Oslo bombing
So Norway, which hasn’t done much of anything to anyone was rocked by an explosion outside of one of their government buildings this morning killing at least 7 people and wounding a score. Minutes later, a “Nordic” gunman opened fire at a youth camp run by the Prime Minister’s Labor Party where a reporter says there were at least another score of bodies according to Fox News;
The New York Times says that the Helpers of the Global Jihad have claimed responsibility;
A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, according to Will McCants, a terrorism analyst at C.N.A., a research institute that studies terrorism. The message said the attack was a response to Norwegian forces’ presence in Afghanistan and to unspecified insults to the Prophet Muhammad. “We have warned since the Stockholm raid of more operations,” the group said, according to Mr. McCants’ translation, apparently referring to a bombing in Sweden in December 2010. “What you see is only the beginning, and there is more to come.” The claim could not be confirmed.
Here’s their message as translated by Jihad Watch.
The UK Mail says there are more 30 dead at the camp, which is attended by teen age boys.
Category: Terror War
50 children dead at the camp. The “nordic” guy was arrested, but one other shooter is dead, dressed as a cop and “tan” in completion.
This story is still ‘breaking’ everywhere. It MUST be the Amish in Norway. Who else would do such?
Being Nordic doesn’t means he’s not Muslim….
The Telemark was/is in Afghanistan.
That Norway is not a Muslim country justifies the jihad.
One need not be tanned, or brown, to be Muslim.
I would like to see the Norwegians go all beserker-viking on the jihadis in their country.
If Islam were simply a religion, then I would be more tolerant.
However, it is not. Islam is an entire way of life: A religion as well as a government, a social order with ciurts & punishment, taxes and dress codes, etc.
Islamic preachers have been constantly espousing that Islam is incompatible with democracy, and I agree.
As such, this nation should, at once, ban Islam in all of it’s forms and deport anyone not a citizen who is a muslim, forbid entry into these United States of anyone who is muslim, and strip citizenship away from anyone who refuses to renounce Islam.
Islam is a war with these United States, and anything and everything NOT named Islam. As such, we should understand and act upon that threat, and remove that threat from within our own nation.
Targeting kids is low. I worry about the response. Will it mean the EU takes this seriously? or will they over react, like they usually do and look for a more. . . final solution. We’re not there yet, but if we start to see real insurgency warfare in the EU, it might indeed come to pass.
And Michael Yon has the audacity to say Norwegians are drama queens for going crazy over this like we were for thinking 9/11 was the “end of innocence”.
At what point does the world get completely pissed and lose the pc horseshit?
Michael *Yawn*…..jesus! Isn’t he still holed up in Thailand?
No, he’s no busy violating OPSEC (again) by posting provinces units are stationed in, congratulating himself for outing Menard, begging for money, and giving coordinates for where the specific aircraft are flying.
We’re dealing with another world plague, except this time it’s humans instead of bacteria.
Well, I’m not quite sure yet what this guy’s ultimate motivations are:
National police chief Sveinung Sponheim told NRK that the suspected gunman’s Internet postings “suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views, but whether that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen.”
A police official said the suspect appears to have acted alone in both attacks, and that “it seems like this is not linked to any international terrorist organizations at all.” The official spoke on condition of anonymity because that information had not been officially released by Norway’s police.
“It seems it’s not Islamic-terror related,” the official said. “This seems like a madman’s work.”
I’m trying to figure out why someone with anti muslim views goes around targetting a camp with young people. Blowing up city buildings, maybe, if Norway’s government is known to be ‘tolerant’ of islamic types. But gunning down kids at a camp, what the heck is up with that?
Oklahoma has Muslims, and McVeigh (burn in hell as Hussein’s bitch, douche) targeted a federal building with a daycare that had nothing to do with Islam. I’m unclear why everyone automatically assumes this does.
“Islam is a war with these United States, and anything and everything NOT named Islam. As such, we should understand and act upon that threat, and remove that threat from within our own nation.”
Really. And how exactly do you propose carrying out this plan of yours?
“As such, this nation should, at once, ban Islam in all of it’s forms and deport anyone not a citizen who is a muslim, forbid entry into these United States of anyone who is muslim, and strip citizenship away from anyone who refuses to renounce Islam.”
Oh I guess I missed your plan. Right. So in other words you’re a knuckle-dragging fascist d-bag. You’re an ignorant, totalitarian tool. And God forbid if you’re in the military, because then you are also a complete utter disgrace to the uniform. Got it.
Don’t jump to conclusions. Latest news seems he was a right wing Christian extremist.
And, no, not a libtard. Just saying if everyone jumps on the “it’s a Muslim” and it turns out it’s a Christian you are just going to hand the libtard’s all the ammo they need to claim Christians are worse than Muslims and calls for banning Christianity.
