Choi hospitalized

| December 15, 2010

News leaked out last night that Dan Choi, the fella who chains himself to the White House fence about once a month because he has trouble following policy in regards to his former military service is “in the hands of professional mental health practitioners at a Veterans Administration facility” according to Autumn Sandeen at Pam’s House Blend.

Of course, this is an opportunity for Pam, Autumn and Dan to blame their mental instability on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell;

So yes, this is newsworthy, and Dan clearly wanted to share what he could have left private, or had to deal with had information about this leaked out. But this is another gift to the community — to open up a multi-faceted discussion: 1) the mental health toll taken by gay and lesbian service members; 2) the stressors that arise when also thrown into the public eye as a matter of fate or circumstance, not as a job.

Is there nothing that can’t be blamed on DADT? Choi shoved his sexuality in our face, so I don’t know what these clowns are talking about in regards to “the closet” and poor Dan. Just like the birthers, Choi chose to end his career and disregard the DADT policy. Not to mention chaining his ass to the White House fence while wearing the uniform of an Army lieutenant no less than three times. And getting arrested for it. Now he has a case of the drama queen vapors.

Yeah, I’m no mental health professional, but if being gay is normal and “coming out” is so therapeutic, then why are the Pam’s Blend crowd all telling us about their therapy today? Like I’ve said before, I have no problem with the gays, I have no problem with their silent service, my problem is when they use their service to promote a political agenda. Choi, who is famous for political stunts, seems to be involved in yet another political stunt.

Category: Military issues

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If he was booted-why is he getting VA care? His being “Thrown into the public eye” was his CHOICE just like publicly coming out. When he raised his limp wrist, he KNEW what the policy was,so he KNEW what he was getting into.

Doc Bailey

Mental health issues? Quit being such a wimp. Talk to me about mental health issues when your buddy is splattering blood all over you with every breath.

You can treat someone like a child in a civilian low stress job (“good job, you tried REAL hard”) but you CAN NOT do that in the military. You have to treat people like an adult in the Army (“you fucked up troop, what are you going to do about it?”) Can’t deal with that? Then GTFO!!!


Baldon, Doc…

Yes, he did thrust himself into the limelight by choice…ha. Seems it would suck to be him- an insolent child who has not gotten what he wanted by stomping his feet and yelling he’s gay and likes it. I have nothing against homosexuals either, but this shit is getting old. Yeah, as my old Cross Country Coach would say…he just a “wimpefang” (wimpything)!

Dave Thul

“So yes, this is newsworthy, and Dan clearly wanted to share what he could have left private”

Actually, that has been Choi’s problem all along; sharing what he could (and should) have left private. Hardly newsworthy that he is living up to form.


Damn, and here I thought there were going to be X-Rays with the offending object(s) prominently standing out…

Memo to Choi–I didn’t want to hear the latest escapades of who banged who with what when I was on AD, regardless of how hot she was, how bangin her body was, etc., etc. I sure as fuck don’t need to hear how you can deep throat something the same dimension as a salami without hitting your gag reflex.


This website seems like an ultra conservative website, and so therefore, these pathetic views on basically anything or anyone gay are to be expected. But, I cannot let you pieces of garbage get away unchecked in defaming a man who put HIS life on the line for a country who spits in his face, put HIS privacy to the side to fight for TRUE American ideals, and is one of the true ultimate fighters in every sense around. NONE of you immoral keyboard warriors have ANY idea what this man goes through. You should all be ASHAMED to attacking this man in such a crude and classless way. You are absolutely disgusting individuals inside and out.


Anyway, let’s respond to these comments:

1)Jonn Lilyea-Yes, you do have a problem with gay people. Yes, you are anti-gay. Otherwise you wouldn’t need to qualify it. People like you are hilarious, you think you can say whatever of your choosing towards gay individuals, and be absolved of the condemnation of those actions. Wrong.

