Paging Hezbollah

| September 18, 2024

Hezbollah is hit by a wave of exploding pagers that killed at least 9 people and injured thousands


BEIRUT (AP) — Pagers used by hundreds of members of the militant group Hezbollah exploded near-simultaneously Tuesday in Lebanon and Syria, killing at least nine people, including an 8-year-old girl, and wounding several thousand, officials said. Hezbollah and the Lebanese government blamed Israel for what appeared to be a sophisticated remote attack.

An American official said Israel briefed the United States on Tuesday after the conclusion of the operation, in which small amounts of explosive secreted in the pagers were detonated. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the information publicly.

The Israeli military declined to comment.

Among those wounded was Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon. The mysterious explosions came amid rising tensions between Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah, which have exchanged fire across the Israel-Lebanon border since the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that sparked the war in Gaza.

The pagers that blew up were apparently acquired by Hezbollah after the group’s leader ordered members in February to stop using cellphones, warning they could be tracked by Israeli intelligence.

AP News

I thought the Brits were the masters of dirty tricks. The pagers came from a Taiwanese outfit subcontracted to a third party and were apparently intercepted along the way for Mossad’s modifications. This pretty much settles any custody chain questions that may arise. Thanks to Mick for the head’s up.

Category: Guest Link, Israel

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BlueCord Dad

And now they have info on at least 2800 terrs or support personnel from video hospital records etc. And now the assholes will have to check every electronic device in their inventory. Genius


Plus they are marked for life. They disrupted their communication network, and took thousands of fighters out of the fight with a few key strokes taking them completely by surprise and ruining whatever plans they had made for October.

Cyber warfare isn’t just the wave of the future it is here, now. You better believe the whole world was paying attention. Eventually cyber will replace air power as the dominant and most important form of combat in future conflicts if it just didn’t already do that.


Expect enlightened American college students to denounce this as an act of terrorism that just serves to advance their genocidal plans even further… 🙄


Hopefully they will send up Twitter messages everywhere to self identify.


Yep, my fathers middle daughter and her echo chamber have already done just that.. they do love them some slamonazis..


I’m sorry to hear that’s the case, Fyr. Did notice you said, “…my father’s middle daughter…”.

+100 if that was intentional.

Seriously though, wish you didn’t have to “deal” with that.


Yeah Just, completely intentional. I disavow any / all connection to that terrorist supporting scrunt. Sadly, the rest of the children, with the exception of me are all leftists, she’s just the most rabid. Has threatened me multiple times, but surprisingly she’s never had the courage of her convictions, other than from behind her keyboard.

Hack Stone

Hazel Tov!

Hack Stone

D’oh! Stupid autocorrect. Let’s try it again. Mazel Tov!


Hazel also deserves recognition.


Hazel approves..

comment image

Hack Stone

Mister B approves.

Major Tuddy

Oy; such dreck you are speaking, ya schmageggie. <g>


A Hezbollah terrorists worst nightmare…
I heard the text sent to the pager was “Say goodbye to DEEZ NUTS”


THAT needed a Spew Alert brother!

Hack Stone

Word on the street is that Hezbollah purchased these pagers from All Points Logistics. All Points Logistics is not a front for Mossad, they just sell shitty products.


Shell corporation in Hungary that addresses to a residential house with unhelpful residents. They allegedly produce pagers on license from Taiwan. The deal they offered Hezballah for an exclusive contract was the bomb.

Wrench Turner

Will the manufacturer issue a safety recall?

“Return unused portion, parts and pieces for a free replacement!”

Hack Stone

Read the fine print. Human remains inside the pager voids the warranty.


They will overlook that and provide a brand new shiny pager of an even larger size to survivors and next of kin.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

The dodge and shift the blame game over hide the bologna begins.
Gold Apollo in Taiwan says, in effect, not us.

BAC in Hungary says
“I don’t make the pagers.
I am just the intermediate.
I think you got it wrong.”

Hungarian Prime Minister office says
“the referenced devices have never been in Hungary.”

Green Thumb

This is way beyond Phildo.

It would have just tingled his ass.

Aside, he could have ripped off the American Taxpayer on this with his highly questionable and potentially felonious Native American, Navy SEAL and LEO claims to procure the contract.

Common sense being common sense, Phildo would have taken the money and put it up his nose.

All-Points Logistics leads the way!


1 800 kAA bOOm


“It’s for you…”


Yippee Kai yay!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“…motha fukah”

Prior Service (Ret)

This was brilliant.


(IF the USA was involved…)
Dennis Duffy.
The Beeper King.
Bonus – Alec Baldwin, not in a good way.

