Escaped Mental Patient stars in IVAW/VoteVets
Greatest VIDEO EVEH. You’ll notice one of the Lieutenant Colonel’s supporters has a banner across his chest that says “Three Tours – Iraq” – that man is an escaped mental patient and, until yesterday, a powerhouse in the IVAW and Vote Vets, yet he’s never served a day in the Marines, as he has claimed:
How many of you remember this post
So, it came as no surprise today that I found one of the recommended diaries is by a guy named Rick Duncan, a wounded Marine Captain who served in Iraq. Now, I salute his service, as we all do, but this guy has been on my radar for quite a while for his deft (?) acrobatics on issues. For starters, it should come as no surprise that in addition to being a VoteVets guy, he’s also a member of IVAW…
Well, I hereby take back that salute, and to my IVAW and VOTEVETS friends I once again ask, tell me how my ass tastes.
The leader of a statewide veterans group who fought for homeless veterans in Colorado Springs is in jail in Denver today, unmasked as a former mental patient who posed as a wounded Marine officer and 9/11 survivor.
The man who called himself Rick Duncan – purportedly a former Marine captain and 1997 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy – is in fact 31-year-old Richard Glen Strandlof, a former mental patient who never served in the military and falsely claimed that he was in the Pentagon during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, according to David Walsh of the Colorado Veterans Alliance (CVA), which Duncan founded.
Walsh, who joined the board of CVA at Duncan’s request last year, said his colleagues in the organization grew suspicious of Duncan after discovering “significant inconsistencies” in his personal story.
In a search of the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office records, for example, they found that the name Colorado Veterans Alliance had been reserved by “Rick Strandlof,” whom they had never met, Walsh said.
While probing Duncan’s past, Walsh said, the group found evidence that he was a patient in a mental hospital in Washoe County, Nev., at the time of the roadside bombing in Fallujah, Iraq, that Duncan claimed left him severely wounded.
The group contacted the FBI field office in Denver, which began investigating in early May and arrested Duncan Tuesday night in downtown Denver on a traffic warrant originating in El Paso County.
I will be standing in the corner of my bedroom for a while doing the happy dance that YET ANOTHER phony of VoteVets and IVAW has gone down.
Oh, and I have a call in to the guy responsible for the takedown, who as happenstance would have it, I know pretty well. Actually, my best friend is very close to him. Funny how small a world it is.
This is Mr. Duncan/Strandlof’s biography at IVAW;
UPDATE: “Rick Duncan” goes down the memory hole at IVAW. With no notice whatsoever. Well, good thing I have the screen shots, eh guys? The page above now looks like this in 4 hours;
And here is an article he wrote at VoteVets blaming Bush and Cheney for the death of six of his Marines;
Jesse MacBeth 2.0; A former mental patient rises to prominence in the Colorado anti-war movement. And notice that it’s in Denver so I’m pretty sure he had plenty to do with the IVAW theater there last summer at the DNC convention.
How about Congressman Jared Polis cavorting with a mental patient/phony veteran;
And Polis scores the escaped mental patient/phony veteran endorsement;
He may have been crazy, but he knew how to play the press. In fact we’ve been in contact with KKTV out in Colorado who called us about digging more dirt up on him because they have miles of footage of interviews with Duncan and they want to hang him by the balls. He did interviews like this one in the Colorado Springs Gazette;
At this point, I don’t even know where to put updates. So I am putting them here, and will try to make sense of this nonsense tomorrow. But I was just thinking to myself, what this post needs is a connection to Michael Moore and OK, check and check.
All of the videos have been removed so we moved them below the fold;
UPDATE: X2: He has a plate… his head…..
UPDATE X3: He also coordinated the mental health at Winter Soldier. He is a subject matter expert after all.
UPDATE x4: At :23 seconds, did this turd really fake pictures? At 3:33 we see X-Rays? What the Fug dude?
UPDATE X5: this is the greatest day EVER.
UPDATE X6: Who wants to befriend Rick on Myspace? You can see all the jobs he has held, and how he graduated the naval academy.
UPDATE x7: And this and many of the videos is a huge hat tip to Brown Neck Gaitor who I have been on the phone with literally all night, but….
Did you know that Brave Sir Rick was an openly gay Marine Captain?
