Possible gunfire at Trump rally, former president appeared injured

| July 13, 2024

Donald Trump, appeared to have been injured at rally in Butler, PA. (Associated Press/Evan Vucci)

Donald Trump was at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, when the sound of gunfire were heard. Images posted by media show what appear to be blood on Donald Trump’s face. Secret Service rushed him from the stage. Trump had begun his speech when people heard five shots, followed by Trump’s going down, followed by the Secret Service surrounding him.

From Fox News:

President Trump was rushed off the stage by the Secret Service at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, after apparent gunshots rang out.

Gunfire appeared to break out shortly after Trump began speaking at the rally at Butler Farm Show grounds on Saturday evening.

The former president had just begun to fire up the crowd when as many as five shots were heard and he went down, surrounded by Secret Service agents.

“And then the worst president in the history of our country took over. And look what happened to our country. Probably 20 million people [came in illegally]. And, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart… that chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that sad, take a look at what happened over…” Trump said before gunfire rang out.

Hat tip to ninja, Devturn, Odie and others for this story.

Additional Reading:

Rumpf-Witten, S. (2024, July 13). Possible gunfire breaks out at Trump rally in Pennsylvania. Fox News. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump

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Was Lars in his mother’s (2) basement?


Also where are his illegal in Kalifornia guns he stores outside of Kalifornia… his words.


He’ll claim Trump staged it.


Already in the works.

Amateur Historian

I can confirm that is something that’ll come up in the news/discussion over this. Just had an argument with a cousin I’m close to and he immediately jumped to this being staged.


The dead and wounded are likely to disagree wit him.


The Dems will be known from now on as The 713ers…


Who didn’t see this coming? Pretty sure that Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder did.

If you haven’t already done so….you need to…Prepare


I guess we don’t have wonder why the Dems in Congress wanted to remove his Secret Service security detail.

“Joe Biden on 7.8.2024: “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

Internet sleuths are reporting a well know Antifa member (allegedly) posted on You Tube in advance that he moving on DJT. He met his end by lead-acilin poisoning.


Sarah Palin got blamed for the Gabby Giffords shooting because she put democrats “in the crosshairs”. Seems reasonable to apply it equally.


On July 8 Brandon said the Demonrats needed to put a “bullseye” on Trump. Well, guess they did. Their shooter just needed more range time.

tom reynolds

Good thing video games don’t make you proficient with a real weapon. Fkn Antifa cowards again.


Honestly, if he hadn’t have turned his head at just the right moment that bullet might have raced right through his head. 150 yards is a chip shot for an AR-15 and where it is designed to work. Anything over 250 starts to get dicey because of the bullet weight.

tom reynolds

It is different when they do it. Go ahead and ask them.

tom reynolds

lead-acilin poisoning. I’m stealing that . Prayers to President Trump.


Feel free to do so. I lifted that from someone else.


I’m going to say I put up no less than 20 posts about it.


I’m actually surprised it took this long.

I’m also thankful that they missed (him anyway).



Fukin A-right.


CNN reported that “Trump fell on stage”.


Dems are already saying it was staged. He cut his ear WWE style. That won’t pass the smell test when there are 2 dead on the scene. The Secret Service leapt into action.


Retards are going to retard.


Messnbc said “that he fell after some apparent popping sounds”


He hit the ground, like any sane person experiencing bullets flying past his head.


You could tell he was a newbie because he paused to feel his ear before he hit the deck.

Trump won’t get a Purple Heart, but he shed more blood than John Kerry, who “won” three of them.


Of course popping sounds at a Biden rally means Joe is loading his pants.


Must have been reporting on a Biden rally


Idiots gotta idiot.

Green Thumb

Wolf Blitzer went to a new low.


Who are all the people in the entertainment industry and news agencies that were calling for or reporting on those calling for his assassination.

Hack Stone

They are only calling for the assassination of political opponents to save democracy. We cannot have people electing people not approved by our overlords.


Calm, folks. Don’t add to this shitshow. Calm.


What shit show. Nobody is calling for retribution. I hear what you’re saying but people here are level headed.


Truth. Watch how the crowd reacts. No panic. That right there is the difference.


There was a man-on-the-street interview one of the newsies there did of a guy leaving the rally. Dude was totally cool and calm, and she asked him something like was he afraid. He said, “They weren’t shooting at us.” 😀


I think an attempted assassination of a presidential candidate counts as a “shitshow”, but I am old fashioned in wanting elections held in an orderly fashion to decide which ape-in-a-suit seems to run things.

Silly, but there it is.


You think this is a s*** she’ll wait till Chicago……

A Proud Infidel®™

Likely done by some liberal “Person of Tolerance”, I wonder if Cackles, I mean Kamala Harris will call for donations for the Shooter’s bail money like she did for the rioting antifa maggots? And yes, I hold those in the media who called for something to happen to DJT responsible for stirring the pot, I hope they get forced to lick the spoon.
This is the United States of America, not some third world shithole where assassinations regularly take place but alas, the leftist elites, their herders and handlers are doing all they can to make our Nation a version of the latter.

Last edited 2 months ago by A Proud Infidel®™
A Proud Infidel®™

Correction, those in the media and entertainment industry.


Nope! No need for bail money now!🤣🤣


The committee was successful.


Well, it was a mostly peaceful rally.

Green Thumb

Dead men don’t make bail.


Whatever powered his internal squirrel cage previously, he is now a reliable D voter.

RGR 4-78

Hang tough President Trump, it will probably get worse before it gets better.


They shot Trump. Every left wing host who called for this is complicit. Good luck getting contempt of congress Garland to investigate. Hell he probably ordered it. Our country is doomed by the dems. Like KOB says prepare.

A Proud Infidel®™

 Every left wing host who called for this is complicit.”

Ditto every left-wing loon celebrity PERIOD.


One person dead. Doesn’t say if it was the shooter.