Last edited 3 months ago by MarineDad61

USSECSTATE finally said he didn’t know nuthin’ bout’ nuthin’.


Wouldn’t that just be SOP?


I think he means it this time.


Agree completely. Israel knows where they currently stand with “US”.


Is it just me,
or has the VG (website / server(s)) been acting up all day?

Early this morning, VG appeared to be POOF (gone) for awhile.
All through today, periodic intermittent delays in viewing VG,
or crafting a new comment and pushing it through.


Had the same issue. I assumed it was crappy government network problems.


Same here. Not surprised. DSN not working.


Happened last week too. But yes today also. Just figured it was one of the bazillion DNS attacks you see around election time.


Kinda glad to hear I wasn’t the only one having troubles. Both my phone and tablet are old ( i.e paid off) and was hoping not to have to replace either in the near or distant future.

Hack Stone

Hack had some issues this afternoon. Blame on that software update from a proud but humble woman owned business that sells software formerly located on Wilson Lane in Bethesda.


I don’t expect the truth and only the truth to come out ever. In fact start any rumor you’d like.

Actually, this was a screw up by Iran. They had modded these before providing to their erstwhile allies/minions so they could use them against them later. Someone accidentally triggered the code. The control feature for the rabid monster they nurtured got used to soon.

Another reason to not let your kids play with your electronic devices.


It was NORK hackers trying to extort bitcoins from Hezy. They told them they had one more chance to come up with the coin or they would blow their dicks off, inshallah.

Hezy replied; “we triple dog dare you”.


You see, that’s where things went south. One does not simply move directly to the “Triple Dog Dare”. Proper protocol must be followed. First, one issues “The Dare”. If the desired outcome is not forthcoming, “The Double Dog Dare” will be employed. If no result is achieved, then, and only then, will the “Triple Dog Dare” be used. Anything less would be vulgar and uncivilized.


You skipped the double dare. It’s:
1. I dare you
2. I double dare you
3. I double-dog dare you
And the coup de grace:

I’ve seen A Christmas Story enough times to have it down pat.


I stand corrected. Those Bumpas dogs distracted me.


Too bad they didn’t order the really big pagers. Could have put more explosives in the device. Kinda gives the old saying from AT&T advertising slogan” Reach out and touch somebody”, a whole new meaning.


Nice Work


I read somewhere Hamas wears fruit of the boom underwear.


The balls on these guys! Mossad, I mean. Not the guys with their dicks in the dirt.


Don’t let your dingle dangle mingle with the dirt.

Mop up you dingle dangle, now you wear a skirt.


Signal……we don’t just fix radios.


Interesting ideas pop into the dark little minds of signal pukes while the rest of the world slumbers peacefully…


Was this their ringtone?


IDF fixed them.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Tomorrow, smartphones.


It’s illegal to use a hand held device while driving.
Pretty soon we will have the State Police ECM/ ECCM division.
Careful with that radar detector!


There is going to be cameras that watch the driver and breath monitors installed in future vehicles. Was included in one of the bills passed under Obama, I think. Also road taxes are going to be based on miles you drive. In addition to fuel taxes that we already have. It is already signed into law. Starting in a few years. Also all vehicles will be recorded for where you have driven. Big brother will not only be watching you, but will be riding along. Just like China. It’s all ready law.


I remember reading about miles driven being taxed. Look for vehicles that don’t meet the mileage/ whereabouts tracking to be declared illegal, to be rounded up and destroyed.

I would ask, does that go for Illegal aliens whose whereabouts can’t be tracked either?


I’m looking to help out on the illegals round up. A bounty of a $1 a head and you could make millions.


I would make it $5 per head to cover travel, lodging and meal expenses.


Field dressed or intact?


Dollar a foot🦶

Hack Stone

Hack blames it on the lack of a robust preventive maintenance program. “If you don’t PM your gear, you can’t have any Comm. How can you have any Comm if you don’t PM your gear?”


Hack Stone,
Sounds Pink Floydian.

Hack Stone

Why yes, yes it does. Back when Hack Stone was calling cadence while assigned to Electronic Maintenance Company (ELMACO), 2nd Maintenance Battalion, he had to motivate the troops with a cadence they could relate to, since most of them would never find themselves on a C-130 rolling down the strip.

We don’t need no modulation
We don’t need no db gain
The VRC is on the bench now
Gunny leave them techs alone
Hey, Gunny!
Leave them techs alone
All in all,
It’s just another day on the bench

A Proud Infidel®™

So I guess that means that the vegans will NEVER get themselves any pudding!


A Proud Infidel&^%*&^*%,
There IS another way.
Hillary? No.
Monica? Yes.
Kamala ???


