Kyle Barwan arrested for Fraud and Stolen Valor (Updated).

| November 24, 2010

Yep the same person that was posted here for posing as a Army Officer has been arrested. Here is a photo from the side, I have seen the patch before but I cannot Id the unit off of the top of my head.

Police in Knox County are holding Kyle Barwan of Crestwood, Illinois on charges of possession of cocaine and impersonating a public servant, and even more charges may be coming.

I want to thank Smoke523 for bringing this to our attention. There is also a video included with the story that is too big to post.

Just a reminder this is the Kyle posted this on August 28th 2010a few months back.

By the way I impersonated to get into a bar and got caught I was being stupid I’ve learned from that I never stole any medals from my grandfather he earned those not me I have no right having those I have more respect then that for my family all I did was were the wrong rank no shiny medals no fake Iraq stories the army sniper blog was for my friend mike who was an army sniper who lost his life in Iraq back in 2007 I put that there for his memory I’m so sorry for all of this mess ladies and gentlemen my sincere apology to you all

Or the people that he Scammed

My family and friends were victims of Kyle Barwan..if that is even his name. He stayed in my house stole from me and my family, racked up debt that I can not afford to pay, and told unbelievable tales before I told him to get out. He was sleeping with underage girls and even told everyone he was going to be a daddy. I began to question when he did not have a military ID and said that his “orders” were constantly being changed at the last minute. He had multiple fake ID’s and I feel such anger that he would take advantage of people, like my family, that honor and hold all military personnel in the highest regard.

Update: I got a photo from An Old Friend that shows him in ACU s as a 1st LT. It looks like he is wearing a Ranger Battalion Scroll above another unit’s ID. Because even the President’s hundred tap is being close to that big.

Seen wearing ACUs, a beret (With 1st Lt. insignia), a combat infantry badge, ranger tab, First Cavalry patch, Jump wings, and a combat infantry badge.

Update: goes under the following names/usernames.

Kyle Reacher, Kyle Felucifer, Klutch, Klutch_Reborn.

Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags

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The guy looks like Renton from Trainspotting, only with more drugs in his system.

Have a nice Thanksgiving, Kyle. You earned it.

Old Tanker



Patch is 1st Army:


Kyle said in his apology was all he did was wear the “wrong” rank and “no shiny medals”… And here he is wearing the “wrong” rank again (an unearned commissioned Army CPT insignia) and Master Parachutist Badge along with the Combat Infantry Badge. This guy is infectious human waste! He is a liar and a cheat. His apology was disingenuous and self-serving. I hope the Knox County judge and prosecutors office crucifies this retard.

I wonder is Debra (from comments on TAH’s original expose’ on Kyle) is going to bail him out? Well Debra, here’s your chance to “save” him… Although there is nothing at all worth saving in CPT Crackhead!!!

Sporkmaster: Yea he seemed to have said the same thing in August.

B Woodman

Matthis, part deux.


It also looks like his dad has disowned him as Kyle is not listed as one of his Dad’s children on Facebook, and Kyle has commented about it on his Dad’s wall.

This ass hat has burned so many people his own dad won’t have anything to do with him…

Way to go Kyle!!! Lying, stealing, cheating, manipulating and drug dealing while claiming to be a Decorated Veteran Army Officer makes your parents SO PROUD of YOU that they want nothing to do with you…

B Woodman

Just shoot him, now, and save us all a lot of time, money and wasted energy.
Or at least thump him until he’s braindead – shouldn’t take much, he’s already halfway there.

Adirondack Patriot

I think that as part of their sentencing, these Stolen Valor frauds should be made to spend 1 year in shock incarceration under men and women who actually served honorably and earned their . Not that phony high school shock incarceration, but the good, old-fashioned boot camp circa 1968.

Southern Class

A great comeuppance, and perhaps the best news of my Thanksgiving day. Should make his moslem, phony private friend, Mohammed real proud. They are true birds of a feather. And yes, B. Woodman- “Mathis part deux”.

I love it when an asshole gets his just rewards.


They are both poser douche bags!!! Mohammed likes the idea of “trying” to be a Soldier… So he chose to promote himself to “SGT” because he can not join the Army he failed the
ASVAB and is over weight…

Southern Class

Hey Smoke 523; where is Mohammed hanging out these days? Here on the internet….. I made the little fagboy promise me that he would never lie again, as a condition for him to be able to phone me. Within a week I caught him in another one and ran him off. I would like to pull his chain on the SGT thing.
John can e-mail me if you want.


I thought in a time of war, if you were found posing as an officer in uniform you could be shot as a spy. What ever happened to the good ol’ days.

Prison with HARD labor will teach this fool, that the uniform, rank, and those badges he was wearing are earned by hard work.

Southern Class

We be havin’ fun tonight, folks. I am going through the friends list on Kyle, phony dude, Barwans Facebook page; asking them all: “Why, why, oh why are you friends with this turkey?
Waiting for the morning read, or afternoon read as his sort sleep til noon or later, unless, that is, they need to find a rock.

Fobbits Need Ice Cream Too

The patch is 1st Army. They are on NG bases training Guard units for mobilizations through the OWT program.


