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Marine Corps Osprey crashes in Southern California desert

| June 9, 2022 | 18 Comments
Marine Corps Osprey crashes in Southern California desert

Jeff LPH 3 sends in word of another Marine Corps tilt-rotor going down. From Marine Corps Times; A Marine Corps aircraft crashed Wednesday in the Southern California desert and civilian and military emergency crews were responding, but there were no immediate details about those on board, the military said. The MV-22B Osprey belonged to the […]

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USAF general guilty of sex assault

| April 23, 2022 | 35 Comments
USAF general guilty of sex assault

We last talked about the general a while back as the case was making its way forward. The case was decided today in Cooley’s court martial by the presiding judge in a bench trial (i.e. not a jury trial). The general will be sentenced on Monday. From Air Force Times; A military judge convicted Maj. […]

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USS The Sullivans sinking, severely listing

| April 14, 2022 | 22 Comments
USS The Sullivans sinking, severely listing

This is a bit of breaking news. A little over a year ago we talked about USS The Sullivans (named for the five Sullivan brothers who all died when the ship they were serving together on, USS Juneau, was torpedoed and sunk during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal in 1942) was at risk for flooding […]

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Music teacher escapes Ukraine, joins SC daughter

| March 22, 2022 | 4 Comments
Music teacher escapes Ukraine, joins SC daughter

  Irene’s world quickly changed from the soft, sweet sounds of piano keys … Susan Hardin needs your support for Music teacher escapes Ukraine, joins SC daughter Many have asked about family and friends.  There are several more that are in the process of getting out of Ukraine and or to the United States.  Many […]

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Marine Osprey involved in an “incident” in Norway

| March 18, 2022 | 22 Comments
Marine Osprey involved in an “incident” in Norway

Word has just come in that a USMC MV-22 Osprey aircraft has been involved in an “incident” while in Norway and taking part in NATO Exercise Cold Response 22. Fox News is reporting that the Joint Rescue Coordination Centres of Norway have rescue crews enroute. Here’s the Marine Corps’ latest on it; We can confirm […]

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…And This Just In

| March 3, 2022 | 39 Comments
…And This Just In

  Satellite images of Russian tanks and armored vehicle in convoys are at this link: And this is from NPR, larger images: A young lady currently in Brazil, interviewed this AM on a local news station, says that the Russian Army is bombing buildings, but not going after people. Most of the targets […]

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Putin sends ‘peacekeepers’ into Ukraine

| February 21, 2022 | 132 Comments
Putin sends ‘peacekeepers’ into Ukraine

Looks like war’s back on the menu, boys! After giving official recognition to the breakaway regions of Ukraine that Russia’s been supporting (and invaded back in 2014 with their little green men) earlier today, it looks like Putin is sending his forces in. Biden and Harris again appear to be completely useless, but that’s just […]

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Regarding Those Idiot-Stick Mandates….

| February 11, 2022 | 21 Comments
Regarding Those Idiot-Stick Mandates….

This should really piss off the mumblegum birdbrains in the general area of The Swamp: As the omicron variant of Covid-19 fades, at least five states with Democratic governors this week moved to roll back mask mandates. It’s a sign that even states that took a more cautious approach to battling the virus are looking […]

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