New Year and New fakes.
In with the new year and in with the new phonies. Meet a one Mr, Woytek, Jason thanks to
But according to his records he is not even have half of these awards. In fact that his highest award is the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal.
Oh with the CIB with two stars and the CAR with three stars was not a dead give away. But then again perhaps one should explain how unit awards are given and when one has a silver oak leaf on every single award is a big eye raiser, I do not know what is.
It seems that he is facing other criminal charges of pawning off stolen laptops.
Category: Phony soldiers
Gee why didn’t he just put in there he had a MOH? with three stars he would have had to go to Desert Storm, OIF/OEF, and possibly all the way back to Vietnam. since he’s got Joint service and NAVY awards, he couldn’t POSSIBLY have been in an SFG which is just about all that would explain EOD tacked on.
I mean REALLY why do these clowns throw up a rack that looks all impressive, but never do their homework on what is likely. its almost as bad as having an Iraqi with a Russian mortar sight tell you its a toy for baby. How stupid do you think people are?
Maybe that should be a new task in Basic Training…Identifying awards and how to spot the fakers. Seriously. Prior to my service, I would never have thought to question someone’s plethora of ribbons…
Aside from that, this jerk will get what he deserves. Is that shithead’s name anywhere but
Did anyone see Sal Giunta at the Bowl last night? People in the bar wanted to know what he was awarded the MOH for. I gave them all an earful. And I made damn sure I stood and clapped.
His STARS profile is still up:
Feel free to send a greeting.
And then there’s this:
Look, I’m neither an atheist nor a theologian, but there is something sincerely perverted about replacing the flag from Iwo Jima with a cross. The two are not interchangeable.
Another one of the Oathkeepers Koolaid drinkers. Just one more reason I’ve stayed as far away from that organization as I can get.
Kind of ironic that an Oathkeeper would lie about medals and badges.
Actually Doc he would have had to serve in this current conflict OR Desert Storm, since the DoD won’t award the CIB for actions since G/W-1, Panama and Grenada. Otherwise yeah Vietnam would have been the next one on the list.
I do get a kick out of how he claims that an LTC in SF turned him on to Ayn Rand. He’s not only a Combat Infantryman but also a Green Beret AND an EOD guy. Impressive (heavy sarcasm intended). This guy sounds like someone who worships at the altar of Yon (aka Yawn)
Clarification: I only know that DoD will not award the CIB for actions since G/W-1 because I deployed with a soldier who was in 1st AD in G/W-1 and he had been awarded the CIB during that conflict and he stated he would not get another CIB for deploying for OEF 10+ years later due to that regulation. It may have changed since but I have not heard. Apparently the DoD is treating OEF/OIF as a continuing conflict of the original G/W-1.
Anybody else see this yet?
Old Grunt,
From what I understand, Desert Storm is a different award period than OIF/OEF. WWII, Korea, Vietnam (including SW Asia), and the WOT are the four qualifying periods.
Paragraph (f) here:
Here we go, again. It looks like there are more coming out of the wooodwork every fricken day. This one is so bad I’m wondering how no other soldier has given him the verbal beatdown he deserves on these websites? There are some extremely obvious ones that just jump out and say “boo!” This is one of them.
fm–how dare you–don’t you know that all these phonies are just looking for attention and that this a “victimless crime”? Shame on you for picking on that soon-to-be-in-federal-pound-me-in-the-ass prison guy.
Good find. I will send that link over to pownet right now.
fm is right about the CIB’s. He would have had to have done Viet Nam for the first one; El Salvador, Grenada, Korea, Panama, DS, or Somalia for the 2nd; and OEF or OIF/OND for the 3rd. There has been a problem now with guys being told by the S1 that qualifying service in OEF and OIF/OND rated a CIB w/ star.
I especially like the 15 CARs and no indication of USN or USMC service.
Most of you guys exaggerate your service on this discussion board everyday, look in the mirror before you start throwing stones. Is this guy a clown? Probably, but most of the members on this board do the same damn thing.
And one other thing, just because you were some REMF in the Air Force reserve for 2 years it doesn’t give you moral authority over every single so called phony soldier case. I am looking at you Old Trooper.
Sporkmaster:Then if there are so many then name them. I challenge you to find one person on here that has done anything like this. Otherwise it is just a baseless claim.
A fake is still a fake. Even thought I do not have a combat badge, I can still call BS when someone tries to claim that they have won three CIBs.
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you ‘know’ one or two of the people on this board Richter, but that being said are you prepared to claim you know more than 50% of the posters here? If not, you can not with any certainty state “Most of you guys exaggerate your service on this discussion board everyday”, and are cordially invited to STFU until you can prove otherwise. The very fact that you accuse anyone here of exaggerating illustrates your ignorance since most everyone here takes pains to not do so.
Well Richter, I do have a CIB of my own and I can say unequivocally that the only phonies I know are all on this board.
Pogues, the lot of them.
And one other thing, just because you were some REMF in the Air Force reserve for 2 years it doesn’t give you moral authority over every single so called phony soldier case.
