poseur.

Just more Viet Nam soldier-as-dopefiend meme.

high speed isnt a complement

so spliff must have a dynamic IP, or some kind of super awesome proxy setting server. either way, still a fag.

on the subject of pot: i smoked before i was enlisted. i did the honorable thing, and exercised some fucking integrity and did not smoke. it was prohibited. when i became an NCO i watched goobers like spliff who thought they could avoid detection get bounced out like a super ball. i was medically retired in 2007. i light up on occasion. do i grow it? no. do i leave the house high? no. do i enjoy it responsibly? yes. it has a grey area legality in my state. do i go around brocasting to all stations on the net that i smoke once in a while? no. its my choice, and no one should be affected by it.

in short, spliff, your about as sharp as a bowling ball. you and footbal bat (CSB) were made for each other.

high speed isnt a complement

edit* i did the honorable thing while i was enlisted


@Spliff: This just in, driving high is also illegal. I also doubt that you and your “joes” are smoking anything other than pole to be honest. As an NCO I would NEVER encourage my joes to do that shit. And your claims to have been able to cleanse your system before every UA are absolutely moronic. Having been a UPL for my unit I can vouch for the fact that many a retard has tried that and many a retard failed at it.

@CSB: Yeah not everyone here is a DS/DS vet. Take that stupid shit elsewhere. I did my time over in Iraq during the current war and I still think youre as ate up as a football bat. You and yours are the reason why we still conduct drug tests in combat zones even though it is a pain in the ass.

high speed isnt a complement

@46 its no coincidence that “cock” is part of his screen name.

Doc Bailey

Sergeant Shit head, Yes you can get away with getting high. As a Medic I can tell you that its also extremely dangerous to “flush” your system in the manner your talking about. You essentially have to take diuretics, then go into a fluid overload. THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR YOUR KIDNEYS Further The Army has a long institutional memory. We’re still teaching shit from WWI. So there’s a reason why it doesn’t matter if you smoked a little weed or did cocaine off a strippers fake titty, the punishments are the same and extreme for a reason Let me take you back if we will to the 1970’s It was a magical time when drugs were all the craze in the mainstream and in the Army too. Carter didn’t give a shit about the military, and somewhere a unicorn took a shit and created AIDS. In reality officers would not enter the barracks WITHOUT ARMED ESCORT. Privates would smoke dope right in the motor pool. God forbid that we should ever have to actually fight, ya know a war. The Army couldn’t have fielded a brigade of decent troopers if it tried. So with that said there is a very good reason why Pot is treated just as if it is heroin or Crack. Why? Well you want to guess what the primary drug of choice was during this hellish period? Take a guess. Go ahead. I’ll wait. further as someone who has family, thats still missing… FUCK YOU!!! You clearly have no idea how offensive this is so let me clue you in you dishonorable little cumstain. Going to prison where you get three hots and a cot, and in some states cable tv, plus benifits I’ve never seen a soldier in a warzone get, is not even remotely close to losing a loved one and having no fucking idea where they are, what happened or how they died. I never knew uncle Max, but to hear my Grandpa talk about it it ate him up inside. He was in the army 9 fucking months before marching into… Read more »

Sergeant Spliff

Fuck dude, sounds like you need to smoke a bowl, take some of that edge off. You’re getting pretty broken up about this uncle of yours, how about all the guys that went missing on the other side, you give a fuck about them? Do they have an MIA/POW flag? It’s all bullshit. Seriously, start toking, you’ll feel better, and it’ll help you get a handle on that temper. You kind of remind me of this joe I had, if I didn’t get that kid to start smoking shit I think he would’ve gotten kicked out for assaulting someone sooner or later. Take care.

high speed isnt a complement

^is there any way to give this bag of fuck the ban hammer^

Doc Bailey

Desire to monkey stomp rising.


Three days notice before a piss test? No squadron or command I’ve ever served under has ever given me more than 6 hours notice before a piss test. Of course I can’t speak for the other services but in anyone else’s experience, have you really had days to “prepare” for a piss test?

Shit, I never even know when I’m being selected to be pecker checker until a couple hours before hand, or who I’m checking, seems to make the most sense that way.


I’ve been reading these comments with a smile on my face. Never been UPL myself, but I know that rarely will we have three days notice before a piss test. I’ve been friends with the company UPL in the past, and at most I may get 24 hours notice while the rest of the company finds out the morning of; “PVT Dick, SGT Jane, report to the company training room for UPL…”

I have a good feeling that Spliffs “soldiers” are either fellow potheads in the “Weed Nation”–e.g. Captain Chronic,. Major Mucnchies, Major Motta, and Private Puff–or his video game buddies. Googling “SGT Spliff weed” brings up a lot of fun info, including what seems to be his own website:


