Dear Crazy Birth Certificate Lawyer Lady

| July 15, 2009

Dear Orly, can I call you Orly? I feel awkward calling you Taitz, I always thought that was the part of a woman between…..never mind.

Anyway, Hey there, how are you?  Just wanted to introduce myself and get some information.  See, I read this post you had about how I could advertise on your blog, and I am totally down with that.  I’d like the “Colleague Rebate” if you don’t mind.  Now, you might say, “But, I am an ‘Esq.’ and you are not.” And while that is true, I also went to a real law school, while you went to the online “Sally Struthers School of Air Conditioner Repair, Clown School and Law School.”  So, I’d say that makes us about even, eh toots?  Also, I get my teeth cleaned 4 times a year.  I knew you’d be impressed, what with having that back-up plan as a dentist.

Anyway, now that we are past that, let’s talk turkey.  Now, I read the article about you in the OC Register. Well, actually I got bored on page 3, but I made it there without any significant pronunciation issues, and I read without my lips moving.  (Can you?)  Anyhoo- Part of the article stated:

in the comments for each post at, you can read a few more names for people whom Taitz doesn’t like: “traitors,” “Muslims,” “terrorists.

Now I am certainly not a Muslim. I love Muhammad as next as the much guy (or even as much as the next guy), but I like pork products too. Also, the prayers 6 times a day would make me daffy. And interfere with my World of Warcraft. I’m guessing your more a Wii Lego Star Wars Girl, but if you ever make it into Azeroth, look up “CV” on the Anvilmar Realm.

Where was I? Ah yes, so, since I think you are genuinely batshit crazy, that makes me either a terrorist or a traitor. See, I think you are dicking up my beloved US Army. It doesn’t really shock me you found a Major to do it, I mean shit, no NCO is this stupid I hope. I bet 14 years ago this silly bastard was running around helplessly looking for a box of grid squares or a can of squelch for the PRC E-6. And now that dicked up Major just left his unit without a man, because of his ridiculous self-centered and completely futile effort to make our Commander in Chief look bad.

I’m still curious what your long term game plan is here. You think everyone will be so excited you outted the greatest conspiracy since the Sox went 80+ years with no World Series that they will put a Russian Emigre/Dentist Lawyer Clown into office?

Anyway, I want to advertise with you. Here is my advertisement:

Orly Taitz Esq is the Neidermeyer of our generation
She can’t do this to our President! Yeah, only we can do this to our President!*

When you are done reading this broad who is frutier than Mexican Vampire Bat Shit, come Read TAH. We put the F U in FUN!

Send the bill to us here, C/O Jonn. He’s got ya covered.

*I win the who can work in 2 Animal House References in One Day Award!  Yeay Me!

Category: Politics

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Yo…Ms. Taitz…Tammy Wynette called…she and the 70’s want their hair-do back.


Gentlemen, I’m totally with you re/damage to the military and the tradition of loyalty to the chain of command, but I’d like to object to the characterization of officers (in general) being more likely to make this kind of a claim. Most officers just as loyal and committed; sadly there are always a few bad apples.

Debbie Clark



Sad but true you are all lead by your noses and no absolutely nothing about Our Constitution, the Supreme Law of this land…when you were being totally brain washed in OCS or military school, as I too, went to one…did you EVER learn to think for yourself, and see the truth, and want to know the truth…those who know how to lead, will question those who say they have authority…would you take a bullet for an imposter? Probably so, and that is not defending this nation, because with that type of mindset, we will not have a nation.

BRAVO to Captain Cook and Dr. Orly Taitz,esq. They are braver and smarter to look outside the “brainwashed box”…

They know the truth and are fighting for it…The are not SHEEP! They are the ones with courage! They are standing for the truth, when you cowards claim it…they are the ones defending and honoring the truth!

You are all so pathetic to diss on a fellow officer when you are so stupid that you do not even know what Article II Section 1 states?

He is the Hero, not you cowards!


Did I hear someone speak? What’s all this gibberish? Your post is a bunch of garbage. It makes no sense. Stick to writing about things you’ll have a decent grasp of like toenail fungus or eating worms.


Once again we see liberals making fools of themselves because they are completely incapable of having an adult debate on the issue(s) (I assume because either they don’t have the intellect to do so, or they already know their position is completely indefensible). Instead they reduce themselves to peurile name calling. I know pre-teens that exhibit more maturity.