You this this is a publicity stunt? No. It’s the product of a man filled with stress, taken to the breaking point, by people with not even an INKLING of respect towards him, his community, and everything he’s been through. He’s a true patriot and you are sitting on your a** knocking him because, what, he doesn’t allow himself to be discriminated against? Please. You should learn from him what it means to fight for your principals.

Being gay is certainly normal and coming out is definitely therapeutic. I’m not actually gay, but have friends who are, and that is a definitely major moment in their lives. But, that certainly doesn’t mean life gets any easier for them, not with PEOPLE LIKE YOU around. In fact, people like you make their lives a living hell. And you think you deserve respect? Your anti-gay views and those who share them are scourges of humanity and democracy.

This isn’t about a political agenda. This isn’t political. Gay people aren’t political entities. They’re human beings. They are human beings who deserve the same respect and decency as everyone else, and they are being denied this. And that IS what this fight is about. The dignity to serve your country without having to lie about who you are. NO silent service. Heterosexuals can serve openly, well, homosexuals are going to be allowed to as well. No more living in any closet, no more silence while hate permeates. No more discrimination. It’s over. And the BEST thing for the military is what Dan Choi is doing. Highlighting the hate and doing his part to get others to see, and eliminate it. You better get a clue before ever disrespecting this hero again.


Well, it looks like we received a visit from Choi’s better half.


2)Baldon73-Limp wrist? Hahahaha. Look at Dan Choi. Limp wrist? Seems like all man to me. More of a man than you will EVER dream to be. He could whip your pathetic a** six ways from Sunday. How DARE you disrespect a man who is fighting for true American principals, and served our country honorably. You are pathetic. You are a little punk. You would never call Mr. Choi a limp wrist in his face, you keyboard warrior. Bigots like you are so weak. You have no principals. Get on the computer and spew trash, but smile in the face of the people you condemn. Shows me that you realize how wrong your twisted views are.

He knew the policy, but guess what, he put his sexuality to the side to fight FOR YOU and for THIS COUNTRY. He was forced to put his dignity, self-respect and a major part of who he is aside for YOU, and you treat him like this? America treats him like this? Poor form. But, he’s not putting his sexuality to the side anymore. He’s not putting his dignity and his self-respect to the side anymore. He has too much pride in himself, his country, and his community to continue to allow the injustices faced because of DADT continue. He’s a true American patriot. You are fit to kiss the ground he walks on.


LOL, let the games begin. 😉



I have no respect for ANYBODY gay or straight who picks and chooses which directives and UCMJ codes they like, and which they want to follow. You cannot be an effective leader or an effective officer if you cannot follow the UCMJ or DOD directives that you are requiring the servicemembers who serve under you to follow.


BTW, While he was active, Dan Choi was a frickin LT. for 6 years flyboy before he came out even after serving a combat tour. I have to wonder why. I believe this was a time that people were making Captain in three years, because Captains were in short supply. It sounds like he wasn’t a very good soldier to begin with.


3)Doc Bailey-Yup, mental health issues. Like being driven to the brink of total self-collapse because of the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, hypocrisy, and we can continue, of America, our society, our government, and our ideals. I don’t blame him. With people like I see on here around, anyone sane would go crazy. In a world where standing up for what’s RIGHT gets you condemned by those who couldn’t hold a candle to these brave individuals. In a world where not conforming to inane moral codes gets you a lifetime sentence in the court of popular opinion. Fighting for what’s right, fighting for your principals, and you are called a publicity whore. Anyone sane would go crazy in such a fallen world.

So, when you call Dan Choi a wimp, tell me, what are you doing to make the world a better place? What do you know about every day hardships? Easy to disparage someone when your sitting on your a**. But it takes a real man to fight for what’s right in the face of so much evil.


FB, you are sooo going to get torn apart here, a little advice, vent your spleen then move on, without looking back. Strike your blow and call it good because I have news for you, you’re so unreasonably angry that you don’t even realize the mistakes your making or how you’ve left yourself open for dissection. Your position is lacking in substantive logic and it’s gonna get fed back to you sideways. ***shakes head and waits for the show to start***


>Doc Bailey-Yup, mental health issues. Like being driven to the brink of total self-collapse because of the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, hypocrisy, and we can continue, of America, our society, our government, and our ideals.

