Airborne Beer

| January 7, 2021

Time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes. Pretty sure Jonn would approve.

Category: War Stories, We Remember

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Of course Jonn would approve…we all do. Can’t improvise, adapt, and overcome with a “Fritz” Kevlar Helmet…gots to have a steel pot to do these things…can also cook C-Rat Stew, take a bath…

Papa’s Big Guns were in the thick of that fight, firing missions in support for the whole time. He never talked about any of it.

Tanks for the Post ‘Ed, lets we forget. Too many are forgetting the sacrifice that American Blood bought to defend the world against a true scourge of evil. May their chains rest lightly. No…belay that sentiment. May their chains keep them bowed down in agony as they suffer what they brought upon themselves by helping to destroy the greatest Republic the World has ever seen.


Lighten up, Francis! It ain’t over until I say it’s over. You quit, and I will hunt you down like a dog and cook right in front of you, and NOT share one morsel of it. PfffftTTT!

Mark my words, there is more of this asinine nonsense to come. These are nothing but spoiled brats with too much time on their hands, getting someone to pay their way for them. I hope they find their next riot agenda being held and in the middle of it, the weather turns against them. Soaking wet and freezing cold are good to go where I’m concerned.


Not to worry Mi’Lady, this Old Dog ain’t quitting till the last breath and drop of blood. I can’t take the fight to ’em anymore, but the guns are laid on the high ground, clear fields of fire cut, the powder is dry, 3 days cooked rations, and a 90 day supply of various consumables laid in.

For myself, I have no regrets, I’ve had a good run. Molon Labe…Bitches!

Only Army Mom

One of the great honors of my life was to meet Frank Perconte. Simply being in the same room with men like this is humbling. Men like him and Pvt Speranza are the reason we understand words like humility, honor and courage.

…we thank God such men lived.


Thank you for posting this! What an amazing story.

What I wouldn’t give to sit down and have a beer with that bloke.


They used to ship that beer, I don’t know if they still do.


I read this story about 5-6 years ago, and at that time, the beer & ceramic helmet was only available for purchase thru Belgian Shop. (see link below)

It’s my understanding that it is now available for purchase in the United States. Located in Cleveland, Ohio, will ship it to you.

MI Ranger

It is men like Vincent Speranza who served their country, who had no desire for war, but did their duty that made their generation the Greatest Generation. When you are trained to fight, and the Lieutenant understood how best to employ his weapons (it is likely that he knew the barbed wire was there), but he could not prepare his men for the memories and the image of what their awesome weapons of destruction could do. His guilt is brought on by remembering that it was his job simply to remove those who fought against him from the battlefield, yet the reality is often hard to call forth until experienced first hand. May Vincent’s memory ease with knowing that he saved many lives that day, many more than the tool that he wielded was responsible for. He did not take their lives, as they were given unto their leaders and cast aside, while he was simply the implement of their destruction.
Sleep well my fellow Screaming Eagle, and we will see you again on the high ground!

4th BCT, 506th PIR, 101st ABN DIV (S2)