If Dr. Taitz were aligned politically with author, or had the author had not flunked out of law school, she’d be boasting about her impressive education, rather than trashing someone who has earned both a medical and law degree.

At the very least, do what all the other liberal hucksters are doing; trying to convince naive people that Obama was born in Hawaii because he was able to convince a flunkie to photoshop a fake certificate of live birth for him, and post it on the internet. Geez!!!

Smokey Behr

Can I minor in Locksmithing or PC Repair while taking classes at Taft College?

mike jurrians

Well the article i just read,,from mr game boy,,was very rude. Lets call a spade a spade,,55 million americans voted for mccain,,and wish to know if obama is truely an american citizen. I don”t think thats too much too ask?? And i am also a marine corps vets,,that says go major,,,go major,,,,obama is not the true commander in chief,,he is nothing more than a de facto president.

Don't Tread On Me

Major Cook is a true American hero! He spoke out and wanted proof that the alleged usurper is entitled to hold the office many of us believe he is currently usurping.

This is a shameful day in the history of our nation when a true American patriot is penalized for wanting to protect and defend the United States Constitution!


Good Day! I thought it was important for your edification, “esq” as a honorific is almost obsolete. As a certified and protocol consultant, “Esq” is never used in verbal introductions. Basically, it is used on invitations.

Gee, I doubt even if you are a lawyer. If you were, you would have a grasp of Orly’s first amendment right to free speech. You would have a grasp of what is to be an American and not have your views dismissed because of your age, religion or to that fact where you went to law school. Oh unless you want to be able to belong to the Liberal Beltway Cocktail club. Talk about discrimination!!!!! You liberals talk the talk, but do not walk the walk.

Orly represents Americans who have a right to bring forth a complaint that millions of Americans wish they could, but lack standing.

How is it willing accept lies and turn your back on the Constitution and its theories? Oh yes, you are probably against God and the right to own a gun.

People like you who classify other people are dispicable. Now coming from a lawyer it is sickening.

Whether Orly is right or wrong in your eyes, dear sir, she HAS a RIGHT under our Constitution. Too bad you are liberally blinded. Oh yes, you probably went to Princeton – I wouldn’t brag about that too much since it spews liberal garbage.

Go Orly!!!!! Go Petitioners!!!!! Go US CONSITUTION!!!!


…we meet again, Trebek.


Tell her TSO!

PS: He still works for the NRA.


the City-del?…

do they even have a football team?


We / all good Americans work for the NRA!!


they play 9-man or what?


Obama preyed on the poor and uneducated and the media helped to portray those who do not support him as a racist. After reading this blog I can see why he chose such a group. Apparently no one blogging here against Orly Taitz have a law degree or any other degree for that matter. The nonsense remarks I have seen here certainly affirm that they are uneducated and unaware of the consequences of placing a person who is unable to prove citizenship into the office of President. Just like the attacks on Sarah Palin, this group attacks all who threaten their lies and deceit. Obama the elite is leading you guys like lambs to the slaughter and because of your ignorance you can’t see it. You are foolish enough to think he is looking out for your best interest. Like candy from a baby. Step outside the the flock and actually see the wolf. Remember the media is only on your side when they think they can win. Now that Obamas policies are coming light and he no longer has Bush to blame his numbers are falling like rocks and will continue to do so. The truth will come out and the effects will be devastating for Obama and all those who support him. I personally think those who vote should have to take a written test to prove understanding of the issues, candidates and the constitution. That would count out the votes of most of the bloggers on this page. I can certainly see why your newsletter is called the moronospere. Thank God there are those in America who still belive in the constitution and are willing to stand up for it. Orly’s actions and those who support them are protecting the rights of every American especially those who do not have the intelligence to protect themselves. Let me know how that change is going for you, although by 2010 it really won’t matter as many democrats will be on the way out with Obama following in 2012. (That is if he is not out by then) I am… Read more »


Go Orly! Go Major Cook! This is really great news! This is the beginning of getting rid of the fraud!


yes, why don’t we all chant to each other:

Obama is toast!
This has Legs!
Frogmach him to the Hauge!
24 Bid’ness hours!