FB, If the man is so damn fragile then he has no place in the military or in a war zone where real bullying goes on… You know the kind where bullets whiz over your head!


I’ll get to the other comments in a minute, but no, it’s wrong, and honestly it’s heartbreaking, to see people disrespecting this man who has SACRIFICED SO MUCH. His self-respect and dignity, his service, his privacy, his military honor, his family, been slung through the mud by right and left wing media. ALL because he’s gay. And he wants to serve openly without having to live a lie, and basically live up to one basic military and American tenant, not lying, being honest, and standing up for what’s right. Are you kidding me? I know the military isn’t civilian life, and there are rules and regulations. But, this is subhuman treatment against people who are fighting and dying for a country that doesn’t even allow them to express their love for the same-sex. What an absolute disgrace. It’s disgraceful and an embarrassment. Land of the free my f*king a**.


FB–get off your soap box, ya fuckin drama queen. Nobody here is anti-gay. DADT is not a perfect system, but it’s a hell of a lot better than what you seem to want.

Others here have addressed his fitness vis-a-vis his lack of performance and inability to cope with his situation. Now I’m gonna go out on a limb here, and venture to guess that I’ve actually SERVED with people who are at least bisexual if not gay while I was on AD, both pre- and post-DADT implementation. Yes, yes, I’m quite sure I have served with gays/lesbians. Guess what? It wasn’t a big fucking deal as long as THEY didn’t make one of it.

So you’re crying the poorass about “equal treatment”? Bullshit. You don’t want equal treatment, you want SPECIAL treatment, because you don’t want to play by the rules set forth. I know lots of people who want to play, but can’t for a myriad of reasons; age, physical requirements, ASVAB, education, etc., etc., etc…

Do me a favor–please show me where service in the military is a “right”.

Then go fucking die in a fire.


His self-respect and dignity, his service, his privacy, his military honor, his family, been slung through the mud by right and left wing media. ALL because he’s gay.

He made the issue out of it, not us. Had he STFU and done his job, nobody would be giving a shit right now.

I know the military isn’t civilian life, and there are rules and regulations.

Yes, but you just don’t want to follow them. Sucks for you.


4)Dave Thul-He should have left private, what, the fact gay/lesbian soldiers are fundamentally discriminated against? In all sectors of the military and society? No. He’s done being silent. As a straight supporter of gay rights, I’m done being silent. No more staying in any closet to appease heterosexist bigotry. Those days are over.

The second heterosexuals are forced to keep quiet about their identities and sexuality will be the day homosexuals will do so.

5)NHSparky-Interesting, no-one has brought up sexual escapades but you. I never see anyone bringing up vivid and expressive explanations of gay sex, but those who rail against it. I don’t get it, how anti-gays seem to connect everything gay=sex, and everything gay sex=male homosexual acts. Says it all, really.


Anti-gays never say they are anti-gay. I know the difference between someone who isn’t anti-gay and someone who is. I’m not gay. Can’t pull those fast ones on me. But, anti-gays always do a job in painting themselves as legitimate and justified in their backwards views, and absolving themselves from responsibility for them.


11)melle1228-Honestly, if I were gay, I would never EVER serve this country. Oh hell no, not with the way this country treats it’s gay citizens. Absolutely not. So if anything, Dan Choi deserves even more respect for that, fighting for a country who doesn’t fight for him. Anyway, you want to make this about he not being a good soldier and not following military codes. All reports are he was looked up to by so many of the younger troops and an exemplary soldier, top rank LT who everyone loved and respected for his patriotism. He came out because he was TIRED OF LIVING A LIE. And tired of allowing this disgusting discrimination pass silently. Without him, the push to repeal DADT now would not exist. He DID serve as a closeted gay man, followed all the bigoted rules, and realized, no, I’m not going to continue to fight for freedom while being denied my freedom. That is having PRINCIPAL for realizing what is right and honorable. That is having guts. He deserves more respect than anyone thinking they can pigeonhole this amazing hero as a publicity whore who should just accept inhumane conditions. No-one should ever put themselves through that, and he coming out and taking a stand is such a powerful statement that everyone should commend.


