Kam’s VEEP

| August 6, 2024

Minnesota Gov. Tim Waltz

Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to serve as her running mate in the 2024 presidential race. Male, pale and 60 years stale. He was a Congress-critter for 12 years before the Governor gig, and is a deep-dipped progressive favoring abortion and “gender-affirming health care” the euphemism for sexual mutilation. The media will call him a moderate.

We have other names and he’s graced our pages before.

MN governor accused of Stolen Valor

David | September 9, 2022

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) claimed to be a retired Command Sergeant Major in the Minnesota Guard during his campaigns for both Congress and to be Governor.

According to CSM (ret.) Tom Behrends, who served with Walz and took his place when Walz resigned, Walz was a provisional CSM who got out when he learned he was due to be deployed to Iraq in May 2005. The MN Guard says he never retired as an E-9, did not complete required class or course work, and says he is a retired Master Sergeant/E-8 if I read the article aright.

Valor Guardians

I was wondering who would hitch their wagon to Kamala’s star, but I wasn’t expecting Governor Whitebread Milquetoast. Let’s hope this is his last political mistake and his career goes down like Kamala.
In flames. I meant going down in flames.

On an aside Minnesota has a knack for picking oddball Governors.

Category: Blue Falcons, Politics, Valor Vultures

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I’ve read that Democratic voters are already face palming at the news of this pick.

I think they’re still going to win (by dishonest means) but this is all going to get very interesting very soon.

(To be clear, I pray I’m wrong about them winning…)


I personally would’ve preferred Kelly (or even a dark horse moderate Republican), but I know plenty of Democrats who are pretty impressed by Waltz. He’s an educator, he’s served his country, and he’s pretty down to earth. A lot of people are tired of rich, out of touch assholes in any party.

Funnily enough, I also hear from those same people that they’re convinced the Republicans will win via dishonest means, so it ultimately doesn’t matter. It’s going to be a wild few months, that’s for sure.


The Democrats peaked at JFK

The Republicans at Reagan (for many) and for most of my family who were here and alive at the time — Eisenhower.

We’ll never see men like that in office ever again.


I’m an optimist. Here’s to hoping we’re at our worst with our politicians!


He’s a liberal elitist that looks down his nose at normal people. He fucked up the response to the Floyd riots to the tune of a billion dollars. He’s continued to fan the flames of racial tension since then.


How has he fanned the flames of racial tension? Genuine question.

As for the ‘rocks and cows’ thing, he was talking about people freaking out about the map that shows more counties are red than blue in Minnesota. Clearly, people live outside of the Twin Cities,… but not a lot. Maybe just 30% of the population of the state, in an area nearly 14x larger. So there literally are more cows than people in the rest of the state.

So, is that really worth getting upset about? Maybe about as much as Vance’s ‘cat lady’ thing, which is to say not at all. Policy matters more, in my opinion:


I would rather live in cow country than any town or city run by democrats.

Watch where you step and check your shoes before you come in the house.


If you let a cow pie stiffen up after a few
days in the sun you can fling them like a
roof shingle.
No shit.


A free Frisbee. Country term could be turdbee? If tossed too early, it would be messbee.

Skivvy Stacker

Had a dalmation on the farm who used to go out and EAT the fresh ones.
Great dog…dense as a post, but a great dog.


I think you give undue influence to whoever runs a town or city. Most folks, whether in cities or in ‘cow country’, are happy to be good neighbors to all, and just want to live their life and raise their family.

If you don’t like cities, I get it. But I guarantee you that you won’t notice much difference based the party in charge.


NY under Giuliani vs. NY under Adams.. ‘nough said..


I’m inclined to think the mayor of NYC has far less to do with the differences in those eras than a ton of other societal factors.


One instituted the “broken windows” policy, which resulted in a significant reduction in crime, the other ( following the lead of his predecessors who got rid of that policy) oversaw a significant increase.. supporting police officers vs encouraging the defund movement and DEI hiring would be the most relevant societal factors involved, all controlled, or at least influenced by the governance of the city

Pave Pusher

The Giuliani who continued pissing on the Second Amendment, and finished disposing of the Fourth Amendment?

THAT piece of garbage?

And no, Adams isn’t any better. NYC needs to be drowned in the ocean. And I have relatives there.


never said I was a big fan of Giuliani, just that when it came to crime rates, he was better than Adams. He’s still a NY pol, and as such, likely not a friend of 2A.


