You’ve all heard of him, now here he is

| August 10, 2011

Update at the bottom of the post.

I know you all heard your drill sergeants talk about “Joe Shit the Ragman”, and you probably all wondered who he was. Well, thanks to the observant fan at POW Net who spotted him at a local air show and snapped these pictures, your curiosity is satiated;

Did you want anchovies on your pizza?

ADDED: And, oh, ROS discovered the problem with this guy’s uniform – he is a zombie. Apparently Edward T. Ryan was buried more than two years ago. The guy who sent the pictures to POW Net said he took them recently. The real Edward T Ryan was 87 years old and in the Army Air Corps.

Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags

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What’s wrong? Looks pretty legit to me.

The Sniper

Holy shit is that guy jacked up! I could have gone to clothing sales, bought all of those ribbons, badges, etc, had a monkey throw them at a Class A jacket, and still been more accurate than this asshole. And what the f*** is up with that name tag? Guy needs a beat down.


What Rank is this clown?


I like the cords on both sides. We could lift him up and hang him on a coat rack.


Oh dear god why? Just why?

Is it clowns who are just dumbasses and can’t let it go? Or is it clowns who are dumbasses and never were?


Its the clowns with a dumbass inside them…wow, the beret would give it away in a heartbeat….I ve seen some pretty fucked up ones in the past, but obviously this guy never messed with one before. Besides, if he really is trying to be legit, wouldn t he have a cunt cap and not a beret? Just saying…

Doc Bailey

No branch fucking frisbe of a beret, and DOG TAGS on the outside? the color shirt isn’t even right. I’m surprise this guy isn’t wearing the MOH.


Holy shit–it’s MSGT Soup Sandwich’s lost brother!

Old Trooper

I can’t even be angry at this one, at this point.

It looks like he’s sporting an armored division patch on the left side, along with one of those Vietnam Vet patches underneath it. Looks like a St. Christopher or St. Paddy’s Day medal, or some shit like that, hanging from the right pocket. Wrong American flag patch on the right side (even though you don’t wear one on your class As), no combat patch, but is sporting both Vietnam service ribbon and a CIB.

Yeah, I don’t see anything wrong. (I’m not going to mention the cords, because that would just be piling on)


Those aren’t dogtags, Doc Bailey. Hanging from the chain is a tag that reads, “If found, please deposit me in the nearest mailbox.”


“If found, please deposit me in the nearest mailbox.”

Sideways. Use hammers if necessary.


This guy is a walking surplus store. It looks like he took it off the mannequin in the surplus store and put it on and that the stuff on it was put on prior by the sixteen year old girl who works there part time and doesn’t know where anything goes anyway but thought it looked cool.

Joseph Brown

Is it just me, or is the dude’s right ear folded forward. This guy needs a serious word of prayer…before the beatdown.


If this guy was a cat, momma cat would have ate him at birth.

AW1 Tim

I am beyond words at this point. Sigh.


Somebody needs to check the local nursing homes. Somebody is missing a resident!


Notice the brass on the collar? I do believe one would wear one US insignia and one branch…Once a poser, always a fuck-up.

Dave Thul

I agree with OT. Normally these guys piss me off, but this guy has Alzheimer’s written all over him.


Ok, I’m not going to get into everything that is wrong with his uniform, especially since it’s been covered already. I am curious what the red cord is for. I don’t think I’ve seen that one before.


…And a button down collar shirt with those class A’s!!??

The grim look coupled with the French style beret leads me to believe Ryan’s real name is Pierre and he is thinking along the lines of, “le Bosch!”


@Dave- Red is artillery, but worn on the right. A red Belgian fourragere would be worn on the left, if I’m not mistaken, but that is not a fourragere.

John Curmudgeon

Posts like this make my day!

usmc steve

He is wearing the rifle and pistol USMC marksman badges too.
Must have been a multi service fraud, I guess.


Yet another Milsurp Ranger.

Old Tanker

Private no class clusterfuck, reporting for duty!!


OT, is that you? I see the tank patch on the shoulder…


Jesus jumping H! No need to comment on the ribbons or CIB. His name tag alone says “Seriously Major Fuck Up”….and identity theft on top of it all too…

Old Tanker


1st Team all the way!! Although I’m amazed, any self respecting poser usually has my beloved Cav patch on….he couldn’t even get that right…not even a good poser!!!

Old Tanker

I just realized he has a CIB and no combat patch either… stripes an his arms….dayum….


Has this man been identified? If I understand the story correctly, the name tag idenifies a man that has already passed away. So who is this?

Doc Bailey

The red cord is for ARTY. there are actually shoulder cords for all the branches (though generals aid is gold for some reason) Personally I think combat arms and those assigned to combat arms units should get them (no cords for REMFs) but that’s a whole other debate.

It might be interesting to find out who this guy is. If anything he looks too OLD to be a Vietnam Vet. Id put him at at least late 70’s. He ought to be called out all the same

John Curmudgeon

That fucking beret looks like a damn chef’s hat!


Is that a St. Christopher’s Medal on his right pocket?

As for the beret – he’s wearing better than a few senior field grades around here ever did.


That was physically painful to look at.

No, seriously, my eyes hurt. Gah….


The picture is like the ones in the back of a magazine…”There are ten things wrong with this picture-what are they?”


My DI mentioned this guy, way back in the day. Along with Jody.
Just painful to look at, but that first picture just screams, Oh shit, I bet I end up on This ain’t Hell, and not in a good way.


In #36, make that drill sergeant. D-oh!!!


>Along with Jody.

I often wonder about the origin of the names. Like how they decided that “that guy” was going to be Jody and it stuck.. lol.


melle, I think “Jody” stuck, mostly because it fit into the cadences.

Mike D

you guys should do an extended post on “what to look for in a stolen valor situation.”

as a civvie, i dont know from fruit salad but the first thing i see obviously fake was no rank insignia anywhere on him which is an automatic wtf?

the question then becomes, does one then walk up and engage the suspected rat in conversation? “hey thanks for your service, uh…wheres your rank insignia, how did you get those ribbons, and why does your beret look like it fell off a dirt road pickup truck?”

as someone said this is more likely some dude who got behind on his retirement meds but that doesnt excuse the stolen valor.

Old Trooper

UpNorth in #39:

By the time I was done with basic I hated Jody and tiny bubbles.

Old Tanker


I was Armored and we had no cords….I’ve been out since ’91 so I don’t know if that’s been changed…


My day would have been complete even if I hadn’t been reminded of tiny bubbles……dammit, now that’s gonna be stuck in my bucket all friggen day…..

Old Trooper

Tanker; heh heh heh 🙂


OT, yeah, me too. And, thanks for reminding of tiny bubbles.


This POS is a poser. The entire “uniform” is a sham. I’m willing to bet the closest he ever got to being in the military was driving by an Army post.

Joe Shit (actual)

Friends, I clanked anchors for four years, and can see that this old boy’s been raiding the St. Vincent DePaul stores. The home should be sued for letting him get out.

A Proud Infidel

That old coot is seriously CRAVING any attention he can get… Could he be the one, if he’s honest, would have to say “During the War, I shoveled shit in….”

Planet Ord

I stopped in to read #46, and got sucked into the whole thread. Now I have tiny bubbles stuck in my head. Thanks guys! Not….

That being said, why would anyone take the time to create that name tag unless it was to impress non military types? I’d like to sy it’s Alzheimer’s, but that name tag screams intentional deception.


Joe Shit the Rag Man: The Legend Walks.


On the plus side at least there’s not a billion ribbons and/or decorations….