Gordon Duff defines “military service” for us

| September 15, 2009


I’ve run into Gordon Duff’s writings occasionally on the internet. He’s about as prolific as that Jim Staro guy that TSO likes so much, and Duff is about as literate as Staro. He’s the “senior editor” of a website misnamed “Veterans Today” – it’s been my experience that Veterans Today is just another propaganda mouthpiece for the Democrat Party.

I always chalked Duff up under the “harmless crank” column and went looking for better targets. The other day, 1stCavRVN11B sent me a link to one of his columns published in a local newspaper disparaging the service of Congressman Joe Wilson thusly;


Let’s look at some of this;

Born in 1947, Wilson was prime material for the Vietnam War. After taking deferment after deferment for college and law school, in 1972, Wilson was glided into a coveted Army Reserve billet, protecting him from service in Vietnam. He quit in 1975 with the fall of Saigon and transferred to the National Guard where he was a Judge Advocate, a “lawyer.”

“Deferment after deferment” was common – every year college students had to apply for deferments from the draft. So pretty much the thousands of male college students during the Vietnam era got “deferment after deferment”. When the draft ended in 1972, “Army Reserve billets” weren’t quite so “coveted” anymore. I don’t know what Duff is trying to say mentioning the “fall of Saigon” – I guess he wants to make it seem like Wilson was hiding from the National Guard in the Reserves.

But “draft dodger”? How is Wilson a draft dodger if he got deferments? I’ll bet Duff drinks wine with real draft dodgers all of the time, given his politics.

Duff yammers on about Wilson and Lindsey Graham “double-dipping” their two federal pensions (like thousands of us who retired from the military and went to federal jobs), and how Wilson belongs to “white supremacist organizations” without naming them. Here in DC, I’ve been told that the Heritage Foundation is a white supremacist organization, so who knows what Duff considers white supremacist.

Duff continues that Wilson voted against veterans 11 times in his career. We at TAH know that’s possible and it’s a frequent trick of VoteVets and IAVA to use that tactic.

Well, even after I read that article, I still ignored Duff as being a crank…until this morning when I saw this little parcel of crap sitting on his website;


Yep, all of you veterans who went to the rally on Saturday are “the new KKK” according to Gordon Duff.

It is just like it was during the 1920s. Ignorant “white folks” scared to death of “black folks” are out on a lynching party backed by corporate money.

Yeah, I’m waiting for my check.

Most of the people I met in DC were veterans, and apparently Duff is as willing to throw them under the bus with Joe Wilson, the supposed draft dodger.

More ignorance from mud-puddle-deep intellect that is Gordon Duff;

There is only one reason all those uneducated white people are out yelling and screaming, guns left in their luggage on busses paid for by taxpayer money sucked in by the biggest pack of corporate thieves that ever bribed a congressman.

Its all about the “N” word. We are having a convention of Americans in love with the “N” word, people who use it every day, folks afraid of black people they don’t know, people easy to scare.

We are also having a convention of “male enhancement” customers and people whose anti-psychotic drugs don’t seem to be working as intended.

Did you catch that? Because all of you veterans are worried about taxes, you’re racist, have penis issues and, oh, by the way, you’re nuts. Way to make a point, Gordo. Way to support your fellow veterans. I guess we’ll all just submit our DD214s to Duff so he can tell us which of us qualify to call ourselves veterans in public.

Category: Bloggers, General Whackos, Military issues

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What a buffoon…does HE have a DD214?


This moron must have grabbed the latest talking points from Soros and just cut and pasted them into this “article”.

What an idiot and POS. He can’t even figure out that there were many blacks in attendance, as well as other ethnicities. When I went to a taxpayer rally, several of the people standing beside me were people of color that are sick of the taxes they have to pay in order to fund all this bs. Were they “racist”?

Old Tanker

I guess I should have stayed in….I didn’t know we would get a “fat military retirement”


Eagerly awaiting Gordo’s article on the famous draft dodger, Joe Biden.

Remember when it was Cheney it was Horrible, now that spray on hair Joe is VP suddenly mentioning Hair club for Men Joe’s same 5 gets rebukes from the left.