Policy matters more, in my opinion:.. Couldn’t agree with you more LC, and anyone that aids and abets the mutilation and sterilization of children is definitely on the wrong side of policy..
Shitbag lied about his service, bailed because he was afraid to deploy, and shits all over his oath. He’s a far left moron and as such, a perfect match for Heels Up..


It’s pretty clear we’ll disagree here, Fyr. Who is for the mutilation and sterilization of children? Nobody, obviously.

Same like if I said, “I’m against brain-washing children!”.. well, hell, so is everybody! But if I what I mean by that is teaching kids to believe in Christianity? Then, my guess is, you’d argue that is absolutely not brainwashing, right?

Similarly, I’m going to guess that I don’t agree to your definition of mutilation, for example.


Irreversible body modification of children too young to buy a gun, alcohol, or cigarettes’, along with chemical sterilization of these same children.. not sure what else to call it..
Teaching children to believe in Christianity is hardly brainwashing. But certainly when it’s backed up with isolation from family, violence and such as in a cult, that’s an entirely different thing (kinda like the trans cult keeping secrets from parents related to their own children, no?)


Who is for the mutilation and sterilization of children? Nobody, obviously.” and we’ll have to disagree here, because puberty blockers do chemically sterilize, and chopping off healthy body parts in response to obvious mental illness / youthful confusion and uncertainty is, or should be considered mutilation by any rational adult..


Would you consider it ‘brainwashing’ to raise a child to believe that almighty Thor and Odin watched over them, and they’ll go to Valhalla if they’d die it battle? I would think you would, but maybe I’m wrong.

To people who view Christian beliefs as similar to the Norse ones, merely more popular today, it’s easy to make the case both are brainwashing.

So, we leave it up to others to decide what works best for them or their family, even if we disagree.

You see gender-modifying medical treatment as some horrendous thing, and I simply see if is someone else’s choice. Again, I know a trans kid. They’re happier now than they were prior to transitioning. They made that decision, at length, with their family. Is it my role -or your role?- to have denied them that? Why?


I guess I get to surprise you then LC, no, I would NOT consider it to be brainwashing if a parent taught their children Norse beliefs. Again, if there is force / coercion behind the teachings, that would change my perspective.

As to the trans kid you mention, I’d suggest that they’re in the minority of “trans” folk, as most continue to have serious issues, because the mental aspects are not dealt with, it’s the “quick fix” of surgery that’s gone to instead of addressing the underlying issues. As to denying them that, my issue is that a school nurse can’t give a kid an aspirin without parental approval, but an abortion or “trans care”, that’s perfectly alright. It’s the discrepancy and obvious bias towards certain kinds of “care” to the detriment of parental rights that I object to..
As well as the fact that “trans” seems to be much more prevalent in certain communities, where parents seem to encourage such mindsets, instead of actually parenting and helping their children through tough / confusing times, because of the status the parents gain by having a “trans” kid..

Marine 0331

LC, If any person would go to a doctor and ask them to amputate a perfectly healthy limb, the doctor would refuse said person would be referred to others to receive mental health treatment. But lopping off healthy boobs or twigs and berries is OK with you? Especially on a child who in all likelihood has absolutely no concept of what’s ahead for them or that there is no return to their original form, at least as far as human reproduction is concerned. You support this for children?


Okay when Leftists do it! /sarc

Slow Joe

Parents have the right to teach their kids whatever the eff they want.

Gunz, beerz, and rock&roll baby!

MSG Eric

Most children with gender dysphoria grow out of it by the time they hit 18, almost all by 25. As long as they aren’t permanently changed by puberty blockers, surgery, etc. (You know, all the stuff that leftists said wasn’t happening back when admiral dickless was confirmed?) There are multiple studies done in various countries that are 10-15 years long.

This is parents living vicariously through their children by destroying their children for the parent’s own ego and expectation of social acceptance. (“Both” of my children are transgender! Only one of yours is? Well, maybe the other will change their mind soon enough…)

You wouldn’t let a 4 year old get a full face tattoo, but you’d let a 4 year old decide to cut their penis off and be a girl?