Hey Southern Class: I’m an NCO and this douche bag and his friend want to ( fill in the blanks) … When I’ve seen better give their all for their brothers… Mohammed/Kyle would be vilified in any line unit. Each of them mentions fear in their Facebook posts… However neither of them have experienced fear!!!! They’re both poser losers!!! Better men have sacrificed for their freedoms…why else would you become CPT Crack Head????


Knowing you can’t even hang…


Nor, could ever be allowed to serve…

Southern Class

The douche that was with Barwan on the arrest says that Kyle “tricked” him into all this. Like he didn’t know that he should not wear a uniform????? I told him that even a preteen knows not to wear a boy scout uniform if he is not one. He finished by saying that he is going to enlist. Bwaaahahahaha.
Thank you for your service, Smoke.


Hopefully, Kyle will be wearing a prison uniform in the near future. Looked at the original post back in August; wow, never saw that many comments. Of course, Debra had to get involved. Good job, Sporkmaster.


Send him to A’stan, and put him in a dozer clearing routes … If he wants to play a role, let him play it.


Bravo Zulu SC!

Southern Class

In the original post, I found this:
USMC Steve Says:
August 26th, 2010 at 1:33 pm

He is in the 1369th Rump Ranger Regiment, isn’t he? I believe he is an anal assaultman.
Nearly nailed it there USMC Steve. Actually he was OPFOR for the 1369th. Worked his ass off on that assignment, but loved every stroke.


Smoke523 (#4), don’t start it up again. It’s not about me. For commenters on this blog to twist things around, make things up in their own heads (as you just did), and attack a person who disagrees with their verbal abuse of another individual is so sickening, it’s hard for me to tell who’s the sickest – Kyle Barwan or some of you. It has nothing to do with me. End it right here and STFU.

Southern Class

Yeah Smoke 523, Debra didn’t defend him, it just looked like she did. LMAO!!!!


No, I didn’t defend him. Maybe you have a reading comprehension problem.

Jessica DiRado

Well This ass hat has burned so many people his own dad won’t have anything to do with him…Thanks for sharing….


“He finished by saying that he is going to enlist.”

Not with a felony drug beef hanging over his head, he won’t. Ah, he’ll do a few years of service, alright–nice little stint in federal “pound-me-in-the-ass” prison oughta loosen both of them up real good.


@Sporkmaster – I felt it had become become abusive and over the top. I don’t support lynch mobbings. The personal attacks on me then became very abusive, which is behavior that I find reprehensible.

Kyle contacted me on Facebook several weeks after that, insinuating that someone had hacked into his Facebook account and posted all that stuff, making it look like it was him, and that he finally had gotten control back over his account again. Then he asked me how could he help me. I thought that was a strange question since he was the one with the problem, not me. I also didn’t believe him, so I didn’t reply. Now this, and I’m not surprised.


Well, Debra, maybe it’s because most of us immediately recognized him for the shitbag he is, and that the only “help” he really needed or deserved was to get his ass kicked up around his shoulder blades.

Ever consider that possibility?


Debra, you were real quick to take on and champion Kyle’s cause… You remember the “poor Kyle everyone is picking on him… Stop picking on Kyle”…

Well here is the deal: We as Soldiers/ Former Soldiers/ Veterans DO NOT appreciate scumbags who impersonate themselves as Soldiers. Especially, when they haven’t even earned the right to wear the uniform. Furthermore, for this ass clown to use the title of an American Soldier while deceitfully claiming to be a Veteran Commissioned Officer in the US Army, to defraud and abuse others while dealing drugs to support his crack habit when REAL American Soldiers (those that have earned the right to wear the uniform) are sacrificing so much. That this piece of shit feels he can put on OUR uniform and publicly shit on that uniform by his actions. A uniform worn by so many that have given so much for HIS freedom!!! Hell No!!! Nobody with an ounce of integrity our respect for our Soldiers and Veterans would stand up for this pedophiliac pervert poser!!!

But you did Debra… You did, and Kyle won’t even come close as to getting what he truly deserves.


NHSparky, I recognized him for what he was from the beginning. Where I differ is that I reject the lynch mob mentality that so many of you grovel in. Smoke523, talking out of your ass. I didn’t stand up for him, so stop the continuing abuse. There is a difference between defending wronghood, which I did not, and opposing abuse, which I do. Please stop making a fool of yourself with your false words and efforts to defame my character.

Jonn, again, will you please pull the plug on this thread? I’ve had it with the morons.

Michael in MI

Jonn, again, will you please pull the plug on this thread? I’ve had it with the morons.

Why does Jonn have to do anything? Do what everyone else does when they “have had it with the morons”… stop commenting on the thread and move on.


You can’t buy entertainment like this! Thanks Debra!


*Wronghood*… what the hell is that???

Ok… I guess I’ll have to break it down to you Barney Style Debby….

