Paul Tillson; Soup Sandwich’s older brother?

| December 21, 2011

[Editor’s Note: This Paul Tillson lives in New Jersey – he’s not the Paul Tillson in Oregon who we like immensely and served honorably without embellishing his military record]

AverageNCO sends us a link that was posted at Don Shipley’s Facebook page. This dude is at his own wedding dressed like this;

Yes, that’s a 2d award of a CIB over his right pocket, but it’s only because his left pocket is so crowded, I suppose. Of course, he couldn’t have pared down the number of weapons qualification badgesand the hangie-down thingies could he?

On the 2d award of the CIB, the AR 600-8-22 says;

f. Second and third awards of the CIB are indicated by superimposing 1 and 2 stars respectively, centered at the top of the badge between the points of the oak wreath. To date, a separate award of the CIB has been authorized for qualified Soldiers in the following qualifying periods:
(1) World War II (7 December 1941 to 3 September 1945).
(2) The Korean Conflict (27 June 1950 to 27 July 1953).
(3) The Republic of Vietnam Conflict. Service in the Republic of Vietnam conflict (2 March 1961 to 28 March 1973) combined with qualifying service in Laos; Dominican Republic; Korea on the DMZ; El Salvador; Grenada; Joint Security Area, Panmunjom, Korea; Panama; Southwest Asia Conflict; and Somalia, regardless of whether a Soldier has served one or multiple tours in any or all of these areas. The Republic of Vietnam Conflict Era officially terminated on 10 March 1995.
(4) War on Terrorism (Afghanistan, Operation ENDURING FREEDOM) and (Iraq, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM).
g. Subsequent awards of the CIB is not authorized for the same qualifying period, as outlined above.

So here’s a close up of his finery;

AverageNCO says that there are two Humanitarian Service Medals, but I went cross-eyed looking at that mess. He has a star on one of them, so I don’t why he’s wearing two. He’s also wearing a star on his Overseas Service Ribbon. Subsequent overseas tours are denoted by a numeral, not a star.

And that looks like an Army Distinguished Service Cross next to the Purple Heart. I see a Kosovo Service Medal next to the Iraq Campaign Medal, but no GWOT Expeditionary Medal or GWOT Service Medal, but like I said, I went cross-eyed and may have missed it. And is that an Antarctic Service Medal?

All I know for a fact is that the CIB should go on top of all that crap, the jump wings should go on the pocket and the two marksmanship badges should close up to his right.

He really needs to invest in some Brasso and clean up that brass with it instead of inhaling it.

And this is what he looks like from the right side;

Yes, that’s a Ranger Tab on his right pocket – all of those marksmanship hangie down thingies were more important than his Ranger Tab. I’m not up on current standards for unit patches on the Class A uniform, but I’m pretty sure that the unit patch isn’t a pin-on metal 82d Airborne Division thing.

It may be the light, but those buttons on his uniform look silver, not brass, and his service stripes indicate that he has more than 24 years of service and no Good Conduct Medal, unless there’s a Reserve equivalent I don’t see.

The wedding album said his first name is Paul and his name plate says “Tillson”. But there are no Paul Tillsons in AKO and there’s no Tillson who is a senior NCO.

Added by Sporkmaster:
For shame, for shame. I thought that you guys would have IDed these two medals. The Korean Service Medal and the United Nations Korea Medal. The funny thing I would like to hear how he earned them considering the ending date for the medals was 1953 and 1954.

UPDATE: POW Network writes to say they’ve already filed for a FOIA on this nose picker.

ADDED: Paul Tillson was convicted for defrauding the VA for 13 years and sentenced.

Category: Phony soldiers

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SSG ANderson

We have been tracking this guy and looking for more info over at facebook\stolenvalor. As for the AA patch, thats actually where you place your combat patch now, its a pin on for the new ASU. His current unit should be on his shoulder tabs, but he has none.

SSG ANderson

Oh and his also missing his blue disc for his hat.


