Potential impacts, of Donald Trump’s second term, on the military

| November 7, 2024

Based on Donald Trump’s statements on the campaign trail, changes are coming to the military. The move towards wokeness will be halted, reversed, and removed. This includes the removing of woke officers. Kheel suggests that this action goes against the idea of a military that is more welcoming. The author also suggests that Donald Trump could potentially misuse the military and put troops in position to where they would have to refuse to obey “unlawful” orders.

From Military.com:

Among those whom Trump has talked about targeting with the military are “the enemy within,” including “the fascists, the Marxists, the communists, the people that we have that are actually running the country.”

“Those people are more dangerous — the enemy from within — than Russia and China and other people,” Trump said at an October rally. Specific people he’s named as enemies include Democratic politicians such as former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who was elected to the Senate on Tuesday night.

Trump has also talked about using the military to help carry out his plan for deporting tens of millions of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. In an interview with Time magazine earlier this year, Trump said he would largely tap the National Guard, though he left open the possibility of using other elements of the military.

A spokesperson for Trump told Fox News on Wednesday that Trump will launch his deportation operations on his first day in office.

Meanwhile, Trump has said he will revive a plan he first enacted at the end of his first term that would allow him to easily fire nonpolitical civil servants and replace them with political appointees. Civilians working at the Pentagon would be among the bureaucrats at risk, with Trump’s campaign platform vowing to “overhaul federal departments and agencies, firing all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus.”

The 2024 GOP platform also promised that Republicans would “get woke Left-wing Democrats fired” from the military “as soon as possible” if they won the election. And when asked at a rally in October about creating a commission to root out “woke” generals and policies, Trump backed the idea. The rallygoer who asked Trump about the commission was former Space Force officer Matthew Lohmeier, who was fired after claiming on a podcast that Marxist ideologies were infiltrating the military, and Trump at the rally also agreed to appoint Lohmeier to the commission.

Additional Reading:

Kheel, R. (2024, November 6). Trump won. Here’s what that could mean for the military. Military.com. Link.

Category: DEI, Donald Trump, Get woke, Military issues

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Skivvy Stacker

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think we could ALWAYS refuse to obey unlawful orders…

A Terminal Lance Coolie

I kinda thought that was my duty, considering my oath specifically said to “…obey the orders of the President…officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”

That’s a pretty clear mandate that the orders have to be legal, if you ask me.


A duty and a legal obligation to disobey illegal orders.

Dennis - not chevy

In 1945, the Nuremburg trials stated “I was only following orders” was not a valid defense. What was true then is true today.


SECDEF Lloyd released an interesting letter to the troops, saying “The U.S. military will also continue to stand apart from the political arena…” Gee, why the change of heart? Dickbrain. I hope he knows he’ll be looking for new employment in February 2025.


Hopefully by close of business after Trump swears in.

USMC Steve

He lied.


Here’s the letter.

Hack Stone

51 Intelligence officials signed a letter reading “Oh shit!” Not a joke.

Meanwhile, the guy sitting behind the desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when he is not eating ice cream in Rehoboth, continues his Retired On Active Duty program. Why are we paying the guy when he does zero work? Can’t we send him on terminal leave and get him off our Table of Organization?


Stop that! I am afraid they will invoke the 25th, making her the first FEMALE poc Marxist pino, if only so they can claim the first female pino was a Dem.

I shudder to think what kind of damage she could do (they could do in her name) in 2 months. Granted, it will all be undone, but how many people’s lives would be upended or worse in the interim?

In truth, I sincerely am worried about what kind of dirty tricks they’re planning anyway. I really don’t think they had anything ready to go, given how “quiet” the response to her loss has been -so far. They really, truly didn’t believe she could lose, they had it in the bag. Or the box, as the case may be. But, the weekend is coming. Things could get squirrely.

Hmm, since Peanut has become the symbol for the overreach of government, does that now change the meaning of “getting squirrely”?

As our KoB says, Prepare.


It’s quiet, too quiet (as they say)… where’s all the leftist rioting/looting/arson because some stuff much less upsetting than Trump getting re-elected happened? Something’s up– expect funny business ahead.