Bottom line: Transgender children don’t exist. It’s parents and other adults pressuring and influencing children into believing they are transgender. Children don’t come up with this themselves. And if the child becomes an adult and still wants to do it, go ahead. They’re an adult at 18 and can do what they want. (A friend of mine has a son that thinks he’s a girl, but still isn’t happy because he’s not getting everything he wants and no one gives a shit anymore. It’s not all happy and fun like he thought it would be.)




Better Norse beliefs than Marxist.


I’ll tell you who is for mutilation and sterilization of children. Governor Walz signed a bill saying it can be done over the objections of the parents. That is who.


Exactly my point, though you and MSG did a much better job of stating it.


If policy matters, then how do you feel about MN becoming an “abortion sanctuary” state with no restrictions? They even removed the requirement to report to the state when a baby survives the abortion and is born alive.

He’s also made MN a “trans sanctuary” state.

How about letting illegals have driver’s licenses?

How about mandating the boys’ bathroom in schools statewide stock tampons?

Walz stokes racial tensions by blaming the cops for the violent riots. He refused to call in the National Guard to assist local authorities with the fiery, destructive riots. He meets with the families of felons who try to kill cops.


Careful, or a certain seagull will swoop in and try to declare you his mate, sweet talkin’ about one of his heroes like that.


I personally wish there was less abortion, but I also don’t think making it illegal makes it go away.. it just becomes less safe. This isn’t too dissimilar to my view on guns – I don’t exactly like the idea that any law-abiding idiot can get one,… but I also don’t like making them illegal for good folks to own, because that doesn’t make crime go away. At the end of the day, I err on the side of personal choice for these things.

As for the ‘abortion sanctuary’ aspect, I’m actually fully in support of that – not the lack of restrictions, but the notion that they’ll protect people who travel there for abortions? Hell yeah. States imposing travel bans on pregnant folks is a little too controlling to me. What’s next? Dry towns not allowing people to travel outside of them if they’re going to drink?

As for everything else, … you know we have different politics, right? I’ve got no problem with protecting trans folks (I know someone who is; they’re cool), having basic health needs for women in the boy’s room too -do you worry about condoms in the women’s bathrooms?-, and generally speaking, I always think there are lessons the police can learn from and do better. That’s different from placing 100% of the blame on them, though.

I ain’t looking for perfect, and I doubt you are too, otherwise I somehow suspect you’d likely be against Trump for a multitude of reasons, no? I doubt you’re ‘for’ someone who cheats on every wife he’s had, no?


LC-I get you’re trying to be reasonable but you need a better bathroom example. Girls/women’s bathrooms SHOULD have condoms. Because girls/women engage in sex. Boys/men do not need tampons because they don’t menstruate.

I remember condom dispensers in women’s bathrooms 35+ years ago and it had nothing to do with trans-anything. For the record one of my mentors is a trans woman who has been such for over 30 years. She is one of the most vocal AGAINST what SHE calls child sexual mutilation and exploitation for an agenda that is more about dividing people than protecting them.

I also have a friend who is married to a transgender man…who you wouldn’t be able to pick out of a crowd for a million dollars. I sincerely didn’t make the connection between the name-which I knew-and the relationship between them because I could not tell. Neither of them proselytize trans-anybody. BOTH of them are wholly against child sexual mutilation as well. Your son wants to wear a tutu? Great! But no surgery or hormones until well after 18 years old, until the brain is fully developed. If, as a fully formed adult you make what is the biggest decision in your life, to risk everything to change your gender, via con dios. Children are simply not capable of making such a decision. Period. Full stop.

The difference between my examples and what this commie POS and others are pushing is, my examples are those of adults. Thinking adults, not virtue signaling malcontents who are looking for just another reason to mock the system they blame for their pathetic life outcomes. Or as an excuse to fail to try.

And no, I’m not attacking you, particularly after you have repeatedly engaged with civility in an arena that often gets…passionate. Truly, I’m always glad to see you here, even when I passionately think you’re dead wrong.


I appreciate your response, OAM, even if I’ll still disagree with you – in an ideal world, no disagreement, and I’d prefer all decisions were made by people of sound mind and body after reaching adulthood. I think that’s something we can agree on.

Sadly, it’s never an ideal world, and the disagreements are always in the margins — what do you do in the cases where everyone involved (and we’re not one of them!) feels the pre-adulthood transition is the right course of action? We should forbid that? On what grounds?