But you have the moral authority to come in here and claim most of us exagerate our service? Nice, glad to see you hold yourself to a double standard….Is someone bitter because they got kicked out for not being able to handle the military? What, I can make shit up and cast aspersions too can’t I?
Hey Jacobite and Sporkmaster, Me thinks thou doth protest too much. If the shoe fits wear it. And as far as naming the frauds on this site I can tell for starters that Old Trooper and Doc Bailey are frauds the way they self aggrandize every chance they get. I have a CIB and everytime I went out to the bars I would hear all this over the top “War Stories” from all the pogues, Old Trooper and Doc Bailey and most others don’t stop talking about how they have “seen” so much stuff. It just shows those who talk the most have done the least.
Hey Old DAT, my ass could out run or ruck you any day of the week. This is the first time I have ever posted on this board, I am not on here everyday patting myself on the back. You guys need a dose of reality. You like to run your mouths about “Phony Soldiers” And then run your jizz drains at the corner pub about what a bad ass you were overseas. ITS THE SAME GOD DAMN THING!!!
You ain’t kidding. “Biggest story, smallest man.” Truer words have never been spoken.
So mister all mighty. What did you do in the military? Assuming you even served at all.
Most of you guys exaggerate your service on this discussion board everyday,
Then you won’t mind 1–showing us the FOIA requests you have for OT and Doc, 2–showing us YOUR DD-214.
As for me, hey, what can I say. At 800 feet, nobody can hear you scream. Did I say I was a combat vet? Actually, not in the purest sense of hearing shit go “BANG”–although the VFW seems to feel my service qualifies for membership, as does my periods and character of service qualified me to join the American Legion as well.
Have I ever claimed to be a SEAL, Ranger, etc? Not even close. In fact, if you ask other submariner posters on here, we don’t/can’t talk much about what we do and where we go, even if we’re just nukes, shit-pumpers, ping-jockeys, faggot trackers, or what have you. Team and all that.
Have I ever claimed awards that didn’t appear on my 214 or otherwise verifiable? Nope. No Silver Star, no Purple Hearts, no CIB, not even a Navy Commendation Medal (although I do have two NAM’s.) Then again, not too many people try to impersonate bubbleheads. Not glamourous enough, I guess.
Ball’s in your court, Richter/Houser. Please feel free to take this as a personal invitation to eat a steaming bag of dicks.
Hey Old DAT, my ass could out run or ruck you any day of the week.
Those who talk the most shit and all eh? And you know this how?
Hey Sporkmaster I was in the Army and I have a CIB but I am going to leave it at that. I am not going to involve myself in your guys daily bigger d*ck contest by comparing resumes, you guys do enough of that from what I have seen of this circle jerk of a message board. Go to Old Trooper with your BS story about how you would have gotten a Bronze Star with a V device if your PSG didn’t hate you.
The otherkind of pogue ass dick is the one who has to disparage honorable vets to make themselves look good because they didn’t do shit….works both ways Richter, doesn’t it?
I don’t know either of you but Richter is right. Tankers ain’t shit and even an S-1 brokedick grunt could out-run, out-ruck, or out-fight one.
Hey NHSparky, The legion and VFW will accept anybody who is willing to pay dues get over yourself. You want to compare DD-214’s? What’s next Class A’s? What about PT scores?
And for Old Tanker anybody who used to be a Tanker is worthless and overweight. They’re 2 things in the Army that I can’t stand an M-1 Abrams and a Tankerman!!!
Hmmmm…anyone willing to pay the dues? And of which post(s) are you a member, pray tell?
Haha! Thanks for proving your own point guys, go whip your dicks out somewhere else kids, you 2 are bigger shit talkers than the ones you claim to dispise!
Hey Sporkmaster NHSparksy and Old Tanker until you get a CIB you can kiss my ass!! You have no right jumping on guys like Hauser who have actually been there. You guys like to call out these ALLEGED phony soldiers, but when someone does it to you, you guys freak out. See how it feels? No need to thank me for the lesson I taught you all today.
You guys are making my point for me, I go to the VFW and have to listen to guys like NHSparky tell BS “War Stories” to the one girl there. Most small towns the VFW is the only bar in town.
I think he’s saying he’s not a member, and I don’t blame him. VFW’s like a real life version of this board, just more insufferable. Back in the day VFW for was war fighters, now they’ll take anyone who’s deployed anywhere OCONUS no matter how trivial. I did a bs stint in Kuwait back in ’01 and they were trying to get me to sign up. Nuts to that, I wasn’t going to pay them to sit around and eat pancakes.
I am a medic so I will let you figure that out. Also we have just as much right as you did claiming that all of us are fakes. Not to mention that you know so much about each other when he claims to not have known you before today.
Proving your point? The 2 biggest shit talkers here are Richter and Houser, but it’s okay for you guys right? I haven’t made a single claim about my time in service and I don’t have a CIB to wave around like it makes me kewl…
Ummmmmm, considering that he’s repeating the things I’ve said here, well in your own words . . . I will let you figure that one. Also, um, he just said he goes to the VFW and I assumed that he didn’t, so, yeah, there’s that. I hope your Medical skills aren’t as shoddy as your reading comprehension.