I would like to see where he found Wilson claiming to be a “hard boiled combat veteran.”

AW1 Tim


All any leftist has to do is imagine that something MIGHT be true, and that is sufficient for them to accept it AS being true.

Idiots like Diff paint with a large brush because it’s the only tool they have. Facts are unimportant to them, as those same facts are often at odds with their storyline, and the meme is what matters to them.


Well, now I know where the expression “sitting on your Duff” originated. What an ass.

The Sniper

I didn’t know I was a crazy racist with erectile disfunction until I read Gordon Duff’s article. Thanks Gordon Duff! If anyone is an expert on identifying flaccid members, it’s you Gordon. Tell the wife I said “hi”… ;o).


When you get this guy’s DD214, you do plan on posting it here, right?


and what bad things has Natan Sharansky done to get on the Duff’s KKK list, for Christ’s sake??
You got to be on something really good to conjure up and write the crap like this…


I like how he says that Wilson was a JAG “lawyer” (scare quotes are his). I don’t like military lawyers much, but I wonder if this d-bag would call Joe Biden’s son a JAG “lawyer?” How about Vote Vets all star Patrick Murphy, who was just a JAG “lawyer” before going to congress?



I guess according to Duff, we all should also discount the service of JAG “lawyer” Michael Martinez.


Hmmm, guess this genius does not realize that the “fat” military retirement check does not kick in until age 60 for National Guard/Reserve troopers. So, Rep. Wilson only recently started receiving his duly earned retirement. Last I checked, you do not make Colonel in any branch in less than 20yrs of service.

And yes, Mr Duff, the NG is very political. Always has been, always will be. It is a state organization.


I won’t speak for any other Viet Nam Vet, just myself. I’ll admit that at the time I enjoyed 4 years of student deferrments, and did not really want to enlist; I did it only as a way of “avoiding the draft” Enlistment did that, every time it was tried. I cannot judge why anyone else tried to avoid or delay going. Some for animal cowardice, others for hedonistic joy of the “summer of love”, still othrs out of dedication to scholarly preparation and careerism. My own reluctance was more from the second and third reasons of the above. Retrospectively, being forced to go has turned out to be the finest thing that has happened to me – at least since discovery of puberty. Since then, I have a deep contempt for draft dodgers, deserters and wannabes. And I still enjoy shaming the VVAW and IVAW weenies. But I have NEVER resented those who managed to delay or avoid service within the rules of the system as it stood. A fate I am glad I was saved from, and I feel sorry for those who did not go, not anger or resentment. And that includes Rep. Joe Wilson. He is certainly proving now that he has a pair.

Frankly Opinionated

I wrote Veterans Today regarding this turd, and he himself replied, writing 8 or 10 notes, (quit counting after the first 4), all of them kool-ade stained, demonstrating that he has been afflicted with terminal, full-blown Bush Derangement Syndrome. Everyone’s wrong- he’s right sort of stuff.
Even said: “Lindsay Graham got his, (Joe Wilson) 06 slot from one of my friends. Graham is a total weenie and took the slot from a combat pilot named Steve Avery with an incredible record.”
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11?


They say the military is a microcosm of society (sort of). Guess it was the 28th of the month at MEPS when his useless ass showed up.

John D

Gordon Duff works for George Soros and supports Barack Obama. He isn’t taking his meds it appears!

Jeff Prager

Gordon Duff tells the truth, something none of you would know if it slapped you in the face.

I would imagine everyone here believes Muslims or Arabs are responsible for 9/11 and no one here has tied it to Israel.

Of course it’s common knowledge that Israel was behind 9/11 amongst the intelligence agencies of the globe. If you read Italian, German, Pakistani and Indian newspapers you’ll learn a lot more then you will reading US media. Gordon travels to these places with frequency and for that reason is better able to access the truth about the world we live in.


No no damn it, be accurate. 9/11 was conducted by grey haired Swedish grandmothers, financed by the CIA and only trained by Mosad.