Hack Stone

Fox is reporting that AP is reporting that the a bystander and the shooter are dead. Of course, how often has the press been wrong in trying to be the first to report the headlines?

Hack Stone

Well, Fox had a crawl saying two bystanders and the shooter were dead, now it is the shooter is dead and two bystanders “hurt”.


A front row witness, a doctor, said one spectator shot in the head, died immediately. He helped carry the body off. A second spectator, a woman, shot and in critical condition. He said Trump was grazed. Said the shots seemed to come from behind the bleachers. Secret Service sharpshooter got the shooter, unknown if there was a second shooter as shots seemed to come from more than one angle.

God save us.


Prayers for the family of the spectator who died at the Rally as well as for the the other spectator who is in critical condition.


Before universal condemnation of the left-wing shooter, might be nice to find out who he/she was and what sort of reason they had. As a for instance – many rightists were angered by the original bump stock ban. Some facts would be welcomed.


Very true. Sadly, it sounds like the shooter won’t be talking.. and of course the feebs will have ” Top Men” on it..


Damn, misspelled my name.. don’t usually post from my phone. Thanks for approving

Amateur Historian

Were there always two “i’s” in your name?


Nope fat fingers and a cell phone.

Amateur Historian

There! That’s better.

Hack Stone

You need to update your software. Hack knows a guy in Bethesda, formerly residing on Wilson Lane, who can hook you up.


To quote Richie Valens.. Ohhhh my head.

Hack Stone

CNN and MSNBC are probably not covering it, because they don’t want to give Donald Trump a platform to spread his misinformation.


It’s on both CMN and MSNBC.


Hack, yep every network is all over this once the shooting started. As for just the rally itself, I think only Fox, Newsmax, and maybe C-Span were televising it.


CBS did criticize Trump for calling for his supporters to fight on right after the shooting. They felt like he should quell the right wing due to their violent behavior.


Forest Bondurant

The MSM wants to revive that “bloodbath” narrative.


I don’t think the auto industry was involved in the assassination attempt. I mean it’s possible, just like everything else is possible, I just think it’s unlikely.



I think this is the blood bath Trump was referring to. Look how much money Chyna is raking in.



This certainly took sponge Bob shit his pants again off the lead story. Coincidence?


Trump needs to name his VP ASAP.

Hack Stone

Just the other day one of the “Prominent Democrats”, maybe Pelosi, said something about Trump and a bullseye.Hack remembers when Gabby Giffords was shot, and the Democrats blamed Sarah Palin because of a map of key districts to be focused on had “targets’ on them, and that was inferred to be a call to assassinate her.


And that guy was known to law enforcement and had those stupid Glock 30 round magazines. The photos of Gifford shooting AR,s and other guns went poof.


The guy was (and is) full-blown Batshit crazy, but no one would act because they didn’t want him stigmatized. He was apolitical, just wanted a crowd to shoot up.

Hack Stone

Okay, thanks to previous comments earlier in this thread, that “prominent Democrat” was someone named Joe Biden.



The amusing part is, the left keeps reporting that the Biden campaign is pulling the ads calling for a bullseye on Trump. But they don’t say WHY They are pulling the ads.

If you pretend that calls for violence don’t happen did they still happen? I’m going to say yes.


Also, President Biden and the press need to condemn this attack ASAP.


Gotta get the goober out of the basement first. His condemnation will sound a lot like ..
Kahn bird j by. And that’s the truth.




FBI says that it’s not politically motivated in 4, 3, 2….


This is going to get downvoted to hell.

I am seeing a lot of blame being attributed to media and democrat politicians.

People warning the American people that Trump is openly advocating fascist ideology. That he plans to dismantle our democratic institutions. That he is a career criminal unfit to be president. And that he is a danger to national and international security…

Is NOT the same as calling for his assassination. Nobody in media and nobody holding office was calling for his assassination.

Trump is geriatric, almost 80. Nobody needs to kill him. Just keep him out of office for a few more years.

I have been warning you all for years you seem enamored with fascism. I have even seen hundreds of openly fascistic posts here. Especially Christian nationalist versions of fascism.

Well, you are about to get your wish.

Trump was favored to win the election because the DNC as a party is inept and Biden is cognitively impaired.

After this attempt on Trump’s life, and the Getty image moment of Trump raising his fist in defiance…

We are going to see another Trump presidency.

And you all will see what we have been warning you all about.

I am done with this place after seeing you all celebrate SCOTUS creating an imperial presidency. I didn’t expect to come back. But this is too momentous an event to ignore.

I once believed you all just didn’t believe people when they tried to warn you all that Trump is a fascist and a danger to our democratic institutions. That most of you seem to have no clue what fascism is and wouldn’t recognize even if it was being spouted by a GOP frontrunner and former president.

I no longer believe that. After the SCOTUS ruling and the celebration I saw here, I realized you WANT a dictator.

Well, congratulations. Looks like your wish is coming true.

I am just thankful you chose a clownishly incompetent late septuagenarian.

Good luck. We are all going to need it.


Your left/libtard buddies are only going to be encouraged.

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

Mark Violets, possible Antifa– one of yer buddies…

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

Moderators might want to yank the link to the LIE on X. Turns out this misinformation on the app formerly known as Twitter is total bullshit. Typical internet misinformation/disinformation/lies. Anyway, that trash link calls out a real person who has queued lawyers for legal action. Might be good practice to remove the links to lies and save the lawsuit headache.


Pretty much. Wrong dude.


Well, my bad, a junior Never Trumper and/or just dumbass named Matthew Crooks… probably still progressive enough:

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

And he’s BAAAACCCCKKKKK! We saw that coming about as much as we saw Trump getting shot.


Just so you know, calling for his assassination would be an illegal act. They would get somebody arrested and thrown in prison.

So if that’s your standard, f*** you, you’re stupid.


