Weekend Open Thread

| October 25, 2024 | 33 Comments

Donald Trump stopped at a McDonald’s and did some activity as if he was an employee there. Now, Trump could say that unlike Kamala Harris, he “worked” at McDonald’s. Many on the left got triggered by this event. For this act, Donald Trump received additional airtime. Just more headwinds against Kamala Harris’s trying to get her message out. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Hack Stone

Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, will Hack Stone be unburdened by what has been in order to retain the highly coveted and rarely awarded title of First Commenter for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread for an astounding three consecutive weeks, or will he ousted in a vast chicken wing conspiracy and exiled to the River Road exit of the Capital Beltway, eking out a pitiful existence selling outdated Red Hat Software to commuters? Magic 8-Ball says…

Hack Stone

Magic 8-Ball says


Better run a special on that Red Hated Soft Wear, Mr. Stone. Your F5 Key is smoking hot. A congolese Rat on your tri-effing 3 pete FIRSTNESS! I’ll take my sloppy 2 seconds second with a side of them chicken wings, Thank You.

Hack Stone

Well, Hack was not tied up processing software purchases, so he had some free time to monitor the blog. With the proud but humble woman owned business relocating corporate headquarters, again, please forward all software purchases C/O Montgomery County Homeless Coalition Home, Rockville MD.



Hack Stone

Magic 8-Ball says…


3rd place. My best ever

Hack Stone

If you are living in your 1980’s vintage Jaguar, and the transmission fell out on River Road, is that still considered a mobile home? Asking for a friend.

Green Thumb

If so, All-Points Logistics in Merritt Island, Florida has an RV and trailer park behind their corporate HQ for just such a thing.


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Commissioner Wretched

These early drops on the WOT … I must let The Penguin have a say on that:


Congrats to Hack Stone for another week on the throne! I’ll be third (or fourth or whatever).

Commissioner Wretched

With Hack on the throne again and the Penguin saying it’s too soon, I have some trivia to hand out to one and all. Enjoy!

Was one of the most popular toys of the 20th Century originally designed not to be a toy at all?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

Next week is Halloween!

I have no idea why I’m excited about that. I don’t participate much – I may get dressed up in a costume for a party (should I be invited, of course) but other than that, I don’t go trick-or-treating, nor do I participate in the annual extortion of candy by costumed kids at my front door.

So why am I even bothering to mention it? Well, because it’s tradition, and even in today’s rapidly-changing world, traditions are important.

Maybe more so than ever.

Anyway, thanks for the costume suggestions that have come in! You are all the best. Meanwhile, let’s dive into some fun trivia.

Did you know …

… nobody knows how many stars are in the Milky Way galaxy? Estimates range from 100 billion stars to 400 billion stars. We also have no real idea of how many galaxies exist in the Universe. The Milky Way is one of about 140 billion galaxies that we can conceivably see through telescopes, though there is no way to know how many there actually are. Many astronomers agree that, with so many stars and so many galaxies, the number of advanced civilizations in our galaxy alone must be in the millions. (And when they travel past Earth, they lock their doors.)

Commissioner Wretched

… humans aren’t the only ones who have snowball fights? Japanese macaque monkeys enjoy throwing snow at each other as well. (When they build their snow forts, though, watch out!)

… a smidgen is an actual measurement? Many food authorities say that a smidgen is half of a pinch. To be even more exact, it’s 1/32 of a teaspoonful. (Half a pinch, eh? I’d like to try that some time.)

… every fourteen days, a language dies out? (Usually from no one speaking it.)

… ancient Egyptians did not exclusively use hieroglyphics? They also had a form of writing called sesh, which means “writing for documents.” (Kind of hard to draw all those little symbols on parchment, I will admit.)

… rats cannot belch? (They also can’t say “excuse me.”)

… the legendary King Arthur had a reason for using a Round Table? First described in the stories about Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory (1425-1470) titled Le Morte d’Arthur, the Round Table was used for seating to prevent any one of his knights from having a higher place of honor than others. Arthur’s seat itself was equal to that of his knights. (It’s good to be the king.)

Hack Stone

Rats cannot belch? Hack will have to throw a penalty flag on that one. Have you ever been in the All Points Logistics conference room as Phil Monkress is scarfing down a double serving of chili?

Commissioner Wretched

I’ll concede the point. I meant the rodent-style rat.