Just got and they are in the process of requesting his records and we will know his history soon.

Frankly Opinionated

Anyone know where he is? What part of the country, what internet hangout?
Is he one of that idiot Steve Jordan’s Airsoft friends?
Wonder what his wife will say when he is outed.
I will run him through Benning’s Tab Check in the morning.


Pretty sure that’s a Marine Corps Combat Action Ribbon peeking out from under his lapel on the second row. Just to add to the fuckeduppedness of this getup.

Frankly Opinionated

Fellow Currahee buddy at Facebook offered this:
We’ve been beating the shit out of that guy in a stolen valor group Frankie. Turns out he’s a retired E6 out of the NJ NG. I do believe the NJ NG HQ has been contacted about the guy.


Oh, that is hysterical! I recognize the Desert Storm ones, and the NDSM, with no stars?? And a few others that were on my AF rack. The sheer volume should be a clue!

Enigma 4 You

I think he borrowed shit from soup sandwich….


I’m more impressed with what’s resting on his right shoulder than with what’s on it…


That is a CAR he’s wearing. Putting stars on ribbons is how the Marine Corps denotes subsequent awards. Doesn’t the Army use oak leafs like the Air force for subsequent awards.

CI Roller Dude

This knuckelhead went out of control buying ribbons and awards online….I wonder if his “wife” knows he’s a fraud and a retard.

Frankly Opinionated

Just found this at a SV site on Facebook:
Paul Tillson
46 W 16th St, Apt 1
Bayonne, NJ 07002-3602


Not bad for someone who hasn’t even completed BNCOC

Doc Bailey

Ok so the metal badge on his right chest (the 82nd) IS part of the new standard (but if you asked me whoever designed the ASU needs to be taken outback and shot) It looks obvious to me that most of these are single rows, and not really spaced properly, The ranger tab pin should be on his left Pocket next to the weapons Quals, and in fact I think he’d have to lose one of those because he has a CIB (w/ star) and Airborne Wings and an Ranger tab (which in this uniform is represented by a pin) the Wings being Group 3 take presidence over the Qual badges (group 5) and I think the Ranger tab is group 4. If I remember correctly the maximum number of badges (to include tabs) you can wear is 5. Ribons here’s what I see Row 1: BSM, Purple Heart. Row 2: CAR, Humanitarian medal (both are WAY out of order) Row 3: Marine sea deployment (?) National Defense Medal Row 4: possibly a partially obstructed Air Medal,Kosovo, and Iraq campaigns Row 5:Afghan Campaign, AAM, and possibly Marine ribbon or another Humanitarian ribbon row 6: NCO Professional Development Ribbon (with no numerals making it impossible for him to be an SFC unless he was a POW for 5 years or something) Army Service ribon, and Army Overseas Service ribbon (with a star like how the Navy does it not numerals like it should be) Row 7: Global war on terror Service Medal, Nato Medal, Korean campaign medal (which he’s WAY too young for) Row 8: Desert Storm (Saudi) and Desert Storm (Kuwait) with an unknown possibly AF row 9: no idea though I think one might be a medal for the Mexican Punitive expidition. in addition it’s clear that whoever pt on the service stripes is an idiot, or doesn’t know AR 670-1 (they’re parallel to the marching surface, and go in a spiral around his arm. its clear that Ms boobs here was obviously lacking in brains, because even looking at this uniform there’s so much bass ackward you kinda… Read more »


The pin on 82nd thing is the pnly thing correct. The ASU have those to replace the combat patches from the old greens.


Ass Clowns like this should just be beaten and shot

Doc Bailey

@10 Yes we use oak leaves on awards except the Good Conduct medal (we use knots) Service ribbons (Like the overseas Ribbon and NCOPD) use numbers. then there’s Campaign medals, where it’s pretty much the same across the services.