Gotta do that PMCS.


72 virgins will remain… virgins


Apparently a hoax, possibly by the bomb hunter.


Precursor: bed bomb, then

1) Pagers (since they quit using cell phones, apparently)
2) Walkie Talkies

First candidate to my techie mind for #3 would be “Laptops”

The possibilities for quantity of explosive are boggling.


They will just tell their wives and kids to carry. Cowards.


Pen bombs.

If they so much as try to write a message down their hand goes boom. The hilarious part is since they are around explosives all the time, many means of detection are worthless.


On occasion, one accidentally blows themselves up. Those would be the ones who nodded off in bomb making class.

Hack Stone

Then there was the terrorist who set the timer, then went to drop it off at the target area, but he forgot to factor in the time zone difference.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes, we referred to those as “Wile E. Coyote Bombers” who blew themselves to confetti while not hurting anyone else.


A fitting nickname.


Also known as “scoring an own goal”.


With all that fire power in Gaza there is going to be a need for hearing aids. Would only need a small amount of c-4 if it was in your hearing aid in your ear. Free hearing test for HAMAS.

Hack Stone

No, gotta go with Lethal Weapon, but a bomb in the toilet. Do they even have toilets in the Middle East?

A Proud Infidel®™



Routers and WIFI modems

Skivvy Stacker

Reminds me of the scene in Law Abiding Citizen when the judge gets her head blown off by her phone.

Hack Stone

There was a low budget movie called Ghetto Blaster where a returning veteran is dismayed to learn that the neighborhood where he grew up in is now overrun by nogoodnicks, so he launches a one man army to make the neighborhood safe again. One scene has him planting a bomb in a boom box, gives it to a kid, and a multiracial street gang steals it from the kid. Hilarity ensues as the bad guy puts the boom box up on his shoulder, and…. it goes boom.



Violence is very seldom the answer.


Violence can be a deterrent. It just seems that the mop heads don’t get what deterrence means. And continue to act in ways that get them killed. No understanding of peace!


You spelled piece wrong.


Violence is an option, often highly effective when used prudently.

It usually fails when applied hesitantly or squeamishly, without the intent to finish the phrase.

It often has costs, thus prudence is essential.


Anybody else notice that there were no more Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas conflagrations following the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building ???


True, but sometimes that’s all some personal understand.


I’ve never seen that movie. Will add to my list of movies to watch when it’s too cold or rainy to be outside.


From my EOD lifelong friend…
There is no human condition that cannot be rectified with the proper amount and placement of explosives, whatever they may be…..


My dad was an engineer in Vietnam, and said virtually the same thing. Great minds and all that I guess.


My dad was a bomber crewman for 27 years and said that too.


My dad was a gunner/togglier in a B-17.
He would concur.


Dad started out as a radio operator/gunner on B-17’s, finished up as an electronics warfare officer on B-52’s. Had an interesting and varied career.


Video here.
Someone brought their hand held radio to a pager funeral.


There are going to be some serious class action suits with all these defective electronic products.

Hack Stone

Where have you gone, Daniel Bernath
Hezzbollah turns their one good eye towards you


They worked as intended. Product acted as built. Boom !

Hack Stone

The talk the talk, can the walk the walk?


Can we ship them some boomboxes?

Oh wait, someone already did.


General: We need a way to locate and map out the Hezbolla network, preferably crippling their abilities to attack.
Signal: Say no more.

Throw in birth control for free, while you’re at it.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I found another article early this AM (speculation) on how (whoever) rigged the pager explosions, downloaded a “Stuxnet” style firmware into the pagers, that when activated, caused the batteries to explode.
And now that I’m looking for it, I can’t find it. Sux!
I did bookmark it, but on my kindle. So, later.


Supposedly, “someone” added 20 grams of PETN on or next to the batteries, then remotely triggered an overheat on all of them.

Wellp, HezBoom choir now has an abundance of new Sopranos.

Skivvy Stacker

Or Castrati.

Hack Stone

After market modifications void all warranties.

A Proud Infidel®™

And any of them who carried his pager in his back pocket is now known as a “Half-ass”!


Perfect tee-up, thanks:

Backblast area clear!

BlueCord Dad

BBC now reporting walkie talkies going “BOOM”. Hezy must’ve had something big planned for Mossad to tip their mitt like this


Kinda hoping for some awesome follow-on.


Per gateway pundit, al Jazeera reporting rooftop solar panels are now exploding.


IDK about all that. They blew up some on the Gaza hospital last year because Hamas was using it as a sniper hide.


“Keep up the skeer.”


Now if they can come up with a way to make windmill
blades come uncunted.

