A ‘Preacher’ is accused of taking a Vietnam Veteran’s life savings

| December 9, 2022

Darris Beach, 78, discovered that something was not right with his bank account.  Turning to his neighbor, Bill Price, Beach asked for help. They both went to the bank, where Price discovered that $60,000 was missing from the veteran’s account. This amount appeared to be Beach’s life savings. The suspect, John Stephenson, was later charged for exploitation and theft. Stephenson is a self-proclaimed preacher.

From Fox 19:

“Darius called me and told me he had some money missing out of his bank account and asked would I take him up to the bank and I said well sure,” recalled Price.

So, Price and Beach went to the Fifth Third in Union to see what was going on.

When they got they, [sic] Price says Beach discovered $60,000 was missing from his account.

“Well, that was all of Darius’s life savings that he had,” Price explained. “That’s what he was going to have to live on here because he can’t work anymore.”

Price says Beach’s health is in decline and he is in home hospice in Verona.

According to the Boone County Sheriff’s Office, Stephenson just happened to be at the courthouse Tuesday on an unrelated matter when a court official recognized him.

Stephenson was led up to a courtroom on the second floor where a judge read the charges against him.

Court records say Stephenson unlawfully obtained or used the financial resources of [Beach], who due to physical dysfunction “was unable to manage his own resources, carry out the activities of daily living or protect himself from exploitation without the assistance from others.”

It is unclear how Stephenson allegedly persuaded Beach to give him access to his finances.

“I guess Darris, you know, didn’t think anything about it because [Stephenson] was supposed to be a preacher,” says Price.

Price says Beach is now “heartbroken,” wondering why someone would do such a thing.

“You know, he’s dying and in hospice care, and for somebody to come in and take kind of [sic] money from him, that’s all he had,” Price says. “It’s unbelievable to think .somebody [sic] would even do that.”

Stephenson is expected back in court next week for his official arraignment.

Meanwhile, Price says Beach just hopes to be able to recover some of the money that was allegedly stolen from him.

Fox 19 has the story here.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Veterans in the news

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

Robbing the dying, if found guilty, should result in capital punishment or at least life in prison without chance of parole…

Shitbag, rat bastard.


Tie his thieving ass to a whipping post and invite the community to witness his confession.



Public flogging would go a long way towards fighting crime. An eye for an eye…..

Last edited 2 years ago by MCPO USN

Let’s go biblical on this motherfucker and give him “Forty lashes less one.” I’m sure he’ll appreciate the irony.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m all in favor of bringing back Horsewhipping and the Public Pillory as means of punishment.


“I don’t always claim to be a preacher…but when I do, I run for Senator backed by 100s of millions of out of state money.”


Some folks tend to forget that in addition to preaching Love and forgiveness, a Former Jewish Carpenter got into whips and tossing tables over to get His point across. And the Former Jewish Carpenter’s Daddy had that whole “Vengeance is Mine…” thing going on. Preacher man might not concern himself with his upcoming Earthly Judge, but I wouldn’t want to get the Other Judgement he will face.



Fuck it. It’s Friday and I’m drinking a nice cold Yuengling Golden Pilsner so I’m feeling good. I hereby move that we deploy the Planetoid of Insults against this fake preacher man.

You can fool some people sometime,
But you can’t fool all the people all the time,
So now we see the Light,
Stand up for your right

Get up, Stand up
Stand up for your right
Get up, Stand up
Don’t give up the fight

Bob Marley

pookysgirl, WC wife

Seconded. I raise my Vodka Orange Mango as a toast.

(I’m a girl. I get to enjoy the fruity drinks.)


AYE! I see your Golden Pilsner/Vodka Orange Mango and raise you a Frosty Yuengling Black and Tan.

ChipNASA, quit mooning over OAM and get cracking. You are cleared HOT!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Make this “preacher” truly a “man of the colth”.
Strip him of everything but his underoos, then kick him out to the middle of traffic.


“John Stephenson”? Did Raphael Warnock change his name?

P.S. Fuck Joe Biden

Green Thumb

I did not realize All-Points Logistics had a Chaplain.


I’m sure they do. And his ordination is probably as legit as Phildo’s SEAL claims!

Green Thumb

I wonder if Phil Monkress has spun Lori Benton up yet?

Prior Service

Looks like the “ preacher” rendered unto himself that which was not his. Needs to be beaten with many stripes.

A Proud Infidel®™

Less ethical than Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart combined!


Let’s not short change Joel Osteen, Binny Hinn or CashFlow Dollar 🙂


But at least Jimmy Swaggart was related to “The Killer”, so that at least gets him some cool points.


Mickey Gilley was first cousin to Jerry Lee and first cousin, once removed, to Jimmy Swaggart.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone remembers when the woman conducting business with Jimmy Swaggert posed for Penthouse. The takeaway was that they did not have minimum beauty standards down South. One nasty looking girl.


Beauty is just a light switch away!🤣


And a six pack of a certain Golden Elixar.


Somewhat OT, but… the “puppy play” O6 has been exposed (plus his pals):


That’s just fucked up.

Hack Stone

With those particular fetishes, he is more than qualified as an SES in the Biden – Harris Administration’s Department of Energy.