Blaming everyone but those responsible.

Notice how all the evil MAGA people responded with calm. Cheered for Trump chanting “USA USA”.

Guaranteed MAGA won’t be burning down cities. That’s your crowd, you despicable embarrassment to the uniform you once wore.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, come to think of it, just how many Conservatives were seen rioting, looting and burning cities down after the rigged election installing Joke Biteme like the antifa maggots did?

Last edited 2 months ago by A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t know about that. If that bullet had been 4 inches to the right they might be evacuating the White House from rooftop, with Washington burning down around them, right now.

The constant violent left-wing rhetoric has just gotten completely out of control. You have to figure there’s going to be some blowback at some point.


Oh come on Washington is FULL OF LIBS. They would shut down access to the city and declare martial law. Then cower, just like Ruby Ridge. They stopped all patriots from going and threatened them with prison.


So you were saying it’s a target rich environment?


Just like the blue Caprice.


The button campaign is pulling down their hate speech ads.


I heard you left. Was it bad intel?

Amateur Historian

Yeah, probably. He’s about as bad as all the celebs who said they’d move to Canada or something if Trump was elected. They’re still here.


Well, several people did say he would be back.

Hack Stone

Several? How about everyone? No way in hell that Lars could refrain from returning to this site. He is like the woman with low self esteem who keeps returning to an abusive boyfriend. Sure, he treats her like shit, but at least someone cares enough to pay attention to her. Same thing with Lars. Do you think any other site he visits gives him this much attention?


No living creature anywhere on our climate-doomed planet will give him any attention, we’re his only real interaction.


I’m going to break my long, self-imposed hiatus from commenting this one time to say you are a waste of oxygen and your comments are a waste of 0s and 1s. STFU and GTFO.


Fuck off prick. Your precious Justice Sotomayor was saying “send Seal Team 6 to assassinate him” and one of your Antifa buddies decided to try and die a hero for The Leftists Tyrannical cause himself and beat them to it. Yes, the way to “save democracy” is to KILL your opponent. Do you fucking hear yourself?


Fuck you leave, goodbye fuck your cocktail waitress mom and the guys that rode your ass when you were a kid.leave get out, go away, please send newsome the location of your illegal weapons and GET THE FUCK OUT.


So, what are you trying to say. Tell us how you really feel.

Don’t let commisar get under your skin. He thrives on it.


This is entertainment to me. Concerning him.


I like you SgtM. You talk like my kindergarten teacher!


Did you go to kindergarten in Prince George’s County, Maryland too? Because them m************ teachers were b******. That and avoiding getting shanked during nap time made it an interesting day.

I mean it’s one thing to have the worst school system in the entire state of Maryland but then when you’re in the bottom 10 or so in the whole country geez.

Hack Stone

Prince George’s County is first class, all the way. Last weekend some local kid who just signed with the Minnesota Vikings was killed in a car wreck, along with two others, at 0:Dark30 as they were racing friends on Pennsylvania Avenue near Joint Base Andrews. A memorial service was held for them the other day, and you can’t have a memorial service without gunfire.



I hope they appreciate the efforts of Trump here. The community was wishing there was more information about how dangerous guns are and now they have it.


I knew you’d be back. Fraud. Can’t even quit properly. Failed at failing.


“I am just thankful you chose a clownishly incompetent late septuagenarian”.

Nobody here voted for Joe Biden.


Biden only tells people he said he’s in his ’70s. He’s actually in his ’80s.

Hack Stone

Joe Biden always says “80 is the new….anyway.”


You’ll leave, come back, leave, ad infinitum. You can’t stay away. Were the only people who will talk to you.

AW1 Rod

You’re truly dumber than a bag of hammers. And considerably less useful.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s more useless than foam rubber lips on a Woodpecker.


Oh go piss up a rope bunboi…

A Proud Infidel®™

“Trump is geriatric, almost 80. ” And your geriatric, demented Joe Biden isn’t?
Thank you for showing off just what the brainwashed leftist Nazis will be saying about this.
“We are going to see another Trump presidency.”
Yes, I hope so, and I look forward to seeing you and your ilk collectively shitting your pantyhose over it!
It’s been whackos on your side calling for this, time to lick the spoon, Major Moonbat!


You keep saying “goodbye” but here you are.


Let the record show I gave the comment an up-vote.


Maybe LC will come by later and give him a second one?


I have my reasons, as I’m sure LC does.


How can he be missed if he won’t stay gone?


Doesn’t look like it took, or enough down votes canceled your vote.


Of course, Odie. Not the point I’m making.


Biden said “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.” Tell me what this means.


That’s only a death threat when republicans do it.


I KNOW! I KNOW! Ask me I will tell you!


What Biden meant by that was; “We are going to MURDER TRUMP at the polls. We are KILLING TRUMP with our awesome policy. Our unions are going to WASTE TRUMP supporters by out voting them. I am going to SHOOT TRUMP a memo about what’s going to happen at the debate. TRUMP WILL BE GOING DOWN WITH A BLOODY HEAD WOUND. We are going to beat social security next. Appear to be very concerned and bow your head for a moment. Exit stage right without taking any questions.”


We recited Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Will the current generation be compelled to recite these memorable words? God help us.


Sounds like a threat to me.

Amateur Historian

“And you all will see what we have been warning you all about.”

Like during his first term? It fucking stands to reason that if he didn’t do fucked up, evil shit during his first term, he isn’t going to do any of that his 2nd term


I didn’t get all the way through your total bullshit before I gave up on it, right at the point where you accuse (mostly veterans, but if not a vet, a supporter of veterans) of being “enamored with fascism”. FU(( U!!!

Then you insult Christians!

For the last 8 years the Democrats have threatened or incited violence against anyone that they don’t agree with.

You are disingenuous! A LIAR! We all know it, and you may try to play with word salad to hide it, but you know it too!!

