BOLO George Lauve

| August 17, 2011

This old clown is named George H Lauve, well, sometimes. He sometimes goes by George Lauvec and he’s from Wenatchee, WA, the same town where we found another phony living, Bob “Spooky 8” King.

I think the first indicator that this asshole is not a Marine is that weak-ass salute. According to the people who sent me this article, they can’t find his name anywhere in relation to a service record. I know he’s not on the list of Navy Cross recipients at Home of Heroes.

But he is an officer at the American Legion Post 10 in Wenatchee.

Category: Phony soldiers

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John Curmudgeon

Another fuckstick to add to the list.

usmc steve

Unless the reporters screwed it up here is where Mgysgt shitbag supposedly served:

“Lauve fought in the battles at Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Wake Island and Saipan during World War II and at Chosen Reservoir in Korea. He was awarded Purple Hearts from each of those battles.”

Not a chance. If he fought at Wake, he was a POW for the rest of the war. He couldn’t have been even half those places during the war.

An old Corps fraud.


So, his AL Post doesn’t do any checking on “members”?


Is that an Air Cav patch on his shoulder?


Legion is working on it right now.


@2 Obviously, he escaped and swam out a waiting submarine. 🙂

Chuck W

He does however have his war face.

Adirondack Patriot

Another North Carolina paper duped by a phony? Pathetic. The PA staff at Lejeune and Bragg and Jacksonville need to educate these saps. They should be exposing the frauds, not showcasing them.


Granted, I’ve only been a member of two vet orgs before, but both made sure to check my DD-214 first off. Also, DAV went even further. I would have thought American Legion (and every other vet org out there) would check documentation first. Note: I know IVAW and VFP do not check these things, but I do not consider them to be vet orgs.


Utah Vet, give me a bit more time and I will have an answer for you I can publish.

Verifying some stuff now.

AW1 Tim

Amazing. Apparently none of these posers ever both to read anything online. Apparently none of their friends do eother.


AW1 Tim, I have a theory which hasn’t been proven yet, but my guess is that this guy started these lies WELL before AlGore invented this mechanism, and it was virtually impossible to verify. So over time, he gets caught in his own bullshit (a la Brian Dennehy) and then technology outs him essentially. I’m guessing eventually we will find a record that has none of this stuff, but with service, and then find out he just added bit by bit over the last 60+ years.


Sergeant Major? This assclown claims to be a Sergeant Major? Has any reporter at any paper ever heard of Google, or Bing, or


Medal of Honor with Silver Oak Leaf Cluster… next to Battle of Hoth campaign ribbon.


I think the thing that horrifies me the most about that picture is the microphone(?) in his hand.

To think he’s been TALKING to people…(shudder)


Anon, I got my BOH and Yavin ribbon honestly…

Doc Bailey

Didn’t he get PTSD from watching those cruisers blown up at Endor?

Notice how the Fakers are ALWAYS Marines, SEALs/SF/Rangers(or all three), or 1st CAV? Has anyone seen a faker from the BRO or the Puking Chickens? I would have thought after Restrepo there’d be a few that tried to claim 173rd as well.

You know I’m actually kind of offended that no one is trying to fake having been in my units. I guess the Bloody Tampon and the Electric Strawberry aren’t good enough. THOUGH 25th has the most MOHs in Korea AND Vietnam, and BRO had the most campaign streamers (to include Marine Divisions) in WWII. Just saying.


Just for clarification. Mr Lauve is not an officer in American Legion Post 10. He is on the E-Board as a member at Large and was a Post Commander many years ago. He has been a member for 47 years so who knows how well Post Adjutants verified military service. I am the Post Adjutant and I do require DD214 or Active Military ID cards for all new members and have for the past 3 years now. I assure all of you this matter is being investigated and will not close untill I have proof he either served or did not serve. He also will need to show documentation for his Purple Hearts and Navy Cross award. If not then it becomes a very serious matter.

AW1 Tim

Thanks for the comments, Ralph. The American Legion is a GREAT and noble organization. It’s sad to see that folks like this are taking advantage of it.

Keep up the good work. It is appreciated.


I am amazed at how high he is wearing that belt. That takes tallent.


Damn, where’re the fakers who claim to have been light-wheel mechanics or cooks? Man, it was awful, we had to do CQ!

Old Tanker


DD214’s can be forged but who’s to say this guy didn’t really serve…probably as a stateside clerk that never left country. Hard to believe he ever served with THAT salute though..

Richard F. Smith Post 29!