Having spent 11 years in the Marine Corps, including three tours in Iraq, I know many gay and lesbian service members who serve with honor and distinction.
As a Captain, I commanded a battalion of Marines and there was no secret that I am gay and the majority of them did not care. I was a good Marine, a good officer and loved my Marines and my country.
This policy of don’t ask and don’t tell wil be remembered as a dark time in our history and I celebrate the day it passes
Sent by Captain Rick Duncan, USMC (Ret.) | 2:19 PM ET | 07-28-200
That reminds me of the time I told the judge that I was a Black Marine in 1969. War does terrible things to you man.
No wait, that was the movie Summer School, my bad.
(Go to 5:30)
Hat tip to Mr.Wolf from Blackfive for the article that twigged us to the whole story.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War
That is AWESOME! I like how he wasn’t just a liar he escaped from a mental institution!
Jonn – as always buddy, you ROCK!!! Wonder how many others are sitting out there just like this guy? Keep up the great work my friend!!!!
This is like Christmas, except Santa isn’t delivering toys, he’s shoving lumps of coal up the asses of IVAW whackjobs.
Circus has left town, but clowns still remain.
So let me see if I got this right.
The group that holds themselves up as THE spokesgroup for disgruntled soldiers/vets has:
1) Been duped by Jessie McBeth. He of the Stuttering Bttn of the 75th Rangers.
2) Pushed out true Patriots because they don’t agree with the Socialist bent of the groups that hold the purse strings.
3) Lied their fourth point of contact off when they have crowed that they were checking the DD-214s of their members.
4) Been shunned by the Senator at the heart of the original Winter Soldier that they pattern their group after.
4) Chosen an admitted rapist, a congentital liar and an escaped Mental Patient as their spokesmen?
It is like a train wreck, but they spike the rails in front of their train themselves.
TSO you’re not bad either!
Duncan is currently missing off of IVAW’s site, but damn those screen prints…
Secret surveilance audio from an IVAW teleconference:
“Ok, so who’s next in the queue for IVAW spokesman?”
“Ah…we got a former Coast Guardsman who was kicked out after 9/11 for taking Polaroids of his CO’s 14 year old daughter while she was sunbathing…claims PTSD made him do it and he hates Cheney…”
“We also have a guy who once drove by an Army recuiter’s office and felt intimidated.”
“Pfft. That’s 90% of the current membership…next.”
“We also got a guy who’s applied for GI bene’s after playing Call Of Duty for 32 hours straight…his dad was a DI at Parris Island and he can fit into McBeth’s tiger stripe BDU’s.”
I’m Curious. How many IVAW members have been found to be “phoney?”
Jonn wrote: I’m thinking of writing an aggregate page of all we’ve dealt with here. Probably this weekend. But off the top of my head, I don’t know – a bunch if you include the lies about their ranks and service.
I’m not sure about this one. I mean couldn’t attending IVAW meetings sort of be considered an out patient mental health clinic? So if he was just getting treatment wouldn’t everything he did with the IVAW just be considered part of his treatment and therefore not representative of the IVAW, and just part of their outreach to the veteran community in addressing the mental health problems faced by veterans?
Well all except for that part where he isn’t really a veteran, but I mean it could be real and isn’t that all that counts.
I think claiming to be a graduate of the Naval Academy should have been a warning sign.
Look I think we need to consult Claymore for a ruling on this.
Oh, my tear ducts hurt from laughing so hard.
Great job TSO and can you post more interviews the media swallowed from this posuer, since it fit their narrative. With luck, some of his jailers have been in the Marine Corps and can give him a taste of boot camp.