Your comments are moronic! By the way, if you weren’t such a moron, you might start to look at the facts and understand what is really going on. And only morons will avoid facts and make fun of other people without first seeking to understand.

I hope that you will pull your head out and make an effort to understand what Dr. Taitz is really doing to serve our country! (BTW: It has something to do with that “silly little paper” that some deem important called the US Constitution)


Let’s say, after we find the real birth certificate, that we find Obama is really a sneaky North Korean Infiltrator. Then what? Impeachment? Removeal from office?
Do we hold new elections or do we give Joe Biden the keys to the ’57 Chevy?

Regardless, how does that make the country safe in the near term, and a better country in the far term?

Then tell me how Cook, volunteering to deploy to Afghanistan, only to pull this shit to get out of it, makes the unit he was going with any safer, being a man down days before a deployment.

Now that unit will have to cover down on that major’s job, and maybe get a replacement months down the road.

How’s that serving the nation?


Dutch508 there is always REDO!

Jonn Lilyea

Brett: (BTW: It has something to do with that “silly little paper” that some deem important called the US Constitution)

When I use quotation marks, it’s usually to quote something that was said in the conversation. Who called the Constitution a “silly little paper”? Was it you?


Ignorance is no excuse. Natural Born Citizen = 2 American citizens on American soil, produce a natural Born Citizen. Go back to school. Who killed Donald Young? Go investigate the crime. Pay to Play is the Chicago way, now in Our White house.

James Kennon

I am so glad the Major and his attorney have decided to take a stand that Obama cant Ignore.
I am with them 100%


TSO says: “And as for walking the walk, I have a combat infantryman’s badge”. I’ve walked all the walks I need to.

WOW, TSO and what does that do for you? You have quit walking, did you step on a landmine serving this country? Doubt it!

TSO States again: “And Princeton? Are you shitting me? I went to The Citadel, which is widely regarded as the second most conservative school in the country to Liberty”.

Now TSO, You went to The Citadel (you did not say you graduated from there), now doesn’t that bring back memories; Yes there was Maj General Signeous and they do have a football team, if I recall the sitting President was on the team at one time.

Then there was the firing on Fort Sumter, yes, so much history, and value for liberty.

TSO, I am a register “on Paper only” Democrat, but I proudly voted for Country: McCain and Palin

When you start researching and learning a bit of law, oh, that is right you have not passed the bar yet…you might get a question that has to do with the SUPREME LAW OF THIS GREAT NATION. Those who are defending it like much admired, Dr. Orly Taitz,esq. wants to preserve it, keep our great nation from disaster, she knows first hand all about COMMUNISM, so when you want to call a distinguished, successful doctor of dentistry and lawyer who did pass the bar, anything less than Madam or Doctor, as someone who desires to pursue the rights through the court system, then and only then, would I grace these pages by saying you graduated from The Citadel! You did graduate, right?

There is one thing that The Citadel strongly encouraged and instilled in their Corp of Cadets and that, Sir, was to have respect. It is in the great Southern State of SC, so remember that the next time you think about representing the CORP by saying you went to The Citadel, or you embarass those who did learn the value of education and honor!


Wow…someone needs to up their Haldol dosage, pronto! I suggest we start with goofy-assed lawyers who don’t know how to spell. Her defenders can queue right up behind her.

It’s called picking your battle, folks. Obama might or might not be legit, but frankly, is getting him out of office right now going to change this country’s headlong plunge into socialism? THAT is what we need to be focusing on.



Great REMARK!!!

IL got rid of him and now it is the Nation’s Problem…MSM would not tell the truth or report about all his connections, just takes telling the truth…the list is long, but it is there…
It’s about his connections to:
Antoin & Rita Rezko
Nadhmi Auchi
William C. (Bill) Ayers
Bernadine Dorhn
Rashid Khalidi
Edward Said
Robert Malley
Samantha Powers
Emil Jones Jr.etc…
The aforementioned persons are either known terrorists, convicted felons, slumlords, influence “peddlers” and “fixers”, PLO/AAAN/Hamas “sympathizers”, or radical extremists who do not have the best interests of the USA in their sights.

You can go to the LA Times, Chicago Sun Times, or the Chicago Tribune, and search for any of those names + Obama and see what you find.