It’s all about integrity and respect. Kyle chose to wear OUR uniform in order to perpetrate frauds on others. CPT Crack Head knew better, but he did it anyways. In doing so he DEFAMED OUR SERVICE!!! Kyle ABUSED the HONOR and INTEGRITY of ALL Service Members and Veterans by committing crimes and defrauding others under the pretense of being a “Decorated Veteran Officer”!!! It is Kyle who abused us, the American Soldier. It is Kyle, who abused those have proudly served. It is Kyle, who has abused those Veterans. It is Kyle, who has shit on all those who have sacrificed so much just so he can use their legitimacy to further his criminal enterprises!!!

Lynch Mobs… I never considered being apart of an honored brotherhood of patriots who serve or have served to defend the Constitution of the United States a “lynch mob”… We are the less than 1% of the US population who choose to defend your rights and Kyle’s rights. We take exception when people like Kyle ABUSE those rights by falsely claiming to be a Soldier.

Southern Class

Jonn, again, will you please pull the plug on this thread? I’ve had it with the morons.
Sounds like the liberal, “control the press” mantra. Free speech until it is not going your way, then squelch it.

an old friend

Well actually Knox cant hold him he has a warrant in cook county that needs to be taken care of for the same thing that happened last year in June 09 he is gonna do time maybe 6 years here in Illinois but then Knox will get him after. Everyone is right though he does deserve it i tried to talk to him and help him but there really is no helping him maybe 6 to 10 years will do him some good


haha! this has made my fucking year. i dated this asshole and all he has ever done is lie his way thru his life. finaly he is getting what has been comming to him for a long time. this kid is seriously crazy. he used to “patrol” my neighborhood by walking around in uniform when i dated him, he showed up to a veteran assembly at my school, with a bunch of true earned soldiers, who were about 60 ,70 maby even 80 yrs old. and because his “rank” was the highest he got to carry the american flag while they were marching. i was disgusted. this fucker needs to rot in jail.


Say it ain’t so!!!! Kyle/ an old friend/ blackthorn is back!!!!

Kyle give up the aliases and the bullshit… CPT Crack Head we know it is you and who you are.

Here’s some food for thought… I’m drafting a letter to the Cook County and Knox County Prosecutors Offices. I’m recommending that they offer you NO PLEA DEALS. Furthermore, I’m asking the “friends” of yours and your family members that you have screwed over to write letters to them as well to affirm that you be incarcerated for the maximum allowable under law.

Your father Paul has disowned you. Your brother can’t stand you. Your sisters try to pretend they don’t know you.

You have exploited everyone who ever knew you or loved you… Now you are all alone CPT Crack Head. The only person waiting to meet you is Bubba, and he can’t wait.

an old friend

I remember that Sara thats why i didn’t go to that assembly because i knew what he did was wrong. That was only 3 years ago when you told me that i was disgusted and i tried to help him again but all he did was lie to me some more and i told him i could not help him if he lies to me.He told me he didn’t care if i believed him or not that was me not him after that i took my self off of his friends list on facebook. He kept telling MJ lies and i told him he had a warrant to take care of in cook county but he tells me that one of his army buddies were suppose to go on his behalf now i know that was bull and i really have had it with him but at least josh is not like that pretending he is something he is not i am truly sorry for all the comments i left. I do respect those who are in the service my grandpa was in Nam and he wont talk about it. I respect my grandpa allot and i put allot of thought into it and if he new what i said he would be disgusted with me and once again i do apologize to all of the people i put down and so on and so forth

an old friend

smoke 523 I am not kyle and i dont really care if you think i am he is not getting out he already had 3 drug charges on him and yeah i have photos of kyle in his uniform sporkmaster i have a friend who took a bunch of photos he also took a naked photo in his uniform for cigs so if you want that one i can get you one the guy was gay that took it so like i said i can get it i have a lot of photos of him i can get with dates on them and i think i may have one of him in his uniform just 1 month ago cause i had a friend take a photos of him without knowing

an old friend

All of them are from around the time he went and impersonated and officer and maybe i have some messages that he has sent me also cause i dont delete messages from people just in case so if i have some messages that he messaged me i will send you those also cause he needs to be in prison for a while. Oh and btw smoke 523 cook county will hold your ass for a long time if you had a warrant and if no one wants to bail him out and no one does they will hold him till trial so keep thinking i am kyle really cause the way i right kyle copied okay everything he says was my saying he stole from me ok the boy couldnt make up his own sentences


Really…. An Old Friend you are not Kyle???

Kyle reread all of your posts on this blog and on the original expose’…

The lack of punctuation and the same words mispellelled repeatedly the same way…. It’s you turd.

Nevermind the fumbled first to third person referencing.

You are a piece of shit. You don’t care about anyone or anything. I will not let some drug addled loser like you demean the service of those that currently serve or who have served. I will see too it that you are repaid in spades for the dishonor to our service that you have perpetuated pretending to be a Soldier. Count on it.

an old friend

smoke523 i aint apologizing to you for one for two yeah my grammer is not good but i know what i am saying ok and i will give you an email address in just a bit its gonna take me some time oh yeah and the only reason my ip address goes in and out is cause my laptop gets wireless internet but the ip address i have now is a cricket piece it shouldnt be registered to kansas i am in monee but the email is and it is long is and if anyone else sends me info beside the one that wants the photo it will be deleted it may take me some time cause there are alot of photos

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