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous
Retired Grunt

Funny you should mention that. The biggest obstacle to any actions right now by these “unorganized” groups is that DJT won the popular vote this far. Not won by close but WON outright. The proof that these unorganized organizations are in fact highly directed and controlled by “interested parties” is that any cheddar they put out toward unrest at this time would only serve to galvanize the resolve of an obviously frustrated angry majority populace against them. They would have no path to a strategic achievement. Some actions will come for their symbolic possibilities.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Stay strapped, or get capped”

Keep ahold of your gold, ammo and canned goods, y’all. Sh*t ain’t settled yet.
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

Tell the cat those aren’t litter boxes.


I just don’t know how they can allow the peaceful transfer of power to Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini all rolled into one?


Not “insurrection” when they get nasty and start burning sh*t down, you know:
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

I think the Dino rats were caught off guard and had no plans to protest in place. They have no plan at this time. That could change by Jan 6 or 20. They may be waiting for some unseen event to occur and like usual, blow it up into something more than it is. Then blame the orange man.


Testify, Mi’Lady!

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Won’t happen: Joe/Jill are going scorched earth on BO/Pelosi/Chuck/Kamala. He will slime out his last 2 months like a terminal lance. Wouldnt shock me if he gave everyone the middle finger on the way out of the WH.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ooh, the schadenfreude I get at just imagining the bad blood and venom being spat back and forth among that crowd, and I bet Das Hildebeast is in it too!!! 😀😎


Nope, her and kamala are busy elsewhere.

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I shudder to think what kind of damage she could do (they could do in her name) in 2 months.”

I read once (somewhere……somewhen….) that the delay from November voting (after the farmers’ harvest) to inaugural swearing in in January, was to allow for travel time in the winter during the colonial era.
With today’s roads and transportation (planes, trains, and automobiles), why not move the inaugural swearing in to 1-2 WEEKS after the election, instead of the 2 MONTHS we currently have. One week after the popular vote for the EC vote, and one week after that (two weeks after the popular vote) for the swearing in. (oh, and if you as a state don’t have your popular votes counted, tabulated, and turned in, too bad)
Is it a LAW? Or just a “custom”? Any reason that PDJT47 can’t do an EO and “make it so Number One”. (that would be fun so see go through the SCrOTUS).
I tried looking around some sources, and I can find “what”, and “how”, but not “when”.

Any other info and/or opinions?

Originally inauguration was in March but was moved to January to shorten the interregnum. There is a bit of work to be done to prepare to take over…more than 2 weeks’ worth

Now the delay gives the incumbents time to shred files, wipe (like with a cloth?) hard drives, collect “souvenirs”, etc.

A lot of the states counting skills seem to have vastly improved this go round.


(Arizona waves from the counting room)


America waves back at Arizona, some even using all 5 fingers. Has counting become so hard?



Retired Grunt

3 million votes for Trump plus 2 million votes for Kamalalalala equals undecided wait no 4.8 million for Kamalalalala


Just gee-wiz info: If Harris invokes the 25th, she sends that to Congress. Biden, if he disagrees, sends a letter to Congress saying No I’m not. Harris sends ANOTHER letter saying he is, and then Congress has to make a decision.

Wrench Turner

And if she persists, he signs an executive order to release the Epstein (and/or Diddy) list(s).


You mean the Kamala endorsement/donor list?

Wrench Turner

The Venn diagram for all of those would be – – *interesting*.

Skivvy Stacker

Hell…up here in Minnesota we get Tampon Tim back to finish out his term as the state’s goober. I only hope that being exposed to the attacks and ridicule he went through will wake his fat ass up, and he’ll keep his paws OFF the controls until he leaves office.


I read today that President Trump even won Tampon Tim’s home county in Minnesota. That’s gotta sting!


Day 1 DJT needs to revoke their security clearances for knowingly participating in election interference. The Pentagon, DoD, and the Intelligence Industrial Complex needs an enema STAT!


Some folk definitely need to go, that’s for sure.


Horse? More like donkey


We will need an oil tanker sized syringe for that.


Where will the space force end up? They can’t currently build anything in Colorado. The Space Force guys can’t eat in the jail hall because it’s unsafe. The only reason it ended up in Colorado was because they were punishing Alabama for the abortion law. It never made sense to have it there.


It was for the skiing and scenery.