The second heterosexuals are forced to keep quiet about their identities and sexuality will be the day homosexuals will do so.

Haven’t spent much time on AD since, say, 1990, have ya?


I am a bigot, Jonn. I’m bigoted against anti-gay individuals. I’m bigoted against racism, sexism, and any other form of injustice. I’m a proud bigot against WRONG. Wrong isn’t right, no matter how hard people try to explain their wrongness away.

Gay=sexual orientation, a sexual, emotional, romantic and affectional attraction towards the same sex as a man. It’s not all about sex, only perverts think like this. And, only anti-gays think gay=sex, so connect the dots.

Also, you think all gay men are into hairdressing and decorating? Tell that to Dan Choi. More of a man than you will ever be.

Are all straight men into getting drunk, hitting on women aimlessly, and not taking showers for days, while watching football with their douchebag friends while forcing their girlfriends to cook, clean and bend over backwards for them? I guess so, since, stereotypes are always true, right Jonn?


NHSparky=Once again, the second heterosexuals are REMOVED from the military for openly declaring their heterosexuality, or being found out as straight, is the second that is acceptable for homosexuals to go through. The second a straight man who discusses his GF or has a picture of his kids and wife and is outing himself as straight is REMOVED from the military, then we can talk. And that goes for society as well. The second heterosexuals stop FLAUNTING their sexuality will be the second homosexuals will stop “flaunting” theirs. Until then, no dice.


FB–(post 23)…there was so much bullshit in that one post I can smell it coming through the monitor.

PRINCIPLE (not principal–that’s the guy you get sent to when you’re a douchebag in class or the amount of money left on a loan sans interest) would tell Choi that he follows ALL rules as set forth in the UCMJ and Army Regs, not just the ones he likes. If he had such a fucking problem with following that, he has/had two options: 1–resign his commission, 2–never join in the first place. He did neither. In fact, when it looked like DADT would be lifted a few months back, our little attention whore-boy tried to ENLIST, since he can’t get his commission back.

And you say it’s not about him, and that he’s not doing this for the publicity? Bitch, please.


15)Jacobite-OK, whatever happens, your predictions, if anyone tears me apart, which I don’t see how that is possible since anyone with a pulse should realize this law is wrong and anti-American, is fine with me. Because, I can sleep knowing I’m doing the right thing for the military and for America.


Fuck you, FB. You’re just showing that once again, your head is so far up your ass you have to cut eyeholes in your stomach.

How many people have been discharged for adultery? For other sexual offenses? How many more have been discharged for other reasons which make them ineligible for service (not all of them necessarily derogatory?)

And you act all butt-hurt because YOU don’t want to play by the rules, nor does Choi, nor do any of your other attention whore friends. There is no “I” in “team”, but there are several “U’s” in “Shut Up and Go Fuck Yourself.”

What you, Choi, and the rest of the Blue Falcon Brigade (and in that I include said adulterers, birthers, et al,) don’t seem to comprehend is that it’s NOT ABOUT YOU. You are a SOLDIER (or airman, sailor, or Marine) FIRST, gay (fat, ri-tard, criminal, druggie, birther, etc) SECOND. Most of us choose NOT to let our sexuality exclusively define us. Choi does, and since he can’t seem to keep his cocksucker shut, he has to realize that actions have consequences.

Any DECENT, PRINCIPLED officer would know that. Then again, as pointed out before, if Choi spent 6 years as a LT, there are some serious questions regarding his fitness and capabilities as an officer in the first place.


>All reports are he was looked up to by so many of the younger troops and an exemplary soldier, top rank LT who everyone loved and respected for his patriotism.

