Holiday Open Thread

| November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving, dinner, and everything else. If you want to improve the taste of leftovers, spray water on them before microwaving. I asked AI image generator to create an image of a Thanksgiving dinner. The image generator did not disappoint.

Category: Open thread

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Let me be the FIRST to rejoice in the FIRSTNESS of The Thanksgiving HOT FIRST! May His Blessing be upon all of us as we stuff ourselves with the bounty of our Labors.

The Luck of my Irish Ancestors were upon the Bunny of The Guns as he took a break from the preparations of the Feast, just to check the TAH Headlines and, WHOMP!, There it was, an orphan HOT looking for someone to lay claim to being FIRST!

Speaking of preparations…Prepare

Milo Mindbender

Not first, but properly caffeinated, is there a door prize for the second place contestants?


Yeah, it’s in the ladies room…

Green Thumb

Always a tough distinction at All-Points Logistics.


Along with applications to… outta Hong Kong:
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Last edited 10 months ago by Anonymous
Hack Stone

Consolation prize is a year worth of outdated Red Hat Software.

Green Thumb

Ain’t like the 2nd rate warrant bought through All-Points Logistics covers it anyway.

Commissioner Wretched

Happy Thanksgiving, King, and rule well from the Turkey Throne!


Happy Thanksgiving to all here assembled. Enjoy the day, enjoy the food, enjoy the time spent with friends and family.


Hack Stone

Hack Stone continued his annual Thanksgiving Eve tradition of viewing Season 4 Episode 11 of The Bob Newhart How, Over The River And Through The Woods, followed by a screening of Planes Trains & Automobiles.

Unfortunately, Hollywood has run out of ideas a long long time ago, so they want to do a remake of PT&A starring Will Smith and Kevin Hart. Hack Stone is more than confident that this version will be just as successful as the female version of Ghostbusters. The characters will be tweaked just a little bit, with this version having the character Neil Page as the Director of Media Relations and the Del Griffin character is the Vice President of a proud but humble woman owned business that sells outdated software to the Federal Government. Looking forward to the scene where the 1989’s vintage Jaguar spontaneously bursts into flames.


Hey groggy, good morning and fuck you and thank you to all you Weedles of the Dicks.
I am thankful for all of you, ice holes, and bastages.
Don’t forget to tell your local surveillance agent, Fred or Steve happy Thanksgiving as well. They’ve worked very hard this year watching over us. 😳🤔😜


Happy thanksgiving you all
saw this kitty the other day with two juveniles in tow
I wonder what they are having for thanksgiving dinner


I sent her a few over the years
My favorite was a mountain lion jumping from a ponderosa


Wish I could find the pics I had of a mountain lion walking the border fence. Looked like he was gonna eat us, truck and all.


I remember this when we lived in Tucson years ago
didn’t that critter land on one of the one of the vehicles causing some serious damage
or am I thinking of something else


Or… lost cat, had several cans of tuna and a bath, seems friendly, etc.:
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Last edited 10 months ago by Anonymous

Proves that the ad for “hot cougars in your area “ is a real thing!


A blessed & peaceful Thanksgiving to all of you TAHellions.

May God’s peace and comfort fill your hearts and lives.


Never forget.


Oh, the humanity!


With God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.


1st try at the AI Image Generator… for “Stolen Valor”.
The bottom ribbons look like restaurant awards,
a collective Meal Team Six.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving.


AI… which can be a tool for “ick”:
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I think they ignored the petition, I think I saw one guy with a beard and breasts, or a gal with a beard.

jeff LPH 3 63-66


jeff LPH 3 63-66

Forgot to mention that I was in the Great Lakes Boot Camp Barracks on Friday November 22, 1963 when the message came over the loud speaker that Pres. Kennedy was shot. So instead of classes, we had the day off for Rope Yarn Sunday.. Yesterday was 60 years ago that it happened. Forgot all about it until WFTL 850AM radio mentioned it.


Don’t remember any of it. I was just a wee lad of 364 days.


I remember all TV stations showing something I wasn’t interested in. I was 3, and my mom was bawling her eyes out.


I was a high school student in a mechanical drafting class when they announced it over the school PA system.


I was a HS junior in mechanical drawing class.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

In NYC high schools, we called it mechanical drawing 1 & 2. The students taking the courses sat on the left or right of the teachers desk because the teacher used to spray out saliva when he talked.


Happy Birthday.


Many thanks!


I was in the 6th grade and portable TV sets were a new thing. We had one in the classroom and saw the day unfolding. Hard to imagine why but I was a Goldwater fan in those days and I liked Ike, too. My teacher that year was a Republican and was probably my favorite teacher of all.

Never did trust Nixon but knew that LBJ was a jackass from the first time I heard him speak.


I was in 5th grade – I remember the sense of grief, loss, and uncertainty.

Eric (The former OC Tanker)

Just a bit curious, did anyone else run the Nvidia driver update to version 581.17 dated 11/14/23 and then have the computer start acting weird? Or is it just me.

A Proud Infidel®™

What fuXX things up as good as Software Updates do? Might as well buy outdated Red Hat Software from the trunk of a junked-out Jaguar.

Eric (The former OC Tanker)

I have to believe that Nvidia is using ex-microsoft coders. The software is of the approximant utility. Makes the little guy who lives inside the box to decide to run the buss into the ditch.

A Proud Infidel®™

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


How do you access AI image generator? Is there a website, an app, or what?

That’s a creative image!


In liberal America, AI generator access you.


Great. The three motherfuckers I’d like to see tap-dancing on the end of a rope. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?


The rope could break.


Listen Junior, it would be ME sourcing the rope, supervising the construction of the gallows, testing the trap, and taking every bit of slack out of that first-grade hemp rope. Ain’t a got-damn thing gonna go wrong with THAT rope party!

Oh wait, did I forget to tie their legs together when they were on the gallows? Ahhhh fuck. 🤣

Green Thumb

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hack Stone

Happy Black Friday to all of the Adorable Deplorables, and condolences to those few Washington Commanders (Deadskins) fans who lost their Christmas money betting on them yesterday. Going forward, this game will be remembered as the Thanksgiving Day Massacre.

On the bright side, if you still have a few dollars left and are looking for that perfect gift for your loved ones, nothing says Merry Christmas better than some Red Hat and Y2K software. Imagine the looks on your children’s faces when they open the wrapping paper and discover a 1994 CD of Linux software. What’s old is new, and they will remember this Christmas for years to come.

So swing on by our mobile kiosk near the River Road exit of I-495 and complete your holiday shopping. Mention Promotion Code Spandex for a 13% discount.