Jeff Prager

How much actual research have you performed on 9/11? Let me guess, 100s of hours of Fox News!


Well, mr. Prager; how much do you know about anything? You challenge others, yet provide no knowledge of your own. Put up, or STFU.


Uh Oh, I thought you were being snarky but you actually believe this crap. Oh my.


I see they’re trying ‘Net surfing therapy at the state home for the criminally stupid and insane this week.

White Noise

I’ll go with Prager on this one 😉

“We are watching a poorly staged rendition of Wag the Dog , interpreted for the morbidly stupid and performed by the criminally insane.” – Jules Carlysle

Proof of Concept

Gordon Duff

Some folks here who aren’t the brightest bulbs in the pack. As soon as I think up a pithy “vet sounding” nickname, I might join this crowd.

Vietnam 60/70
100% combat disabled vet

Haji Slayin Sumbitch

Gordie…let me help you..1,Dash Riprock 2,Bolt Upright 3,High Velocity Projectile Interseptor 4,Self Propelled Sandbag 5,Grenade Face 6,Master Coffin Filler Upper 7,Death Angel 6 Actual 8,40 mike mike stud 9,Latrine Lizard 10,Down Range Dildo ect…..Anyone else want to help out with his cool veteran name? Thanks HSS

Old Tanker

I got a name the Drill Sergeants called me he can have…..shitbird…..

Haji Slayin Sumbitch

Howse bout The Bung Hole Rump Ranger?


I’m question anything on Veterans Today site, I’m question the character of owner who is John Allen. Some people invent to hold the opinion. I just go by what they wrote there own selves. There is what I found.

January 24, 2009 Bobby Hanafin write that John Allen never served in america military. I think a writer there is Hanafin.

April 25, 2009 John Allen write he isveteran of America Marine Corps.

You cannot be any clearly then that when comes a character judgement.


Duff is a 9/11 truther nut who tips the scales in his favor by blocking any contradicting facts or even questions on the subject, as I found out recently when I tried commenting on an article full of libelous 9/11 BS he posted on the “Veterans” Today site. I had my polite and civil comments blocked or removed, and then was attacked by him and his readers there with no means to respond. The guy’s a real pos, and my emails to the others behind that farce of a web site did no good, so they’re apparently just as corrupt and dishonest as he is. I’m a Vietnam vet, and I doubt whether any of them ever served a day in the US military. I’m also a liberal, but this guy’s a total disgrace, as is anyone who promotes or buys into 9/11 “truth movement” crap. They’re either grossly ignorant or totally dishonest, and the tactic of banning any dissent from their “forums” is something I’ve encountered on at least a dozen other sites run by these malicious, anti-American crackpots.

Lawrence A Dickerson

I was performing a web search on Duff and happily came across this page.I agree with you 100% on Gordon Duff’s being a rascally buffoon.

He has 86d me from posting to his rants because I question everything he says.I even went so far to report his butt for his anti-Semitic articles.

I can honestly say that I have never learned one fact in reading Duff’s crapola.It is all personal opinion and generalities.How does a 100% PTSD patient become such a key figure to all the countries,agencies and business that he claims.No fookin’ way.He is a blow hard and needs to be exposed.

Those poor ignorant people that say they agree with his rhetoric are misaligned and foolish for being led to slaughter mentally.

Lawrence A Dickerson

Once again Gordon Duff reaches into his garbage can to pull out trash.I am still waiting to learn one fact from his prolific rhetoric.

How is it possible that a veteran with a 100% PTSD disability have such fine credentials as he posts on every article that he writes and espouses on the web at every opportunity?A Marine grunt who exhibited mental problems caused by service was more than likely a lower ranking enlisted man yet he claims to be advisers to government,business and agencies.He walks on water through the lands of war and intrigue.

He has consistently deleted anything I have to say because I speak right from the hip.And my nose is highly capable of detecting fecal matter when present.