Top rank LT.. oxymoron..The rank speaks for itself. If you are Lt after that many years of active duty and a tour of duty; there might be something wrong.


Principle, yes NHSparky, I was in a rush and quite frankly, too angry to use the correct verbiage. Anyway, PRINCIPLE tells me that you fight for what is right, in the face of oppression. That’s principle, knowing right from wrong, having the integrity to stand up and fight, even knowing you will be penalized for it. THAT is principle. That is what being a man is about. The fact that gay/lesbian folk are essentially told to either be in the closet or don’t enlist is a travesty. The rule is fundamentally discriminatory, irrational, and serves no purpose whatsoever. If the Marines, who seem to be the one group with an issue, have a problem, then guess what, it needs to be resolved. But that doesn’t mean that it’s acceptable to compromise on American principles because some people are too bigoted, or just flat out insane, and cannot serve next to a gay.

It’s not about him. It’s about fighting for what’s right. Actually, some of this IS about publicity. Putting a face on the realities of DADT and how truly un-American and anti-military the law is. And giving the discriminatory practices the attention it needs, so to make people truly understand the depths of the problem, and why the policy needs to be done away with. So, once again, it’s having principle in knowing what is right, and fighting for that, even at the cost of personal health.



So is LTC Larkin an amazing hero for following his principles?

Just want to know how you selectivly apply actions against the UCMJ.

I had no problem when Choi came out or even when he spoke against DADT as a private citizen. However, the minute he wore his uniform and chained himself to the WH gate he lost any support I would provide.

His actions showed a complete disregard for any regulation and demonstrates why he should never be a commissioned or non-commisioned officer in the military.

The biggest joke of this is that liberals hold his actions to such high ideals but they don’t think about the consequences.

Do you really want leaders in the military to decide what rules they should obey based on their personal convictions? That is a road no one in the military wants to go down because it only leads to one conclusion.


Sorry, I shouldn’t have said top rank, that wasn’t what I meant, he was someone seen as one of the best troops around. He was someone that was beloved by most. The reason behind why he wasn’t a CPT, I don’t know. Could easily be because they knew of his sexuality, as there have been other stories like this of silent discrimination towards those suspected as homosexual. In fact, several discharged gay troops have stories of NOT BEING PROMOTED because of their sexuality. With that said, LT or CPT, he fought for the country and did his duty to protect and serve. He deserves respect and common decency in return. That respect and common decency includes not being forced to live a lie.


16)Jonn Lilyea-You’re consistent in your principles? What would those be? Bad behavior? What, his bad behavior of being an openly gay man fighting for the right to serve openly in the military? The question really should be, what principles come in being anti-gay? Is that a principled decision? Or is it an emotional, and therefore irrational, decision.


Would you rather go back to the old system where DoD COULD and DID ask?


FB, you keep crying “Sacrifice”. Let’s examine what sacrifice means to real soldiers sailors and Marines for a moment shall we?

Sacrifice is volunteering to serve in an organization that makes no bones about the fact that they are going to suspend many of your freedoms, freedoms most civilians take for granted.

Sacrifice is volunteering to let go of inbred societal niceties and allowing yourself to be reshaped in the mold of one who may be asked to both disregard a lifetime of civilized rules and behavior, and yet keep those rules in mind while making snap decisions involving life and death while on the move in a constantly evolving environment.

Sacrifice is leaving behind your personal plans and desires to serve in the name of a common, national goal, security.

Sacrifice means selfless service, suborning your own self interests in order to achieve group cohesiveness so as to achieve the realization of the previously mentioned goals.

I ask you FB, do Dan’s actions reflect what I wrote above? No. Choi’s actions reflect a deep personal self involvement that has no place in military society. His continuing behavior only serves to support the criticism he regularly receives, not just from conservative mainstream folks, but also from those who were originally his supporters.

