A Karen goes to a Donald Trump supporter’s home ready for verbal confrontation

| October 25, 2024 | 25 Comments

A homeowner placed a Donald Trump campaign sign on her front yard. This sign appeared to have triggered a Karen. She approached the homeowner’s door intending to provide anti-Trump opinions and then calls the homeowner’s actions shameful. She proceeds to accuse the homeowner of “voting for the devil.”

From Zero Hedge:

“So I want to know how you can go,” the Karen begins before her audio is cut off by the Ring doorbell’s automated message.

The Karen then calls the Trump supporter “shameful,” before she is asked, “Are you the one that walks by here and (is) always screaming at people?

“No, I haven’t walked by recently,” claims the Karen while barely managing to control her tremulous voice.

“You are voting for the devil, don’t you know that?!” the Karen then proclaims.

“No,” responds the homeowner.

“Why are you voting for him?” the Karen demands to know, as if it’s any of her business.

“Erm, because I believe he is the moral candidate,” the homeowner responds.

“Oh my God! Fuck you for that one! Moral! He was the most immoral person!” the Karen responds.

She then continues to screech expletives while walking away.

“Have a nice day! God bless you!” the homeowner sardonically tells her.

How are these deranged lunatics going to react if Trump wins again?

Additional reading and video:

Burden, T. (2024, October 23). Watch: Angry screeching Karen confronts homeowner for voting for Trump. Zero Hedge. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Society

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Green Thumb

Put up signs for both positions and parties. Be a “split-ticket” voter.

That would have blown her mind!


That explains why I see so many signs this year.
Far more than any other year in my memory.
And they are placed in front of properties of people I know are
not supporters of whomever or whatever is on the ballot.
Whole lotta fraud goin on this time around.
Winter is approaching so I need to take the plow truck out for
a test drive. Drop the wing a few times to make sure it works.

Green Thumb


Hack Stone

Hack Stone doesn’t put political signs on his home or automobile. Don’t want to deal with the the ensuing vandalism, and if someone can be swayed on how to vote by a neighbor’s sign, or a billionaire celebrity’s endorsement (looking at you, Taylor Swift and Bruce Springsteen), they should have their right to vote rescinded.

And for those interested, Psul of The Ballsack doesn’t put a sign on his home, mostly because he is currently housing challenged.


Sooo…Ms Thang don’t want to vote for the dude that supposedly had a side chick, but will vote for the side chick? Got it! It all makes sense now. “There are none so blind as those that will not see.”

Personally…I miss mean tweets…and less than $2.00 gasoline…and $.99 dozen eggs/1/2 gallons of milk…and $1.99 grounded beef beast…and no new wars started…and a drop dead gorgeous FIRST Lady…and…Need I go on?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It is amazing to me how many people don’t understand why Trump appeals to his voters.

At this point I’m probably not the only independent, libertarian, asshole that is tired of smug prick Democrats telling me if I don’t vote for their hand picked shitty selection that I’m somehow an immoral danger to society….

Uh no, not true, and now kindly fuck right off please.


Got sumthin’ fer her:
comment image

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Cat is saying, take that word salad plate away and give it to Frau harris.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

That shitbird lady sounds like an uneducated low info voter who gets her info from the Rechstag connected cnn and lsmft, I mean msnbc. lsmft means lucky strikes means fine tobbaco. sorry about that.


That’s not what LSMFT meant in my youth.
And a pack of smokes was twenty cents.
I was in the local smoke/liquor shop last week and a pack
of Camel filters was over $14.
Glad I quit smoking many decades ago but I will never give up
my Kentucky bourbon.

USMC Steve

Dang dude, how old ARE you?


Sounds like someone needs a trespassing charge.

Green Thumb

I some a liberal Karen trashing a few Republican floats in a parade the other day. Loud and annoying as fuck. Also, no one booed the Democratic party floats in the same parade.

I pointed out that what she was doing was no better than what she considered white trash behaviour on the other side.

I told her (quite loudly) that white trash comes in many flavors, but only one color. Tons up people starting laughing and howling. She left with a quickness. Problem solved!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Even in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts you can use non-lethal force to eject a trespasser after warning them they are not welcome or allowed on your property…you can use the necessary force to place them back onto public property…same if they try to damage your signs you can use the non-lethal force required to stop the damage to your property.


Nothing like a legal, non-lethal physical altercation.


A nice, cold, high-pressure garden hose would work well.

Prior Service (Ret)

Lib in a nutshell, right there. Executive summary. Snapshot. A picture’s worth a thousand words. This is who they are and what they think.


Police widow tells Tim Walz to stay away from husband’s funeral because he didn’t support cops:

Last edited 2 hours ago by Anonymous
Green Thumb

Tim False

USMC Steve

Honestly, I hope a bunch of them become violent, and give us an excuse to purify the gene pool. The American liberal is a large, angry out of control and potentially dangerous child. They need to relearn the lessons of basic pain, and then maybe we can go back to punishing stupidity rather than encouraging it.


“You’ve never been punched in the face before… have you…?”


“How are these deranged lunatics going to react if Trump wins again?” With violence of course.. coupled with plenty of whining and crying, but once again, they’ll be out burning down the cities and making complete asses of themselves..


Some “mostly peaceful” toddlers having a temper tantrum.


Lefties are fucking nuts.

I remember telling one that when Obama won… TWICE… I woke up the next day and continued life as per my usual routine. No crying, no whining, no taking to social media to bitch and whine, no tearing stickers off strangers’ cars or signs off yards.

They called me a liar.

It’s unreal.


Sounds like Karen needs some bear spray…