Many Democrats not reassured by Joe Biden’s interview

| July 6, 2024

Joe Biden participated in an interview with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos. This interview was intended to help Joe Biden present a different image from the one he presented during the debate. Result? There are Democrat politicians in Washington DC who still believe that Joe Biden should step aside. However, they want that decision to remain mainly with Biden.

From Axios:

Driving the news: In the 22-minute interview, Biden insisted he has the stamina to take on Trump and refused to take a cognitive test.

  • The president rejected polls indicating he’s trailing his Republican rival and minimized the extent to which his Democratic allies have pressured him to withdraw from the race.
  • And Biden made clear he’s not dropping out: “If the Lord Almighty came down and said ‘Joe, get out of the race,’ I’d get out of the race. The Lord Almighty’s not coming down.”

What we’re hearing: “No one’s mind has been changed,” a House Democrat said, adding that a growing number of lawmakers agree “it’s time” for Biden to step aside and are “hoping to give him space to do this on his own.”

  • Another House Democrat said their colleagues feel Biden’s interview was “not impressive” and that “he’s toast” in November.
  • Said a third: “The interview hardly inspires confidence. It changes nothing.”
  • A fourth House Democrat said they were “shocked” by Biden’s “refusal to recognize reality” in terms of polling and his “failure to make an argument about why he wants a second term.”

The other side: The Biden campaign painted the interview as energetic and eloquent, arguing the president laid out a clear case for a second term.

  • They also pointed to statements of support and approval from lawmakers like Sens. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.), and Reps. Haley Stevens (D-Mich.) and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas).
  • More broadly, Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) criticized colleagues who have pressed Biden to drop out as “undermining this incredible actual leader who has delivered real results for our country.”

Additional Reading:

Solender, A. (2024, July 6). “He’s toast”: Biden’s ABC interview flops with Hill Democrats. Axios. Link.


Category: 2024 Election, Joe BIden

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It’s gonna be interesting to see how this shakes out. I’ve never see anything like it in American politics before.


Just wait! I have a feeling that you ain’t seen shit yet!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Some are speculating that they will swap Biden out with Gavin Newsom as the nominee at the last minute, some speculate Das Hildebeast.


You can bet she’s ready:
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I bet Hillary’s cunt smells like freedom.


Freedom cigars?

Last edited 2 months ago by MarineDad61

Holy smoke.. you could spend a fortune looking for your next favorite cigar.


Not my favorite,
but these are out there.
$15 + s/h.




Um,,,,, GD! Brother!!!! That’s a LOT much!!!


Okay. Here is how it goes down.
The setting: Creepy Joe teeters towards the next debate if it even happens. The Dem leadership with their eyes & ears glued to polling results. The down ticket Dems have quite a bit of pull because they’re afraid people won’t vote AT ALL which hurts them.
The Action: If Chicago is a conflagration we think it will be, the DNC Top Brass will “pull the plug” figuratively and maybe literally. He has health a condition or worse and they install Camal-toe with some plea about a vote for her is vote for Old Joe.
The Fallout: The new ticket is Harris/Newsome. If they “win”, she will be the next stooge that Barry controls while Newscum readies for 2028.
Conclusion: DO NOT think this election is over. It should be, but the Dems will pull out all the stops. Nobody hates personal freedoms more than a Democratic politician.

A Proud Infidel®™

The D-rats are everything they claim DJT to be, thus their perpetual projection.


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When did democracy become we will pick for you.


Lenin– his definition of “democratic” they use (like North Korea).

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

If every Democrat doesn’t stand up and scream “they” are picking, not “the people”, and their selected candidate wins, that will be the end of the American Experiment.


After the 1972 election when the Democrats invented “super delegates” to make sure the people didn’t nominate the wrong candidate again.


Shitcongo is going to be the shit show to end all shit shows. If I don’t see tranny’s in clown suits welding flaming chain saw going at Hamas members wearing black shemaghs and setting off SVest I won’t consider the shark jumped.


Remember the “super delegates” the Democrats invented after their 1972 debacle? This may be their moment.