Shame on you!

Now, that’s as nice as I can be about it!


“Then you insult Christians!”

Not really. He is just being trendy. “Christian Nationalism” (whatever that is) is a very fashionable paranoid fantasy among wise and sagacious left-wing “intellectuals” these days.


The Christian nationalist is someone who goes to church on Sundays and then stands up when they play the Star-Spangled banner at ball games (as opposed to kneeling proper).

I hear also they have these crazy ideas about not letting tens of millions of people in the country that don’t belong here. But that has to be a fantasy because nobody would let tens of millions of people in the country and that didn’t belong here. Not unless they were some kind of crazy socialist dictator that had no respect for US sovereignty or law.




Democrats gonna Democrat:
comment image


What have you been smoking?


Please don’t leave. We need you.

Amateur Historian

To quite deservedly kick around?


Don’t take this the wrong way, but y’all are pretty boring when he’s not commenting.


It’s true.


Amateur Historian

Yeah, I can see it lol

A Proud Infidel®™

Well, he DOES constantly give us a view on just how deeply brainwashed the loony leftists truly are!


Proof of the “alternate universe” theory.

Forest Bondurant

I called it.

Something happening to Trump is what brought you back to the site to spread your malicious left wing propaganda.

“Joe Biden on 7.8.2024: “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

Biden uttered those words which could be interpreted by someone crazy enough to do what happened earlier today.

You and your media have spent the last 7+ years taking the spoken words of others out of context, and here we are.

Kindly go back to wherever you’ve been the last couple of weeks and continue fucking off.

Hack Stone

Welcome back. It didn’t take long for your reappearance. We missed you while you were gone.

As to (see what Hack did there?) your comments on this matter, saying that Donald Trump poses an existential threat to our democracy; he wants to lock up television commentators; he will outright kill your children (they actually said that); and that he is literally worse than Hitler is bound to provoke a violent reaction. Put the Democrats and the Mainstream Media, but Hack repeats himself (hat tip to Chris Plante) don’t want Donald Trump killed, they just want him locked up in a cage for the rest of his life as a warning to anyone who dares challenge the Political Elites.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

In some of my past comments, I called him a conservative using a socialist shtick act to get everyones blood pressure up. Also sounds like a Devils Advocate game he is playing.

Hack Stone

Lars, we live in a world that has Progressive Democrats and those Progressive Democrats have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lars? We have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for 2016 election results and you curse the Conservatives. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what we know; that Hillary Clinton’s loss, while tragic, probably saved America. And our right to vote, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, *saves America*. You don’t want us to “truth” because deep down in places you don’t talk about at mostly peaceful riots, you want us to vote Republican. You need us to vote Republican. We use words like patriotism, self reliance, and lower taxes. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent paying taxes while others refuse to support themselves or their families. You use them as a talking point. We have neither the time nor the inclination to explain in monosyllabic terms our positions to a man who rises and sleeps until noon under the blanket of the very lifestyle that his mother provides, and then questions the manner in which we vote. We would rather you just said “Make America Great Again” and went on your way. Otherwise, we suggest you pick up a broom and clean your bedroom that your Mommy lets you live in rent free. Either way, we don’t give a *damn* who you think we should vote for!


Well done Hack, we’ll done indeed.


I believe this comment ranks way up there on the list of the best TAH comments, ever.

Hack Stone

Almost as good as the the post Hack posted back in the golden age when he gave tips to the former executive of the Reston Virginia branch of All Points Logistics on updating his resume and and how to act during job interviews. This one was just a cut & paste with some selective editing, that masterpiece was 100% Hack Stone.

A Proud Infidel®™

D-rats and the left are already doing or have done everything they accuse Donald Trump of doing.


Ladies and gentleman, we are in the presence of greatness. Bravo!


Nicely done.


You really need to cut back on the soy products, Lars.

Perpetually whiney, wrong, annoying and unabashedly stupid… we all know you’ll be lurking and (inevitably) return. You can’t help it — as dishonest with yourself as to those around you.

Forest Bondurant

To add, Lars – you continually write things like “‘People warning the American people that Trump is openly advocating fascist ideology…”, except we all know the “people” you refer to in this context is the Democrat Party, leftist morons like yourself, and the MSM, who make those claims without a shred of evidence. Instead, you use snippets of comments and make them fit the latest narrative.

To date, you’ve failed to provide a single shred of proof to your claims, and resort to name calling whoever disagrees with you.

You wrote “…you all seem enamored with fascism. I have seen hundreds of openly fascist posts here.” Point to one you fraud. You can’t, because the facts in this and previous posts only affirm you are projecting the notions of fascism, which is something you love.


Oh yeah, here’s your proof. Clearly Trump is Hitler’s love child. This article a couple of weeks ago was in no way a means to inspire violence.

Forest Bondurant

Fucking sickening.


It used to be you had to be an internet troll to call somebody a Nazi. Now it just means you left-wing media.

Forest Bondurant

You also wrote “…they tried to warn you all that Trump is a fascist and a danger to our democratic institutions.”

Here you do it again, referring to “they” again. Frame it however you want and repeat it as many times you want doesn’t make it true. Goebbels would be proud of you.

Facts are considered “hate speech” according to you. Anyone who disagrees with you is labeled, and you do it with a broad brush. You’re an Antifa sympathizer and Marxist.

Go away once and for all.


By the way I was mistaken earlier. Some people of the media DID CALL FOR TRUMP’S ASSASSINATION. So my mistake, you’re still wrong as always.



Dear Lars,

EAFBOD. Pretty please. With sugar on top.


Wait….what? Youre back?


Trump appeared to be shaking his fist defiantly as they shoved him into the Chevy Suburban.


Damn right.
comment image


Show me your war face!


Private joker. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Army-Air Force Guy







A real “it takes more than that to kill a bull moose!” moment for President Trump:


Let’s say it Trumpman style.