Hack Stone

Send all of the radios to the Comm Shop for the installation of the pressure relief valves on the battery casing. Quite confident someone has the NSN for it.




Supposedly, the Israelis discovered this covert op was about to be discovered, so they had to detonate them before their targets were ordered to discard their pagers.


Suddenly got a mental image of the scene in Caddyshack where the doctor shocks the shit outta himself with his beeper.


I was thinking my more of the gopher end game.

Hack Stone

Caddyshack is getting quite the workout this week, what with Sandy telling Carl to kill all of the golfers (Trump assassination attempt), and now the beepers. Now we just need a Baby Ruth Bar in the pool.

A Proud Infidel®™

A Baby Ruth bar DOES NOT float, it does however look just like a “schooner” once it has sunk to the bottom of a pool, uhhm, a friend told me that, uhhm, right after a hotel he was staying at screwed him over and he had a couple of days left. Imagine some Mom going FULL Karen at the front desk right after her offspring jumped in the pool with what looked like a schooner at the bottom!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Carl Higbe on Newsmax was talking to a guest he had on and it was mentioned that an explosive product was in the phones that were given out to the terrorists. so it looks like maybe when the phone batteries heated up, the product inside cooked off

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I got My above comment from yesterday’s FGS to 5JC wrong saying they were cell phones instead of pagers. so used to cell phones. Last pager I used was for getting IPN
(incident paging network) texts till I switched over to having the texts go into my cell phone so I can forward them to people.


And today.


Where’s a good quality vehicle mounted CB radio
when you really need one?

(Jackie Gleason – Smokey and the Bandit – 1977)


One could pack a lot of whatever they used in one of those. PTEN? PETN?


Along with whole new meanings and uses for these….

  • 10-1 – I can’t hear you
  • 10-2 – I can hear you
  • 10-3 – Stop transmitting
  • 10-4 – Message received
  • 10-6 – Busy/on hold
  • 10-9 – Repeat message
  • 10-10 – Done transmitting
  • 10-13 – Weather/road conditions
  • 10-17 – Urgent business
  • 10-20 – Your current location
  • 10-23 – Stand by
  • 10-27 – I’m moving to channel [insert channel number]
  • 10-33 – Emergency traffic at this station
  • 10-38 – Ambulance needed at [insert location]
  • 10-42 – Traffic accident at [insert location]
  • 10-45 – All units within range please report
  • 10-62 – Unable to copy, please use phone
  • 10-99 – Mission completed
  • 10-100 – Bathroom break
  • 10-200 – Police needed at [insert location]

List of (vintage) CB codes and CB 10 codes.


10-99 should be changed to just (“BOOM no need to acknowledge device disintegration” )


Yeah, I’m familiar with them. 10-3 in modern CB lingo is STFU, we’re tired of listening to you. Less polite but equally to the point.

Skivvy Stacker

10-2000: “Fuck the Lieutenant! I need REAL help!”


I remember those from my daze as a private security puke in downtown Houston.


They are still in use at my last place of employment. As far as broadcasting bathroom breaks, the women who worked in communications would simply state they would be away from the radio for approximately 5 minutes without explanation.

Our 10 code for accidents was 10-50, and that code took precedence over any and all radio traffic.


Back in the day, for us, a couple of ours were
10-8 Responding
10-18 Traffic accident

Been 30 yrs, don’t recall the rest


It’s part of a world-wide conspiracy headed up by those eebil joooos and Motorola, with an assist by Elon Musk and Tesla-produced batteries, air shipment provided by Southern Air Transport. Federal involvement was kept to a minimum for security reasons.

Hack Stone

Jews may not control the weather, but they sure do control their lifespan.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Federal involvement was kept to a minimum for security reasons plausible deniability.

Hack Stone

All of the cafes in the Middle East just put signs up declaring their business “Pager Free Zones”. 😜🥴🙄


Followed by no smoking.


“Pull yourself together, man!”

Hack Stone

Q: Why are members of Hezbollah always late for appointments?

A: Because it takes them a long time to get themselves together.


PETN & Serious Putty is kinda like Brylcreem…a little dab will do ya.


Interesting that Commissar hasn’t showed up to bemoan the loss of his slamonazi kindred and berate the ebil joos for being such terrorists..


He was trying to get status reports so he could respond with medical aid and his pager had an issue.


I don’t get it. What is wrong with people shooting up, fuxking and shitting in public? They gotta live somewhere and in front of some college professor’s house is as good as my spot.


Yes, packing up those shopping carts and taking down his tent is a little time intense when the cops only give him less than an hour to move.


Have you tried paging him?

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.


I thought all we had to do to get him here was to recite his name three times.