The Colorado congress-critters threw a tantrum over it going to Huntsville where there was lots of “space” (ha!) for it at Redstone when I was working there. Would have been nice for the Missile Defense Agency & SpaceForce to be nearby, I might have stayed at my old space job if that had happened.


Had to re read opening of the thread. I first read Kheel an Kneel. My bad.



Fire 90% of officers O6 and above, especially those that enforced the party line on Covid shots and DEI.

Boot out all Alphabets, especially transformers.

One physical fitness standard.

Remove all women from combat units.

Arrest Millie for Treason.

Arrest Austin for AWOL.

And this is just to start.

Green Thumb


And retire any flag officer who can’t bench 225.

Might be able to balance the federal budget.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I was 17 years old when I was in Great Lakes Navy Boot camp back in 1963 and every recruit in the company had
Male on their birth certificates and didn’t come in wearing a poodle skirt.. For Anonymous, OAM and the guys, that was a felt dress with an embroided poodle on it and a wide waist belt..


Member since […..] 2016

I knew I’d seen this before.


Trump privately funding has transition team was brilliant and based on lessons learned. DJT had no idea the den of vipers he stepping into in ’16/17. The Obama Regime infiltrated his transition team to begin their coup before Trump could warm the seat in the Oval Office.


Also concerns about our Marine Security detail. We have never in the history of the country had both the 1st and 2nd ladies at this level of hotness. Will they remain strong and disciplined?


As has been said many, many times before: the women on the Right are exponentially more attractive than the bridge trolls on the Left.


For sure.


Holy shit dude! Throw up a warning flag or something before posting that level of ugly!!!
Almost needed a new phone after seeing that troll face scroll across my screen and tossed it at the wall. Crap… got to fix the wall now too… 🤦🏻
But good post too lol 🤣

A Proud Infidel®™

WHOO, ugly enough to make SHIT scream and run away!!!


I think we have to go back to the days of JFK before we get to this level of hotness.


Potential.impacts? Sh*t gets better– yes, please!

Black Bart

I am waiting to see the complete Epstein list revealed.


It will either be 2028 or 2128.

Black Bart

😂 Great, I’ll probably be 6’ under on either date. 😂

Daisy Cutter

SEAL Team hit squads in 3, 2, 1…


There needs to be a real serious reckoning with the corrupt actors in the deep state, current or retired. Heads on pikes.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Head on a pike…….

My fave ever scifi show. From the 1:10 mark. Or you could watch the whole thing for the set up.

Last edited 2 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande
USMC Steve

The concept that the military is “more welcoming” is nonsensical and farcical. No one has a right to enlist or to serve. No one has any right to act outside the rules and regulations that govern the services. The sole goal of the military is to impose our will on other military forces and nations in accordance with our government’s orders. You conform to the military, not the other way around. And any woke military personnel of any rank/rate need to be purged as fast as possible, for they serve two masters, and not the one they took the oath to defend.

A Proud Infidel®™

The United States Military exists for one purpose, TO WAGE WAR upon our Nation’s enemies, NOT be some lollipop-up-the-ass social experiment.


To break stuff and kill people. TIFIFY


Just a reminder…it ain’t over yet…

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Biden seems content.


Of course he is happy, they gave him enough Xanax to get an elephant high.

A Proud Infidel®™

That OR Biden’s still that pissed about being tossed out of the race that he’s actually happy to see her get beat! Some libs are saying DJT beat a woman, and it’s true, THE SAME libs that didn’t mind a biological male beating a Woman up in the Olympics.


Hell, by all accounts, Kamel-toes husband is a member of the slap-a-ho tribe, an they’re just fine with that too..


They must have just changed his diaper to be that happy.

Daisy Cutter

History will record…

Remember the Alamo!
Remember Pearl Harbor!
Justice for Peanut!

Skivvy Stacker

OMG! Did the feds kill Jeff Dunham’s PUPPET????


Walter looked too much like someone.


P’Nut involved here (mostly at end, but that’s okay)… music by CCR:

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

As our own Graybeard said, “Head on a swivel, full situational awareness mode y’all.”

Not much to add but pray for peace for all.


Maybe he could send the military after this guy. A boost in rank to team if brought in alive



Jackass is both obnoxious and idiotic…
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®™

Q: What do Willie Brown and the 2024 presidential Election have in common?
A: Kamala Harris blew BOTH of them!