Bumper stickers and t-shirts. Piss off the left.


Sign me up. It will go well with my “Deplorable” t-shirt.

Amateur Historian

And that right there is iconic…


Yes it is. The liberal News networks are going with something else.



CNN used a leas obvious different picture.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC
AW1 Rod

A potential Pulitzer Prize photo, here.

Amateur Historian

Concur! Though given who is in the photo, doubt they’ll award it.


Yep. 🙂

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

Let’s all give a well-deserved raise of the glass to the Secret Service agents dutifully placing their own bodies between their principle and any threats.

As well as a moment of silence for the innocents lost/harmed in this incident.


And send the tab to their superiors who didn’t seem to recognize that high terrain 150 yds. from the target should be under observation, if not occupation. Hell, even I could make that shot from that distance.


My department worked with the Secret Service when Gerry Ford returned to town, when heads of state attended the opening of his museum, and when Reagan and Bush I and II visited town. We were always tasked with occupying the taller buildings overlooking wherever they went out.
How whoever was in charge of this fuster-cluck failed to put officers on rooftops where the shooter was is beyond me.

A Proud Infidel®™

Some DEI hire, maybe?



“Reports indicate that this is the person who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump. Butler Police have identified Mark Violets as the shooter. Violets may be affiliated with Antifa.”



If only commissary had been there to tend to his wounds, He would have survived.


Pity, that.

RGR 4-78

Surely you jest, there is no way an anti-fascist would act like a fascist.


Maybe he was an anti-anti-fascist?


An anti-fascist fascist? I need a scorecard, I can’t keep up.


And don’t forget premature anti-fascist.


This is interesting which we believe is real.



Supposedly this happened as well…

“Prior to the shooting Mark Violets uploaded a video on YouTube claiming “justice is coming”.


He should have read James 4:11-12 before he did all that.


He is now well acquainted with theological consequences. Probably regrets not splurging on the asbestos underoos.


Note: the actual shooter needs the asbestos underoos. Apparently some common internet shitgibbons (Hat tip to Larry Correia) were flinging poo using a rando as a crunchy center.

AW1Ed: I recommend edits to remove the uninvolved name.


The Left’s operatives in the media are trying to flood X with its a BB gun, hashtag falseflag, and other nonsense.


BB gun? Tough shit. Darwin smiles.


As of 8pm CDT they sre trumpeting AR. Any money on a call to ban them in Trump’s name?



Supposed eye witness saw the shooter, pointed him out to the police

A Proud Infidel®™

Looks like he NEVER met an all-you-can-eat buffet he didn’t like.


He actually looks like an officer I once served with – guy would never shut up about how he used to be an E-5. Worst mustang I’ve ever seen.

A Proud Infidel®™

I once was cursed with working with a Mustang who BRAGGED ABOUT how he was at the bottom of his class, he got booted as a 1LT.


This one transferred to Civil Affairs and made it to Major – not joking in the least.

He claimed that he was taught to brief with his hand in his pocket to signal that he had more authority than enlisted briefers.

Last edited 2 months ago by Hate_me

I had an AIT instructor tell me that instructors are allowed to have one hand in their pocket to prevent fidgeting.


I may have been told the same thing, but that was decades of whisky ago and countless fifths of Military Select.


George A Custer was also the bottom of his class. Though he’s really the Zap Brannigan of 19th Century American military history.


Maybe Lars’s balls got stimulated on his goatee, or he used one of Lars’s illegal guns located outside of Kalifornia to shoot Trump. Secret Service are you listening we have a crazy Trump hater on our site that supports antifa and Trumps demise. He supports antifa and is a “medic” at there city take overs. His full name is on this site. Look him up.


Let’s not forget, that Trump tried to label Antifa A terrorist organization when he was president and the FBI told him they couldn’t.


We agree, 😀


I imagine we agree on More than we disagree on.


Probably do. My wife is retired law enforcement and we could have some good convo over beers.


Because they’re “just an idea, not an organized group”. Yeahhhhh right.


comment image

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if antifa wasn’t organized by some Deep State minion?


Can they do so now?


1 hour and 10 minutes after your comment identifying Violets,
there is NO confirmation in the news.
Only some confirmation that right wing sources are spreading the name.

We’ll know by morning.



And… When someone says “according to reports by OAN”,
well, there you go.
A known questionable source, that I’ve called out previously,
right here at VG, with past false claims and fake news.
Which of course, didn’t go over well with some here.

So, again… We’ll know by morning.


Last edited 2 months ago by MarineDad61

Had somebody shot at Biden, we would have the full run down by now, with media interviewing neighbors and friends, camped out at his house and place of employment.


I’m not so sure about that. If Biden were to suddenly be “assassinated” Democrats might suddenly have a deplorable lack of curiosity about any of the circumstances surrounding it.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

In that event I expect the Department of Homeland Security (that name gives me the creeps) would clamp down on the media to prevent dangerous mis/mal/dis information from spreading and destroying our Democracy. For our own good.


Have no fear. Track F of the Convergence Accelerator Program is hard at work. If you think I just made that up, you should Google it.


“We’ll know by morning.”

Or not. The internet and the “mainstream media” excel at spreading rumors, gossip, and speculation at the speed of light. Facts, not so much. I usually give it a week or so before I believe anything.

Amateur Historian

Some people on X are saying this guy who is pictured is just some Italian Youtuber out of Rome who does sports for his content.


A figure skater?

Amateur Historian


Last edited 2 months ago by Amateur Historian

We’ll know by morning – PART 3
Fact Check: Butler Police Did NOT Confirm Arrest Or Identity Of Gunman In Trump Shooting As ‘Mark Violets’ In Pennsylvania


Thank You, MarineDad61 and Amatuer Historian for the feedback (Not Sarc). 👍👌

This is real. Footage of the dead shooter:



comment image

Amateur Historian

Lol fucking awesome!