The Army will use stars oak leaf clusters and numerals depending on what award it is

ok i am looking at a order of precedence website I dont even see the bottom 3 ribbons on here. the 2nd row rt to left is (air medal, Kuwait Liberation; gov of Kuwait, Kuwait Liberation; Gov of Saudi Arabia) All Us medals should have a higher precedence than those from other countries

3rd row from bottom rt to left (UN Service Medal; Korea 2nd award, Kosovo Nato Ribbon, War on Terror Service Ribbon)

4th row from bottom rt to left (Army Overseas Service ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Army NCO Professional Developmental Ribbon)

5th row (Humanitarian Service medal, AAM, Afghan Campaign Service Medal)

6th row from bottom (Iraq Campaign Medal, Kosovo Campaign Medal, cant tell under lapel)

7th row (National Defense Service Medal, Reserve Components Achievement Medal, cant tell under lapel)

8th row (Humanitarian Service medal -again-,unknown, covered by lapel)

9th row (Purple Heart, covered by Lapel.

Ill look in Navy, Marine, Air Force, and Coast gaurd for the others

Bah Bodenkurk

Bayonne, NJ, eh? That’s just a few towns over from my recruiting station.


The only thing this ass clown didn’t award himself is a couple of oak leaf clusters on his alive in 65 medal. How does one go out in public looking that ridiculous without getting an ass whipping from a real vet?


His hash marks on his left arm are leaning. They’re supposed to be sewn on so they’re angled down, with the point facing down, not flat. If he tries to claim any more years in service, he’ll have a spiral going up his arm.

His bow tie is under his collar.

At least he got the NCO Sword right. Wonder if mama got the ‘welcome to the Army’ smack later on?

Anybody else think he has that ‘Oh man, I wonder if these pictures are gonna be posted anwywhere?’ look?


Confucius say, Don’t trust anyone
fruity enough to wear a bow tie.


Maybe I’m missing something, but he is in the 2nd picture? I don’t see him.

Frankly Opinionated

I am not fully educated on wearing a lot of ribbons, but doesn’t one put them on a “rack”, rather just separate rows? Sheyit, he could have sprung for the extra few bucks and bought a rack from “Medals of”, when he was doing his “supermarket sweep”.


One thing that I noticed on his rack is that he has the 2 Kuwait Liberation Medals (Saudi and Kuwait), but no Southwest Asia Service Medal. Also it looks like he also has the Iraq and Afghanistan Campaign Medals but no Star in his National Defense Service Medal.

Old Tanker

You’d think if he was a retired E-6 he would have at least been a better faker….must have been one fucked up NCO….

And I’m sorry, but he still doesn’t hold a candle to Soup Sandwich!! He’s in close quarters with Ballduster though!!


The ribbons on the last row and the one after the liberation of Kuwait ribbon are NJ ARNG awards. As soon as I saw them, I knew that asshat was in the ARNG. Yeah for us.

After all that combat, 2 CIBs, and a PH, you’d think that he’s have more decorations than a misplaced AAM. Honestly, if I had to guess, he was an 88M who deployed to Desert Storm supporting the 82nd and came home with the Desert Storm service array, and ETS’d / retired with the AAM.


The bottom four ribbons look like the BS state awards you get for just showing up to drill all year. Very few actually wear them and usually just put on the federal awards.


If he made it through basic he should know that the expert badge goes closer to the heart and the sharpshooter badge should be on the other side. But who officially qualifies with that many weapon systems in a year?


And the service stripes are the wrong ones for the dress blue uniform


Man, how come no one ever fakes being a petty officer? Think how much more snazzy those ribbons would look when perched atop some bell bottoms.


Subtlety never seems to be a strong suit in these guys.


@31, they do, but they are all SO1(SEAL) petty officers, and never seem to be able to spring for the cracker jacks.


Wikipedia lists the bottom four as:
New Jersey Desert Storm Ribbon
New Jersey Medal of Honor
New Jersey Good Conduct Ribbon
New Jersey Merit Award


I believe the unidentified ribbon on the bottom row is the “1000-Yard-Stare” ribbon. It is awarded only to those special few that were able to complete all three versions of the Navy Seal game on Playstation prior to losing their virginity.