The facebook page for the American Legion World Series has removed this guy’s pic from their photo album. Looks like this guy’s scam is falling apart.

Amy Elaine Morse Hillman Mortensen Kollman

GEORGE “Gunny” LAUVE is a treasure at our post. Your blatantly ill-researched, libelous, slanderous comments reflect upon your own inadequacies as a human, and a soldier. HOW DARE YOU! You may not pontificate upon a Veteran’s merits when you havn’t the honor to research said individual and meet him in person. On advice of counsel: Please Cease and Desist further comments that imply or include Mr. George “Gunny” Lauve,originally of Louisianna, NO (NOT OF WENATCHEE AS SOME MISGUIDED PERSON EARLIER STATED) LEGAL COUNSEL HAS BEEN SOUGHT AND RETAINED ON MR. LAUVE’S BEHALF.

Amy Elaine Morse Hillman Mortensen Kollman

RALPH OLSEN! AFTER 47 YEARS YOU QUESTION GUNNY? -susan morse and Amy Kollman Mortensen. Shame

Amy Elaine Morse Hillman Mortensen Kollman

Ralph Olson. You lack integrity. To question Gunny after 47 years of loyal, faithful service to Post 10 and American Legion Baseball? I’m ashamed of you, and so is my mother.


Yeah, we’re gonna fucking question him, especially when, as posted earlier, he claims to have fought at Wake, and every major Pacific battle in WWII.

So exactly how is that possible? And you **ARE** aware that there is NO record of a Navy Cross OR a Silver Star having EVER been awarded to anyone with the last name Lauve, right?

Please, go ahead and piss away your money on a lawyer. He’ll certainly not stop you.

Old Trooper

Amy Elaine Morse Hillman Mortensen Kollman: You say “To question Gunny after 47 years of loyal, faithful service to Post 10 and American Legion Baseball”

First off, no one is questioning his loyal, faithful service to the Post or Legion baseball. Some are questioning whether he served while others, like myself, are questioning his awards. As has been stated, if he served as a Marine on Wake, then he didn’t make the other landings because he would have been a POW. There is no record of him receiving the Navy Cross, or Silver Star, as someone else has stated.

Now, if you want to chastize someone for not doing research, I suggest you look in the mirror before letting go with another verbal assault in defense of Mr. Lauve. My next question is for you. Do you think that telling us that you have retained counsel on behalf of Mr. Lauve is going to make us suddenly stop? Did you think that you would scare us by telling us that you now have a lawyer involved? First off, I would ask why you would need a lawyer. Second, I would ask if it is just a ruse or are you using it as a scare tactic?

Just so you know, we don’t scare easily and we have had people come on here claiming to have hired “counsel” and that they are coming after us, but sadly, that never pans out.


Amy, et al.

Instead of protesting too much and threatening lawsuits, you need to tell George to get any one of these things and the controversy is over.
DD-214 or Certificate of Discharge or
Citation for Silver Star or
Citation for Navy Cross or
Citations for Purple Hearts or
Service Record or
anything else, maybe pictures of him in uniform, or old war buddies, or war trophies he collected, or – at least something.
Time for no more talk, no more threatening, no more of anything now that an allegation has been made, based on a complete lack of documentation for any of George’s awards or even his time in service, to offer written proof and get the records corrected. Anything less is unacceptable. Yes, George is a great guy and a wonderful contributor, but to belong to the American Legion, there are requirements to be met. Let’s see them. If he is who he says he is this will be VERY easy to comply with. If you cannot find his DD-214 or his Discharge, it can be obtained through any Service Officer.

I am the Junior Past Commander of Legion Post 10 for 2009-2011.


Amy – don’t ask for a DD-214. Ask him to sign an SF-180 (, check “All Documents in OPMF”, and have the documentation sent directly to the Legion post.


Jonn–and let’s not forget all those FBI guys who are banging down my door because certain posters get all butt-hurt and think we’re threatening them.

Speaking of which, what’s the Vegas line that little meet-and-greet goes down next weekend?

Old Trooper

Sparky; I haven’t heard a peep out of Sphincter since our conversation on where to meet. If I were a betting man, I would bet that it won’t happen. Of course, I never expected it to happen in the first place. It seems the more hyperbole they throw out, the less they want to back it up with cold, hard documentation. I will still be available and I will have my paperwork with me. I’m not afraid to show it and did so when I joined the AL and when it was asked for, again, when I became a Post Commander and district Vice Commander. What Amy and company don’t understand is that it must be provided upon request from the organization and since there have been several caught in the last few months from various VSOs, the request isn’t out of the ordinary.