You’re not cool Old Tanker. You wouldn’t be cool even if you had a CIB. I bet you rock that CAB Licencse Plate though huh?
Now your just trolling. I can prove what I have done. I have not seen anything from ether of you besides egos.
Richter, Houser–don’t you boys have some work to do? You know, processing bankruptcies in Atlanta and DC, shit like that?
Okay, I’m confused. Houser, Richter, if I’m reading your posts correctly, you both have served. Yet, you are posting on a milblog that outs Stolen Valor cases, and denigrating other posters on this blog that HAVE served. I’d think you’d be as concerned with Stolen Valor as the regulars here?
Wow, I go away from the thread for a couple of minutes and 2 dumb fucks get all up in my grill, as though I said a fucking thing about them. So, Sphincter, I mean Richter, you call me out as a phony, yet you provide nothing, not one fucking thing, to back up your bullshit about a CIB. Does this story hit a nerve with you? Does it hit too close to home there, mr. Ballduster McSoulpatch? Please provide me with the exact place where I have ever once said that I was a super-secret ninja squirrel with kungfu grip?
“Hey Sporkmaster I was in the Army and I have a CIB but I am going to leave it at that.”
Oh really? I think not, you fucking panty waist. Man up and start telling us your tales of daring-do. In one post you go after not only me (which I can handle, I’m a big boy), but you also go after Doc Bailey. For what? Do you have any fucking idea as to why Doc Bailey doesn’t have a CIB?? Is there any electrical firing going on in that primordial goo that you call a fucking brain? Do you know for a fact that I was a REMF?? Really? You know that; how? You know that Doc Bailey was a REMF?? How do you know that? You claim to know that Houser (not Hauser) has a CIB; how do you know that? Please enlighten us you no-load, pus-nutted piece of shit.
CAB plate? uh no, I was not awarded a CAB either. I was in Desert Storm, they didn’t give those out then. You might know that if you where actually in…
You’re right, they are waving CIB’s around disparaging vets that served honorably all to defend a guy who claims he earned 3 even though we have the proof he never earned one. How’s that for pretzel logic…
I think two more dark stars just wandered through our universe…
Another thing, Sphincter boy and Doogie Houser; Sporkmaster and Doc Bailey are MEDICS, which means when your dumbass becomes a bullet magnet, they are the ones who are there to save your fucking ass, whether under fire from the bad guys, or not. If you really are CIB toting all balls, no brains Infantrymen, then you would already know this, but since you decided to disparage them, it makes me wonder if you were even in, ya fucking jackwagons. Intead of lighting them up with your lame-assed comments, you should be bending over and kissing their ass for doing a job that could possibly save your life someday. Hell, you should be buying those two booze and hookers on a weekly basis! The good stuff, not the shit you drink and screw.
“Then again, not too many people try to impersonate bubbleheads. Not glamorous enough, I guess.”
Hey, NHSparky, bite your tongue. The stuff that I did as a bubblehead was far more glamorous than anything I did as an infantryman, plus there were only bilges in the boat, no mud. It is relatively easy to call out a fake bubblehead because of the qualification process, but any schumk who read Not a Good Day to Die knows enough about the Infantry to fake it.
I’d love to have a battle of the wits with these clowns, but frankly I don’t care to fight unarmed men.
Old Trooper I don’t have to prove anything to you, I am not the one who goes on this board day after day claiming to be some kind of expert in Veterans issues and an all around bad ass, and I never went after Doc Bailey for not having a CIB I went after the both of you for being full of shit (which you are) The both of you cast judgment on Phony Soldiers when the both of you on this board and at the corner pub exaggerate your service. You have a bullshit agenda and I am calling you out. Just becasue everybody else on this board treats you like some kind of king doesn’t mean I have to. You guys like to bust these phonies because you’re phonies and it makes you feel better. So do me a favor and leave me alone.
SporkmasterYou do when you say stuff like this and expect to get away with it.
Most of you guys exaggerate your service on this discussion board everyday, look in the mirror before you start throwing stones. Is this guy a clown? Probably, but most of the members on this board do the same damn thing.
I say AGAIN, name one example of anyone of use saying that we have done or earned things we have not. Just one. You not calling us out because there is nothing to call out. If there was you would have posted it here by now.
The only one who is acting like a fake is you.
Dicksnifter, nobody picked on you, dumbass. And if you want to be left alone, there’s the fucking door.
Now go die in a fire, will ya?
Hey Old Trooper, how do you want me to prove I have a CIB want me to email you my DD-214? Want me to come over to your trailer with it? When have you ever proven your service on this board with all the shit you talk? I have had to deal with guys like you my whole career. Talk a good game but when it’s time to ruck up you’re at sick call.
Sporkmaster: A DD214 would be nice. Also you going over to the national records, archives in St Louis and give them the ok to email us a copy of your records.