The last four ribbons (after the Kumait Liberation Medal)are: NJ Ribbon of Honor, NJ Merit Award, NJ Good Conduct Ribbon, and NJ Desert Storm Service Medal. According to the Ulimate Rack website(, he has them out of order. Should go: NJ Ribbon of Honor, NJ Good Conduct Ribbon, NJ Merit Award, NJ Desert Storm Service Medal.


@35 – That’s awesome! Thanks for the chuckle of the day.

Old Tanker

Darrel wins!! That one saw coffee on the keyboard!


ARMY LTC those are the correct service stripes for the new Army Service Uniform. One of the changes from the old dress blues to the ASU was doing away with the thick service stripes and going to the Class A type stripe with a different base color. However he has them sown on in a diagonal which is just retarded.


There is no Paul Tillson listed on AKO White Pages..or any Tillson in New Jersey


This is not funny. Steve “super dumb ass” Jordan makes me laugh, mostly from the comments from angry vets who are really creative with their expressions. Now someone like this…I have no sympathy. His poor wife, God knows what bullshit he told her. There is the first victim of his deceit. ASSCLOWN.

Charlie Six

Not that anyone cares, but here’s my take: First Row: My best guess on the first ribbon is the Bronze Star Medal, followed by the Purple Heart Second Row: USN/USMC Combat Action Ribbon, Humanitarian Service Medal (way out of precedence) Third Row: Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal (with 24 years worth of hash marks he should have more than one ARCAM and a service star on the NDSM, as his other awards indicate service in GW1 and OEF/OIF) Fourth Row: I am confident the ribbon mostly hidden by the lapel is the Southwest Asia Service Ribbon, followed by the ribbons for the Kosovo Campaign Medal and Iraq Campaign Medal (both of which should have a least one service star, and the OIF ribbon is out of precedence; should be after Afghan ribbon see below) Fifth Row: Afghan Campaign Medal (missing at least one service star, and out of precedence, should be ahead of Iraq medal above), Army Achievement Medal (wildly out of precedence, should be the first ribbon in the second row if this were legit), and ANOTHER Humanitarian Service Medal (why two separate ribbons for the same award?) Sixth Row: NCO Professional Development Ribbon (with no numerals a SFC should have a numeral 3 for completing ANCOC or whatever the kids are calling it these days), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (with an unauthorized service star, subsequent award should be indicated with a bronze numeral “2”). At least the ribbons are in the correct order in this row. Seventh Row: GWOT Service Medal (out of precedence), NATO Kosovo Medal (out of precedence), UN Medal for Korean Service (out of precedence, with an unauthorized service star, and last awarded to American soldiers in 1954) Eighth Row: Kuwait Liberation Medal/Saudi Arabia, Kuwait Liberation Medal/Kuwait, New Jersey Medal of Honor Ninth Row: New Jersey Merit Award, New Jersey Desert Storm Participation Medal, New Jersey Good Conduct Ribbon (all out of precedence according to Wikipedia. YMMV there, as I have zero knowledge of NG awards) So, over 15 items that make me do a double take in the… Read more »


I’m with the other guys in that HIS rack isn’t the one I’d be concerned about….. 🙂


More pictures from that guy here:

I particularly like the pic where they are walking out….seems he is a little too short for his pants.


Just for fun, this is the website with the rest of the pics…

John Curmudgeon

This guy is all sorts of awesome.


@45–the rack is nice. The face, not so much.

Hers, not his. His rack is as fucked up as a football bat. All we need is him wearing desert boots with his trousers bloused in and it’d be SS2.

It’s like they don’t even try anymore.

Mike Lowe

I didn’t know that that type of sword was currently issued NCO sword.

Other than that, the only rack I saw was on his right shoulder.

Virtual Insanity

@47 She had a face?


What a total douche-nozzle and poser.

But, as others have noted, at least one rack in the photo appears to be legit (aka “natural”).

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