RSSHealth Care debate

ObamaCare Websites Total Cost? $5 Billion and Climbing

| May 15, 2014 | 5 Comments
ObamaCare Websites Total Cost?  $5 Billion and Climbing

I’ve written previously about troubles with various state ObamaCare insurance exchanges.  Without rehashing things, five of them – MD, OR, NV, MA, and HI – have run through nearly $500 million in Federal money, and delivered essentially squat. However, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. is only about half-finished.  And it’s run up […]

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Yet Another ObamaCare State Insurance Exchange “Success Story”

| May 13, 2014 | 11 Comments
Yet Another ObamaCare State Insurance Exchange “Success Story”

Hawaii’s health insurance exchange – called “The Connector” – was awarded approximately $200 million in Federal subsidies.  To date, it’s spent about $100 million of those subsidies. Turns out it’s done just about as well the ObamaCare exchanges in Oregon. Or Maryland. So, just how many people has The Connector signed up?  Less than 10,000 […]

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FBI Investigating “Cover Oregon”

| May 5, 2014 | 16 Comments
FBI Investigating “Cover Oregon”

It’s about freaking time.   And for what it’s worth, so is the HHS Office of the Inspector General  – as well as the GAO and at least one Congressional committee. As most TAH readers probably remember, “Cover Oregon” was that “wonderful” healthcare insurance exchange developed by the state of Oregon.  It received $303M in Federal […]

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ObamaCare in Maryland

| April 5, 2014 | 15 Comments
ObamaCare in Maryland

Well, numbers are out on how well ObamaCare did in one of the most liberal states in the Union – Maryland.  It must have worked well there, right? Um, not exactly.  The numbers ain’t pretty. I’ve previously reported that Maryland spent $125M on an ObamaCare exchange that didn’t work worth a damn.  It was so […]

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About That “ObamaCare Success” the Media’s Touting . . . .

| April 4, 2014 | 9 Comments
About That “ObamaCare Success” the Media’s Touting . . . .

The current Administration has announced that over 7.1 million individuals have “signed up” for ObamaCare under those famous (or, if you prefer, infamous) “healthcare exchanges” it claimed would provide insurance to the uninsured. Sounds like they were a rousing success, right?  Well, not really.  That number appears to be yet another example of the Administration’s […]

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Truth in Advertising, Maybe?

| April 1, 2014 | 11 Comments
Truth in Advertising, Maybe?

“Six out of ten people without insurance can get insurance for $100 a day or less.” No, that’s not an April Fool’s Day joke.  That is an actual statement by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney about ObamaCare. Um, Mr. Carney . . . I don’t exactly think paying $36,500 a year (365 x $100) […]

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Yer Periodic ObamaCare Update

| March 28, 2014 | 7 Comments
Yer Periodic ObamaCare Update

An in today’s   Pathetic Pile of Amazingly Convoluted Asininity    Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (AKA ObamaCare) update: Criminal background?  Check.  Lied about it?  Check.  Work as a Nevada ObamaCare Navigator?  Check. Wanna enroll at a Mexican Consulate?  No problem.  ObamaCare Navigators will help. What’s wrong with this picture:  Employer provides no insurance?  $2,000 fine.  […]

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Reid: Americans are too stupid to sign up for ACA

| March 27, 2014 | 48 Comments
Reid: Americans are too stupid to sign up for ACA

Harry Reid, well-known draft-dodger (using the left’s definition of the term) and the Senate Majority Leader said that you are too stupid to use the internet to sign up for the Affordable Care Act, well, if you’re not lying about it, according to the Washington Beacon; “We have hundreds of thousands of people who tried […]

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