It is Dan who is making sexuality rather than homosexuality an issue, while making bank ($10,000 per speaking engagement and brokered by an agent). Choi and others like him are not interested in national security or the health and welfare of the armed services, they are simply interested in themselves, the fawning public adulation they receive from their admirers, and the payday they’ve discovered they can turn this issue into.

Old Trooper

flyboy is here doing what Choi did in DC; stomping his feet, calling us all meanies, and demanding to be heard and expecting us to take his side by calling us all names. What a walking contradiction you are,flyboy.

Choi is showing everyone why he wasn’t a good officer and why he has no business in the military; he’s mentally unstable.


Daniel-I support people who stand up for their principles. So, yes, Mr. Lakin I SUPPORT for standing up for HIS beliefs that are actually based on logic and principled ideas. I’m not a liberal or a conservative, but someone with common sense. Obviously, there are going to be regulations in the military to keep order. Obviously, soldiers have to make compromises to serve. But, when it’s suddenly OK to compromise on basic American principle’s, we have an issue. When we start thinking that a policy that targets homosexuals simply because they are homosexuals is a legitimate position, we have problems. I don’t think people understand THOSE consequences. Sometimes, you just have to stand up and stand tall, and say NO.


So basically, you’re just proving our initial assessment of your blatant stupidity and ignorance of how life in uniform works.


“When we start thinking that a policy that targets homosexuals simply because they are homosexuals is a legitimate position, we have problems. I don’t think people understand THOSE consequences.”

Two wrongs have never, and never will, equal one right. The fact remains, even leaving aside his homosexuality, Dan Choi exhibited and continues to exhibit behavior unbecoming of a soldier, let alone an officer.


>Could easily be because they knew of his sexuality, as there have been other stories like this of silent discrimination towards those suspected as homosexual

Nope, according to Choi himself–in all his glorified interviews- his superiors knew of his orientation and were cool with it. Can’t use that as a cop out now.

Dave Thul

you realize the fundamental flaw in everything you have said here, right? That if this blog were as bigoted and homophobic as you claim, your comments would simply disappear into moderation hell and never appear on screen.


FB…how many times are you going to say your not gay? Are you in denial? I’m not gay but have gay friends….hmmm, I used to hear that from whites about blacks. You, sir, are a bigot and possibly a closet homophobe.


What I really want to know is WHY I need to know the sexual attractions of anyone I work with? WHY does that require my attention? HOW does knowing that help me shuffle stacks of paper from one side of my desk to the other during the workday?


You said,”Sacrifice means selfless service, suborning your own self interests in order to achieve group cohesiveness…”

Amen. It wasn’t and never will be about the individual! Selfless and suborning your own wants or needs. Yep.
Duty. Honor. Country.


WHY? you ask, PN. Because, some just have to get their sexual orientation, or prowess at CoD out in front of everyone, even though 99.95% don’t want to know, could care less, and their lives would not be impacted one way or the other by knowing. It doesn’t help, it’s just that they can’t help it, they HAVE to tell someone, anyone, everyone.
And, FB brings up the inevitable “other stories”. And that’s what they are, in most cases, stories. Not facts, just “I heard so-and-so got passed over, and you know it’s cuz he’s gay/black/white/straight/bi/3-eyed”, or whatever.
Oh, and FB, Choi should have stood up and said “no” when asked to daisy chain himself to the WH fence.


Oops! That Anon was me…

Army Mom

Choi a West Point Grad? What happened to “A Cadet shall not lie, cheat or steal nor tolerate those who do so.” Carved in stone a West Point. Seem he did the first. My son, a Grad after Choi, is Captain now. Choi, as his lack of promotion indicates, must have been one that was taken over to Iraq/Afganistan to fill a clerical position and not a Combat leader position. He might have made for some humorous letters home from Ranger School though.


I will admit to some exasperation with my fellow humans (men and women) in this area, UpNorth. And you are correct, of course. Maybe my way of looking at things is too simple: I have always figured what two consenting adults did in privacy was simply none of my business.
Unless there is an emergency in my personal life that necessitates my going to my boss for time off or whatever, I don’t bring my personal life to work. It’s not their business, and it’s certainly not their problem. I extend that to religion, and to personal hobbies, as well.