Sent you an email not sure if you’re receiving again. Copied your last traffic. You have been sorely missed. gabn/gabaf/rtr/hbtd Hit me up (((OVER)))


No comm yet on our side yet…

Sent you an test email…


In the meantime:




Nope, nyet, nada, nix, nein, uhuh. Get yoreself a laptop and fire Cox.




They didn’t miss his shooter

Hack Stone

So, is it going to be a closed casket funeral?


Maybe they just dump the body in a ditch in Kensington? That way if any of the victim’s family want to piss on it they may.


Mop n bucket



Hack Stone

Is the suspected shooter spongeworthy? If he wasn’t, he sure is now.


POP! Goes the weasel.

Forest Bondurant



Not anymore…


Yes, this video is real.
“Jakey” naming a name in his X twit was not wise.


That’s “unavailable” now, ninja.

Hack Stone

Confirmed that the shooter was Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 year old from Bethel Park, PA.


Sounds like his parents get to convert the basement from living quarters to something more basementy.

Bet they’re wondering what to do with all the uneaten hot pockets.

Hack Stone

And the Community County of Allegheny County now has an open slot in their Ethnic & Diversity Studies class next semester.


Of course, now we know this here hombre is the wrong dude.


Looks like someone said that the shooter was from antifaqueers, the bunboi equivalent of the Brownie dropouts.
I like what Buddy Brown said, “libturds can’t shoot for shit”…
From antifaqueers, here’s my shocked face…

A Proud Infidel®™

Look at it this way, DJT’s poll numbers JUMPED after that whorehouse kangaroo court in NYC delivered the “Guilty” verdict they were paid to, just think about how this is going to backfire on the D-rats and the left!


Like how Charlotte Corday’s assassination of Jean-Paul Marat ironically handed victory to the Jacobins… except the good guys are coming out ahead this time.


If the reports are true about the shooter being Antifa — you should SEE my shocked face.

Thoughts and prayers for the victim in the crowd.


This shocked face?


Trump just won the election.


He still has to live that long.


Yes, to you and to AW1Ed.


Overhead at Hillary’s house, “Whaddya mean, he missed?”

A Proud Infidel®™

More like “OH SHIT, what do you mean HE MISSED?!” from that acidic, venomous monster.


Technically he did not miss. Trump was indeed shot in a part of the head.


Biden doesn’t.

Pretty sure Dr. Jill has been enacting “Weekend at Brandon’s” for at least three years, now.


At this point, rational discourse has ended. Folks have made up their mind and will vote accordingly. They are just waiting fir the clock to wind down to “go vote”.

I doubt 1/10th of a percent change their vote over this. Some may stop dissembling and declare, but it’s where they were on the 11th.


“Here’s footage the moment sniper shot the shooter at Trump Rally.”



I would really like to know what they were looking at that moment.


We are not going to post this picture or the caption associated with this post on TAH..

You Be The Judge if this is fake or real…


Amateur Historian

Yeah, I don’t know. But the passage of time will fix that.

tom reynolds

I don’t know but the FBI/CIA are very good at deleting the social media of their shooters. Probably a little coaching going on.


FBI says they now know who he is, but they aren’t saying, just in case he had a Co-conspirator.


The latest name being floated in the misinformation bingo in relation to that picture is Dominic Vaccarro IV. Why did they have to make him the 4th? I mean the third would have been just as good and maybe more believable.


He seems to be bleeding around the ear area. Too soon?


Alvin Bragg has released a statement saying that he will opening an investigation into the role of Donald Trump in the subject’s murder. He expects an indictment to follow soon.


Not much of an exaggeration, from what I have already seen. At the very least it seems Trump has “created an atmosphere of fear and hate” which causes sensitive and innocent youngsters to unexpectedly do mostly peaceful activities.

Hack Stone

Commissar is currently on his way to Pennsylvania in order to administer First Aid to Thomas Matthew Crooks. Fortunately, for the time being, his condition is labeled as stable.


Correction (wrong tense); “He seems to have bled….”

tom reynolds

I’m betting the shooter is well known to our FBI/CIA. Probably on their payroll. Maybe another gender confused shooter they’ve been talking to on social media for a while. Prayers for President Trump and his family


ATF. As long as there are no stairs, dogs, or windows, they only almost get it done.


Don’t worry the CIA will have an airtight social media profile up by midnight.


They prolly gave him some of those “nudges” they so cleverly administer. They certainly made sure he won’t be answering any questions.

Hack Stone

So, you’re saying that Thomas Matthew Crooks was Oswalded?


Naw, but they could have just shot the gun out of his hand, like Roy Rodgers did so many times on TV. Anyway…many Progs believe that is feasible.


They should’ve just fired off a couple blasts from a double barrel shotgun. Joe says that’s all you need.


After seeing that fist pump and his “FIGHT!”, this seems apropos…


Trump is from Queens, let’s step it up.


Prior Service (Ret)

Exhibit #978 in the trend that “Dems perpetrate 97% of political violence and only acknowledge the other 3% happened.”

BlueCord Dad

When these people show you who they are, believe them….


^ They shall be forever known as The 713ers

tom reynolds

That’s some worthless piles of shit right there


Steve Scalise has questions for them.


Oh look, all panties, no balls. I bet they all have security details even if paid for out of their own (tax payer funded) pockets.

tom reynolds

Did hiLIARy call the suicide hotline and put an order in again. Sorry,they locked me out of Twitter and I have nowhere to get rid of my snark… God bless President Trump

AT1 ret


Amateur Historian







CBS has some very good footage of the counter sniper team taking a bead on the would be assassin. While this is occurring Trump is just chatting away to the crowd. As soon as Trump gets shot, they shoot the assassin. It’s a good video, if they post it online I recommend everybody watch it. The camera angle is near perfect.

