Teacher records four-year-old getting pummeled in classroom
Two Louisiana preschool teachers are in hot water after video surfaced showing kids involved in a fight. A four-year-old is seen getting pummeled by a classmate. One teacher tells the kid to stop hitting, the teacher recording the fight laughed instead of stopping the violence. A student tried to stop the fight but the teacher said that it had nothing to do with the intervener. The teachers involved showed the video to the principal when they found out that the mother of the pummeled kid also had the video.
From Daily Mail:
The mom said the teachers claimed her son was having behavioral problems, but was then sent the disturbing videos before a parent-teacher meeting.
One clip showed a teacher yelling at a student to stop punching Robinson’s son while the teacher who recorded it is laughing.
In another video, Robinson’s son was filmed being hit while a teacher records it. When another student tried to break up the fight, the teacher said, ‘That ain’t got nothing to do with you.’
Robinson said she planned a parent-teacher meeting because her son was suspended for kicking another student, but after she saw the videos, she went to the principal.
‘I believed the teachers saying my son just wants to get out of a punishment, but the whole time that wasn’t the case,’ said Robinson.
‘The teachers told her that they were trying to record his behavior in the classroom, but that video didn’t show anything about my son’s behavior. It showed children that was hitting on him.’
Robinson said the videos were recorded weeks before she was shown them and the teachers never mentioned them.
‘They brought that video to [the principal’s] attention today because they found out I had the video. That video was taken January 13th at 11:50. The other video 11:51. So if it was something that y’all wanted to show me, it would have been shown,’ she said.
‘He may have not been physically hurt, seriously hurt, but mentally he was hurt. Emotionally, he was hurt. His trust was hurt. He can’t trust anyone at the school.’
East Baton Rouge Public Schools Superintendent LaMont Cole said the teachers involved have been placed on administrative leave while the incident is being investigated.
Additional Reading:
Bowman, R. (2025, February 11). ‘Appalling’ footage from Louisiana preschool ‘fight club’ shows teachers laughing while 4-year-old is pummeled. Daily Mail. Link.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Society
Pre-School teacher, when done right, is a very difficult job and they get tons of respect from me. This piece of shit OTOH, shouldn’t be around kids.
She should be getting her ass pummeled while someone else videos it and laughs! I’m sure that she would have a different outlook.
I volunteer to be the one pummeling them.
I’ll be glad to provide the laughter as well.
Yep…it’s also obvious that the kids didn’t have any home training…other than how to fight and gang up on another kid. What makes me think that some of them will show up here in a future FGS or SPoTW Thread?
I’m sorry but not.
(Kinda popped into my head while trying to process this…)
Hell yeah!
Stories like this lend credence to the belief that state and local jurisdictions would be better at education than the Feds. How much do you want to bet these two jerks are unionized?
Probably so, but let’s see if the union is more interested in the kids well being or the monthly union dues they collect from these 2. In a just world, they would (and should) say sorry, but neither of you represent our values.
Union dues.
Yea, I’m of two minds about this one. I think a lot of the issues we have today with bullying and kids snapping and shooting up the schools is that we don’t teach them to deal with violence, but to avoid it at all costs. Granted, the teachers should have stopped it in this day and age where everyone sues the moment their feelings are trampled upon – especially if it turned into multiple kids ganging up on one…but I don’t know the backstory. Was the kid being pummeled a bully? Maybe he needed a good attitude alignment. I think we coddle kids too much and should let them work out their issues on their own to the extent possible. That’s the way I was raised. Doesn’t mean there were no consequences the time I knocked my brother’s tooth out, but for the most part, we were left to figure it out on our own. Our bus driver was a local farmer who drove a bus in the winter when farm work was slow. Don Amsbury. Curmudgeon of the first order, but would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. I vividly remember the time a couple of hooligans got into a punching match on the ride home. He pulled over to the side of the road, told them to “take it outside”. Watched the festivities until they petered out (I presume he would have intervened had he thought one of them was in mortal danger) and then said “OK, back on the bus. Don’t get blood on my seats.” And that was the end of it. I grew up in the country. Never a day went by that I didn’t have a knife in my pocket and I wasn’t alone. Every one of us had guns at home. In high school during hunting season we usually had them in the truck. Strangely, we never had any problems with weapons coming out during fistfights. So, basically, that’s a long way of saying, although I get the impropriety of teachers allowing it to happen in their classrooms,… Read more »
Had a beef with a kid at class. I was around 9 0r 10 years old and we agreed to meet next to the J W V building. I was on the ground faster than a mailbag at a whistle stop. we shook hands and were friends. Turns out that the kid’s Dad tought him how to fight from when he was a WW2 Marine in the Pacific.
A good citizen is a helpless citizen, comrade!
![comment image](https://i.imgflip.com/7cwdal.png)
I am not sure I want my kids trusting anyone in school. When I was a kid I was fighting all the friggin time, and overcoming bullies became a major part of my character, which served me well many years later.
Not to justify the behavior of those teachers. They were a recording a fight and having a good time at the expense of that kid. But kids need to fight, so they don’t grow up to be pussies afraid of their shadows.
“Emotionally hurt”? I don’t know what the fuck that means. Am I bleeding? No? Then I am ok. Charlie Mike.
The other lesson they learned was that people in authority like it when they fight for their amusement. At least they should have learned that.
World Star Hip Hop, Kiddie Edition.
“Your behavior is why teacher drinks.”
My experience was that most educators (when anything that disrupted their lunch/afterschool plans or required they make a judgment about who’s right wasn’t too much for them) made gov’t employees as Reagan described:
![comment image](https://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-the-nine-most-terrifying-words-in-the-english-language-are-i-m-from-the-government-and-ronald-reagan-60-64-34.jpg)
What the fuck?
Someone should make those teachers fight.
I’d have paid a week’s lunch money to see that.
In Chicago, they would have a shootout with .25s instead
Well, you know…
![comment image](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vEjmhi8ZUVE/VhGi2TCsZyI/AAAAAAAAaxo/GJidL-6ltwg/s1600/bus.jpg)
Is there a dark mode for TAH?
Is too bright when I am on the field at 0500 looking at the screen checking out what you misfits are saying before I roll out with my retarded cadets to conduct a training mission. Today we are raiding a UAV terrorist launching pad. Oh boy.
Adjust the screen brightness manuallyTo make your iPhone screen dimmer or brighter, do one of the following:
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