Wait till all the data is in.
Of course, if it does turn out to be a Christian, yet an Islamic group took the credit, it does point to the fact that so many of the Muslim extremist do this kind of crap that one of their groups assumed it must be part of the jihad and tried to take credit…
Hey Klompus, back off on Tim; got it?
Jack, I’d have to disagree with your assessments of both myself and my “plan”. This nation has a constitution, and I completely support it, since I swore an oath to do so and don’t believe I’ve ever been relieved of that responsibility. Having said that, you really need to take a cold, hard look at Islam, as compared to any other religion and/or political view. Islam isn’t a religion, as other religions are constituted. It is an entire political system posing as a religion. In this nation, and in all western nations, religion is personal and subservient to the government. In other words, it follows the admonition to “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto God, that which is God’s”. In Islam, everything belongs to God, and there is no place for a central government, a secular set of laws. Cleric after cleric has stated that Islam is incompatible with democracy, and they are correct. That cannot be tolerated in this, or any nation where liberty and freedom is valued. Our leadership may not believe that we are at war with Islam, but Islam most certainly is at war with us. This nation banned the Nazi Party during WWII, as well as the practice of Bushido, because they were absolute threats to us and our constitution. We were very much at war with both systems and it would have been criminally negligent to have tolerated their existence within our own borders. The same should be done to Islam. This nation should outlaw the practice of Islam within our borders, and deport all Muslims who are not US citizens, and prohibit the entry of same. As to those US citizens who refuse to renounce Islam, they should be charged with treason and have their citizenship revoked and deported. Our Constitution is not a suicide pact. If we refuse to understand the threat that Islam creates to our nation, our way of life, then the tombstone of These United States will read “Died of Democracy”. It isn’t fascism. It’s common sense. Read the koran. open your eyes. Understand the threat.… Read more »
There is so much contradictory material floating around that I don’t think anyone knows what the fuz is behind this attack. And if the guy is a nutter who claims to be a Christian, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t get ideas, tips and tricks from watching jihadi stuff on the ‘net or reading jihadi propaganda. If you are bonkers enough, Mumbai and Beslan could be inspiring.
Just to pre-clarify: bonkers can mean pure evil in this case, not just mis-wired.
Just as the Tucson shooting nutbar was immediately labelled as a “right wing extremist”, they are awful quick to throw that label out on this. I agree, LR1, we need to let everything shake out on this first, before we continue to speculate. I, also, recall that the Ft. Hood shooting was initially reported that Hasan was a multiple combat tour Vet that snapped, because the media can’t let a chance to run their biased narrative go.
No I will not back off. You are advocating practices that are downright fascistic. So what are you saying, that the military should go from mosque to mosque in the USA and do a round up? Deport them to where? Where are you going to deport people that were born and bred in the United States and have never lived in any other country and have been loyal citizens from day one? Frankly if I were given orders to put on the uniform and participate in such a downright ugly practice I would flat out refuse. Who would participate in such a vile, ugly plan? Apparently you would. You sound like the radio broadcasts that were used to whip up ethnic hatred during the Rwandan genocide and the subsequent Congolese wars. Frankly I think it’s sickening that there are people in the United States who were so ready, in fact almost eager to leap to their keyboards and start pounding out their ridiculous screeds and manifestos against the entire religion of Islam before there was any evidence whatsoever about who committed this act. As if you couldn’t ask for any better example of being no better than the left wing ideologues who were salivating to pin the Tucson shootings on some Sarah Palin worshipping Tea Partier. And no I don’t need to be “educated” about Islam thank you very much. I’ve spent plenty of time among Muslim friends and acquaintances from across the globe and reading and studying the religion independently and in coursework undergrad and grad. Time spent in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kuwait also helped. Maybe some people need to get away from the blogs and stop parroting people like Robert Spencer and Pamela Gellar who see jihad under every bed. What you are proposing is completely, utterly, 100% anathema to everything that the United States represents, and I find it repugnant that someone who has ever served in uniform would advocate the juvenile, and yes, fascistic course of action that you do. It’s shameful. So when we “ban” Islam I assume we then do what, turn every mosque… Read more »
“Hey Klompus, back off on Tim; got it?”
Wow, Jack. Do you need a hanky to wipe the spittle off your monitor? That was some diatribe.
I think you are taking Tim’s stuff way too far over the edge and doing a little too much chest puffing about all YOU know about the Muslim religion and what YOU have seen.
Tim’s point is essentially that Islam wants nothing more than to destroy America and the west. Your point seems to be that we must be nice. XXXXXX!
Tim’s point is that if this gets worse for us, he is willing to do whatever it takes to keep the Republic what it remains. Free! Up to and including those who wish to practice different religions *without* obliterating Us and the rest of the world.