But I have questions. For example if they knew there was a man with a rifle over there why didn’t they put Trump on the ground?


Here you go, 5JC:

“Here’s footage the moment sniper shot the shooter at Trump Rally”



Good find.

So yes, why is that? Counter sniper was clearly drawing a bead on the sniper and eliminates him 1.5 seconds after he shoots Trump.

But nobody alerts the protection team prior to the shooting? That seems very odd to me based upon what I know about stuff like that.


The alerting WAS going on,
as seen by the redhead guy,
who told his story to a BBC newsman.

He was OUTSIDE the venue, at a nearby party,
got close to the perimeter to hear (not see) Trump,
saw the guy with a rifle going up on a roof,
and started waving and alerting about this.

It took precious minutes to get full attention on what turned out to be a shooter on a roof.


If it’s the same interview I saw that guy was not security. It would take a little bit more than his say-so for them to react quickly and seriously.

You have to understand that at every event like this they’re going to get a dozen people that are going to say things like that. Most will be simple errors of perception, a couple of them will be crazy people, maybe a bad actor, and then there’s that one guy who was right.

Counter sniper guys are good though. Secret service are going to be among the best. They would know if they saw a guy with a rifle on a roof.


This is the BBC with the redhead party witness.
Now on DrudgeReport.
22½ million views.


Last edited 2 months ago by MarineDad61
RGR 4-78

I found the rally site on google earth, measured the distance of the shitbags shot, it was approximately 176.30 yards.

How the fuck was he able to get on the roof with a rifle that close to the event?


It looks like The building was located on a farm next door. They likely would have checked the building before the event, but I doubt they would have stationed somebody in the building to keep anybody from coming in after they checked it. The reality is you only have but so many security people.


All right any Security types in the thread:
How does the shooter dressed in fatigues with a rifle get on a roof top this close to the POTUS? Is this negligence? Seems like it to me, but I’m know SME in this arena.

Shooter blue to Trump white dot/red. Detail Snipers at black X took hit out after wards. Thoughts? I know its early and detals can be sketchy…


The secret service screwed up here
Big Time


Here is another map

RGR 4-78

Approximately 176.30 yards.


The shooter had to crawl across that white roof in the open. One has to wonder why there wasn’t a helo up over this site or someone over watching that roof. I cannot fathom this is how SS secures a president or former one.


I did notice the water tower that has a good view of the entire factory rooftop right in front of it. At the very least, putting a spotter up there would have been a good idea.

Scalise has said he is going to do a thorough investigation. I’m looking forward to seeing that more than I am the FBI investigation AAR. The Justice Department has been completely compromised since Obama when Eric Holder began to weaponize it against political adversaries. Everything they have done since then is suspect. We jumped the shamelessly debasing themselves to the Democratic party leadership shark years ago.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

The more video I watch
I’m shocked the secret service screwed up big time


Ditto, the incompetent bitch who is its director should be fired. She recently said DEI is her top priority, so she has been busy recruiting lesbians as SS agents


Normally while protecting a high value subject
Your agents should be at least the same height
Instead I’m seeing a shit show

Forest Bondurant



I wonder how long Kimberley Cheatle will remain in office? Since there is never any accountability for anything in the Biden Administration I am pretty sure she is pulling for four more years.

Hack Stone

Will the Secret Service prioritize the hiring of albino Eskimo midgets like the FAA?


The DEI runs strong there

Major Tuddy

Am I the only one getting ‘grassy knoll in Dallas circa November 1963’ vibes here?

The math ain’t matching. I’m not one given to conspiracy theories, but I have questions. It’s entirely possible that an investigation will clear it all up and make it make sense.


I’m in the questions stage. You can explain away a lot of things, but if you’re looking for a guy with a rifle on a roof, that seems to be an obvious deadly threat. And it wasn’t like they didn’t see him, because as soon as he started shooting they shot him. If they had shot him before he started shooting that would have been a lot better. But even if they didn’t feel compelled to do that, they should have at least taken extra measures to protect the target.


Damn! You again! I was just about to suggest that an aerial observer would have been quite useful in this situation. I don’t expect the locals to have helicopters on call, but I am pretty sure the state & federal folks have one or two available.


Drones are plentiful and cheap. I’m sure the SS has them available.


Supposed post mortem pic of shooter in this post, frizzy beard possible man bun,https://blazingcatfur.ca/2024/07/13/shots-fired-at-trump-rally/


This one works

Amateur Historian

One of my favorite Youtubers just released a video on this. Here:

Amateur Historian

Really YouTube? An age restriction?


Worked for me just now.


Honestly will trust NYP over 95% of the news sources out there. They make a really great effort to be correct.


A photo of the shooter


What a down vote

Hack Stone

We need Donald Trump as President like I need a hole in my head.

Thomas Matthew Crooks
July 13, 2024




Welcome to the “sick puppy” club.


K9 training day.

“Now make him play dead.”


I’m gonna print it and frame it.
Gloss or matte?


And another one


Can’t tell these days if those guys are law enforcement or military.




This one is before he was shot
From a drone????
Still trying to understand background on this one


Thats a Demolition Ranch T-shirt. can’t wait for his response.


It’s definitely that


This is X community notes:
Readers added context they thought people might want to know – The first photo is Twitter user @jewgazing who tweeted a photo of himself pretending to look like the shooter as a joke: x.com/jewgazing/stat…


Damn they all look alike in that part of PA.


This is definitely Crooks it’s not someone else
It’s been verified by NYPost NYT and wall street journal

Amateur Historian

Here’s another one:


Good find. Have never heard of this guy, but well worth the time to listen to.

Major Tuddy

Remember when Reagan was shot? Turned out to be some mental case who wanted to impress Jodie Foster.

How do we know that this isn’t something similar? The only way that we will know is to let the investigation happen, then come to conclusions.