Commisar… Commisar …. Commis…….

USMC Steve

Wonder why that ambassador happened to have one of the terrorist pagers?


In some parts of Arab culture if you openly admire an object that belongs to another they are required to give it to you or one that is basically the same.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC
Hack Stone

The Hussein Brothers took that custom to a whole new level when crashing wedding receptions and taking first dibs on the brides.


Wasn’t something similar to that what pissed off William Wallace back in the day?


This is similar to the top-secret op in the Viet of the Nam war where MACVSOG teams salted NVA ammo caches with AK-47 ammo that had been loaded with an explosive compound. Every fifth to tenth round in some ammo packages had the explosive ammo. More than one enemy soldier was blinded when that stuff was fired. Thereafter a classified directive went out to all US units to never fire captured weapons with captured enemy ammunition. As a result, the US made brass cased AK47 ammo for recon units, as many of them carried AK-47’s. In part, it was a psyop to cause the NVA soldier to lack faith in his rifle.


Allegedly similar things were done with munitions in Iraq. Mostly implanting tracking devices that were then used to track movements.and bring air strikes. It’s where they got the dumb ideas for gun walker and other ATF foibles. If you aren’t doing an air strike at the end it is kind of pointless.

Hack Stone

Any idea what the message sent to the pagers was? Hoping it was “FAFO”.


“inshallah, bitch!”


And the ringtone was “Hava Nagila”.


“your warranty has expired”



Forest Bondurant

Had Hezbollah heeded Israels “fuck around and find out” warning, stuff wouldn’t be blowing up in their pockets.

BlueCord Dad

Don’t start nothin’ won’t be nothin’…


Just call them Hez, cause they lost all their bollahs.


comment image

Hack Stone

Hack Stone would like to thank KoB, who out of the kindness of his own heart and wallet, arranged for a free calibration of Hack’s Magic 8-Ball. Just this morning, a gentleman from the M.Ossad Calibration Service pulled up in in a nondescript black van to pick up the Magic 8-Ball, and promised to have it back in time on Friday morning for the Weekend Open Thread being dropped.


Pay no attention to the small screen that’s been added, Mr. Stone. It’s a feature not a bom…er…bug.


Hassan: Hey Achmed, you should see the deal I got on these new electronics for the team

Achmed: well done Hassan, Allah will be pleased

Hassan: yeah, they guy I got em from said they were da bomb!


Absolute GENIUS !!!

I simply cannot stop laughing !!!


During VN there was some devices that were dropped along trails to monitor movement. They could be reconfigured with cameras and other detection equipment and explosives to detonate or target Hezbolah terrorist. Easy to detect the terrorist as they would be missing half their ass or only have one ear and eye. Thanks to the IDF pager program. I hope the IDF reads TAH, this group offers a lot of great ideas.


And many pats on the back and maybe an offer of a few rounds of the drink of their choice.


Genesis 34


Also from Al Jazeera….Exploding pagers harm civilians too: Human Rights Watch
According to the rights group’s Middle East and North Africa director,
international law prohibits the use of booby traps precisely to avoid the devastating scenes that continue to unfold across Lebanon today.
A prompt and impartial investigation into the exploding pager attacks should be urgently conducted, Lama Fakih said in a statement.

Enjoy the most famous and popular WWII episode of PVT SNAFU…
BONUS – Notice the animated locale and setting.


Party In Your Pants
by Judy Tenuta on her 1997 album The Power of Judyism.

Major Tuddy

Pagers? What is this, 1995?

Now, I’m sincerely asking here. No snark intended, implied, or to be inferred. That said…who still uses pagers? Smartphones have been available to all, dirt cheap, for over a decade now. Why page, when we all have unlimited text plans on our phones? Even the Third World has access.

So, what’s up with the pagers?


Reading and related comprehension is hard for some.

Hack Stone

The pagers were supplied by a company in Hungary located in a nondescript house in Budapest. Hmmm…, maybe, just maybe, that proud but humble woman owned business formerly located on Wilson Lane in Bethesda is actually a front for Israeli Intelligence.

Hack Stone

You do realize that the worst part of this operation is now the September Hezbollah Duty NCO Roster now has to be redone. They’ll try reaching out to the Supernumerary, but he isn’t taking any calls for the time being.


Who TF still uses a pager?
What’s next thermobaric Ataris?

Hack Stone

Amazing that the Amish community is technologically more advanced than some of these 3rd World shitholes.


Lots of Amish around here.
They have LED flashing lights on the horse drawn carriages.
And cool hats.


C-4 cpap machines.


See above comment from AW1Ed to Major Tuddy.


That exploding pager and radio op was a thing of beauty.