Even Ray Charles can see that the emperor is nekkid. Almost too late to replace this (s)elected POS on the ballot. Dominion will make sure The Bad Orange Man loses, again. The sniffy is propped up long enough to make the swearing in ceremony, then Kackles is installed as MuhDamn (R)president. SoreUs’s installs Big Mike as the VP, allowing oblowme to have a 4th and 5th term thru Kackles, then a 6th and 7th term thru Big Mike. By then the FUSA will be toast.

Only thing I want to read about these despostic enemies of our Republic is their obits.



I don’t want to, but have to agree because I have NO argument against it!

Army-Air Force Guy

Biden did say that they have “The best voter fraud organization in American history.” I believe it.


the Lords not coming down because Pedojoe does not believe in the Lord. The souls of all those dead babies will bar him from Heaven.

A Proud Infidel®™

Never interrupt your enemies while they’re cutting their own throats. Popcorn, anyone? Nachos?


Yes please!! 😆

They already sold their souls! No one DC is concerned with
The afterlife as long as the WIN in this one!

I do mean NO ONE! R or D!!!!

During the Trump admin the Rs faught as hard as the Ds against him. Now the Ds have control and the Rs sit back waiting for their table scraps!

The whole GD thing is disgusting!


Nachos. And beer. Gotta have beer.

A Proud Infidel®™

AS WELL AS Whiskey, Rum and Tequila!


Don’t forget the seegars…I gots a connection for those. Tampa’s finest.


That last paragraph — “your legacy is set…”

Dude — he’s been an utter failure as president and a disgrace to any political office he has ever held since 1972. What fucking legacy are these clowns talking about? Owe him a debt of gratitude — FOR WHAT?! Destroying the country? Setting the stage for a decade or more of bullshit and uphill hiking to undo the damage he and his party have done?

Legacy my ass… can’t wait for the guy to drop dead and rot in hell.


I’ll just leave this right here…

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Biden: Only the Lord can take me out of the race.

God: Well if you insist.


There is always a second opinion.

A Proud Infidel®™

Clintonicide happens.




All it takes is a syringe with the right compound in liquid form. Succinylcholine, anyone?


Even an injected air bubble would do the trick

Army-Air Force Guy

Don’t cross her or you’ll kill yourself!!


Not even sure God will take him out.

Hack Stone

Highlight of last night’s interview:

Hack Stone

And the hits just keep coming.


So sorry MSM.

Biden OVERWHELMINGLY won the democrat presidential primary.

Not even 6 months ago.

The VOTERS have spoken.

Democracy bro.

A Proud Infidel®™

True, but since when has anything mattered to the D-rats, including the United States Constitution?


FJB in the “bronze toner” is pure comedy.


I think they have a taxidermist already lined up, and they’re going to stuff him when he passes on. The puppet masters no longer care if you see his strings, or what’s speaking through his mouth.


Tried to edit this to erase it, but I guess it timed out. It’s too mean.


No it ain’t. It’s exactly correct.


Very likely. They don’t care what we voters think, at Dominion and at the drop boxes.


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Army-Air Force Guy

With apologies to the late, great Joe Diffe: “Prop me up/ Inside the White House /When I die.”


Worked for Lenin.


Why would they be reassured. The interview was likely edited to delete anything that looked damaging. Moreover, the handlers had over a week to prepare him for it, including his bronzer makeup. Anyone here think his staff wasn’t given the questions in advance, and Brandon didn’t rehearse his answers. For all we know, there was a big screen TV behind Snuffalupagus during the taping giving Brandon text. You can’t convince me there weren’t multiple conditions for the White House granting the interview.


Snuffalupgus, nor his staff will admit it. But others are. Note, not that Biden was given the questions but the interviewers were-


The interview must have gone badly. Gov Wretched Whitler hasn’t had a press event to say that Joe was wonderful, better than Reagan, FDR and JFK combined.


Saturday evening, Gov Whitler denied telling anyone that PedoJoe couldn’t win Michigan. Of course she did that in a statement, so no one could question her about it.
I wonder what the state dems super secret polling is telling her.

Hack Stone

51 Intelligence Officials signed a letter stating that Joe Biden debated with honor and distinction. No joke.