/puts on Mothax Hat

Look for a piece on this next week on The American Legion’s Burn Pit. We are moving towards a conclusion on the whole thing. It pains me that Amy and the Adjutant are squabbling on this. Obviously there are a lot of emotions. My understanding is now that “Gunny Lauve” has conceded to some embellishments. The Post will be meeting to discuss the issue as well.

I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t praised the work that “Gunny” has done for the Legion over the last 47 years, so in that regard, Amy’s emotions are understandable. Unfortunately, Gunny also managed to get some things from the Legion that his actual service record might not have warranted, like the accolades at the TAL world series and newspaper accounts etc.

This whole sad story should serve as a precautionary tale to everyone out there to stick to the story reflected in your DD214. Everything outside that is fair game, no matter how philanthropic and charitable you might be, lying opens you up to all sorts of bad juju you don’t need.


Hello Susan
I have never questioned George Lauve’s service,dedication, and devotion to the American Legion and our Post. I was contacted by Department Officers to address the issues Geroge created. It my duty as an Officer (Adjutant) to follow up on this issue. I obtained facts before meeting with Geroge and had two other witnesses with me. I will be getting verification of his service in the Military within the next week. We (Officers) of Post 10 will follow our by laws and make a decision if George will remain a member of the American Legion. What the USMC does is out of our hands. It remains a very serious matter and the fallout has not settled yet. I was not aware of all the battles he claimed to have faught in especially Wake and you know how close and how long I have been been with George. We can not verify all the stories our members tell people nor is that our purpose. You know how a fish story goes? That 10 inch fish turns into a 20 incher after you get home and tell the story to your buddies. Of course the fish has already been cleaned and eaten. Also, for your information National has been investigating George for many months. I learned of this only a few days ago. His show case in Carolina last week brought all this to a head. George did all this to himself, not a single member in the American Legion has done anything to George. You should have obtained facts before making those comments about me. I have lost a lot of respect for you.

Susan and Amy Morse

Regarding my (our) earlier, inflammatory statements in defense of George Lauve, please accept my (our) sincerest apologies. Having learned the truth today, we are saddened. I humbly apologize. I wish to personally apologize to Ralph Olson, Adjutant of Post #10. Signed, with most sincere apologies, Amy and Susan Morse.


Why can’t all veterans be proud of their service? I don’t give a shit if this guy was a cook and never left the States during the war. He spends 40 some years living a lie and now it is all coming back to haunt him. Everything good that this man has done now has a taint associated with it. Every bit of honor this man has built over his life is being pissed away. As nice of a guy he may be he is still a liar and a thief. He has stolen honor away from men who deserve it. He has stolen from people who believed him a hero and now know he is a fraud. There is more honor in a cook who peeled potatoes in California than fake hero.

Amy Morse

This has been very painful for everyone at our Post and our community. I’m ashamed that I lashed out in anger. I didn’t have the facts that I thought I did. I again, apologize deeply.


Thanks for coming back though Susan and Amy, and thanks for your service to our veterans. Trust me, I am as sad about this whole thing as anyone.

Old Trooper

Amy; apology accepted and I’m sorry for this, as well.


The sad thing is that Amy & Susan are not unique. There was the daughter who wrote a book about her father based on his lies. There were the parents who organized lavish homecomings for their war-hero son who was pretending. There were church members who adored their Navy SEAL Pastor only to learn he had been borrowing his fake story from a Steven Segal movie. No matter what that appeals court said, Amy & Susan, along with the others, prove that Stolen Valor is not a victimless crime.


That is a great point NCO. Just a great point.


Mary has this guy up on her wall of shame on POW Network. Apparently aside from the Navy Cross that was obviously bogus, there is some question as to whether this guy ever even served in the USMC.


Average, he did not.

1944-1946 Navy.

Old Trooper

“TSO Says:
August 22nd, 2011 at 10:26 am
Average, he did not.

1944-1946 Navy.”

Aw shit; why did he have to go and embellish his bona fides? This makes me very sad.

Are you going to have the whole story up at the Burn Pit, TSO?


In 10 mins.

Old Trooper

Very cool. Thanks


Up now at BP.


Wow, both saddened and flattered by the Burn Pit article. Thanks TSO/Mothax


[…] August 28th, 2011 I’m sure you remember the story of “Gunny” Lauve from when I first mentioned him and then when TSO posted about the American Legion’s investigation of the phony. Well, […]