The U.S. military hammers underground Houthi weapons facilities

| October 18, 2024 | 10 Comments

American naval and air assets were utilized to conduct bombardment of underground Houthi weapons facilities. The B-2 Spirit was among the assets utilized during the attack. Battle damage assessment was still being conducted as of the time of the article.

From Daily Caller:

U.S. forces launched airstrikes against Houthi underground weapons facilities in Yemen on Wednesday, Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed.

The Houthis have largely shut down shipping in the Red Sea and have been involved in attacks against Israel and U.S. forces in the Middle East since October 2023, the start of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. CENTCOM forces conducted a series of strikes against Houthi weapons storage sites in Yemen on Wednesday to further degrade the terrorist group’s capabilities and deter them from future attacks, the command said.

“These actions were taken to degrade the Houthi’s capability to continue their reckless and unlawful attacks on international commercial shipping and on U.S., coalition, and merchant personnel and vessels,” the command said in a statement. “CENTCOM forces targeted the Houthi’s hardened underground facilities housing missiles, weapons components, and other munitions used to target military and civilian vessels throughout the region.”

The operation was conducted jointly between CENTCOM naval and air forces, including a B-2 Spirit long-range stealth bomber, a uniquely shaped aircraft considered one of the most capable in the U.S. fleet. It is the first instance of the B-2 being deployed against the Houthis, according to The Washington Post.

“The employment of the B-2 bomber demonstrates U.S. global strike capabilities to reach these targets, when necessary, anytime, anywhere,” CENTCOM said on Thursday. “Our battle damage assessments are underway and do not indicate civilian casualties.”

Additional Reading:

Smith, J. (2024, October 17). us hammers underground Houthi weapons sites in Yemen with airstrikes. Daily Caller. Link.

Category: Middle East, Terror War

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’bout time! Turn their stockpiles to rubble…then make the rubble bounce.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Then turn it all into a glowing glass parking lot.


Why are we sending a $2,130,000,000 bomber to do the job of a couple of A10s?


A-10s can’t carry these (GBU-57)

Last edited 2 hours ago by Eggs

Shooting a $28,000,000 15ton bomb after a surface target? Probably could be done with a couple of 300lb bombs.


I still don’t see it. There only 20, now 19 GBU57s in existence. Seems a huge waste when others probably would have worked. Those are for taking out concrete reinforced command bunkers.

Sending 5% of your stock to blow up a terrorist ammo dump and threaten a country we haven’t exchanged direct fire with in nearly 40 years seems wasteful.


Word on the ‘net is it’s also a message to the mad mullah’s in Iran. Considering their not so peaceful attempts to develop nukes are mostly hidden under mountain ranges, using the B-2 Spirit & her bunker busters is thought as a reminder.
“No matter how deep you dig, we’ll get your nuke toys just the same…”

Wrench Turner

Almost like Billy Jack,
“I’m gonna put this bomb on that target, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”


Get some! And get some more. Yemen doesn’t really provide the world with anything but hate. Bomb it to bits and pave it all over.