Dog travel in turmoil

| July 26, 2024

The CDC issued new regulations for animal travel which are causing problems for service members PCS’ing back to the US with family pets.

The CDC requirements are aimed at preventing the introduction of dog rabies into the United States. While dog rabies was eliminated in the United States in 2007, there are over 100 countries where dog rabies isn’t controlled, according to the CDC.

The new regulations will be cumbersome for some military families, and there’s some confusion. But the more immediate problem is that eight airlines will stop allowing dogs to travel back to the states with their families either in the cabin or as excess baggage in the cargo hold.  Military Times

The rules require some documentation that generally only commercial pet shippers were required to do, and which could require extra steps such as translating the CDC form into the local language for host-nation veterinarians and their supervisors, Hensel said.Military Times II

The problem arose when the new regs were mandated to take effect 1 August, during the height of military annual moves.

Due to these regs, many airlines have taken a cautious approach and barred air travel for the pets totally.

German airline Lufthansa is the most recent airline to make the announcement. “Due to new restrictions imposed by the U.S. authorities it is no longer possible to import dogs into the USA after 1 August 2024 until further notice,” the Lufthansa website states.

“Just check it into the cargo hold and pick it up when you land” no longer applies. Plus, having translations of documents done ain’t cheap – I remember when service members who were unable or unwilling to comply with having all their marriage forms translated into German went to other countries to get married outside the German purview – it was cheaper. (Disclosure – we married in Denmark and the savings by not having to pay for all the translation paid for the honeymoon.)

Monday August 22 the CDC, responding to public push-back, pushed out the implementation date to April 30 2025.

There are two versions of the CDC Dog Import Form: one for dogs coming from no-to-low risk countries for dog rabies, and the other for dogs coming from high-risk countries for dog rabies. The list of high-risk countries is here. Dogs coming from those countries have more requirements, such as documentation and testing. Military Times II

In the long run there is still the requirement for additional paperwork, and even though CDC moderated its stance, no word from the 8 airlines concerned if they are going to ease up.  And the process is Byzantine at best – with the possibility that if something goes wrong, your pet could be returned to its departure point, leaving you on the hook for all the expenses.

If families can’t travel with their dogs, they may be left with no alternative other than to use a pet shipper to navigate the complex requirements. While the cost for a dog to travel with the family has been around $400, it will now be more than $2,000, Hensel said, noting that the cost to ship a dog from overseas through a pet shipper could be anywhere from $2,500 to over $4,000, depending on the dog, location and other factors.

I recall that in Germany ‘way back when, due to fears of rabies hunters were ordered to kill any cat or dog running loose more than 200 meters from a village. I get the concern.

Adding a few grand to a service member’s PCS bill for no benefit?  Not cool.

H/t to Jeff LPH!

Category: Government Incompetence

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Forest Bondurant

So COVID isn’t a thing anymore?

Here we have the CDC implementing a solution where there is no problem.

The CDC can eat a bag of dicks.


Dog rabies, hmm? Big concern <heavy sarcasm> but walk across the border from parts unknown with maybe TB, measles, smallpox, the Plague and no problem. Here’s your check, your cellphone, and a 4 star hotel to trash. However, Sgt Schmuckatelli has to pay big bucks to bring Fido home from FDR makes tons of sense <even more heavy sarcasm>.


Make sure your pets are vaccinated and checked for rabies before returning to the US, but don’t worry about the unvaccinated walking across our borders. Measles outbreaks have been reported in shelters where illegals are housed.

I get the concern, but why the huge price increase. Somebody is making money from this.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Huh. BITD, when I PCS’d to Hawaii and brought my cat with me, they had a mandatory 3 month quarantine at a local shelter, for fear of importing rabies to the island.
IIRC, it did cost some for the sheltering and feeding. But (adjusting for inflation) not as much as this new import-a-pooch set of regulations.
And the CDC couldn’t implement something similar? A hell of a lot less stress and cost all around.
The Gooberment is going out of its way to discourage good people from being in the military.

Last edited 1 month ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

IMHO, the CDC is just looking for a chance to screw over our military for no good reason.

I no longer trust them to provide reliable medical information of any sort.


Unelected beaurocrats attempting to justify their big govt budget. Use it or lose it motto comes to mind.


We’ll fly your dog to Mexico
Then have them walk across the border
It works for 12 million undocumented people


I don’t see the problem with language translation.
Just use universal hand signals…….

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Single finger salute?

Everybody knows what that means, young and old alike, regardless of your native language.

Old tanker

Aren’t there Veterinarians on US installations in Germany? Can’t they just have 2 sets of forms, one in English and one in German confirming the dog is vaccinated? I had my pets given shots including rabies at bases stateside. Seems to me if you have a US treated dog the documentation should be sufficient. Maybe I’m just a bit naive about German bureaucracy.


Never had a dog while in the military but had to fly one from
Maine to California back in the 80’s for a new job.
It was a nightmare trying to get certificates certified and the
two states to accept each others.
I still have his collar with the half dozen tags he accumillated.


Just put a paper mask on the pooch. After all, the CDC said the masks work to stop the transfer of disease. Shouldn’t take more than a coupla weeks, maybe fifteen (15) days to flatten the curve of this uptick in rabies cases.

The Boo Row Rats are the infectious disease we can’t seem to cure. Maybe try some FMJ Injections?

RGR 4-78

How does this affect military working dogs?

Dennis - not chevy

Might could be like the night at the local airport. A couple of handlers had flown commercially with their military working dogs. They got out of the other country and back to the US&A without any trouble. Their problems didn’t start until they had locked the keys inside their truck.


I have a neighbor (widow) that works from home scheduling travel for military and their families PCS’ing. I’ve been mowing her lawn and shoveling snow for the past 3 years since her husband (100%) passed away.

She is so stressed out from this that she gave me a break from mowing her lawn this past week just to get out of the house and away from the phone.

Just An Old Dog

There is a now deceased, disbarred and disgraced attorney burning in the hottest fires of hell with a pineapple up his ass fronds-first that could fly dogs with their paws and muzzles taped for you.


Bernasty himself?
I have said it before, but I miss the Golden Age of Phonies.
There will never be another Soupsandwich or Ballduster