Yes, it’s a huge decision, as is something like, say, adoption. Or having children in general. Should I get a say in what my neighbor does in that space? Of course not! It’s their call, even if I disagree and think it’s dead-wrong.

Again, I think we’d agree we’d all be better off -society at large, that is- without the loudest, attention-grabbing, rabidly virtue-signaling sorts. But at the end of the day, they aren’t the ones I worry about. I worry about my friend, the dad to the trans kid I mentioned, being told what he can and can’t do for his deeply-loved own blood by people who don’t even know him. That, to me, is madness.


When I was growing up chopping a kids penis off was a serial killer move. Now it’s another way to love your kid? I think I’ll keep my own counsel.


If they all agree to be wrong, doesn’t make it right. No gender reassignment until an adult decides for themselves. Seems the best way to me.

I don’t agree with pre 18 tattoos or piercings, either. Nor altering genitalia of either sort.

If the youth can credibly self-emancipate, wholly, self-supported, would consider it.

Otherwise seems way, way wrong. And collectivism doesn’t reverse wrongness.


Yes, even when everyone involved agrees, it needs to be denied. Partly because one of those in the everyone is a child, incapable of cognitively processing the ramifications of that decision.

I do moderate that position in the .001% of cases where there is a chromosomal anomaly, i.e., the presence of both male and female reproductive organs, either interior or exterior. But even in those exceedingly rare cases, like undescended testes and a uterus being present and producing hormones, that happens after puberty and measuring of hormone levels, hormone therapy is appropriate.

This kind of exception is a medical necessity, even under a ban for “gender-affirming care” as the elevated risks for either uterine or testicular cancers and other disorders present a risk to the life of the patient. BUT, puberty must happen, in almost all cases, to make this medical decision.

However, the proponents of this insanity are not talking about medical outcomes, they are talking about mental health issues. They can’t talk about medical outcomes, or even allow that conversation as that will make them lose their argument.

Last edited 2 months ago by OAM

Nailed it!


As for condoms vs tampons – the point is the tampon is no more an imposition on a biological man than a condom is on a celibate one. Don’t need it? Don’t use it.

To me it’s like having braille on the display case at an optometrist – necessary? Maybe not, but on the off chance someone who is blind wants to read about different glasses, it ain’t harming me at all. Go for it.


Thank you for providing an example of why relative moralism fails. Because we are talking about children.

Marine 0331

LC, Condoms in men and woman’s bathrooms is an excellent idea. Tampons, however, in the men’s room is not an imposition, its simply just plain stupid, because, as someone commented earlier, men DO NOT menstruate. Even if some dude lops off his wand and raisin sack, he still has a prostate (which means he is a dude), so he can wish he menstruates all he wants, but he DOES’NT, so he DOES NOT need a tampon. Instead of wasting money on Tampons that will be used by one or two MEN with mental issues, how about giving those tampons out to all the homeless WOMEN on the streets of Chicago, Baltimore and LA? Now wouldn’t that make more sense?


You effing Progs can rationalize any proposition, no matter how ludicrous the idea.


Word on the street is that Kelly got found out on his side piece and given all that has been it could get messy. So the Dems took evasive action.

I get it, even guys his age have needs, I think most people would understand.

MSG Eric

For a politician, especially a Democrat, that’s not even a speed bump. There’s probably something more to it than just that.


Maybe his side piece was a conservative Republican?


Or a dude…



Quit when told going overseas to war is an odd way to serve.


It works exceedingly well for a high ranking coward in a combat arms unit about to be sent into combat.


I filled a Gunny billet for a few weeks as a Sgt. Does that make me an honorary Gunny? Another old white guy for the dems, weren’t they bitching about old white guys a few years ago?


If I follow that logic, I’ll have to change my nom de TAH to 1SG D. Nopa Nopa Nopa!


Fine, but you’re not gettin’ this (80s) greeting from me!!


Well shit. I was kinda counting on that.


Just be happy with doing before 9 in the A M than most people…


I’m still doing that and I retired in 2012!


“Get back to work, fleanuts!” I’d expect more than what they ad said.

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

60 is the new middle age for politicians.


Another canon cocker!


