Daily FGS

| March 11, 2025 | 13 Comments

Mosin Nagant

Arkansas public school students will soon be required to take gun safety courses
Instruction will begin with the 2025-2026 school year

By Christina Shaw
The Arkansas state Senate passed a bill to provide age-appropriate firearms safety instruction to students last week and the Arkansas Department of Education will be working with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to develop a plan.

Act 229, also known as House Bill 1117, will require public school districts and open-enrollment public charter schools to annually provide students with instruction on firearm safety.

“All of our children play together and invade whatever home happens to be the play of the day. And in that process, they may go into a neighbor’s home and discover that unsecured firearm, and how would they react,” said Rep. Scott Richardson.

The bill says it will empower the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission to work with the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education to create and approve age-appropriate firearm safety courses.

The bill’s sponsors say the idea came from conversations among neighbors.

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Fox News

Hat tip to our own AW1 Rod for today’s link.

“Beware the Ides of March.”
J. Caesar

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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What a great idea! The NRA has been teaching firearm safety for as long as it has existed. Why not add marksmanship as well.


Yep, the Eddie Eagle program.. solid curriculum, no reason to reinvent the wheel…

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

I wonder how the Libtard purple haired multiple pierced genderqueer teachers will react to either having to teach about guns (GASP!) or having students who are properly taught about guns, and aren’t afraid of them? (GASP!GASP!)


Hopefully it’ll be enough to make them quit and take their grooming elsewhere…


Hear that popping sound? It’s libs heads exploding! Maybe they’ll clutch their pearls so hard that they choke to death. Many of us that grew older (no, we never grew up) “back in the day” had courses such as this in school. And most of the vehicles in the high school parking lot had a rifle rack with one or more firearms on them. And not a single “school shooting”!

Can’t see or read about a Mosin Nagant without thinking about a certain “farm girl” that used to hang out here. Wonder how she’s doing?

Speaking of “girls”…today’s adventures will include the toof doc trip and seeing the Lovely Lass Ginger/Stawberried Haired Ms Thang Holly (HOLY MOLY!). Long and lean every young (and old) man’s dream would turn every head in town (ht2 The Possum). There are Brick Outhouses that are pea green with envy that they are not as well constructed as she is. Baby Blue eyes, too. Iffen I don’t get locked up for lusting out loud, I’ll see y’all this afternoon. Iffen I do get locked up, send bail money.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Warren Zevon,”Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money”.


Wow, I never thought of Arkansas as being “progressive” and setting the standard for education. I am impressed. I may have to re-evaluate my opinions of the “Diamond State”.


Deer hunting is a family tradition in Arkansas. There will be an abundance of safety instructors available and you will find many young people already have their own .270 rifles.

On the uptick, the children who do not have access to firearm training may find that they really enjoy shooting sports and become responsible gun owners or handlers as they mature.


Clearances removed:
comment image


Rifle clubs used to be a normal school activity. With a complete absence of school shooting…well just targets got shot.


Speaking of the NRA. Go to Guns magazine pod cast number 270 for an interview with a Buzz Mills and Brent Wheat. Also make sure you vote if you are a voting member. NRA is renewing itself and needs you on board.


For the first time in recent history there are actual choices to make, not just rubber-stamping what the board decided to give you.
I took my time reviewing the candidates before I cast my ballot. Optimistic about this election.


I’ve seen the emails and got my magazine, but life has been a shit-show, so haven’t gotten to it yet.. hoping to do so this week.