[…] has now been unmasked as a lying mental patient (via Colorado Springs Gazette with a big hat tip to This Ain’t Hell): The leader of a statewide veterans group who fought for homeless veterans in Colorado Springs was […]
[…] has been exposed. Turns out Mr. Rick Duncan has been exposed as a lying mental patient. More from This Ain’t Hell. No TweetBacks yet. (Be the first to Tweet this […]
For what it’s worth, there have been a number of former commissioned officers who have at least brushed shoulders with IVAW and shown up at protests and marched with them, and some who have been members, so it is not as though it is a really unusual thing for someone to be in IVAW claiming to be a Naval Academy graduate. I can remember meeting a Naval Academy graduate (former O-3, not an Iraq vet, nor did he claim to be) at the massive Sep. 24, 2005 Washington DC protest, along with several other young former O-3’s that very day, one of whom was a West Point grad who was an Iraq vet. In fact, he traveled to DC from the Atlanta area with the group I traveled with. (I always took him at his word on being a West Point grad though. For all I know, he could have just been an agent of the government collecting information on protesters.) Here he is quoted in a Rolling Stone article that was published subsequent to that protest – his name is Justin Gordon, and he is identified in the article. I was very proud of him for that interview and honored to have been the one who hooked him up with the reporter from Rolling Stone. He was extremely disillusioned by that protest, and I did not help matters any by being very bluntly honest with him about the fact that it is predominantly Communists and socialists who are behind the organization of these massive protests, and the veterans are their dog and pony show. He was very angry when he saw the way things are. I think it is true there is a lot of sloppiness both in Iraq Veterans Against the War as well as in its parent organization, Veterans For Peace, in verifying backgrounds. Requiring a copy of a DD-214 has its limitations as well since it would not be that hard for someone who knows what they’re doing to fake one. It’s not like VFP Headquarters sends the copies of DD-214’s to a forensic crime… Read more »
“Commanded a battalion of Marines” as a CAPTAIN?
Wow. What a stud. AND he’s gay! Talk about DADT…
This, is like a whole YEAR of posts in one night!
[…] More: This Ain’t Hell. […]
Thank you jesus, buddha, mohammed, thor, mars, and/or any other deity that had anything to do with this.
[…] but not least, today Michelle Malkin and This Ain’t Hell have exposed another fraudster used by the anti-war crowd to push their agenda. Rick Duncan claimed […]
It’s high time these anti-war lunatics are exposed for what they are: opportunists who try to soil the good names of our men and women in uniform.
An escaped mental patient!! You can’t make this stuff up.
What I find the most interesting, is that this is such a huge surprise to people. Everything I hear out of these scared little sheep’s mouth about what they did or saw overseas seems to be a lie. We first saw their membership lying about what they experienced while in country. Then when they ran out of people to do that, they moved onto lying about even being in country (or being there 6 days). It only makes sense that the next step in the evolutionary chain would be to lie about even being in the military. TSO, Jonn….keep your eyes and ears open, my guess is the next “Vet” they get will be some guy who’s mad we didn’t buy more crap from his store in Krygrystan and starts a video blog about why he hates being in the Air Force.
Winter Soldier fables: Anti-war “Marine” was lying mental patient
All I want to know is where’s the nearest incarceration facility for these freaking losers? Really. I was just accused of “using the I’m a veteran meme” by a moonbat!! I told her that the only people who lie are liberals or members of IVAW, VFP, VoteVets, etc…They have to lie to make themselves all important screechers that people will listen to and they have never served a day in their life.
Of track, I know here…but how hot was Courtney Thorne Smith in Summer School? Seriously. Very formative moments in my adolescence.
Any Marine reading that comment Page(3rd screenshot down) would immediately have known he was a poser.
Army Captain= CPT
Navy Captain=CAPT
Marine Corps Captain=Capt
Claymore, I will be laughing all day thanks to your post and will never play COD without laughing again.
OFR Gunny Doug
D. Clark,
It is true that Officers have been with IVAW, but this guy told a reporter from ABC that during the IED attack he lost a finger. Only problem, he still has all ten.
Fact checking is one’s friend.
Good morning TAH. So what’s going on? Did I miss anything last night?
Memo to self–never, EVER, piss off Jonn. Nice work, bro.
videos gone
Yeah, we knew they would disappear. Good fun all around this story is.
Once again, TSO is spot on…and he manages to slice and dice while making me laugh…
Late to the party as always, but is USMCinCO our boy’s username over at VetVoice? It looks like his diary is being scrubbed as we speak, but I found a link to one of his entries in another users diary.
President Obama Must Investigate the Bush Torture Program
by: USMCinCO
In April of 2006 while on a convoy between Fallujah and Ramadi, the vehicle in which several other Marines and I rode in was hit by an IED. I survived, they did not. In his op-ed piece, Mr. Alexander observed that No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to Iraq were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for al-Qaeda in Iraq.