Flame-wars require popcorn. And once again I’m out, so here’s my two cents: My issue with Mr. Choi is this: Is he, or is not obligated to follow the law, and those rules and regulations promulgated to meet the letter and intent of the law? For those who have worn, wear, and will wear the uniform, the answer is yes, he and by extension, are not all officers (commissioned, warrant, and non-commissioned) are obligated to follow the law, rules and regulations. Mr. Choi was discharged after disclosing, that is – telling, his sexual preference. There’s a law that covers that, with rules and regulations: all of which treated Mr. Choi humanely. Mr. Choi, as a civilian, does not violate the Hatch Act of 1939 or its later mutations. He does not violate Department of Defense Directive 1344.10 (DoDD 1344.10), “Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces” because he is a civilian. He is not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. What Mr. Choi does do is wear his former uniform in the furtherance of his personal [political] objective. Flyboy, since you profess ignorance of this site, while yet also professing hatred of ignorance in all its –isms, you have demonstrated a cognitive disconnect in yourself. You are ignorant of Mr. Lilyea’s body of work on this site. He, and his Commentariat, document people who have falsely worn the uniform, medals, and otherwise claimed to be members of our military. Those people chose deception as a means to achieve their personal objectives. None of those people are worthy of respect, or accommodation in any form. Mr. Choi, then a civilian, wore the uniform in order to deceive people into believing he was a currently-serving member of our Army. Ordinary citizens do not know his legal status. Congress-people likewise have been deceived. On that alone: intent to deceive in furtherance of personal, political objectives means Mr. Choi is not fit to serve as an officer in our Army, or any other of our services. His actions reflect his character – and in the killing business, regardless of one’s sexual… Read more »

Michael in MI

I have always figured what two consenting adults did in privacy was simply none of my business.

Except this is no longer about just being a homosexual. If homosexuals just wanted to be left alone to do whatever they wanted in their bedrooms, that’s one thing. And something with which I don’t think anyone has a problem anymore.

But that’s not what homosexuals want anymore. They want special rights and acceptance. The want repeal of DOMA and creation of “same-sex marriage”. Last I checked, people don’t get married in the privacy of their bedrooms and marriage benefits are part of what taxpayers pay for. They also want repeal of DADT. They want adoption agencies to adopt out to homosexual couples or be shut down. They want the Boy Scouts shut down. They want to force dating sites like eHarmony to cater to homosexuals.

This is long past the “live and let live” stage and is now to “we’re here, we’re queer, in your face and you’re gonna accept it” stage.

Doc Bailey

Wow so Flyboy went on a rant. As for what he said to me let me respond.

1). Don’t give a shit about his love life. If you wish to hear tales of Woe, then I can tell you all about my time in Ft Riley. Needless to sat I am chronically single and have lost hope of EVER finding a wife. I’m going to deal with that. I’m NOT going to go on national tv and whine about not being able to be with who I’m with.

2). YOU DO NOT DISRESPECT THE POTUS! I do not care if you disagree, he is the President. You DO NOT protest, preform stunts, or CHAIN YOURSELF TO THE WHITE HOUSE GATE! you show disrespect for the uniform, those that served and yourself. That’s aside from looking like a major douche.

3). I don’t care if he did go over. I’m not familiar with his back story. nor do I care. I have just as much disrespect for John Kerry who lied his ass off to get Purple hearts and set up that sham Winter Soldier which is STILL giving us headaches.

Finally, if you can’t deal with all the “bullying” then you should have gotten out. I’m sure he was drooling over all the hot young men in uniform, or pining for some other cadet that rebuffed his advances, but I highly doubt that he was the role model he has suddenly become. I have no sympathy for dickheads like Manning OR Choi who, when they experience any hardship decide to act out for attention. I’ll tell Gays the same thing I’ll tell women and straits. You want my respect? YOU’VE GOT TO EARN IT