Why is it so hard for you sympathizers of Islam to understand? In your world, what more should we be asked to tolerate? I guess if you want to call me a fascist, go ahead. Because I swore an oath, too and I will not go down with diplomatic words and phrases like, “if only I had been more tolerant…”
I am done with that because as we have seen…in one of the last places it could be expected, terrorism comes in all shapes and sizes…but so far, every terror act in the US has been committed by a Muslim.
Soooo, it looks like I would follow Tim, wholeheartedly. Hoo-ah! Got guns?
Profiling works for me, just as it did for the Japanese internments here. It is not a gleeful thing to be sure…(funny that all liberals do so like that drama.)
If I were as soul-less as Hitler, It might be gleeful in any event. The point is, it wouldn’t be-no matter how you spin it to meet your beliefs. Alas, the end result is that your children and mine would still have a free country. To me, that IS all that matters. Duty, honor, Country.
Remember that. And if you can’t, don’t let the door hit you.
“…[A]nd I find it repugnant that someone who has ever served in uniform would advocate the juvenile, and yes, fascistic course of action that you do.” There is something about Klompus that just isn’t right. It’s more than his lefty snipe at Wal Mart, more than his use of SPC in this and some other select blogs, more than his uniform nastiness in all of them, and even more than his fondness for lawyers and Subarus. He seems to be in serious conflict–with himself.
I’m taking things way to far over the edge that I find it repugnant that someone is advocating rounding up and deporting US citizens if they remain true to their religious beliefs?
“Islam” wants to destroy America? What does that mean? Every person in the United States who practices the Muslim religion should be looked upon suspiciously as a potential threat to your liberty? Your definition of living in a free country is to be ready to take armed action against fellow citizens whose only “crime” is to practice a religion?
I’m “chest puffing” because I can, based on experience, counter what is a patently absurd, as yes fascistic, belief, that paints an entire sector of the population with a ridiculously broad brush with such vitriol that it is just shy of a call to arms against decent, loyal citizens of the United States?
Duty, honor, and country consists of being ready to kick in doors of mosques and round up families at prayer and participate in ejected them from the only country they have ever known, or who have come here believing that we practice the values that we preach about “the land of the free?” So the honest, tax-paying, decent small business owners who struggle to support their families in cities throughout the United States and just happen to be Muslim – they get no pass from your righteous militia? They have to go? Simply because they are Muslim?
Don’t let the door hit me? So the test of duty, honor, and country and whether I have earned my stay in the United States is willingness to go along with and agree with a patently absurd and offensive belief that we should tell citizens what religion they are and are not allowed to practice?
Thanks Dr. Sigmund AirCav Freud. I’ll send you your fee for your tremendously meaningful and analytical insight into my troubled psyche.
SPC Jack Klompus, our troll for this weekend?
Islam as presented, has no place in American society. It is NOT a religion, but rather a political/military way of life, and there is nothing in its teachings that even remotely suggest that they will leave others to their own ways in any place that they can gain power. And, gaining power is what they are about.
Yes Koranic scholar Frankly, fine I’m “the troll.” Clearly we must do SOMETHING to eradicate these horrible, horrible Muslims in our midst, right? Between the evil Muslims and the awful hippies that are threatening your day-to-day existence, how DO you manage to survive in America knowing that your freedom and way of life is under constant threat of destruction knowing that someone might bring their family to pray in a mosque somewhere in America or that San Francisco continues to exist as a city despite your protestations?
Or that someone may be beheaded for drawing a picture, or that a child may be raped in a marriage, or that a woman may have her labia lopped, or that their slovenly ways will cause more of a drain on our tax dollar. No country that has attained a muslim majority has improved in any significant way. Any community in the western world that has been made into a muslim community, (such as Dearbornistan), has become much like a 3rd world nation.
I have no fear for myself from day to day as I have found a very good way to live in a very secure region.
Sing Kumbaya somewhere else.
Gee Jack…instead of getting your pearly white panties in a really serious knot by worrying your pretty little head about an adult topic, maybe you should spend a little time studying for your E-5 board…you’ve been a SPC for a number of years now… now go outside and play nice with the neighborhood children and let the Adults talk…m’kay?
Adults. Ha. That’s rich, Old One. Yes, you and the other “adults” have really raised the bar on quality discussion by advocating the mass deportation of American citizens. You answer none of the questions and dilemmas that the policies advocated originally by Tim pose, and then attempt a lame insult by making it seem like attaining a “SGT” is some towering achievement and quoting a South Park character. A true adult to emulate you are. So when exactly are you and your club of ‘adults’ going to map out your ten-point plan for getting rid of all the horrible Muslims in your midst? I’ll assume you will need a carefully and simply worded powerpoint to break it down for you.