Frankly Opinionated

Adding to those above with my take on this dick drip. I once made the mistake of thinking he could be engaged in casual conversation. Typically, he didn’t hear, didn’t open my comment to readers, and replied with a mouthful of runny fecal matter. Then, when I told him to not reply to me again, he followed with a “but you need to read this,,,,,,”, and again when I told him to STFU!. Seems, as I recall, that then a reader/cohort of his, tried to run that garbage on me. I would love to see him laying on the sidewalk in the fecal position.

nuf sed


I’m such an idiot! I was googl-ing and came across that idiot’s “veterans” blog (before I found this one). I am reading about all this crazy stuff and I’m thinking: “how can this man be a U.S. Marine and speak of the U.S.A. this way? He was going on about how Iran is basically just sitting there minding their own business and how there are not really any Muslim Extremists who want to kill Americans…..and stating that we are all being “psy-oped” into actually believing this stuff. So I replied to him twice before I realized I was speaking to an absolute, unfiltered traitor.
If only we could get amnesty for ONE DAY to go clean that kind of garbage up once and for all. Can’t believe I actually posted on his disgusting site! Ahhhh!

Sgt, Rodriguez

Duff’s writing suggests some paranoid reality. He can back up nothing he says with evidence. I believe he is funded by Al Jazeera or the UAE.


Could someone define ‘Veterans Today’ and Gordon Duff for me?
With a fancy website, and ‘business’ links, and mortgages, it looks very legit.

But as soon as you read a very little of the
hate themed articles, and sycophantic replies,
you get an entirely different picture.
Like turning over a stone on the beach.

What percentage of vets does el Gordo represent
in any meaningful manner?
What are his links to political parties/organizations (KKK?)?
Who funds him and his buddies at VT, The House of Sod, IHH?
Which congressmen/senators/personalities support him?
Does VT have ANY formal links to VA, or any other
government departments or agencies, like the CIA?

Has anyone seen his real bio? It’s not available on the web,
and his link to his own bio is just empty and pathetic.
‘widestaringeyes’ and ‘Lawrence A Dickerson’, among others,
seem to have his number, but not enough to ram his head back in the sand, where it came from.
He’s not big (bigoted?) enough for Wikipedia, even though
a local twerp conspiracist anti-Jew Canadian is.


This is all I could find on el Gordo. Maybe others could find more on one of those fancy library or university database of databases.

Maybe he has some ex-friends somewhere, who can tell us who the real Duff is, because they despair at his infantilism and denigration of the US, while brown-nosing mohammedans.

Wikipedia “Gordon Duff”: zero, zilch, nada, a cipher, a black hole (sorry NAACP knicker twisters).

Wikipedia “Veterans Today” Second of only six citations:

In 2009, Siljander, whose daughter is currently deployed in the Middle East,[22] joined Gold Star, Mother Amy Branham[23][24] and retired Colonel James Hanke US Army Special Forces, former Military Attache to Israel under Ambassador Thomas Pinkerton, as a co-editor of Veterans Today,[25] a “progressive” online publication supporting veterans and military families. {My boldface: progressive = communist.}

El Gordo’s take: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2008/01/17/war-on-terror-goes-berzerk/


Those of you reading this who are not Gordon Duff fans, I sure would appreciate your writing me – it is time that his Veterans Today had the balloon deflated – thanks.



please don’t tell me you guys served my country….EVER…


Veterans Today is politically to the far left and viciously anti-religious, yet Gordon Duff and his writers go after big government, think tanks, foundations, and the like, and Duff’s insights into the Afghan and Iraqi wars are quite valuable. Many of the comments above refer to 9/11 “truthers” as apriori nutcases without specifying why the objections to the official narrative and NISTs obviously fraudulent report on WTC 7 are unjustified. The video of WTC 7 coming down is prima facie evidence it was done by demolition. NIST was forced to admit the building fell in pure free fall for over two seconds, which entails, by the laws of physics, that all the lower supports were taken out. There is no refuting this, other than acting like Brian Kilmeade of Fox News who got up and walked off the set when challenged. Also, for all the accusations against Duff, I cannot help observing that none contained one single fact or argument, other than knee-jerk ad hominem attacks. I do not know Duff and I totally disagree with his political philosophy, find his hatred of religion frightening (for what he may wish to replace it with), but would say the level of criticism voiced here suggests Spengler knew what he was talking about when he said the average Joe was a “mere function of some monstrous Something,” starting with blatant government disinformation and propaganda.