Naw, Sapper, not a Cannon Cocker… this sissy punk embellishing mofo is a cock canner. He has to can all of the bags of dicks he has been sent to eat because there’s just SO DAMN MANY of them. He is probably good at “swabbing tubes” or getting a lot of “fire in the hole” but I doubt very seriously if he’d make a friction primer’s worth of a true Gun Bunny. Henry Hunt and John “The Gallant Young” Pelham…weep. As I posted on the FIRST Stolen Valor piece on this mofo back yonder, he has brought shame upon my Beloved Artillery Branch. PHUQUE HEEM!

Just too bad that this embellishing commie/socialist POS falls into the special category that limits his being awarded a FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION deployment of The Vaunted As(s)teroid of Insults. Pity…I’d be the FIRST (ht2CW) to call for the deployment, then ask for a SECOND and an AYE!


Yes, Walz did cut and run when the mob order came down to deploy. And when called on it he threw his old comrades under the bus.

When Walz initially ran for Congress, he allowed his staff to spread the false tales of him serving as a “combat vet of both Iraq and Afghanistan”. He never stepped foot in either theater. He did accompany his CO for a few weeks in Qatar in support of some MN Guard troops in those theaters. To this day many of his supporters still repeat that lie, and Walz has never corrected them or the lie.

I know him and he has zero honor.


Does he have the highly coveted NDSM?


He should have two. Gulf War and GWOT.


The Brotherhood (and Sisterhood) reject him.


Is it me, or does he look like he doesn’t want the Irish?


Stolen honor is still (dis)honor.

MSG Eric

Yeah, the whole time I was in Baghdad, Iraq and in RC-East of Afghanistan I was saying, “Pheww, I’m glad I’m not sitting in Italy for 6 months like Tim was, that would be so much worse!”

I knew a few people who dodged deployments during that time, all cowards. There was one O-5 Doc in my unit who had already done 4 deployments, but he was a badass and it was time for him to retire after about 28 years. But Tim’s a coward, no slack.

I’m guessing he also told a bunch of E-3s and E-4s they weren’t going to be exempted from this deployment for any reason. That’s enough for me to know he’s a piece of garbage.


He’s 60? That’s right, 60!


Finally some youthful blood in national politics!


A rough 60 at that!


Holy shit! He’s a year younger than me, I’m better preserved than I thought!


He’s got the Biden clown frown down pat.


He’s been terrible as a governor. Unless you like radical leftist policies and fiery, but mostly peaceful riots. He’s not quite Whitmer-levels of evil, but he’s Newsome-level bad with none of the good looks or charm.

Nothing says “honed leadership” like abandoning your men on the eve of their deployment to a war (that was rapidly heating up around then).

The only consolation here is that once he’s been on a losing DNC presidential ticket, he’ll be done and gone. You don’t get a second chance for that sort of thing when it comes to the Democrats.

I’m not going to get complacent, but when Kamala starts actually talking to the press, her poll numbers will plummet. If you haven’t noticed, they let her talk to the press less than they let Biden. She’s worse than Joe Biden at talking to people.


She is unburdened by media that gives her a pass.


She is unburdened by coherent thoughts or logical sentence structure.

Skivvy Stacker

His re-election came at the hands of the usual DFL subjects that all live in the Twin Cities, Duluth, and small pockets like Morris and St Cloud where there are the state universities filled with Lesbian Studies, and Basket Weaving Among Early American Pansexuals Majors.


I foresee ammo sales increasing.


He kinda looks like a very constipated Bernie Madoff. The perfect running mate for Kumala.
Hmmmm….It’s almost like she knew she wouldn’t have a snowball in hell chance if she didn’t pick a straight, white male?


Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen to do exactly as her handlers have instructed her to do.” There…FIFY I don’t think that skrunt even chooses who she gives oral satisfaction to. We may not ever know who “chose” this chicken shit POS commie/socialist to be her “running mate” but we do know who will choose the new (s)elected POTUS. This country is screwed…Prepare…there’s not much time left.


I posted on another thread Jamie raskin is threatening to start a civil war if Trump is elected come November. Conservative Treehouse had the article. Why has nobody challenged him on his remarks, or called him out on it.


Don’t worry, it will be a mostly peaceful civil war.


As long as it’s peaceful 😏


And civil.


Saw and read up on that linky, Odie. Good catch. Some of the other “usual suspect” bleggers have posted on the subject too. These damn fools don’t know what they’re asking for, thinking that they will be safe behind their guarded, gated community. They will not survive the fire that creates the ashes they wish to rule over. I’m telling ya…it’s ’bout time to get mean…I mean MAD DOG MEAN!