Also, most of his comments are still available.
I am a graduate of a service academy…
and it’s only by the grace of God I can wipe myself.
by: USMCinCO @ Mon Apr 20, 2009 at 23:22:22 PM CDT
Look like he copy/pasted most of his VetVoice entries over here:
“And I’m done with this guy.”
-Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinnie
snork. All the videos have been removed by the user. With a wave of the hand and a click of the mouse, it’s like he never existed. You will forget….forget… no attention to that man behind the curtain….
At least the Summer School video is still there.
I regret nothing.
[…] Against the War Is Actually an Escaped Mental Patient Jump to Comments From This Ain’t Hell — The leader of a statewide veterans group who fought for homeless veterans in Colorado […]
Excellent research and folow up all! Thank goodnesss this POS has been caught and jailed with the Gitmo detainees he wants brought to Colorado.
S/B a period inserted after”jailed” in above comment, and a new sentence beginning with “He should be jaile with” …the Gitmo detainees….
Has he been offered a Cabinet position in the Obama/Soetero administration yet? He would fit in well with the other liars…
I regret nothing.
Denial…it’s not just for breakfast anymore!
I noticed at the squarestate site that CVA claims 32,000 members state wide; that’s a lot, don’t you think? I wonder if that’s as accurate as Captain Courageous and his missing pinky?
Awesome takedown!
Good on you for getting the screen captures of IVAW’s site. I have a suggestion about the videos, since they’re also going to attempt to flush those down the memory hole.
Go to and you can download videos to your hard drive. Then you can either host them yourself or reload them to your own Youtube account. Either way, it’ll keep them from disappearing these vids.
I would also like to say that is one shit-hot VA doc who installed the metal plate “the size of a cup and saucer” in his head and left no visible scar.
All the video interviews have been removed by user. Does anyone know where others maybe found?
Unit: 1st MEU, 17th CLB
I guess that if any real Marine had read “Rick Duncan’s” Bio on the IVAW web site they could have told you there is no 1st MEU or 17th CLB.
There is a (Toy) 1st MEU USMC Action Figure available to buy if that helps out concerning the 1st MEU…
Nice comment thread over at VetVoice. At least someone thinks they should acknowledge that they were hoodwinked.
On an unrelated note:
You may want to think about pulling down the diaries by USMCinCO…
by: dm @ Wed May 13, 2009 at 17:39:48 PM CDT
I’m loathe to delete anything, but he’s already
been banned, for what that’s worth.
by: Brandon Friedman @ Wed May 13, 2009 at 19:26:45 PM CDT
You know
I was starting to have doubts about that guy. Thing was I hadn’t seen the videos of him or most of his story and I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. Needless to say, that guy was a phoney soldier.
by: FredUSMC @ Thu May 14, 2009 at 02:17:56 AM CDT
“I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions”
same here.
I’m starting to think of asking people to “prove” their service (whatever that means – pics, vids, or dd-214’s). I wouldn’t be offended and I don’t think other REAL vets would either.
This seems like an easy thing to fix except that we don’t want to offend people. Hopefully vets just get over it and take pride in “proving” their service.
Brandon, the CVA/Duncan issue needs a front page post.
by: Ernie1812 @ Thu May 14, 2009 at 08:23:32 AM CDT
re: proving service
I can only speak for myself. But some of my greatest accomplishments were in the Army. I love showing them off. When I pull out my awards from OIF, Desert Spring, Operation Noble Eagle, etc., I love finding someone who is actually interested. I don’t mind showing off my 214. I love showing my NCOER’s from CID and the 19th SF. Hell, I don’t mind proving service at all, I’m happy when someone actually cares enough to want to know.
by: Chris LeJeune @ Thu May 14, 2009 at 09:52:56 AM CDT
[…] Duncan” who wasn’t even a vet. And the guy calling him out is the outstanding TSO over at This Ain’t Hell. …“Rick Duncan has been active in Colorado Veterans issues and politics forabout two […]
[…] Re: Veteran warning Here’s just why I am distrusting of some of these alleged veterans groups. This group has passed off a guy as a retired Lt Col of the Marine Corp and he’s actually an escaped mental patient who has never been a Marine. read […]
Outstanding post! BTW, looks like someone has sent our boy’s youtube videos down the memory hole.