Well, guess what? That same information was still available to the 69 million people who voted for him. They knew about it and yet they pulled the lever for him anyway. Like it or not, we’re almost certainly stuck with the guy for the next 3 1/2 years at least. I don’t like what he’s done thus far, but the people (and Electoral College) have spoken. So put away the ODS talking points, remove the tinfoil beanines, and work to prevent this country from turning into a nanny state, regardless of at whose hand is attempting it. Capiche?


TSO–it’s highly likely they haven’t thought that far ahead yet. They’re fringe nuts with ODS, and I’ve as little use for them as I have for the BDS moonbats.


The real definition of natural born citizen means that the alleged president is not eligible to be there. Dr. Taitz is an American hero, a naturalized American citizen, who understands the definition of ‘natural born citizen’. Major Cook is an American hero. They have invested their lives in defending our Constitution. What have you done to defend our Constitution lately? You can sit around on your brains all day and criticize people who are truly brave, people who truly care about our country and our Constitution. Go ahead, criticize some more. I’m sure your profanity and your nonsense will be a net gain for you in some weird way. As for me, I’ll cheer for these real heroes who are bringing the truth out into the light of day.


Gawd, these people make me yearn for the return of the Ronulans. At least they TRIED to be halfway sane once in a while.


“is getting him out of office right now going to change this country’s headlong plunge into socialism? THAT is what we need to be focusing on.”

Getting a usurper out of office will bring to light the fraud that has taken place against our Constitution. With that, we can remind 300 million people that the Constitution is and always should be the rule of law. That will get us off the headlong plunge into socialism. All of these bills that have been passed since January 20, 2009, will be null and void, and couldn’t we use the opportunity to prevent them from being signed by another president?


“Well, guess what? That same information was still available to the 69 million people who voted for him. They knew about it and yet they pulled the lever for him anyway.” I’ve talked to many people who voted for the usurper who did not know that he is not eligible to be there. The drive-by media are owned by big money. They aren’t allowed to report the truth anymore. So, the 69 million to whom you refer were lied to. Doesn’t that qualify as something worth correcting the record about? Get the fraud out of the white house. That’s going to go a long way toward bringing the nation back to the Constitutional rule of law.


Hate to bust your bubble, J, but most people don’t give a rat’s ass. As long as the trains run on time, stuff like that. And no, you’re not going to make them care, either. You might bring fraud to light, but a lot of people are just going to shrug their shoulders, wonder why this is any different, and turn back to American Idol, etc.

Oh, and TSO–minor point of correction for you. The article to Dr. Nutzoid you liked to is not the OC Register, it’s OC Weekly. The Register is semi-legit, whereas the Weekly is one of those surfer/alternative rags that are distributed for free outside coffee houses and car washes, mostly filled with advertisements for sex shops, hemp clothing stores, and plastic surgeons.

Just so ya know.


Larry Sinclair’s book is out at Barnes and Noble

Cocaine, Sex, Lies, and Murder

Jonn wrote: I’ll bet that’s a real feather in his cap. And it says loads about you, too. Betting the country’s future on a gay drug dealer.


TSO, I hope you read my explanation of how I view the end game. Fighting against this path to socialism. Wouldn’t proving the usurper ineligible also nullify his nomination of judges? There must be a beginning to the end of this nightmare. It won’t end by allowing a… an ineligible president to continue to wreak havoc on our rights.

AW1 Tim

Major Cook is a Blue Falcon of the highest order. Someone will have to go in his place, and if that someone gets wounded or killed, I hope the Major is gifted with an identical fate.

“eff him, and ‘eff his cereal-box attorney.

There are legitimate questions for POTUS to address, but those two MF’s are scr@wing the issue big time.


When I used the expression “silly little paper” in refering to the US Constitution, it is done sarcastically because many “morons” as I have stated don’t seem to find the Constitution important enough to follow. And they mock the efforts to adhere to it, especially the part about the President being qualified, of which Obama/Soetoro is not…. for at least 3 reasons. Two of those reasons can be easily cited and morons don’t want to acknowledge the facts. (or I’ll open the door to the possibility that they are ignorant and do not know the facts.) Either way, too many people overlook the importance of what is going on with the necessity to have a legal President!

Slick Rick

Funny stuff here. Only point missed in the comments is, if this case is won by the BF Major, and ZERO gets tossed, we end up with Biden. Anybody else see the suck in that?

Slick Rick

LOLd. Sure did.

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