Cause he’s got a “D” after his name…

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, but does the dumb bitch know just how quickly her crowd will get their asses handed to them in a dirty used pizza box as soon as they mess around in Red State America?


Raskin couldn’t organize a circle jerk.


Don’t know if true, but I read she actually joined the Communist Party when she was sixteen.


I’m going to leave this here. It raises a bazillion questions.and answers none.



And none of the leftist sycophants will give a damn.. So many of them are INTENTIONALLY low info, as they ignore anything that actually matters.

But hopefully it will resonate with “undecided” voters.

And anyone that doesn’t want to see this republic destroyed had better get out and vote against this “axis of evil”…


Well. Well. It’s been no secret for a long time.

Fellow veteran speaks out on Walz’s misleading statements about military record



Didn’t Minnesota have the fake Navy Seal Governor?

Army-Air Force Guy

Hey, he was doing the UDT thing in the PI during ‘Nam, close enough. /s/


Just looked at his NGB-22 and as near as I can figure, his highest award for almost 24 years of NG service is a second award of the Army Achievement Medal.

Last edited 2 months ago by Claw

NYT said ARCOM, but that’s still not great for a CSM:

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

I’m thinking the NRA will be dropping that endorsement since he came out against private party gun sales.


Not seeing an entry for an ARCOM, unless whoever typed up the NGB-22 meant that when they listed the acronym //ARCM// in the awards block.


That seems a reasonable interpretation, unless DoD added an “Army Revered Coffee-Maker” badge.

MSG Eric

I would go with Anal Regurgitation Chicken Man, but yours is good too.

MSG Eric

I’m seeing other state NGs using “ARCM” for ARCOM, but the rest of us use ARCOM. ARCAM would be the reserve component version of the good conduct medal.

MSG Eric

An ARCOM and a couple AAMs in 25 years? Including a deployment to Italy for 6 months? That’s extraordinarily lame. That means for most of that 25 years he was the stereotypical Nasty Guard dude that showed up for drill weekends (and probably slept most of that weekend), did two weeks a year, and didn’t even exceed doing that low level of time in uniform.

And NO Retirement award, which means that the CSMs recognized his cowardice in leaving before the Iraq deployment and he didn’t get shit for being in. (If the ARCOM is his retirement award, that’s even more ridiculous)


That’s what I was wondering when I saw the ARCM. Was that his retirement award? It would sure be a hoot to see the date on the orders.

But at least he has already gained his user name for this blog. It is “MSG Tampon Tim” and was given to him by Devtun. / s

Last edited 2 months ago by Claw

If Walz gets elected, it is good for Minnesota and bad for the country. He is a bad governor. He let Minneapolis burn.


That was quick

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC
Skivvy Stacker

On an aside Minnesota has a knack for picking oddball Governors.”
That’s because we spend 9 months out of the year in a deep freeze, and our brains only thaw out in the Summer when the elections aren’t taking place.
Yah, sher, ya betcha!


From the official mn.gov website: “After 24 years in the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005.” He needs to answer this.


He’s chickening out and buggering off, Schmaltz ran away…

Forest Bondurant

Walz can go fuck himself.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how quickly JD Vance would eat his lunch for him in a debate?


Hopefully we’ll soon find out

MSG Eric

You mean the guy that actually deployed? lol.


He won’t dare. No way. Vance would geld him, live on TV.

And if I am wrong, we could pay for a division for a year on the pay-per- view. Frikkin Thunderdome.


It would be epic.. especially after seeing the Vance troll from earlier today.. Tampon Tim will likely pull the same basement shit as kneepads, as both of em will talk big, but know full well they’ll get their asses handed to them in a fair debate.

I did really like the fact that Vance has been calling out the coward for running away, especially his (weapon i carried to war) line.. Be nice to see that show up in an ad, or at a debate..


For all his years in service, he was awarded one Commendation and two Achievement medals. That’s what members earn with but eight to ten years of service.


Stolen Valor is a deal breaker for this Marines daughter – Not while I’m still breathing .This is a special kind of offense to the men and women who earned valor at a cost many can never fathom and generally don’t ask for anything in return .Respect of the highest should be given to our veterans regardless of politics . I never give these vultures a pass. Thank you to all of you and God Bless you .