Commissioner Wretched

… one of the most popular toys of the 20th Century wasn’t supposed to be a toy at all? Anyone who was a kid during even part of the 20th Century knows what a View-Master™ is, but just in case you don’t: View-Master was the name of the hand-held plastic device that allowed you to see a picture in 3-D. Cardboard reels holding images on film were inserted, you looked into the lenses, and because of the way the film images overlapped, you had a pretty convincing 3-D effect. The toy was based on the 19th Century “stereopticon,” a hand-held viewer that you put a special photo print into, and voila! Instant 3-D. But the inventor of the device, William Gruber (1903-1965), wanted the device to be a useful tool in areas such as stamp collecting and bird watching. His partners, however, saw the value in marketing the device to children with pictures from cartoons and favorite television shows, as well as nature settings. Additional trivia note: Because of Gruber’s political leanings, the View-Master almost fizzled before it started. Gruber was a German immigrant who arrived in the U.S. in 1924, and he was a big fan of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945). The FBI actually investigated him as a possible Nazi spy in the years leading up to World War II. Following the war and the realization of what the Nazis had done, Gruber’s enthusiasm for politics faded. (As it should have.)

Commissioner Wretched

… one out of every four Americans believes Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials? (The other three Americans probably are extraterrestrials.)

… the average human takes about 22,000 breaths every day? At rest, this average human (whoever he or she may be) takes 12 to 20 breaths per minute. (The real problems start when they stop taking the breaths.)

… wearing white for a wedding is a relatively new idea? White wedding gowns did not become a “thing” until one was worn by Queen Victoria of England (1819-1901) when she married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1819-1861) in 1840. Her Majesty’s wearing a white gown started the tradition, but prior to that, brides generally wore their best dress, whatever color it happened to be. (So the bridal gown industry owes its existence to Queen Victoria. How about that?)

Commissioner Wretched

… you aren’t watching a lot of football when you watch a game on television? A study conducted by FiveThirtyEight of ten regular-season NFL games broadcast in 2019 turned up the following in a three hour, twenty-three minute game: if you combine time outs, commercials, halftime, instant replays, penalties, and other stoppages, you wind up with only eighteen minutes of actual on-field action. (Chew on that one for a while.)

… you have an acnestis? You didn’t know that? Well, let me be the first to tell you that your acnestis is that unreachable spot on your back between your shoulder blades. (You know, the one that always itches at the most inopportune moment.)

… tigers can eat more than 80 pounds of meat in one meal? That would be the equivalent of a human eating 70 T-bone steaks at a time. (That sounds like a challenge to me.)

Now … you know!


“… you aren’t watching a lot of football when you watch a game on television? A study conducted by FiveThirtyEight of ten regular-season NFL games broadcast in 2019 turned up the following in a three hour, twenty-three minute game: if you combine time outs, commercials, halftime, instant replays, penalties, and other stoppages, you wind up with only eighteen minutes of actual on-field action. (Chew on that one for a while.)”

They must have been counting only the time between the snap and the whistle. The game clock is 60 minutes. During “time outs, commercials, halftime, instant replays, penalties, and other stoppages”, the game clock is stopped. That’s why a 60 minute game lasts three+ hours. Technically, you’re watching “on field action” whenever the clock is running, even if it’s just watching the quarterback in the huddle calling the play.

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) sucks ass.


…and enjoys it.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Anonymous
Hack Stone

Magic 8-Ball says…

Hack Stone

This Sunday, October 27, marks 70 years since the original release of Godzilla. Not many people know that after he retired from the film industry, he made a fortune flipping houses. You’ve come a long way, baby-san, and we are looking forward to another 70.

Dennis - not chevy

I wonder about civilians. Recently, a group of university students were interviewing older folks about life style, expectations, etc. Obviously, no question was out of bounds as one asked me when was the last time I had sex. I told them 2010; they shook their heads and said what a pity. I still don’t know what their problem was; it was 2130 when they asked.


Maybe they were feeling bad for your unfortunate partner? 🙂

A Proud Infidel®️™️

PRESENT and unaccountable as I award myself yet another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
This election is obviously between Trump and those on Epstein’s list.


10th I think.


It’s Friday! TGIF! Woo Woo!

Anybody else have big plans this evening?

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Hack Stone

A trip to the Commissary and Saturday Buffet at Costco. Life in the HOV Lane.

Hack Stone

As the current Ruler of The Weekend Open Thread, it is Hack Stone’s duty to provide the Weekend Safety Brief:

I mean, I’ve — I’ve made many mistakes. And they range from, you know, if you’ve ever parented a child you know you make lots of mistakes, to, in my role as Director of Media relations? I mean, I’ve probably worked very hard at making sure that I am well-versed on issues and I think that is very important. It’s a mistake not to be well-versed on an issue and feel compelled to answer a question.

Words to live by. Now be careful out there, and don’t any favors for Phil Monkress.


Sitting in traffic way after 3 o’clock, congratulations Hack.,
I banked my vote last night took a half an hour to wait in line but it’s done. Pray for this fucking country.