Kokesh for Congress?
Any interested Santa Fe reporter can contact me for background – if you’re looking for the real story, I’m willing to give real interviews. I know what Kokesh has been up to for the last two years better than he knows it;
Thanks to 1stCavRVN11B for ruining my weekend.
Category: Politics
you are kidding, right??
Jonn wrote: I wish.
What is so bad about this guy?
I am pining for SD… thanks to GittaLyfe
You do realize that April Fools day was over a month ago. I surely hope this is a joke. Actually, no I don’t. If it’s real, this could actually be a lot of fun!
For the love of…I just checked and it’s not a joke (well, no more of a joke than “Adam Kokesh”).
HMMMMMMMM…CJ has a point,this topic does have allot of potential.*snerk*
I really don’t know what y’all’s problem is. He is against the war but he is for gutting social programs, guns, teabagging and has a vendetta against the fed.
Jonn wrote: He smuggled an Iraqi pistol back to the States. He tried to frame a conservative student group with hate literature. He’s been arrested how many times? He brags about self-medicating with gin and xanax. Yeah, sounds like he’s got just the kind of good judgement we need in Congress.
YUP…CJ was right! Lots of fun…
Here is some vintage Kokesh:
The echo-chamber sound was cool. Kokesh sounded like Spartacus in leather armor waving a bloody sword. We want more blood! Get your weapons and torches ready, men! We’re going to take the Capitol! Victory or death!!! Argggghhhhh!!!!
More like him will run for office…they’ve been using the frickin John Kerry playbook, “I’m proud of my military service, but everyone else acted like Gangis Khan in an immoral war.”
Until he marries a rich widow, does he really have a chance?
Kokesh,Kerry, is there really a differnce? Not really, except that rich widow part.
Jonn, you forget, he blames Iraq deployments for drinking his own piss, plus, he has verbally threatened the families of other Veterans, and loves to get into the whole debate by calling you a phony Veteran when you challenge some of his stories. Because, you know, if you think he is full of shit, you must not be a Veteran.
Hello? Kerry is a big-government liberal Democrat; Kokesh is a Libertarian.
…ah, but does he have a magic CIA hat like Kerry’s?
More information about Adam Kokesh
Sergeant Kokesh Goes to Washington
Adam Kokesh
Adam Kokesh speech
Adam Kokesh
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Iraq war vets could face disciplinary action over protests
Uh, Debbie, Kokesh is an asshat, he’s neither libertarian, democrat or intelligent.
Well, I guess I better just shut up here before you crucify me, too…
Jonn wrote: That was unfair. No one has told anyone else to shut up nor have we threatened crucifixion.
I was just taking my cues from the comments, not wanting to incite anything here. I like Adam Kokesh and it appears to me that he is a Libertarian. I’m well aware of his activities over the past couple years. In fact, he seems to have taken up pretty much where I left off…except that I’m an old vet, not a young Iraq vet, and I don’t think my edges are quite as rough…
Adam Kokesh is a much more conservative anti-war activist and he approaches it from a non-interventionalist perspective. Essentially, he is libertarian. You guys just don’t like him because he dosen’t ascribe to your veiw point that it’s okay to kill brown people wherever we find them inconvenient.
Jonn wrote: I never get tired of being told what I think by people nearly half my age.
1stCavRVN11B , Jonn, you guys have a couple of nibblers here. LOL!
What does his husband have to say about this?
A little elementary Poli-sci here but an anarchist and a libertarian are NOT the same thing. Kokesh is an anarchist. Ron Paul is a Libertarian.
One would almost think someone was being disingenuous.
I doubt that Kokesh would describe his political philosophy as such, but that says more about his level of honesty (perhaps even with himself) than the accuracy of the label. Because his actions revel his true beliefs.
But it probably isn’t fair to call him an “anarchist” per se. In truth he is a Narcissist (the true defining political characteristic of the age). His political beliefs are subordinate to his individual appetites. In other words it is all about HIM. (And yes it is a gross generalization based on inferences from limited information, but hey, I’m an Intel weenie, it’s what I do.) (And it doesn’t mean I am wrong.)
So Kokesh in my view isn’t the problem, he is the result of a Narcissistic culture that cuts all ties with principle and philosophy and reduces all questions to how I “feel” about the issue at hand. Thus the Iraq War is illegal because I don’t want to deploy. The President and his Administration is illegitimate because I didn’t vote for him. I like smoking weed so it ought not to be illegal. My neighbor scares me so he shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun. I think you see where this is going…
It’s not that the personal has become political or vice-versa, it’s that the personal and the political are the same thing.
A quick test:
If you can articulate the principle and philosophy behind your position, chances are you’re a narcissist…
On the test, I meant if you CAN’T articulate the principle or philosopy…
I sure you all understood. Its just that my typing is like old people having sex, slow, ugly and at times painful…
“You guys just don’t like him because he dosen’t ascribe to your veiw point that it’s okay to kill brown people wherever we find them inconvenient.”