Any of you who can’t consider that 911 was an inside job are sheeple who’ll believe anything the main stream media tells you. An hours worth of research with an open mind will lead you to the truth. Start at ae911truth.org and be open minded. Are you really going to believe the talking heads on main stream or over 1200 architects and engineers who have researched the evidence. The official story is a big lie. A plane never touched building 7. It went down in 6 seconds 4 blocks away from the twin towers. WAKE UP SHEEPLE BEFORE IT”S TO LATE. CAN YOU SAY WORLD GOVERNMENT? OPEN YOUR EYES. DO YOU HAVE TO BE HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER? BIG GOVERNMENT IS NOT YOUR FRIEND> IT”S YOUR ENEMY.


Jonn–he also forgot to tell us that fire has never melted steel and to vote for Ron Paul, because libertaridouches are the only “true conservatives”, to take us both back a few years…


People in Europe are (more than 80%, last I knew) well aware that 911 was an inside job. People in Europe have a freer press, and therefore, they are more aware about America, than Americans. That proves out what Dan said about “sheeple”. Maybe you don’t like the cold hard truth about 911, and you don’t like being called sheeple who just repeat the montra “My Govt would never lie to me – BBBAAAAHHH !!!”. Anyone who will not spend a little time looking into the mountain of evidence available on the net from such places as AE911 Truth deserves to be called a sheep. If the hoof fits, wear it. That said, unless you are willing to go and spend an hour at AE911 Truth (Architects and Engineers – real ones – for 911 truth), then you have no place throwing stones at anyone. A majority of the 911 commissioners have said the official story is a snow job, and the investigation was meaningless. It is an unfortunate fact that the sheep are the ones bringing this country down, thru their silent assent to what is going on. So, sheeple are not harmless, they are enablers of an evil greater than the world has yet seen. So, just keep on silently assenting, and throwing stones a those who try to explain the truth to you. Maybe you can sing “God Bless America” in the bus on the way to a Fema camp. Finally, it has been declassified that the USS Liberty was an inside job to get war going, and there have been many others. There was an Operation Northwoods which JFK vetoed, which describes bringing a plane down, and blaming it on Cuba, to get war going with Havanna. Sheep, just eat your grass, and leave patriots alone when the bad events in America start to hit the fan, and this is stuff that will come in large part because of YOUR ignorant silent assent. If you would stand up and be counted, we’d have a much better chance of stopping things like HARD martial law before they… Read more »


Who ordered the mass logical fallacies with ad hominem attacks on the side?

Old Trooper

Spork; I heard there was a run on tin foil at the Piggly Wiggly


It’s funny how virtually every single unwashed truther runs around calling anyone in disagreement “sheeple.” Y’all can’t even come up with your own insults, and you want to accuse anyone who doesn’t bow down to your predetermined outcomes of being part of some homogenous group.

It’s not a black and white world, flamejob.

You’ll find all the answers you want here: debunking911.com

But I’m sure you’ve got a pre-programmed response to that too. Probably something about jews.


Yes, Old Trooper and Sporkmaster :
I have just one final thing to say to you, from a Founding Father. Did you know your Dept of Homeland Security has declared the Founding Fathers were terrorists ?
And I do mean the greats, ie, Geo Washington, Thos Jefferson, Ben Franklin, the Adams family, et al.
What do you think of THAT ?
It is a TRAVESTY. They founded this country on the basis of Natural, God-given Rights.
Do you LOVE, or HATE, God-given freedoms ? You must decide, and soon.

Here is the quote from THE GREAT Founder, Samuel Adams :

“If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”
– Samuel Adams

What this means is what I said above.
At the very least, you will be expected to STAY THE HELL out of our way !!! That is, if you don’t have the guts to stand up and be counted.

*** I have NO LOVE for cowards. Never have, and never will.