Hack Stone

Maybe this shooter was trying to impress Rachel Maddow. After all, she is a handsome woman. 🥴

Major Tuddy

My money’s on Ocrazio-Cortez, the bartender-turned-Congresscritter.


Not enough beers in the world.

Major Tuddy

Two forties of Steel Reserve, and you’ll want to fuck Joe Biden – in the most literal sense of the term.


Don’t be silly, jumping to conclusions is an American pastime. It is a time honored tradition. 250 years later we still don’t know who shot first at Concord. If only there had been a smartphone around at the time.

We do know that the shooter was a registered Republican if that means anything.


“if that means anything.”

Oh, it will, it will.


Problem I have with that is the previous donation to the liberal Blue. So it very well could be that he joined the Republican Party just to help to get a shot at killing Trump.


Possibly. Also given historical tends in US assassins, probably missing several marbles from the bag.


And a donor to a proggie group.

And likely batshit crazy.


One more reason I advise everyone to make sure their troubled acquaintances get help.


Trump can now refer to this as his Van Gogh phase.

Too soon?


I bet he would laugh right along with you at the reference.


Does “the bigger the gage the smaller the wage” apply to this piercing?

Gah. Hope this isn’t the beginning of a Goth phase.

Black top hat with a white lace hat band “Make America Goth Again”

Gah! Nooooooo..


Big gage, small wage has been stolen.

Hack Stone

iOS good thing Donald Trump does not need to wear glasses.


If he walks on stage wearing a monocle, he will wreck the internet.


Commissary would have a literal stroke. He would then become even more of a drooling imbecile than he already is.

RGR 4-78

Well, you know that Mike Tyson wasn’t the shooter, too much of Trump’s ear is left.


“Biden’s dentures slipped…”


The only thing missing from crap tossed Trumps way is the kitchen sink.



This photo is from the NYT
Look at the area circled
they are saying it look like a bullet possibly

Forest Bondurant

I’m no forensic scientist, but that trail could be blood vapors after grazing the ear.


My first thought was it it might be part of his earpiece that came flying out. The close-up pictures show that his earpiece was partially destroyed. I don’t think that’s blood because blood tends to move in a spray pattern after it hits a body. This is because blood is completely incompressible.

It could be that or disturbed alr or it could be a complete fake. If it’s a fake it’s a pretty good one. The problem is it looks like it was before he was hit, so it may be an entirely different bullet, If that is what it is.

Should note that the sources is not the New York Times. They acquired the image and did some analysis on it. They can’t say for sure whether it’s real or not.

The latest left-wing accusation is that Trump was never hit by a bullet but instead by shards of a teleprompter that was destroyed. The problem with that is that video shows the teleprompters intact after the attack. I’ll have to ask commissary, it must be hard to sit in your mom’s basement all day thinking up bullshit.


The streak in that pic of Trump is a subsequent shot. The bullet that hit is ear passed through his right ear, tracking parallel to right side of his head. That story is just to minimize what happened to Trump. The only thing missing from the CNN headline is “someone did something to Trump.”


That started 10 seconds after.

“There was a popping noise and Trump fell down.”


At least two rounds that close, eh? He obviously neglected to zero his rifle properly.

I would say we now have a Presidential candidate who has earned some PTSD.


Wind drift, especially if gusty.

Poor trigger press.

Use of a -way- too tight sling on a too-thin pencil barrel.

“Buck fever”

Video suggests Trump moved his head just before impact. Which would have been right about as the shooter was squeezing the trigger. After that, Trump was moving quite a bit and a headshot was unlikely.

That bullseye target isn’t at all like reality. Lol.

Trump didn’t react like “supersonic crack near head”. Most folks flinch from that loud a noise. Nor did I hear the typical “CRACKthump” of a supersonic rifle shot on the videos. Did the shooter use .300 Whisper or a subsonic .22LR? 9mm maybe? No way normal .223, or any normal rifle round dropped subsonic at 175m.


That line looks perfectly horizontal. That suggests “artifact” or “edit”. But that might also just be the cropping and my phone.


I thought the same thing but it’s a slight downward arc. So it would fit especially if the guy was 150 yards away.

Hack Stone

Well, it didn’t take long. Hack’s “tolerant Liberal” friends on Facebook are now saying that Donald Trump staged this assassination attempt to boost his support. Why would he need to do that when the heavyweight Democrat donors are fleeing from Joe Biden?


One of my semi-retarded friends repeated the same idiotic statement in a text to me.

Hack Stone

Yes, because when political pundits are universally calling for your victory, you are leading in every major poll, and the hardcore supporters of you are opponent are as loyal as Phil Monkress to his employees who defend his lies, you have to do something to get your numbers up.


Our just moved from Colorado lib neighbor had her true colors come out last night. A few of us met up for some beers and first thing out of her mouth was “since Trump has immunity it means Biden has immunity from saying Trump is in the cross hairs” I shut her down about what the immunity ruling was really about, and that no one is immune from assassination plots. She left post haste, my wife deleted all her contact info and the offer to help with her horses and mule are heretofore null and void.


I did have one tell me that he thought it was the plot to Valkyrie. I asked him who is playing Tom Cruise and never got an answer.


It’s quite obvious. Trump seems like exactly the kind of guy that would trust a 20-year-old nobody from nowhere to shoot him in the ear instead of the head from 150 yards away. It isn’t as though he is winning every single battleground and ahead by 80 electoral votes in the college. It’s not like dozens of people in Democratic leadership are calling for Joe Biden to quit the race. He was just trying to create some safety space there

Forest Bondurant

Yeah, and other people sacrificed themselves for a staged event.

These people don’t think, all because of feelings.

And one particular moron referred to people here as an “echo chamber”.

Far from it. TAH strikes me as a place where reasonable people share opinions.

The rest of the world sometimes seems like an echo chamber.

BlueCord Dad

The last word…