And yes Frankly that is clearly the behavior engaged in by all Muslims. Catholics get justifiably angry when people try to paint their clergy across the board as child molesters, and Mormons deservedly take offense when the media tries to portray adherents of their religion as a bunch of backward polygamists. But it’s okay to label every follower of Islam as a raving terrorist waiting to happen at any given moment and the source of such a threat that Americans can actually advocate deporting citizens en masse? Really?
Jacko, while you have been criticizing those of us here who criticize Islam, I will leave you with this:
Please tell us all what benefit muslims are or will be to American society. To date they have offered nothing productive worldwide, except to the construction industry in rebuilding that which they have torn down.
This is FACT: 99.999% of terrorism worldwide is of and by Muslims.
And who here made any statement to justify your “label every follower of Islam as a raving terrorist waiting to happen at any given moment” claim?
They needn’t all engage in bombing. They are on their way to overwhelm us demographically. And their non-muslim apologists are assisting this. So easy to call them harmless when one’s head is in the sand or other place where the sun doesn’t shine.
And this Ladies and Gentlemen is proof positive that our “progressive” public school system is a total and complete failure…they turn out brainwashed,under educated milk sops who whine and complain that life isn’t Faaiirrrrr! Pull up your big boy pants Jack…our nation is more important than what is “fair”…those who wish to destroy our nation have GOT to go no matter who they are…
Yes Frankly I saw that statistic on one of your delightful t-shirts at CafePress where one can also order t-shirts that say “Profile Those Rag’Eds” and “Urinate in a Footbath.” Class act, Frank. You’re a true credit to Christianity.
Haha you’re a joke Old One. Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn’t attend public school. Care to match resumes, education, and work experience, and skills some day, chump? You’ve got nothing but petty insults. The irony that you insult someone’s education while sounding like some two bit Rush Limbaugh parrot churning out cliches while dodging any and every question raised about the idea of deporting U.S. citizens for simply being Muslim, which is what Tim advocated, and to what I objected from the beginning. In the course of your oh so brilliant contribution you made references to panties being in a knot, pulling up big boy pants, sounded like a South Park character, said “let the adults in the room talk,” and really nothing other than tired, overused one-liners. And you were educated where exactly?
Ouch, that hurt…M.S. at UNC-CH…and you?
Ummmm, Jacko:
How about responding to all of my comment?
Jacko, while you have been criticizing those of us here who criticize Islam, I will leave you with this:
Please tell us all what benefit muslims are or will be to American society. To date they have offered nothing productive worldwide, except to the construction industry in rebuilding that which they have torn down.
And yes, that is one of many designs in my shop. Though I doubt you truly find them “delightful”. Profile Rag’eds? Hell yes. They are a much bigger threat than a mere 5 or 6 year old child. Urinate in a footbath? In a public place where it was placed with taxpayer money; HELL YES!
Dual B.A. University of Pennsylvania, M.S. St. Joseph’s University, MBA U of Texas.
Frankie…careful there Airborne…you might make jackie cry…you KNOW how sensitive he is…
Cool Frank. I’m sure Jesus is proud of you.
#40…Impressive…and you are only a SPC…Mom must be awful proud of you…
Because military rank is of course the true measure of someone’s worth. Har, har, raght thar, Airborne?! Let’s go pray to Jesus and kill us somma dem dere rag’eds! Woohoo!
And there you have it: He “graduated” from tu.
My point, ladies and gentlemen, has been proven.
Step away from the bong, young one.
Young one? Ha. Hardly. Bong? I’ve never touched a drug in my life. And that’s UT, by the way, master’s program. Your insight into the quality of education from U of Texas comes from what, exactly?
As is so common with the trolls here, they want to expound but have nothing of substance to say but to disparage us.
Again, Jacko, how about responding to my #39?
Y’all doesn’t this seem nearly like a re-run of last week with our troll of the day then not answering with anything substantive?
So I gather from the giant pile on that yes among this clusterfark of “real” non-Kumbaya singing Americans it is perfectly acceptable to round up Muslim American citizens and deport them simply for being Muslim. Got it. Point taken. Off to the bong.
Jackie…are you the guy on other forums who espouses the use of tactical wheelbarrows,.22 cal conversion kits for the M-4 and silencers, are you? Or all of you trolls just a waste of flesh and brain cells…
Soooo, Jacko, from your lack of response to my #39, it seems conclusive that you know of nothing of value that Islam has contributed to society, nor to the society of America in particular. Toooodles.
Giant Pile On. How often have we heard that here? In fact it has been one side of an argument commenting to the other side. Too bad you are so alone in your thinking dummy.
And for all your college claims, here are mine:
In the words of the great 2nd amendment advocate Ted Nugent:
” I didn’t go to college, I was busy learning stuff.”
Seee Yaaa, wouldn’t want to be ya.