OOOHHHH NOOOO, throw the racism card and all debate ends. What a crock.
OW OW stop it, HM, you uncovered the deep secret here. I was going to say deep, dark secret, but I was afraid you’d accuse me of being a r-a-a-a-acist. What a maroon…
It might have been before yor time, but not too long ago we were bombing Christian Europeans in Bosnia and Kosovo trying to protect Muslim Europeans. The great thing about the United States Military as my dear departed father taught me was that we fight any enemy, foreign or domestic.
Snicker… He looks kind of like Kane from Command and Conquer. But I bet he’s less likely to try and take over the world…
That he is gonna run comes as no surprise.
Sadly, he may actually win. He does fit the profile of many already in DC.
I wonder, as his name gets better known, if he’ll be appointed to some post – maybe in the DoD or VA?
From the Draft Kokesh web site:
Adam Kokesh: I don’t want to be a Member of Congress so much as I want to be an activist who just so happens to be a Member of Congress! So the first six months are going to be interesting to say the least. I want to be in a position to create leverage points in the form of legislation around which our movement can pressure other Members of Congress and thus shift the national dialogue.
Yep, he’s just what we need…
I was thinking the same thing, got the pose and everything.
I was not expecting to end the debate, just rile some folks up. Mission accomplished. Yeah, I was being purposfully disingenous and snarky. I apologize.
I’m not sure where you are getting your information about Adam because most of your analysis is based on false assumptions. Adam served his tour and volunteered for a second that never materialized. His objection to the war is based on the constitution. He is in favor of gun rights and
most of the rest of that paragraph was irrelevent.
You can make a philosophical argument for all of the points you brought up without being narcisistic. Strict constitutionality would do it.
Jonn wrote: The reason his second tour “never materialized” is because he was busted for smuggling an Iraqi pistol back to the States. His anti-war stance coincided with that bust.
With as many totally worthless whackjobs as we have in Congress now, what’s wrong with another?
Cindy Sheehan had a better chance of getting into the House than does Kokesh. Talk about throwing money down a hole.
You don’t know that. He was admin sepped over the pistol thing. Neither one of us knows when he decided the war was wrong. Many in my unit were against the war before we left and while we were there. Many of these same people wnet back for second or third tours. That’s what we’re “supposed to do” right?
Jonn wrote: We don’t? Adam volunteered for the second tour and was denied – then separated. In his own words;
Again, so what? He volunteered and was denied. That doensn’t mean one casued the other. He was a marine and marines deploy.
Adam Kokesh, a chicken in every crackpot and gin with every Xanex.
Why not a Elvis impersonator in Congress?
We do know that. Stop talking out your ass.
[I’m not sure where you are getting your information about Adam because most of your analysis is based on false assumptions.]
From someone who loves Adam more than anything in the world, knows all about Adam and loves to talk about Adam…Adam.
Wonder if Adam is running on the Party For Socialism and Liberation ticket like the other IVAW who ran, Peysner?
I wonder what party sponsoered Tim Goodrich. Even in Torrence people hated his ass.
Adam is a personal friend. I disagree with many of his non-war related positions, but they are what they are. You guys are bent on smearing a guy because you don’t like his stance on a single issue.
Now, it’s almost eight o’clock, go back to bed the grown ups are talking.
The slogan that goes with that photo is “Both hands and I still can find my ass!”
Kokeh didn’t have the stones to get arrested until Eve Tetaz showed how carefree if was. That she could get her props for what only involved a few hours in custody followed by a $50 ticket was his inspration.
Kokesh learned how to NOT suffer for the cause and still get props from the hairy legged hippie chicks.
Tell me who your friends are I’ll tell you who you are. Drunk and stoned.
I really liked his YouTube when he went OCD/paranoid on the police checkpoint down the street. As if anyone in the government needed to follow him that closely.
He wuss’ed out in a heartbeat when Chris Hill found him in Union Station. He submissively puddled and changed his tune about “Wait till I get this guy” and did his best “stockholm syndrome” and begging to Hill’s friend during the train ride north.
I’m not going to smear him, he is libertarian from what I can see, but he’s also nucking futs. Sorry, but mixing Xanax and Gin, threatening that he would fight the police and military if they came to pick up Chiroux, and suspecting the FBI and Police of following him on the metro isn’t exactly sane behavior is it Charlie? Honestly, not trying to start a fight, and I had a very decent conversation with Adam last time, but he’s not entirely grounded right now, and political run won’t help that.
Attack my arguments all you want. That’s actually why I come here. I’m trying to understand your point of view. Personal attacks do not become men like us.
I will not comment on Adam’s capabilities at this moment. I can understand you point of view. Others here, were foaming at the mouth about this. Not based on any of your arguments, but because he was Adam Kokesh. That is what I have a problem with.
TSO, I generally have no problem with you or Cob 6. I do not like the tactics of personal attack favored by others here. I think that there is much to be learned and discussed. I came to this site first out of curisoity, but come back for discussion. Thank you for your comment.
This guy is a looney toon who verbally threatens people at times. He is a disgrace to the title of Marine.
I can see where some of Kokesh’s behavior as described in this forum is not healthy behavior, but as for suspecting the FBI and police of following him being a sign of insanity, I don’t see the connection. As the old saying goes, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean people aren’t out to get you.” It’s entirely possible that he has been followed by police and/or federal agents. I’ve been followed by the police and/or federal agents a few times myself…and I used to be one of them. Those are the times we live in. I’m not a liberal, nor am I an ACLU supporter, but if you Google both my name and ACLU, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Or go to my Facebook page and read the research paper I wrote for a Criminal Justice class on Domestic Terrorism that I just posted last night.
Debbie, I was going to look for it, then I came down to the boob picture, and just felt dirty. And not good dirty, just dirty. As for Kokesh, just go watch his videos. They are just bizarre. He thinks he’s the smartest guy out there, but his political views don’t really strike me as well thought out. Again, he’ll get less than 1% so I don’t view it as a threat, but still, he’s unstable, and I am not certain that the political realm can use any more of that.
Charlie, I’ve heard good things about you, so you get the benefit of the doubt from me, but I tend to ascribe to the Cincinatus school of political thought, that you want the guy who doesn’t really want to be there. Adam just isn’t that guy. He will do anything and everything to get attention, and not for a cause, but for him.
I have no idea what you’re talking about – what picture.
I’m attacking your lack of an arguement.
You’re a real dumb ass for telling us that we don’t know why Kokesh got the kebosh when we’ve read his interview where he says that’s what got him canned.
Bet you got an “A” in self-esteem in school which explains why you get an “F” when it comes to reality.
A Libertarian believes that the purpose of Government is to protect and preserve the Liberties of its citizens. To that end citizens empower their Government to interfere with the exercise of individual freedom only to the minimum extent necessary to carry out specifically defined functions.
Anarchists, on the other hand, reject any agencies right to interfere with their personal choices or actions without their explicit consent. (More or less… anarchy is such a broad category, but I think this definition is defensible).
Re-read your post, which definition fits the actions you describe?
Thanks for answering one of H2’s questions for me. You are correct.
My Dear H2,
Precisely my point. His objection to the war is based on his PERSONAL INTERPRETATION OF THE CONSTITUTION. To hell with the Supreme Court, both houses of Congress, the President and the Attorney General, not to mention the thousands of officers charged with carrying out policy or the millions of Americans who approved of it all (over 80% in 2003). All of that pales in comparison to the superior understanding of the supremely enlightened Adam Kokesh. HE says it is illegal, so therefore it is illegal. To expect that a Nation of over 300 million souls is bound by your individual personal morality IS narcissistic.
And yes you are right, you MAY make a principled defense of the positions I used as examples based on a philosophical foundation, but he doesn’t. And neither do you.
Can you? That’s the question…
Debbie Clark,
There was a well publicized program of “checkpoints” established in the District because of a rash of shootings and murders. One of those was set up on the corner near the IVAW tree house. Out in plain sight, going about their business. Yet the paranoid narcacist makes it all about him.
Yeah, so “Adam The Activist” confronts The Man and you can tell they’re looking at him as if he’s the local crazy who stores all his urine in 2 liter sode bottles.
Well, I’d have to hear Adam Kokesh’s side of the story about those things. As to his views on the war, it’s probably my fault he thinks it’s illegal. I think the most important thing is for all Iraq and Afghanistan vets to come to grips with their own pain in their own way and that might be a different path for different individuals. Anarchism is a huge subject, but an individualist anarchist, free-market anarchist, or anarcho-capitalist, does not just believe that they can do anything. If you’ve studied John Locke, then you know that he writes about the state of nature in his book, The Second Treatise on Civil Government. A libertarian-type of anarchist usually believes in the law of nature, in rights, and in justice; they just conceptualize the administration of justice in a different way. It’s a huge subject and there have been a lot of books written on it, beginning (in the modern era) with Murray Rothbard. It finally occurred to me that the picture that TSO was referring to that made him feel dirty was a photograph on my blog of my grandson having milk at my daughter’s breast, which is a very healthy and beautiful thing, both physically and emotionally. Our culture has unfortunately instilled some very bad ideas in the heads of many people causing them to have lost sight of what is good and healthy, which is often difficult for them to overcome. Anyway, my research paper on “Domestic Terrorism and Civil Liberties” isn’t on my blog anyway; it’s on my Facebook page in a Note. It’s very long. If anybody would like to read it, to be able to access it, first you have to friend me on Facebook, then just scroll down my Wall until you get to the post with the yellow Gadsden flag picture on it. To find my Facebook page, just Google my name and the first Debbie Clark Facebook page is usually mine (I have no idea why; there are many Debbie Clarks on Facebook, but mine usually comes up first). Or, if you can endure… Read more »